Ancient Blood: The Fallen

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Ancient Blood: The Fallen Page 4

by Renea Taylor

  Suddenly the blare of a horn outside the house reached my ears, making me realize that my time of primping had ended, or at least according to the shouts that came floating in through the open window of my room as I was told me to get my ass in gear, and get a move on.

  I began trotting about my room looking for my tennis shoes, and found my eyes instead falling upon the birthday gift I’d had made for Dante months earlier before everything had fallen apart between us.

  It was nothing expensive, just a crystal that I'd had converted into a key-chain, a stone that to me, held a wealth of meaning, as it was the only thing that had remained mine within the orphanage.

  A possession I'd guarded ferociously, for it was the only connection I'd had to my birth parents, the perfect gift I’d felt at the time I'd had it made, to give to someone just as special.

  The blast of the horn sounded again, and I shrugged changing directions, then poked my head against the window screen as I shouted down that I'd be there in a second.

  Turning back around, I made a quick survey of the room and spotted my flip-flops resting haphazardly beside the bed, moving gracefully over to where they lay, I gave up on finding my tennis shoes, and quickly slid my feet into the sandals.

  Bending to pick up my purse, I grabbed a couple of crumbled bills from its depths in case of an emergency, and again found my eyes falling upon the gaily-wrapped gift of Dante's, and with another shrug, I grabbed the present, shoving both it, and the dollar bills into the pocket of my shorts, thinking to drop the key-chain off in front of his bedroom door for him to find later.

  However, my plans were sent astray and forced to undergo a radical change as I felt my heart thud madly against my chest, and found myself slowing, surprise echoing throughout my system at seeing Dante standing at the bottom of the stairwell.

  He was gazing out the window, and as he’d been rather scarce around the house of late, I felt the sight of him tingle throughout my system before with a breath of pure hope, I began to make my way the rest of the way down the stairs.

  My eyes took in the tautness of his shoulders, a tautness that revealed his awareness of my presence, and as I stood on the last step, hesitant and indecisive, he silently continued to gaze out the window, apparently having decided not to acknowledge me and I felt moisture smart my eyes, my mood dampening under the cold cloud of his unfriendliness.

  The excessively unapproachable manner he’d assumed of late was still firmly in place I noted, and suddenly felt an unfriendliness of my own come to life within me, an impulse to imitate his aloofness and continue on, to turn the table and act as though he were not important enough for me to bother with either.

  However, I found myself unable to blatantly display such rudeness as to that of which I was being subjected, for after all, it was his birthday, and besides, the damn gift was burning a whole in my pocket.

  Taking the final step off the stairs, I opened my mouth and breathed a soft, “happy birthday Dante.”

  Only the words died a cruel death upon my tongue, for though I knew he’d heard me, which was obvious from the slight jerk of his torso, he turned from the window, and without any definitive acknowledgment of my words, began to walk away.

  Wounded at the obvious rebuff, I sucked in a breath, and before I could think better of my actions, I lunged after him and grabbed his arm, feeling my face pale as he snarled something low and deep within his throat, then wrenched loose of my hold.

  Fingers shaky and uncoordinated with the emotional pain vibrating through me, I struggled with slipping them into my pocket, where finally snagging his gift from within its depths, I ripped it free of its hiding place and shoved it at him hissing, “I said…happy birthday dammit!”

  Then, as he still refused to turn and face me, the gift tumbled from my fingers and hit the floor with a soft thud as a low whimpering cry issued forth from my lips, and turning, I ran out of the house.

  * * *

  Several hours later I was shoe-less, half drunk and dancing in the sand as I waved a long neck bottle of beer around in front of me.

  Angry with myself, I swayed back and forth to the music, grumbling about what a buffoon Dante was and what an idiot I’d become.

  I'd spotted his truck parked a little further up the tributary earlier, and felt a wash of emotions bathe me within their embrace, for I'd stupidly thought he'd come to apologize for his hurtful actions when I'd given him his gift.

  However, I'd found my steps faltering, coming to a complete stop as I’d spotted the shapely figure of a blonde slide as well out of the drivers door, where she landed flush against Dante, her hands brushing against the tanned flesh of his naked chest, and I felt myself flush with a sudden inexplicable tide of jealousy.

  How dare he! How dare he show up around me with a woman in tow, I angrily hissed to myself, then had to rein in my emotions, for it suddenly hit me that I had no right to feel so possessive of him! None what-so-ever, and that realization slammed into my gut, nearly making me throw up, for the sudden knowledge that I was totally, hopelessly one hundred percent in love with him, hurt me to my core, for I knew the feelings were in no way returned, and never would be.

  Suddenly needing to get the hell away from where I stood before Dante had the chance to realize I stood watching him and his companion like the love sick idiot I was, I shot a superstitious glance in his direction, and caught my breath, becoming totally mesmerized at the heat of desire emitting from within the depths of his eyes as he gazed in my direction.

  Involuntarily I took two stumbling steps in his direction, yet found my steps faltering, suddenly unsure of who the heat emitting from his eyes was actually for, as the woman at his side had begun nibbling seductively up masculine arch of his neck, her skillful hands worked the buttons of his fly at the same time.

  Face crumbling with the misery I felt in my heart, I turned away from the sight before me, as I knew the rest of the scene that was inevitably about to play out was one I didn't want to witness, for it would only destroy me.

  However, before I'd managed to block the view completely, I’d seen Dante register the expression on my face, and watched the deep blue of his eyes go flat, then jerk away from my own, as turning his head, he cupped the woman's jaw, and drawing her face up to his, he claimed her mouth with his own before pulling away, he murmured something to her as dropping his hand to her back, he guided inside the pickup again, where after quickly following, he fired the truck to life.

  At the action I’d felt the inexplicable jealousy I’d been bathed within shatter into a surge of rage that snarled up like a snake from the pit of my stomach, for though I’d never experienced the pleasure of lovemaking myself, I was not inexperienced enough to be unaware of what was about to occur between them, and with cheeks still tinted the stain of green from the ugly snarl of jealousy and anger that ate away at my insides, I'd huffily stomped back to the others, where I’d picked up my first bottle of beer, then unscrewing the top with a quick twist, I’d swallowed half its contents before taking a breath.

  Two more followed that one before I had felt any cooling of my cheeks. Then one more before I began to think of other things besides what it would feel like to have Dante make love to me, not unfamiliar territory though, as I’d had similar thoughts before, but to have them now, when I was so furious with him, was a curiosity I strongly disliked myself for at the moment.

  I found myself tossing my troubled thoughts back and forth, playing ball with my confusion, totally unaware that I was being watched from within the trees by narrowed and observant eyes.

  Then, as if having made a decision and a quick nod to himself, the lurker assumed the form of a party goer who had made the mistake of stepping near him to relieve a full bladder.

  Exiting the foliage, he wiggled a little within his new frame, adjusting himself to its smaller size, before standing still and observant, sensing an enemy had at some point been nearby, however his greed and lust over-ruled caution.

  A little dista
nce away, I remained completely oblivious of anyone's approach, or the danger that moved through the night in my direction as I automatically swirled the nearly empty bottle of beer before me.

  However, as Seth Tremaine neared and bent forward, mere inches between his lips and my ear, a startled jerk jarred my small frame.

  Grinning in my direction, he reached down and took a hold of my arm, where he absently began to lightly draw something upon the inner flesh of my wrist, stating that he and some of the others were going for a swim, and wondered if I'd be interested.

  My immediate reaction was no, however, I suddenly found myself muttering, “uh...sure, maybe that's what I need.”

  Seth, a satisfied look crossing his features, tapped his bottle against mine and murmured, “here's to us both...getting exactly what we need tonight.”

  Then watching as I carried my drink to my lips, and swigged the rest of its contents before setting the empty bottle on the ground, another grin stole across his lips as I straightened back up, absently rubbing at my wrist before taking the hand he held out in my direction.

  A slight sting irritated my wrist where Seth had been doodling upon it, but I paid it little heed, as hanging onto his hand he pulled me forward, and we began to stumble our way among the ever-increasing rowdy bunch until I realized that at some point in the evening, I’d lost a sandal, and pulling at Seth’s hand, I muttered that I’d lost my shoe.

  For just an instant, I saw a flash of irritation cross his features, then with a shrug his face lightened and, to give him credit, he began asking if anyone had seen my misplaced footwear.

  When we'd received half a dozen negative replies, I gave my own shoulders a shrug , and kicking off the other flip-flop, gestured that we carry on.

  Nearly an hour and a half had come and gone since Dante's departure, and darkness had fallen in the time span as the moon, now showing its face upon the horizon, glinted down on a truck further up the sands, causing it to shine in the moonlight, and I found myself frowning in puzzlement as I peered closer, realizing that the truck was Dante's.

  Though I’d seen him leave the tributary earlier, I'd obviously missed his return, and with confusion marring my brow as a wave of dizziness washed over me, I gazed toward the truck, realizing that he was hunkered on the tailgate like a gargoyle upon its perch, staring in our direction.

  However, I lost sight of him as Seth hurriedly pulled me into the tree line where I began to feel myself flush with an internal heat of desire that was suddenly swimming strongly within my body, causing my nipples to harden, an ache of arousal to flare to life between my thighs.

  A pulsing that remained with me even as we went deeper and deeper into the purple shadows beneath the canopy of the trees.

  Trees that I'd begun to think must be never ending, before I finally heard the tinkling of the water that was hidden within their depths, forcing within me the need to reach the tributary to cool my aroused flesh, which felt unsatisfied and throbbing.

  At last we reached the tributary, and Seth leaned forward, brushing the hair away from my face as, turning my head to where I was facing him, he brushed his lips against mine, finding the touch not nearly enough, I leaned into the kiss, lightly flicking my tongue across the bottom curve of his lip as I inched my hand a little higher, a hunger growing so strong within me I began to squirm, trying to ease the drumbeat that had set up home in my pussy, making me wet and needy.

  I felt Seth quiver, and draw a sharp breath, then push his hand up under the t-shirt I wore, squeezing and pulling at my distended nipple.

  A low groan emitted from my lips, and I completed the journey of my hand, beginning to stroke the length of Seth's hard-on through his jean shorts, feeling by its hardness that he was fully aroused.

  I could feel the moisture between my legs dampening my panties, and as Seth began to tug at my shirt, I helped him lift it over my head, for suddenly I was burning, wanting badly to be fucked, as the sudden and overwhelming urge to feel the glide of his hands and tongue across my breasts, my thighs, and the overheated flesh of my pussy had me quickly helping him to dispose of my bra, and I was just beginning to slide my shorts and panties off my feet, when I felt what resembled a ton of bricks hit us from behind, as knocking me forward and the rest of the way out of my shorts, as in a flash of movement, Seth's body went flying as the sound of a growl echoed around us.

  Still laying stunned where I'd landed after being knocked down, I was picked up and tossed into the air, where I found myself flipped over and planted none too gently on a muscular shoulder.

  Hanging upside down and naked, with nose pressed against the smooth cotton of a shirt molded to the contours of a male back, I screamed “what the hell did you just do to Seth!”

  Pivoting, and with angry steps revealing how furious he actually was, Dante ignored my question as he began to run back towards his truck, and I found myself squirming, rubbing my bare breast against his back and breathing, “I need...I need...oh God Dante...I need to be...”

  Dante jerked the driver's door open, and dumped me inside as he soothed, “I know baby...”

  Never giving what I was doing, or my nakedness a second thought, I made to sit up, trying to pull Dante's face down to mine, only to find myself caught and shoved back onto the seat as he pressed his hand against the bones between my neck and breasts, barking huskily, “for God's sake Kira...please!”

  Then snorting out a curse, he jerked me back forward, somehow managing to wrap me within his shirt before climbing in the cab beside me, as firing the truck to life, he jerked the shifter into drive, giving a startled yelp when I reached out and ran my hand up his thigh, softly brushing just the edge of the bulge I found there with my fingers before he managed to capture my hand, then placing it back in my lap, he husked under his breath, “sweet Jesus.”

  * * *

  The tributary was less than ten miles from the house, but even with the gas pedal buried in the floor Dante had decided it was taking too long, and that Kira was part Octopus, for her arms, hands, legs and toes were everywhere, including on her own anatomy, and it became quite a chore just to stay on the road as a battle of self-restraint left him panting, and sweat dripping down the center of his back, for the sizable proportions his cock had gained was painfully unbearable within the tight encasing of his jeans.

  * * *

  As the truck came to a shuddering halt, the heady aroma of...was that vanilla...wound its way through my senses, intoxicating me further, and rotating my head, I sought to move closer to the source, wondering if Dante tasted as good as he smelled, unable to stop my actions anymore now than I had ten minutes earlier, I flicked out my tongue and began stroking the silky smooth flesh of his shoulder, and found myself instantly being pushed away, the back of my head banging against the rear glass as Dante took one arm then the other, beginning to examine them.

  Panting, I squirmed on the seat, arching myself so that the core of my need rubbed against the seat as I plead, “Dante, please...I ache...”.

  I watched him fight the heat of his desire as he breathed out a curse, then jerking my wrist to his nose he sniffed, a soft curse slipping from between his lips,as grabbing a hold of my weaving and bobbing face, he husked out, “Kira, listen to me baby, you've been marked...”

  However, feeling as if I was going to explode if I wasn't filled and quickly with his cock, I stopped listening and whimpered, “oh God Dante I need you to fuck me now.”

  Then leaning forward, I ran the tip of my tongue across his jaw line where the slight stubble pricked my lips, causing them to come alive with as much sensation as my other set of lips was feeling.

  I could see the heat of the desire flare out of control within Dante, and a fierce groan erupted from his throat, at which I felt myself flood even further with moisture, and lifting my leg, I straddled a thigh, then settled on my knees as I reached out and eased my hand inside the waistband of his jeans.

  Sliding my fingertips across the head of his cock, I felt the slic
k moisture of his natural lubrication, and rubbed it over the head as I began rubbing myself against the firm bunching of his thigh muscles as he ground out a deep throated groan of, “Fuck. Me!”

  I could feel the heat accelerating within me, and banking my need in fear of burning him beneath the tiny embers that shimmered just on the edge of emerging from my fingertips, I found myself jerking at the buttons of his jeans, needing to see him, to witness the length of what I felt with my fingers.

  Rising up, I lightly brushed my mouth against his as I cried, “I need to see you…to feel you...inside me”

  Dante groaned against my mouth, and feeling the trembling of his body beneath my fingertips, I pressed further, flicking my tongue against the soft silky flesh of his lower lip as I undid the last button, and taking him in hand, I felt him jerk at the charge of heat that zinged from me to him.

  His reaction was so fierce it was nearly a convulsion, before with a low moan, and a vile curse, he took possession of my mouth in a kiss flavored with a strong intensity of hunger as I began stroking my hand up and down the length of his shaft, whimpering and crying in my need, pleading with Dante to fuck me, because the ache within me was becoming painful, and with breathing hard and labored, he groaned, “I'm going to baby, I'm going to take the pain away...”

  The rest of his words trailed away as he slid his fingers across the soft delicate skin of my stomach as, with a pause and a muttered groan, he pulled me onto his lap, and shoving up the folds of the too large shirt, he pulled the torrid peak of my nipple in between his lips, flicking and lathing it with his tongue until I cried out…wanting more…needing more, my untried body craving release, as re-positioning me, he pushed me against his cock, and as I squirmed and rubbed against him in my need, Dante surged upwards against the wet, soft heat of my pussy.

  Yet, even in his need he slowed, controlling his entrance, not allowing himself the release of plunging deeply within what he so obviously craved, and grasping me about the hips, he helped me to move on top of him, as, after the initial sting, I began a slow rocking motion against him as he taught and instructed with his hands and lips.


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