Ancient Blood: The Fallen

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Ancient Blood: The Fallen Page 18

by Renea Taylor

  The good and the dark of them, and of how they must be used on the path I was to travel, a path that would be filled with danger, death and heartbreak, yet, I was told, only within this path would my destiny come to be fulfilled.

  Then Gran stood, closing his wizened brown eyes, as if completely exhausted, he murmured, “send Dante in to me.”

  Stepping from the small room, feeling as I was Moses coming off the mountain after seeing God, I went in search of Dante and Arreon.

  It wasn't hard for me to find the brothers and Sirrus, for they hadn't moved from the room where I had left them, and as I entered, Arreon and Sirrus both stood, however Dante continued to lounge in the chair where he was seated, his eyebrows rising as he murmured, “bout damn time!”

  Ignoring the comment I murmured, “Gran wishes to see you Dante.”

  A strange look crossing his features, Dante stood and made his way from the room.

  Not ten minutes later he made his way back into the room, and with features blanched of all color, he crossed to floor without saying a word, and jerking the door open, eyes wild, he fled outside.

  * * *

  Within a matter of seconds and spurred on by his agony, Dante found himself deep within the jungle, trees, thorny vines and vegetation ripped at his skin, but he paid them no heed, for he was in an inner hell that allowed for no outside pain.

  When at last he began to slow, he came to a complete stop, his emotions shredded, as raising his head, his face pointing upwards he screamed, the sound blasting about the area where he stood clutching at his stomach.

  God, what had he done, for Gran had revealed to him that, though just weeks along, Kira was now carrying his child!

  Dante stayed within the jungle for another fifteen or so minutes, before slowly he turned to make his way back, and as he emerged from the trees, he found Arreon and Sirrus waiting for him.

  Drawing up next to them he hissed, “we need to talk!”

  Twenty-five minutes later, the matter reaching an uneasy settlement and a promise made, Dante went in search of Kira.

  His inner guidance when it came to her made it easy, and soon he stood, gazing silently in her direction.

  Shame for what he had caused washed through him, for their child, though carrying the blood of all of their ancestry, also carried the blood of the darkness that mingled within both its parents, and as such, would be born fully beneath the veil of evil…dark and soulless, exactly what he'd been trying to keep from happening, yes, he'd played right into Sataneal's hands. Smart bastard!

  Yet he was smarter, as he knew what he must do while there was still time.

  With a heavy sigh, he softly whispered Kira’s name, and watched as she hesitated, then slowly turned to face him.

  In her eyes he read that she knew, knew without his having to say the words, that he was leaving.

  She began to shake her head, denying what he had come to say, causing him to hastily step in her direction as, grasping her head between his hands, he tipped her face up, and bending forward covered her lips with his, taking with him a memory that would have to last him until the day he drew his last breath.

  * * *

  As Dante pulled back, I felt myself shatter within as he pushed me away, then clearing his throat stated, “you will be safe now, for those that seek you cannot enter upon the hallowed ground, and as my…protection…has come to an end, I must leave you, for I have a…commitment…elsewhere...and I have little time left to accomplish it.”

  Then drawing an agonized breath he stated, “the others will stay with you…for awhile longer…” the rest of the sentence was left unfinished, hanging, as he turned and exited out the door without a backwards glance.

  I stood staring at the closed door for a long time. I knew I should feel some type of closure, for I was safe for the time being, as had been the intent behind my being brought here, only I didn't.

  I felt unbearable pain, and dropping to my knees, the tears finally came, for I had done nothing as I watched the only man I would ever love walk out of my life.

  There was nothing I could have done anyway that would have changed the outcome, for what Dante had said was true…he did have a commitment elsewhere.

  I'd finally figured out what the symbols on his back were, they were an incantation,just as Elena had said, for he’d been an Angel of the second sphere, a Powers, and he'd begun his fall towards darkness over half a year earlier when he'd had sex with me, a child of Sataneal, for he'd sacrificed his light in order to break the spell that had been cast upon me by my fathers chosen so that I would become pregnant and bring forth the fully evil heir he sought, and now Dante was on his way to accept his place by this monster, this Lord of father.

  Chapter 19

  I'd found myself thinking over the next week of an old adage I'd heard at some point in my life, the one that stated that time heals all wounds, and I wondered just who had come up with that one, for I, Kira Trousseau, was here to tell them they were a big fat liar!

  Time didn't heal old wounds, hell no, as far as I could tell it only made them fester and grow, becoming painful, huge pustules on ones soul!

  However, I'd become quite the little actress since Dante had exited from my life for the second time, and I'd ensured that no-one, not even his brother Arreon had become aware of the pain that had held me within its grip.

  I'd played my role well! I'd had to, there had been no other choice, so I'd acted as though everything was as it should be, as if Dante's exit from my life was the way it was written.

  That his leaving had been charted in the flow of the time continuum that made up my existence, yet, the truth of the matter was, I'd fallen to pieces, and just like Humpty-Dumpty in the child's nursery rhyme, I couldn't be put back together again.

  Arreon would have tried, oh yes, he would have done his damnedest if he'd known of the condition I'd allowed myself to sink into.

  However, he'd have failed, for unlike the last time when I'd carried hope within me during the six months he'd been absent, this time there was nothing, a great emptiness, for there was no hope to be had.

  Dante wasn't coming back, he was gone, forever.

  He hadn't just been saying, I'll see you again sometime as held me and kissed me that night, no, he'd been trying to say his goodbye.

  Why had he even come back into my life, so that he could bring me here, for what? To hide? Hide for what purpose, so that I wouldn't be taken? Taken by the very ones that he was now going to family?

  Yet my silence on the situation showed just how good of an actress I’d become, for outwardly none of my thinking showed, for I knew what I must do, I'd known even as the sobs had wracked my body after he'd walked out the door.

  I must find a way, a way to give him back his light, and I could think of only one thing to gain that end.

  Thankfully no one was any the wiser of my thoughts, or for the most part no one, for I knew Gran wasn't fooled in the least. That canny old goat saw way to much with those cloudy brown eyes, things that weren't actually visible to any normal eye, and though never uttering a word verbally, or letting it show of what he knew, he nevertheless managed to let me know that he didn't approve.

  Finally he took to mentally shouting at me that my thinking was idiotic, “the blood within you is why he brought you here, and why he expects you to remain until you're ready!”

  To that I'd hissed, “and the longer I wait, the harder it's going to be to help him!”

  It was those words, words out of my own mouth, that made me understand it was time, time I stepped into my destiny.

  When I told Gran this, and of my decision to leave, it was met with a snapped, “are you daft? Have you not heard a thing I've been saying? Your powers have not matured enough for you to protect yourself against your father and his minions, let alone do a damn thing for Dante!”

  I, of course, argued that I’d lasted this long, surely I could figure out how to do it a little longer, and how could I k
now whether I could help the man I loved if I didn't at least try!

  His reply to that statement was, “that you have managed, but does your plan include Arreon going with you?” and at the small shake of my head, Gran had hissed “and do you really think he's just going to let you go on your own, that is, to just let you leave him here?”

  Whether I'd liked it or not, I'd known Gran was right for there was no way in hell Arreon would sit back and let me go alone, for he’d feel as if he were abandoning me, leaving me to find my own way within a world that was dangerous for me to be out in.

  So, a few hours later, as the sun was setting, causing the city around me to practically glow within a deep golden hue, I found myself staring at Arreon, flabbergasted, mouth agape and wondering at what point had I missed the transformation, just when had he became Dante?

  Though the gray eyes were still Arreon’s, the face, hair and build still Arreon’s, the arrogance was Dante's. Not an endearing trait to adopt I thought grumpily, as Arreon had flatly refused to even hear about me going without him.

  Therefore, I'd changed tactics, and bald faced lied as I murmured, “I won't go then, I'll just have to wait until I'm ready.”

  However, as I finished the words and turned to leave, I was grumbling under my breath, for oddly I found myself angered and out of sorts, for I knew what I must do, and that it would be going against everyone else's wish.

  Returning to the little room Gran had given me, I set about gathering my things, then swung by the kitchen where, sending Gran a mental apology, I garnered what I hoped would be enough non-perishable food items to get me through the jungle and home, for I suspected that the caverns beneath Dante's home would lead me to my father.

  Then, with tent, lantern, as well as a backpack crammed full of clothing slung over my shoulders, I found myself uttering a slight groan for the weight was considerably more than I'd anticipated.

  However, there was nothing to do but deal with it, for the items I'd collected were a necessity. As well, was the small dagger I'd confiscated from Gran’s room of clutter, for after all, I thought, I would do what I had to, to survive, for I had to help Dante.

  Tossing one last glance about me, I turned and exited the room.

  * * *

  Now, with the darkness of the jungle once again surrounding me, twenty-four hours into my solo journey, I wasn't so certain I would accomplish my goal and make it out alive.

  Though I'd made it through the first night, as well the following day, telling myself with each mile and hour that passed I could do this, I was lying, the plain and simple truth was, I was no longer certain that I could and I was scared!

  I'd told myself it was just a matter of heading back the direction from which we'd come upon entering the jungle, only I now realized how pitifully inadequate my reasoning had been, for I had no idea of which direction was back.

  The canopy of trees hid the sun from my vision, cocooning me once again in its horrid world of green, and I was exhausted, unaware until I'd taken on the arduous task myself of how much brush and vegetation clearing Dante and Arreon, as well later, Sirrus and the others, had taken upon themselves!

  Thinking of them brought forth a sheen of moisture to my eyes, for I knew by now they would be looking for me, but in the vast expanse of the jungle, it would be like locating a needle in a haystack, damn near impossible!

  However, in this new world I'd come to find myself intertwined within, impossible seemed to be the possible, for in the old one, the one I'd known so well, or thought I had, real demons, angels and spell invokers didn't exist!

  Yet, I'd come to learn they were factual, for I myself was…well…what the hell actually was I… for I was a child born of a God turned devil, as well, of an invokers bloodline…which made me a Heinz fifty-seven, right?

  So, I decided, as there was no actual clear title to what one might call a person such as myself, I’d call myself a…witch...much better sounding than a child of hell!

  However, fat lot of good being a witch was doing me though, I thought grumpily, for if I were one worth her salt, I'd have already brought out my broomstick and zoomed out of this godforsaken hole!

  Suddenly I felt Gran slide within my mind and grumbled silently to him, just where the hell have you been!

  Earlier in my travels, I'd tried reaching out, several times in fact, but had gained no success and found myself now almost brought to tears at hearing from him, and chocking back a sob I mentally blasted of how happy I was to hear his voice.

  “Course you are girl, as you've gotten yourself in a fine fix now haven't you!” came the reply.

  At which I found myself whispering pitifully, “okay, so where do I go from here?”

  I could almost hear his distinctive cackle, then, voice sobering he stated, “it would be right nice about now if you did have that broomstick you were frettin' over earlir, but as you’re not that kind of witch, you're going to have to rely on others to help for now in order to get you out of this quandary. So, Arreon and Sirrus are not far away, and you must listen to them, no matter your feelings you hear me, for all your lives could depend on it. The blood has been rejuvenated.”

  I felt Gran slipping from within my mind even as I cried for him to wait, to tell me of what he’d meant. However, he was gone, leaving me alone again within the darkness, a new sense of dread skating across the flesh of my back for no longer could I allow myself to make irresponsible choices. If what Gran had said was so, then it wasn't just my life at stake, for it appeared Arreon and the others survival might depend on my decisions as well.

  Shaken to my very core at the thought, I was suddenly jerked from the concept as, off in the distance the sound of leaves crackling beneath the weight of moving feet caught my attention.

  The eerie silence of the jungle up to that point only enforced the abrupt loudness of the dissonances, exaggerating it exponentially as it reached through the trees, surrounding me in a volume of auditory sensation.

  Sheer terror struck me, for I couldn't see what was coming at me, only hear it, and what I was hearing was not in the least a welcoming sound, for though I knew Arreon and the others were coming, this, this was something else!

  For there was no mistaking that thought it was clearly making enough racket to raise the hairs on the back of my neck, there wasn't enough sound, or enough movement to be more than a solitary person!

  Suddenly I stilled, for here was the way, the way to save Dante...for the creature that was coming was from my father, and my ticket to hell.

  Then as a huge dark figure came barreling out of the trees, it smashed into me, taking me to the ground, as huge shudder wracked his frame, then lifting himself to where he was no longer crushing me beneath his weight, Dante penned me with eyes that the pupils had nearly consumed the irises.

  Then with a low throaty growl, he covered my mouth with his, jerking my arms above my head and capturing both wrists within his hand, as grinding his cock against my pelvis, he grabbed a handful of hair with the other hand and jerked, his roughness surprising me, and causing me to cry out.

  In an instant, Dante was on his feet , having pulled me up with him, as turning towards the trees he glowered angrily at the eerie figures that came walking out of their depths, making their way towards us on silent feet.

  I turned, and confusion enveloped me as Arreon, eyeballing Dante uncertainly, softly called to me, urging that I come to him.

  The strangeness of his utterance had me shifting, turning to where I was once again facing Dante, easing backwards as the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, a shiver dancing down my spine as I watched Dante's features harden, spreading his lips in a feral snarl as his large frame coiled into the stance of a fighter.

  Then in a blink of an eye, I was being propelled backwards, my back impacting the girth of a tree that stole the breath from my lungs as I tried to stutter out a scream between lips rounded in agonized horror as Dante, making sounds that further aided the cold deluge of terror shiverin
g through my system, uttered words that reminded me of every back masked record, and every devil worshiping show I'd ever seen.

  However, just as suddenly as the attack had occurred he was being ripped loose and tossed several yards away as I found myself being lifted and moved, gripped protectively within the clutch of Sirrus's arms where I stared in stunned disbelief in the direction of Dante.

  Arreon, placing himself in front of his brother, uttered a low threatening snarl while he stared wearily at Dante, as he lifted himself off the ground, his movements accompanied by an untamed roar that emitted from deep within his chest.

  As Dante’s cry reverberated about the jungle, Arreon, any sympathy or connection he felt for his brother void from his face, advanced forward growling, “you are not my brother…”

  The whole time Arreon moved forward, Dante’s eyes had never strayed from me, and I gazed uncomprehendingly back in his direction.

  Confusion at what I saw swamped through me, for the blue of his eyes were shifting, no longer were they the deep color of sapphires, but were turning black, standing out in twin circles of profound inkiness, and unable to take in what I was seeing, I stared, abstractedly watching as a huge shudder suddenly ripped through Dante's frame.

  Then his whole body began to quiver, as though having been subjected to a sudden thaw after being deeply frozen for a very long time, and I heard a low huff escape from Sirrus, feeling the slight stirring of the hair on the back of my head at the expulsion of air that was released from his mouth, the tension within the arms that held me gripped tightly against his chest increasing.

  Arreon, keeping his eyes straight ahead, and never wavering his gaze from his brother murmured, “Sirrus keep her safe, no matter what happens next.”

  Slowly, yet methodically, he continued his advancement towards Dante, centering his attention on his brother as, slowly, Dante raised his head, and gazing at Arreon uttered a evil laugh, then he was gone, vanishing within the trees, becoming one with the jungle around us.


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