Ancient Blood: The Fallen

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Ancient Blood: The Fallen Page 15

by Renea Taylor

  From above my head I heard Dante husk out low in his throat, the sound only adding fuel to the fire as I jerked forward, the material of my shirt protesting the movement with a loud rip that had me quickly ducking my head and staring down at the ripped material in stunned incredulity, then, with an incensed howl, I cried, "god dammit…now see what you’ve done!"

  Dante, apparently reaching the end of his tether, and no longer amused as he'd had enough of the game at last, expelled a breath of annoyance. Then wrapping his hands around my waist, he wrenched me out of the underbrush, completely disregarding my sputtering objections as I struggled within his steely grip, plummeting him about the chest as I screamed, "let go of me!"

  Suddenly I was free, my boot clad feet landing with a dull thud against the ground forcing me to suck in a startled breath at the pain filled impact, an impact that reverberated all the way to my teeth.

  Then, head snapping up and mouth open to let loose a volley of insults, I felt my words die on my lips as I took in the expression on Dante’s face.

  With a motion that reminded my of a dog shaking off the moisture from its coat, and the essence of a thousand baked cookies plummeting my senses, Dante's whole body shuddered and with a ground out, "Jesus fucking Christ Kira, cover yourself please" he abruptly presented me with the well developed contours of his back.

  Eyes widening in confusion at his words, I glanced down at myself and saw to my horror that the small rip of before had become a huge gaping hole, having torn wide open from shoulder to shoulder, apparently having given at the weakest point, which, wouldn't you know it, happened to be directly across my breasts.

  Groaning inwardly as I wondered who the horny bastards were that kept throwing us in this position, and cursed them, for suddenly another wave of desire wash through me at the realization of how bright the night had actually become, and of how heated Dante's gaze had been before he'd managed to gather himself and look away.

  Heavy and weighted feeling with arousal, my breasts stood out in proud display, pale soft globes that practically glowed in the moonlight beating down upon them, the nipples tight and budded.

  Needing to gain some modicum of control over my heightened senses, I began to ineffectively tug at the material, trying in vain to cover myself.

  However, the effort was useless for the material refused to even come close to rejoining as I continued to fuss with it, needing the action to distract myself from what my hormones were screaming for me to do.

  Breath coming in short, harsh bursts, I was at the point of reaching out and jerking the blasted thing up and over my head and tying it around me, for all the rubbing and pulling across my aroused nipples was only making my situation worse.

  Then I heard Dante bark, “fuck Kira, how the hell long does it take to cover them damn things up” and loosing any ability to maintain what little bit of composure I'd retained, I jerked my head up and snarled, "oh come on Dante, it’s not as if you’ve never seen my tits before!"

  Dante whipped around at my words, and heated gaze again landing on my obviously aroused nipples, he growled huskily, "oh baby, I've seen them, felt them, tasted them…”

  Then with a low groan, he jerked at the shirt that had amazingly managed to remain on his shoulder through our tussle, and tossing it at me, husked out, “...for gods sake, put it on!"

  Catching the shirt in mid air, I clutched it against my chest, feeling the heavy throbbing increase as moisture surged forth to drench the flesh of my pussy, as eyes lowering, I took in the fact Dante was just as aroused as I was, for in his haste to come after me, he’d failed to fasten all the buttons on his jeans, and his cock was standing strong and proud, protruding from his fly, long and thick as it filled the gap of the undone buttons, it’s tip flirting with the dusting of hair a good inch or two above his belly button.

  Desire driving me, I dropped my hand, allowing the shirt to rest at my side as I took a step towards Dante, my breast jiggling with my movements, at which I heard him suck in a harsh breath before, uttering a hoarse “no” to himself, he turned and stomped back into the jungle.

  Closing my eyes, I began drawing deep breaths in an effort to quieten the mad pulsing of my pussy, and slowly I began to feel a decrease of the gnawing ache, to feel a lessening of the swollen, heated flesh that made up the apex of my desire.

  When I felt I could, I turned and began covering the ground that took me back to the campsite, where once upon the grounds, I slipped inside my tent, praying no one had seen the condition of my shirt.

  Replacing the ripped tee with an intact one, I tossed the now useless scrap of material in the corner, then stood undecided.

  I really wasn’t in the mood to join the others, however what choice did I have, for smothering within my tent, which felt like a small furnace, was not an option, so pushing back the flap, I stepped out into the night.

  Even though I'd chosen the lesser of two evils between suffocating and having to embroil my self in conversation, I really didn’t mind the choice I’d made, as I’d found I quite liked most of those that I'd recently had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with, that was liked with the exception of one.

  That one, was a very unlikable person named Elena Duplain, the blonde-haired woman who had been standing behind me, laughing as Dante and Sirrus tried to determine who was the most adept at bringing about the others death.

  Though, in my own defense, I’d tried to like the other woman, but that, however, had proved, or at least in my opinion, just flat impossible. For she was pure, one hundred percent nasty bitch, and of course, as luck would have it, it was the bitch whom became my first encounter upon exiting the tent!

  Staring at the other woman in dislike, I felt a shudder of loathing race down my back, however I immediately masked my face in the pretense of a smile, receiving in return, just as in-genuine of a smile as I myself had given, then with both of us giving a nod, a silent communication of our abhorrence toward each other passing between us, we each continued in opposite directions thankfully.

  When I was clear of the vile woman, I expelled a breath before a sixth sense had me glancing up, a low groan slipping past my lips for Dante was coming in my direction.

  His smooth feline grace was drawing him ever closer, then without even acknowledging my presence, he passed right on by my stiffened frame, and caught up with the snotty, hateful, Elena.

  Suddenly something within me snapped and shattered, then slithered to the ground as it died a slow painstaking death, and in that instant, I just wanted to go home, away from the jungle, away from Dante, and away from this whole crazy mess!

  Chapter 17

  An hour later, hot, sweaty and miserable, I grumbled to myself, the evening was stretching out into eternity, and though the atmosphere around the camp was one of good natured ribbing, it was artificial, for the whole camp seemed to be uneasy, and trying unsuccessfully to hide the fact.

  Their eyes were restless, moving about, as within their depths, they held a strange reflection that caused me to grow even more uneasy with each moment that passed.

  However, I'd had enough of sitting in a puddle of my own sweat, and not letting apprehension stop me, I silently rising, I made my way over to my tent, determined that I was going to get my bath, one way or another, even if I had to drown anyone that followed me to protest my decision.

  I slipped inside the tent, gathered, yet again, the necessary supplies of a towel and a bar of my quickly dwindling soap, as well as a pair of clean undies, shorts and shirt, then slipped back out.

  Not sparing a glance in Dante's direction, who had finally re-appeared within the camp approximately half an hour after I had, I made my way to the trail where I came to stop.

  Then, after lighting the lantern I held within my hand, I continued on to the creek, where holding up the lantern, I shown it around me, further checking my surroundings.

  Spotting a large boulder near the gentle flowing water, I made my way over to it, where after balancing the lantern and
my extra clothes on the top of it, I quickly slipped out of my dirty ones, and then waded my way into the water until I was knee deep, praying I wouldn't find any surprises swimming in the creek with me.

  As water lapped at my knees, I began to lather the soap I held between my hands, then placed the bar on a nearby rock as I began soaping my body, feeling a resurgence of the earlier hunger Dante had awakened within me as I ran my hands over my breast, and lightly tweaking my nipples, I felt the pull of spiraling heat in my pussy at the action.

  I was horny, my body hot and needy, as I'd gone unsatisfied for weeks now.

  Awash in desire, I allowed myself to imagine it was Dante's fingers on my nipples, and felt moisture bloom between my legs as I pinched, pulled and tugged at the hardened peaks.

  Needing more, I slid my hands down my ribs as, throwing my head back, a low utterance escaped past my lips at the feel of my soapy, silky flesh beneath the heightened tips of my fingers before, moving lower, I ran them across my stomach and abdomen where, flesh now acutely sensitive to my touch, a shudder ripped all the way through me.

  Breath ragged and hips already moving in tune to my imagined lover, I completed my journey, as pulling the moist lips of my pussy apart, I began to rub at the swollen nub of my clit with my fingers, a husky cry of pleasure escaping as my fingers moved faster and faster, until I felt the liquid flow of my climax surge from within as I rode its wave, my cry of pleasure turning into a cry of release flooding past my lips.

  Slowly my breathing slowed and for the moment satisfied, I leisurely raised a leg out of the water and soaped it, then repeated the action with the other, leaving a trail of bubbles behind in the wake of my hands.

  With entire body now slicked in the soapy bubbles from shoulders to knees, I picked up the small bottle of two in one shampoo, then made the journey to deeper depths, where standing in the waist deep water I reached up and freed my hair of the constraints of its ponytail.

  Shaking the mass loose, I plunged beneath the water and wiggled my head about, making certain all the tresses were wet, and my body free of soap residue before I resurfaced.

  Pouring a good amount of shampoo into my palm, I flipped my head until it hung upside down, the length of my hair hanging before me as I gathered the thick mane in between my hands.

  Lathering the strands from the ends all the way to my scalp, I gave my head a good scrubbing as well before dunking the soapy mass back into the water as, using my hands for small paddles, I worked the shampoo out.

  Then, with my head still in its upside down position, I rose up slightly and began to ring water from its length.

  When I’d wrung out as much as I could, I tossed my head back, causing my hair to cascade the remaining moisture all around me as I made my way back to the bank, where stepping from the water, I made my way over towards my towel and clean clothes.

  After drying the moisture from my body, I wrapped the towel around my head and slipped into my clothing, following the action by bundling the dirty items I’d left lying beside the rock together, then easily scaling the side of the rock upwards, I settled myself on its top as I unwrapped my hair.

  Picking up my brush, I began pulling it through the damp strands, and for the first time in a long time, I began humming, enjoying the solitude and sounds of the night.

  * * *

  Dante leaned back against a tree, his eyes closed, his head tipped up praying for strength.

  Sweet merciful heaven but he was in trouble.

  He should have never followed Kira. Should have never stayed when he realized what she was doing.

  However, he’d quickly found himself standing as though paralyzed, unable to look away as he’d watched her pleasure herself.

  His eyes had greedily taken in the full roundness of her breast as she'd played with her nipples, watched her fingers as they’d lightly skimmed across the flesh of her ribs and over the curve of a waist that flared into the gentle swell of her hips, before continuing downward as they flowed over shapely thighs and then back up to her moist femininity.

  He’d felt his cock respond to the vision before he could control the reaction, a surge of want swamping through his system, nearly drowning him beneath its onslaught, and with a huge effort, he quailed what his body screamed so blatantly for him to take, shouting at him to give into the hint of evil that had begun swirling sickeningly within his mind, to give into the darkness that had been, for months now, trying to push out the very humanity that he’d so far maintained.

  Refusing to give in to what the darkness was demanding of him, he pulled his hot, swollen cock out of his jeans as, smearing the head with the pre-cum that seeped from its tip, he began to stroke its length, repeating the action as his hand stroked the shaft.

  He could feel his balls tightening against his body as his hand moved faster and faster on his cock, and sliding the other hand beneath his nuts, he placed the soft pad of his palm against the area just behind his nut-sack and applied light pressure, at the action, he felt his cock pulse with a jerk, before cum shot out its tip, landing on the ground at his feet.

  A vile curse ripped from him, however as he tucked himself back into his jeans, for though the immediate danger he represented toward Kira had passed, he was still far from in control, and jerking around, he faded deeper into the shadows of the trees, putting distance between him and any further temptation, until he could push aside the thoughts that still ate away at his sanity.

  * * *

  It was so hot that I’d thrown my sleeping bag down in front of my tent, and now within the darkness of night, I became aware of a presence beside me.

  I needed no guessing who stood behind me, as my body seemed to be hard-wired to his very presence, igniting with a liquid heat any time he was near, and as my control was meager at best right now, I felt it best to pretend I was asleep.

  I heard him blow out a breath, then rise to his feet, but as he hesitated, I heard him mutter to himself, and felt my stomach muscles clench with nerves as I waited for him to leave, finally he turned and silently walked away as the breath I'd been holding rushed out between my lips.

  After he was gone, I stared into the darkness, a single tear slipping from the corner of my eye, wanting so much more than I would ever have with Dante.

  Fifteen minutes later however, I was so tangled up inside that I couldn’t go back to sleep.

  What had he wanted? Could thoughts of me be keeping him awake? Was he laying there, even now, aching for me, just as much as I was for him? Cursing myself for my weakness where he was concerned, I shoved off the sleeping bag and made my way over to where I'd seen him spread his own out earlier.

  Coming to a stop I wavered, hesitating. What if I was wrong? What if I was reading all the signs wrong?

  I could see in the moonlight that he lay on his stomach and that at some point, he'd discarded his shirt for comfort, and I could see how harsh and ragged of his breathing was, indicating that he was aware of my presence, and as I knelt down beside him I noticed for the firs time that he'd had his back tatted with intricate symbols and markings that curved around the edges of each of his shoulder blades, and reaching out I touched one with my finger.

  Immediately Dante rolled over, staring at me, and gazing back, I frowned, unsure of how to approach what I wanted to ask, then finally I husked, "do you want me Dante?"

  He made a sound low in his throat, then sitting up, turned until he was facing me as, reaching up he buried his hands in my hair, then almost as if to himself breathed, "god yes…with everything I am!"

  I could hear his breathing become even more heavy and ragged, then his lips were grazing mine as he muttered, "you set me on fire Kira!"

  Suddenly swamped with heat, and his delicious smell beckoning to me, I whimpered against his mouth, wanting, needing more as I swung my legs across his hips.

  Straddling him, I leaned into the kiss as, reaching out, I gripped his head and pulled his lips harder against mine, hungry for his taste.

  I g
round down against the hardness of his cock where it nestled within the junction of my thighs as, slowly in return, he began to pump his own hips.

  A low, throbbing utterance escaped from between his lips before I found myself quickly lifted off his lap, then set aside as he raked agitated fingers through his hair, uttering in a tortured croak, “no, dammit!”

  Then growling out another curse, he jerked to his feet and strode out of the campsite.

  * * *

  Though it was early, the air in the jungle was already hot and sticky, and my shirt clung to my back as moisture popped on my brow.

  Tiny, aggravating gnats buzzed around me, landing on my mouth and eyes, crawling in the openings of my clothing and forcing me to be in constant motion as I swatted and swiped.

  The liberal applications of bug repellent I was applying, obviously in vain, was melting off under the jungles humidity almost as fast as I could put it on. Yet, even as I swung and gyrated in an effort to stay even partially free of the insects, I could hear the call of the monkeys chattering animatedly within the trees, obviously not bothered by the insects in the least.

  Frowning, I found myself wondering at their jubilation, when I was so fucking miserable.

  Lost in my silent rant, I was unaware that Dante and the others had drawn to a stop, staring up into the trees until I smacked into Dante’s backs, and only then did I realized that the trees were swaying and moving.

  The canopy of their leaves were quivering and shaking under some type of assault that I couldn't see, and I quickly found myself tossed to the ground by a snarling, vile word slinging crazed man.

  My back impacted the earth as a loud harrumph echoed out of my mouth, then barely having time to draw a breath, I found Dante crawling over the top of me and covering me like a piece of plastic saran-wrap as chaos broke out around us.


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