Broken Heart

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Broken Heart Page 12

by Laura Browning

  He rocked her, stroking her hair and rubbing her shoulder. “Is there a chance you’re pregnant?” He so didn’t want to know, but he would stand by her no matter what.

  “No. Something made me keep taking my birth control pills. I even hid them from Jace,” she whispered. “When I told him… That’s when he lost it this morning.”

  A shudder went through Mason. “I should have done more the minute I saw the bruise on your wrist. I’ve seen this before. I knew where it was going.”

  Her hand crept up, cupped his jaw. “It’s not your fault. I have my own list of ‘if onlys,’ and trust me, it’s much longer than yours. I feel so stupid.” She laid her cheek against his shoulder and was quiet for a moment. “Mason?”


  “Does it make a difference?” Tension stiffened her body. “I mean…” She stopped and sucked in a breath with a hitch in it.

  “I know what you mean. You don’t have to say it. Not a bit of difference. Stacey, I love you.”

  She broke then, crying like her heart would shatter into so many shards it could never be fixed. He let her do it, let her get it out, and if his own eyes blurred, if he had to swallow a few times while he listened to her, then it was okay. People spent too much time trying to hide what they felt. “Get it out, Stacey. Get it out, honey.”

  “I hate them, Mason,” she whispered at last. “Jace hurt me physically this morning, but the other…he and Justin…that’s so much worse.”

  “It is. They violated your trust in the worst possible way.”

  “He told me if I didn’t come back, do what he wanted, he’d leak the pictures.”

  Mason tilted her face so their gazes locked. “It won’t happen. We’ll make sure of it.”

  Chapter 8

  Jace concentrated on keeping his hand steady as he poured coffee for himself and Justin. “I’m telling you, I’m fine.”

  “I think you need to get an attorney.”

  Jace smiled as he handed the mug to Justin. “There’s no need. She won’t do anything to cause a scandal.”

  “I still think we would both be wise to retain counsel. Jace, I’m going to get in touch with our family attorney. I’m sure he’d be happy to represent you too.”

  “She’ll come around. We’ll be able to make this work.”

  Justin shoved his coffee away and stood. “I’m going upstairs. Alone.”

  That finally penetrated Jace’s haze. “I thought we could be together.”

  Justin’s mouth thinned. “I’m here to give you support if you need me, but, Jace, until you get your head around this, I think it would be better if we gave each other some space.”

  Not even waiting for a reply, Justin spun on his heel and stalked from the room. Jace took a half step after him then stopped. Justin didn’t understand. His family was so laid back, so supportive. He just didn’t get the pressure Jace had always been under, and now Justin was simply adding to it. There had to be a way to fix this situation so he could keep Justin and still avoid humiliating his family. The Winchesters might never have been the most prolific at guaranteeing the family name would go on, but as far as Jason knew, there’d never been an openly gay male in the family. He released a long, heavy breath. He didn’t want to be the first.

  * * * *

  Mason fed her pizza for dinner. While he had beer, she had sparkling water since she was on pain medication, but they drank from the bottles and ate the pizza with their fingers. The only other time in recent history Stacey could remember eating such an informal meal was when Mason had taken her out for oysters.

  He gave her privacy to change clothes and get in bed, offered to sleep in a chair or on top of the covers if it was what she wanted. But it wasn’t. She needed to feel his arms around her. She wished she could have handled more, but it was enough for now. And when she awoke in the morning and saw him watching her, it was more than enough. It was wonderful.

  Stacey stroked his beard-roughened cheek, watched his dark eyes search hers with concern. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  He stroked her hair away from her eyes and ran his fingers around the shell of her ear. “Thank you for making one of my fantasies come true–waking next to you, seeing what you look like in the first flush of morning. And you’re beautiful, Stacey, the most beautiful being in the universe.”

  “I wish…”

  He put his fingers over her lips. “No wishes for what might have been. We’re moving on together from where we are right now, not hiding, not running away. I can do it if you’ll be there with me. Can you?”

  “Yes. Would you kiss me…even with morning breath?”

  His answer was to touch his lips to her forehead, the tip of her nose and then her mouth. She let her arms creep around his neck, felt his hands stroke and caress, but not confine her, and she relaxed against him. There was no fear with Mason. He brushed his tongue along the seam of her lips, and Stacey opened to him. As they continued to taste one another, his body shook. Stacey drew back, looked into his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” she murmured.

  Mason closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s just…I want you so much. I’m afraid I’ll scare you.”

  “I’m not scared now.” She leaned her forehead against his. “You could hold me next to you.”

  He bumped his forehead against hers gently. “I’m aroused. If I hold you…”

  Stacey took a deep breath. Bad idea. She wanted to be comfortable with that, but she wasn’t. “I’m not ready.”

  He kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Then I’ll go get breakfast started. Why don’t you shower and dress while I cook?” He rolled away from her. He was trying to keep her from seeing his arousal, but there was little hope of that. Stacey gulped and shut her eyes. Only once she heard him zip up his pants and the door shut behind him did she open her eyes again.

  When she eased from the bed, she was relieved to find she wasn’t nearly as sore today. While her ribs still hurt…the bruises on her hips and thighs were no longer painful. Once she was out of the shower, she opened Mason’s closet, found a dress shirt and slipped it on before she pulled on the shorts from her duffel bag. Spying her purse next to it, she reached in and located her phone. With a deep breath, Stacey pulled it out to check her messages. There were six.

  Feeling her stomach knot, she sat on the edge of the bed and connected to her voice mail.

  “Darling.” Jason’s disembodied voice made her start to shake. “Where are you? Call, I need to know you’re all right.” She started to hit erase, but something held her back.

  “Darling, we need to discuss what happened. I never meant to hurt you. Please call.”

  “Stacey, it’s your mother. Jason is very worried about you. As his wife, I would hope you’d remember the consideration you owe him. I simply don’t understand what’s gotten into you. Please call as soon as you get this.” She erased her mother’s message.

  “It’s time to quit playing games, Stacey.” Jason’s voice was colder this time. “We need to talk. Don’t be foolish.”

  A soft knock at the door preceded Mason opening it an inch. “Stacey? You decent?”

  She paused the playback. “Yes. Come on in.” As he stepped in the room, she added, “I borrowed a shirt. I hope you don’t mind.”

  He grinned, his dark eyes warm. “Not at all.”

  She lifted her phone. “I had some messages, so I decided to check them.”

  His gaze roamed her face. “Why don’t you bring it into the kitchen? I’ll be there with you, and you can get a cup of coffee.” He didn’t need to add he didn’t want her listening to them on her own. She understood and felt the same.

  “All right.”

  She waited until she’d had a couple sips of coffee before continuing. The next message was another from Jace. She put it on speaker. “You have twenty-four hours to get in touch with me, Stacey, then those pictures are going public. I won’t take the risk of waiting.” She took a deep breath and punched save once a
gain. When she glanced at Mason, his face was pale and his eyes nearly black with anger. He set his egg turner down and folded his arms across his chest.

  “We’ll stop him, honey. Don’t you even worry about it.”

  Stacey took a deep breath, simply drawing strength from the idea of such unconditional support.

  The last message was from her mother. “I must insist you call. Jason’s told your father and me how upset you became at the idea of starting a family, how much you’ve been drinking lately. Darling, talk to us. If you need some time away, there are several lovely facilities not far from here…” Stacey punched save.

  “Honey? Talk to me, okay? Don’t hold it in.” Mason sat next to her and took her hand in his. Only when she felt his steady grasp did she realize how much she was shaking. But this time it was from anger.

  “I saved them, well, except for the first message from my mother. I don’t know much with regard to the law, but maybe Phillip can use them.” She tapped her fingers on the table. “I need to talk to my mother. He’s pretty much told her I’ve gone over the edge because he wanted to start a family. Nice, huh?”

  Mason put his hand over hers to still her tapping fingers. “Eat first, then call your mother.”

  She sighed. “You’re right, because I’m sure I’ll be so angry after I speak with her I won’t be able to eat anything. I think I’m about to get a real feel for what Seth, Brandon and Anna have been through.”

  Mason arched a brow. “Haven’t you already faced their wrath when you had to accept Jace’s proposal?”

  “Not really, because I didn’t face their wrath, I caved in without a fight. All I got was the speech informing me of their grave disappointment and my responsibility to the family.” Stacey stared him in the eye. “But this time I’m not giving in.”

  “Good girl. You want me to leave while you make your call?”

  “No. I’d rather you were sitting right here. Do you mind?”

  He released her hand and gestured toward her plate. “I’ll do anything you need, Stacey, but first…eat. You’ve lost weight you can’t afford to.”

  “I haven’t been able to eat very well for a long time.”

  “And I go and make you sick at Brandon’s wedding.” Mason frowned.

  “No, I faked that to get away from you,” she had to admit, “but then I had to make myself sick because I knew my mother would come in after me, and I felt compelled to make the lie a reality. I’ve been such a coward, such a fool, lying to save a marriage that was a sham from the start.”

  “You’re safe now, and I don’t think you’re a coward or a fool. Eat.”

  She stared at the fluffy omelet, toast and fruit. After she’d swallowed the first bite, she glanced at Mason. “You made this? It’s wonderful.”

  He smirked. “I haven’t always been some useless rich guy. I’ve actually had to work, and one of those jobs was as a cook.”

  “A cook, a sailor, an amazing lover and a knight in shining armor…are there any other talents I need to know about?”

  He grinned. “I have a very checkered past, with some very shady friends. In fact, say the word, I can make a couple of phone calls and take care of Jace and Justin without incurring legal fees.”

  “As tempting as that might be, I think I’m leaning more to rocking his carefully constructed world, especially after the message threatening to make those pictures public. And I’m betting Phillip will do the legal work pro bono.” Stacey continued eating, only becoming aware of Mason staring at her after she’d swallowed a couple more bites. “Do I have crumbs on my face or something?”

  “Or something,” he said quietly. “Are you sure this is what you want to do? I ask,” he hastened to add, “because it seemed more in character for you to try to handle this as quietly and discreetly as possible. That’s the person I’ve always known you to be.”

  Stacey set her fork to the side. “Mason, if you can stand the heat, I think I’m about to become the most rebellious Barlow-Barrett yet. I want out of my marriage. I’d like to do that as quietly and quickly as possible–that’s where Phillip comes in–but if quiet isn’t possible, then this could make Lucy and Brandon’s media feeding frenzy pale in comparison.”

  “Does this mean I’m likely to see my bare ass in some newspaper?”

  She laughed. “They’ll blur it.”

  Mason arched a brow and smirked. “That’s comforting, ’cause, you know, I’ve been worried I might be getting cellulite.” When she laughed, he took her hand. “I’m with you whatever you decide you have to do.”

  Stacey nodded, then finished her food and took a final sip of her coffee before pulling her phone toward her. After taking a deep breath, she looked at Mason. “Here goes.”

  He set his hand on her forearm. “Are you planning on telling them what happened?”

  She shook her head. In the back of her mind was the fear her mother wouldn’t believe her. Stacey pressed her lips together, knowing she needed to say something. “I’m afraid to hear what her response would be. And God, Mason, who in their right mind wants to tell their parents their husband’s lover raped her, or her husband tried to?”

  Mason’s mouth tightened into a thin line. “Jesus, Stacey. You don’t know how hard it is for me to keep from hunting him down and killing him. I could still make those phone calls…”

  In a strange way it was comforting to know he meant it. “Thanks, but no. I want all of us to get a turn.”

  Mason stood and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “In case I haven’t said it yet today, you’re a hell of a woman, Stacey. I loved you before, but I have to tell you, this tough, new you is pretty darn sexy.”

  She watched him begin taking care of the dishes as she dialed. It rang only twice before her father answered. “Stacey…are you all right?”

  “I will be. Thank you for asking.”

  “Jason said you’ve been having some problems. He spoke to your mother, so let me get her on the line too.”

  There was momentary silence, and then her mother joined the call from a different extension. “Stacey, darling, wherever you are, let us know. We can send the chauffeur to drive you. I’ve already looked into a very nice facility not far from here. They have room and can take you now. It’s very private, very discreet. No one need know.”

  Stacey felt her nerves set on edge. “Know what, Mother?”

  “About this little problem you’re having. Jason is so upset. He told us all the details.”

  “I’ll bet he did. Would you care to hear what I have to say?”

  “Darling, how much more could you really add? This facility has an excellent reputation. You’ll be well in no time.”

  “Father? Do you have anything you wish to add?”

  “I would rather hear what you have to say.”

  Bless him. Perhaps her brothers and Anna had affected him after all. It appeared her mother was a different matter. She had always adored Jace.

  “Jace and I have been having some difficulties recently.”

  “He explained that, dear,” her mother interrupted, “And you know your duty is to support your husband and provide him with children.”

  “Stop it, Mother!” Stacey finally snapped. “For once, would you listen to me?”

  “There’s no need to take such a tone…”

  “There’s every need. I am going to say this, and say this only once. I have left Jason. I will never go back to him again. I will not go into everything that’s occurred because it is private, but I will tell you this: Friday afternoon I caught him in our home with his lover. I left and went to my boat. Saturday morning, he showed up. We had a disagreement about his relationship and the future of our marriage. He hurt me. Mason Hatch had to take me to the hospital.” Dead silence met her. Mason had come to stand behind her, his hands gently massaging her shoulders. Finally, Stacey inquired, “Do you have any response?”

  “Darling,” her mother began in a soothing tone. “Just tell us where you are…”

bsp; Stacey interrupted her with a bitter laugh. “You know, I expected nothing different from you. So be it. I’m sure you’ll be hearing more on this shortly, but it won’t be from me. Goodbye.”

  She ended the call then turned off her phone. All she could do was sit there. Her mother would rather believe Jace than her own daughter. It was much more acceptable to believe her daughter had a drinking problem and was close to a nervous breakdown than to believe Jace Winchester had attacked her.

  “Stacey?” Mason’s hands stilled on her shoulders. “Are you all right?”

  “No.” She pushed her phone away from her and turned in the chair. Mason pulled her into his arms. “He made them think I’m having a nervous breakdown and have an ongoing alcohol problem.” She clenched her hands into fists against his chest as pain seared her. “They believe him, not me. My parents believe the man who tried to rape me.”

  * * * *

  Mason’s throat tightened. He hugged her tightly and swayed to and fro. He’d never truly experienced what a family should be. After social services finally yanked him from his mother and her pimp, his childhood had been a series of foster homes and institutions–if he wasn’t actually living out on the streets–so he’d become accustomed to distrust and disbelief from adults. Many times, in his case, the lack of faith had been justified. Although he didn’t know the disappointment she felt now, he did recall the euphoria when a high school teacher had taken an interest in him early on, becoming his mentor. What she felt now must be the polar opposite.

  “I believe you. Your brothers will believe you. Most importantly, should you decide to pursue it, I think the police and the courts will too.” He wished he could offer more comfort, but she showed him it was enough.

  Stacey took a deep breath and straightened away from him. “How long until my brothers get here?”

  “A couple hours.”

  “Can we both fit in your dinghy?”


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