Broken Heart

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Broken Heart Page 15

by Laura Browning

  “What?” he barked.

  “Mason,” Stacey pleaded. “Please don’t do this. Wait for us. Let us go together. Please.”

  He took a deep breath. “Are you following me? Stacey…you should be resting. Your ribs…”

  “I can’t let you do this, Mason.”

  “I can’t not do it, honey.” He stopped, jaw clenching as he forced himself to control the fury roiling inside him. “I can’t let either one of them get away with what they did to you.”

  “Mason, listen to me! They won’t get away with it, but this isn’t the way.”

  He expelled his breath in frustration, knowing what he was about to say might hurt her, but unable to keep it inside him. “They hurt you, Stacey. Making him go away might be enough for you, but I’m finding it’s not for me. I want them both to hurt. You come from a world where not making waves is important, but I’ve lived my life in a world of payback. Jace and Justin will find out what that means.”

  He ended the call. He didn’t want to argue with her, didn’t want to hurt her. He would, however, hunt Jason Winchester down. It would be so much easier to simply place a couple of phone calls, pull in some favors from years ago when his past had been a whole lot shadier, but that wouldn’t do now. No, Mason needed the satisfaction of handling this himself.

  He stepped on the gas again as he headed toward Georgetown.

  * * * *

  “He hung up.” She looked around the room at her three brothers. “We have to stop him.”

  Brandon pursed his lips. “Personally, I wish I’d been able to get in the car with him before he left.”

  “You’re not the only one,” Seth growled.

  “Guys!” Phillip snapped. “We don’t need anything that might damage our case. We’re getting in someone’s car here and going after him–to stop him. Are we clear on that?”

  Seth and Brandon grumbled. Stacey felt warm, cared for. Had she really spent so many years worried about proprieties she hadn’t realized how fierce her brothers were? Even Phillip, who had now snatched the keys to Seth’s SUV.

  “I’ll drive. You idiots will get us arrested if we get pulled over.”

  “And why would we get pulled over?” Brandon asked as he snagged Stacey’s hand and pulled her along with them.

  Phillip’s grin was as sharp as a knife. “Because we’ll be breaking every speed limit between here and Georgetown.”

  Brandon sat in front with him as Seth helped Stacey into the back seat. He buckled her seatbelt for her, then turned her chin so she had to look him in the eye. “When we get there, I want you to promise you will stay in the vehicle.”


  “Darling, listen. You’re already hurt. This will get ugly. If the cops show, I don’t want you anywhere in the middle of it.”

  “But Mason…”

  “He’s a big boy, but he’s facing two guys who are also no slouches when it comes to size or physical strength. We’ll even those odds.”

  Phillip looked in the rearview mirror. “Seth! We are not brawling. We’ll handle this reasonably and legally.”

  Brandon snorted.

  “Oh Katie Christ,” Phillip swore as he checked traffic before he merged onto the interstate.

  “Phillip,” Brandon said, “reasonable ended the moment we saw those videos. After we finish beating the shit out of him and his lover, then we’ll get Jason to agree to our demands. Our beating the shit out of him doesn’t have anything to with what he did to Stacey. You know that.”

  Phillip sighed. “You’re right. Legally they are completely separate matters. I would however like us to keep anything we do well below felony level so I can keep my law practice, agreed?”

  Seth and Brandon grunted their assent. Stacey worried her lower lip, her mind still stuck on the fact that right now Mason was going in on his own to face them. Two against one. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing if her brothers did help even the odds.

  This wasn’t exactly how she’d envisioned returning to the house for her belongings.

  * * * *

  Mason screeched to a halt at the curb in front of Stacey’s brownstone. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the knife he normally carried and put it in the glove compartment. He wanted no temptation. No stranger to knife fights, he knew the odds would more than tip in his favor if he carried his knife, but killing the bastard wasn’t his aim. Not really. Nor was spending time behind bars his goal for his relationship with Stacey.

  Resting both hands on the steering wheel for a moment, he made himself take a deep breath. He was furious, but he also needed his wits because he knew he’d be facing two men, not one. When he was sure he had it together, Mason stepped from the car and slammed the door shut.

  He was at the top of the steps in a couple of leaps and pounding on the door. As soon as he heard the deadbolt and the doorknob unlock, he pushed his shoulder against the panel and shoved his way in.

  “What the hell…?” It was Justin.

  “I’ve got a message from Stacey,” Mason began, his voice low, and before Justin could get out another word, Mason swung, catching the taller man right in the gut. Sure he could have gone for his face, but he had no intention of taking either one of them down right away. No…Mason wanted to play. The oomph that rushed from Justin’s mouth made Mason smile with satisfaction.

  “Hatch!” Winchester sprinted down the steps, fury tightening his face.

  “You want some too?” Mason snarled. “Come and get it. Both of you. Just fucking come and get it. You hurt her, you bastard!”

  Winchester stopped far enough out of his reach Mason couldn’t get to him, not with Justin between them.

  “How dare you come in my house–”

  “How dare you beat your wife!”

  “I don’t know what she told you,” Winchester started, “but Stacey is very sick…”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Mason snarled. He glared at both men. “I’ve had a detective uncovering all kinds of shit on the two of you. I know how far back you go. I also know about your problem, Jason.”

  “Get out!” Winchester blustered. “You don’t know anything except what Stacey’s told you.”

  Mason laughed. “Really? Don’t be so naive. You’re not the only one capable of taking illicit photos.”

  “Which I can still plaster all over the papers. Is that what you want? Imagine how many clients want to know you use their homes to have sex. Why don’t you be a good boy and go back to the gutters you crawled out of.”

  “Fuck. You.” Mason shoved past Justin and grabbed Winchester by the throat, but before he could throw the punch with his other hand, Justin jumped him from behind, grabbing his arms and giving Jason a chance to jerk away and throw his own punch. It caught Mason on the cheek, the signet ring Winchester wore drawing blood.

  For a second Mason’s head swam, but he shook it off. He’d been in a lot worse fights over the years and didn’t give a fat baby’s bottom he was outnumbered in this one. Kicking back, he caught Justin in the shin with the side of his foot then shoved an elbow in his ribs. With another breathy oomph, Mason was free and he leaped at Winchester, determined to wipe the self-satisfied smirk from his face.

  “I’m going to beat the shit out of you. I want you to know what it’s like to have your ribs bruised. I’ll certainly stop short of what you attempted. But we’re going to discuss that as soon as I’m through.”

  When he felt Winchester’s nose smash beneath his fist, Mason grunted with satisfaction. Winchester kicked out at him, but Mason dodged out of the way, and the other man’s foot barely missed his knee. Hearing a sound behind him, he spun to find Justin with a knife gleaming in his hand.

  Mason laughed. “Why am I not surprised? Not enough it’s two against one? Why would I expect a fair fight from either one of you?”

  Justin held his ribs with one hand and the knife with the other. Gazing beyond Mason, he said to Winchester, “Call the cops. He’s just bluster.”

  “I wouldn’t
do that if I were you.” They turned. Seth nearly filled the doorway, and what he didn’t fill, Brandon and Phillip did.

  “Thank God you’re here,” Winchester started, but Seth cut him off.

  “Save it.” His razor glance took in Justin. “Put the knife away.”

  Justin glanced uncertainly from Winchester to Mason and the three blond giants with him. After snapping the blade shut, he shoved the knife in his pocket.

  “I don’t know what you’ve heard,” Jason tried again, and this time it was Brandon who interrupted.

  “Are you such a fucking idiot you think we’d believe anything that comes out of your mouth? That we would believe you over our own sister?”

  Phillip shoved his way into the hall as well and Mason nearly growled out loud when he saw Stacey behind the three of them. The youngest, but certainly not the smallest of the three Barlow-Barrett brothers, Phillip glared at Winchester and Worthington with narrowed, hazel eyes. “And please don’t insult us. We’ve got a lot more than hearsay. Perhaps we should take this into the living room. I’ve seen the video of what you two like to do in the study. I’m afraid none of us wants to step in there with that image in mind.”

  Mason nearly laughed when he saw Winchester’s face lose its color. “Video?”

  Stacey stepped forward, her brothers flanking her. “I had to bring plenty of valuable antiques home on spec, not to mention most of what’s in here belongs to me anyway. Did you actually think I simply had a standard alarm system installed?”

  Her chin was raised in a definite challenge. Mason felt so damn proud of her in that moment for standing up to Jason, he could have hugged her–but she wasn’t through yet.

  “I had the entire place fitted with video and audio surveillance as well–only the bedrooms and bathrooms were exempt.”

  While Mason pulled a handkerchief from his pants pockets and blotted the blood on his cheek, Phillip put an arm around Stacey’s shoulders. “Please understand, Winchester, with what we have on tape, it would be an easy step to go to the police. We have enough evidence even the most reluctant of prosecutors would be chomping at the bit to pursue rape and attempted rape charges against you.”

  Winchester laughed. “Rape? She’s my wife.”

  His size dwarfing Winchester, Phillip stepped forward. His voice was quiet, but his words were plain and succinct. “The precedent for marital rape is nothing new. So let me give you a bit of pro bono legal advice–I’d sit now and listen to what Stacey has to say because, unlike the rest of us, she’s willing to keep this discreet. I would welcome the opportunity to face your counsel in a court of law because there’s always civil court and divorce court.”

  Phillip’s smile was broad, but it never quite reached eyes that glinted green.

  Winchester’s gaze shifted to Mason and the rest of the Barlow-Barrett men. “All right, but Hatch is not a part of this.”

  Mason couldn’t suppress the growl that rose to his lips. He almost shook Brandon’s arm from around his shoulders. “Come on, man. You and I will help Worthington pack his things while Seth, Phillip and Stacey talk to Winchester. She’ll be protected.”

  Brandon glanced at Worthington. “Move it, asshole.”

  Mason looked over at Stacey. Her eyes met his, steadily and without any fear or hesitation. Flanked by the combined bulk of Seth and Phillip, Mason had no doubt she would be fine.

  Chapter 11

  As soon as the door shut behind the other men, Jace tried to make an argument again to Seth and Phillip, completely ignoring Stacey. If she hadn’t been so tense, it would almost have been funny–and such a sad, sad commentary on what had been the sham of their entire marriage.

  “Gentlemen, I don’t know what she’s led you to believe, but nothing…”

  “Oh for God’s sake, Winchester,” Seth interrupted with a snap of impatience. “We’ve seen the damn security videos. We know exactly what happened, including video evidence of doubling the alcohol in her drinks. So please, quit with the poor Stacey’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown bit. It doesn’t wash.”

  Stacey took a deep breath. “Why me, Jace? Plenty of women probably would have bought right into your little triangle.”

  “I don’t have any idea what you’re referring to.” Jace folded his arms over his chest, still refusing to acknowledge not only what she knew, but what her brothers and Mason knew to be true too.

  “Let’s have a seat,” Phillip said. Once everyone had found chairs, he continued, “Stacey has some specific things she wished to discuss, and you, Winchester, would be advised to listen to what she has to offer.”

  “I want my attorney here.”

  Stacey rolled her eyes. Now her blinders were off, she felt like a fool for falling for his web of lies from the very beginning. What had happened to her good sense? Had she been so blinded by the need to be perfect for her parents she’d failed to see the obvious signs something wasn’t quite right with Jason’s timely proposal?

  Phillip arched a brow. “Waiting for your attorney is, of course, your decision. However, our deal is on the table right now. If you don’t listen to it, then the deal disappears and we’ll allow the police to come in so they can conduct a criminal investigation…”

  “You can’t! My God, man, she’s my wife…”

  Phillip slapped his palm on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. The crack shut Jace up. “I have already explained this, Winchester. The mere fact you’re married does not rule out charges for battery at the very least. You would do well to remember Stacey had a rape kit done at the hospital in Annapolis. Even if you didn’t finish, there will be DNA evidence. It’s doubtful many women scratch a man in the face in passion. You can listen to her offer, or Seth can make a call to the police. Your choice, but the offer is only good for the next five minutes.” Phillip turned his wrist and casually checked the time on his watch.

  She didn’t want to do it, but Stacey forced herself to meet her husband’s eyes. When he was the one to break eye contact, her confidence rose.

  “I’ll listen,” Jace snarled.

  Phillip caught her gaze and nodded. Seth’s arm rested along the back of the couch behind her shoulders. Her breathing settled and her heart slowed. She could do this.

  “There are four things I want,” she began. “First, I want you out of this house tonight. Second, I want you to agree to an annulment, third, I want you to sign an agreement you will not contact me in any way again, and finally, I want the photos you took of Mason and me, plus a signed agreement you will never use them in any fashion.”

  Jace sat back as though what she demanded actually shocked him, and Stacey had to wonder if they inhabited completely different planets. Was he simply so arrogant and self-absorbed he didn’t comprehend what he’d done?

  “I need more time.”

  Phillip leaned forward. “Those are the terms. You can accept them, and give me contact information where I can bring documents for you to sign, or Seth can make the call to the police.”

  “That’s blackmail.”

  “That’s the deal.”

  Stacey leaned forward and set her hand on Phillip’s arm. “I have something else I want to say.”

  Phillip leaned back and Stacey stared Jason in the eye.

  “You threatened me, my family, and Mason in order to manipulate me into this marriage. I didn’t love you, but I came into this relationship with the determination to make it work. You never did. You had no intention of ending it with Justin, and lied when you said you were putting our relationship before all others.

  “More than that, Jace, you and Justin used me. You forced me and hurt me. I will never forgive you, but I’m not letting you destroy my life. So know this: I’ve given you my terms and if you don’t accept them before I walk out of this room, I’ll take the evidence I have and go to the police myself.”

  “Stacey…I never meant…”

  “Don’t, Jace. You did mean to. People don’t happen to wake up one morning and think ‘Gee, si
nce I’m sterile, maybe I can get my lover to impregnate my wife.’ They don’t happen to sit in their study and get a blowjob from said lover, and they sure as hell don’t step onto a boat, beat their wife and attempt to rape her! So help me God, if you try to bad-mouth me or Mason after this is over, I’ll plaster pictures of you getting your dick sucked all over YouTube. You and I both know you cater to a clientele that won’t tolerate that–at least not publicly.”

  She’d had enough. Stacey started for the doorway and saw Mason standing there. His dark eyes shone with pride and a faint smile played around his wide mouth.

  “Bravo, honey!” He held his arm open for her and she curled into his side.

  When she glanced at Seth, he smiled. “Take her home with you, Hatch. We’ll take care of the cleanup here and talk to you tomorrow.”

  Mason kept her next to him as they went out the door and down the steps to his car. Only when they reached it did he turn and pull her into his embrace.

  “I am so proud of you, Stacey. That’s the woman I first met, the woman I fell in love with.”

  She leaned her forehead against his uninjured cheek. “God, that felt good.” Leaning back a bit, she lightly touched the bruise and cut on his other cheek. “Are you all right?”

  “It’s just a scratch. You know it’s not over with yet.”

  “I know. He’s in shock right now, but I doubt he’ll quit without a fight.” Stacey leaned back so she could see his expression in the light from the streetlamps. “Mason, you know this could get a whole lot uglier before it gets better.”

  “I know. I also know I’ll be at your side for all of it, if it’s what you want.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, feeling how solid he was. He’d always been that way, would have been there for her, but she hadn’t been able to trust herself, hadn’t been able to assert herself.

  “I don’t want to face my parents. Do you know how infuriating that is? Mason, I’m thirty! Why is it so damn hard to go to them and tell them the truth, tell them how messed up my life was because I knuckled under instead of admitting to and defending what I felt? I can’t help thinking, if I had only been brave two years ago, none of this would have happened.”


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