Flesh and Bone

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Flesh and Bone Page 14

by Ronica Black

  “I see you too, Iris. Always.”

  O is for Orgasm

  The attractive brunette walked out of the high-rise building at exactly twelve noon, just as she did every weekday at her lunch hour. With assured purpose she made her way to the sidewalk thick with vendors where she bought a diet soda and unwrapped a straw.

  Across the street Lauren Canfield lowered her newspaper, crossed her legs casually, and took a long sip from her own straw. She watched as the brunette continued on past the food stands to a covered area where newspapers, magazines, and books were sold. Finding a column bookcase, she paused, rotating it slowly, plucking out a small paperback. Seeing her chance, Lauren lowered her newspaper and stood to cross the street.

  “Looks pretty wild,” she said, coming to a stand next to her. She sipped her drink nonchalantly.

  The brunette’s eyes quickly darted toward her but then just as quickly refocused on the book in her hands.

  Lauren studied the bookcase, her free hand finding a paperback of her own.

  “This one’s good.” She pretended to concentrate on the back cover. “Of course, that’s only if you’ve already read Fuller. His Bradford series blows these away.”

  The brunette lowered the book in her hand and cocked her head. A smile eased its way across her face.

  “You’ve read Fuller?”

  Lauren nodded. “Sure. You?”

  “I just finished the Bradford series.”

  Lauren met her eyes. They looked just as they had that first time she’d seen them a few weeks before, like sunlight through a jar of honey. She’d tried not to stare on that ride in an elevator, but now she looked for a good long moment and thought how everything about the brunette reminded her of honey, from her sun-streaked hair to her slightly bronzed skin.

  “They’re good, aren’t they? The books,” Lauren asked.

  The brunette laughed with excitement. “Yes!” Then she seemed almost embarrassed at her reaction and she lowered her head. There was a long pause, and Lauren could almost hear her mind searching for something appropriate to say. It came soft and a little unsure. “So, do you read a lot, then?”

  “Try to. You?”

  “Every chance I get.”

  Lauren replaced the book and rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m usually so busy working…sometimes it’s hard to find the time to read as much as I would like to.”

  The brunette smiled and it lit up her entire being. “I know how that feels.”

  “What do you do?” Lauren pretended not to know.

  “Administrative assistant.” She rolled her eyes. “Assistant my ass. I do everything.”

  Lauren laughed and shoved her hand into her jeans pocket, waiting for the next question, the important one. It came quickly.

  “What about you?”

  She looked out into the street, staring into oblivion. “I’m a photographer.”


  Lauren couldn’t tell if she was highly intrigued or disappointed. Usually it was one or the other. No in-betweens.

  She looked to her once again and grinned. “It’s a living. And it helps in my true passion. My collection.”

  “Like baseball cards or something?”

  “Sort of.” A long silence ensued when Lauren didn’t elaborate. Not wanting to wait any longer, she went in for the kill.

  “Listen, I would really like it if maybe you could drop by sometime.” She reached for her wallet and rifled through it. “You’ve got a great face and I would love to photograph you.” She plucked out her business card and held it out to her.

  “You’re kidding, right?” The smile was there but it was different.

  “No, I’m not kidding.”

  The brunette looked around in frustration and then focused back on Lauren with eyes that were as rock hard as her face. “I thought only asshole guys used that line.”

  Lauren considered trying to explain but knew it would do little to calm her. Instead, she took her hand and placed her card in her palm.

  “If you change your mind, give me a call.” Lauren spoke softly, hoping it would resonate outward. “I can compensate you handsomely for your time.”

  She turned and walked away, stepping over the curb to cross the street. A cab sped by, allowing her the freedom to cross but she hesitated, hoping.

  “Excuse me?” The voice came from behind. She turned.


  “You’re Lauren Canfield?” Her face had softened considerably. “Lauren Canfield the photographer?”

  Lauren relaxed. “Yes.” She had heard of her. That always made things easier.

  “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” She looked at the business card and then back to Lauren. “I’m flattered, I mean, you really think I’m good enough to photograph?”


  She shook her head, not yet convinced. “All those models you shoot and everything…I don’t know.”

  Lauren smiled, enjoying her modesty. She was, indeed, perfect.

  Lauren spoke with reassurance. “I wouldn’t ask unless I meant it. Give it some thought, okay?”

  Another taxi passed by, and this time Lauren crossed the street leaving the brunette there with her card in her hand and no doubt numerous questions in her mind.


  Two days later, she called.

  “Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me, I didn’t even get a chance to introduce myself…”

  “The Fuller fan.” Lauren smiled and rose from the couch in her loft/studio. “Right?” She stretched, stiff from examining proof after proof on her light table.

  “Yes. I wasn’t sure you would remember me.”

  “Of course I remember you.”

  Silence. Lauren could sense that she was still unsure.

  “Are you calling to take me up on my offer?”

  There was more silence and then, “Yes.”

  “Excellent.” Lauren spoke quickly, afraid she would change her mind. “When can you come over?”

  “Well, I’m not sure. We’re going to do this at your place?”

  “Yes, I have a loft and I use it for a lot of my shoots.” Lauren walked to her fridge and cracked open a beer, her mind already racing with the details of how exactly she wanted to photograph her. “I would like to do it around sunset if that’s okay.”

  She stared out her vast windows, enjoying the rose and yellows the setting sun cast throughout the city.

  “You won’t be alone,” she added. “There will be two others with you.”

  “I wasn’t really worried about that.” She paused. “Things are kind of tight right now. I just split up with my girlfriend and…”

  “Money. Yes.” Lauren swallowed some cool amber beer. “I can give you a check for three grand. That’s for one evening. No strings. I keep one photo with your permission. You get the rest, hard copies included.”

  “That sounds more than generous.” Her breathing changed. She was ready. “What should I wear?”

  “Dress casual. Jeans.”


  Lauren laughed.


  “Tomorrow evening okay?”




  “Great, see you then. Oh, and what’s your name?”


  “Who do I make that check out to?”

  “Therese. Therese Howell.”

  “See you tomorrow, Therese.”


  She arrived early, knocking on Lauren’s door at six fifty. She was obviously anxious, and that was always a good sign.

  Lauren welcomed her inside with a smile and she stood just inside the door with a look of nervous apprehension.

  “Wow.” Her eyes took in the large loft, lit almost entirely by candles.

  “Please make yourself at home.” Lauren headed into the kitchen where she offered her a drink. “Merlot okay?”

  Therese took a few steps in, still in wonder. “Sur

  Lauren handed her the glass and led her to where the two other women sat on the large cushioned couch.

  “Therese, this is Bo.” Bo stood and shook her hand, a sly grin playing along her face.

  “And this is Carmen.” Carmen gave a wave and a smile before crossing her ankle over her knee. Both were young, fit tomboys with sharp, androgynous features and short, thick hair that could be made to fit any look.

  Therese smiled and fidgeted a bit, showing off her nerves. Lauren watched her closely, wondering what caused it more, the two tomboys who were just her type, or the fact that she would be photographed alongside them.

  Wasting no time, Lauren moved to the built-in shelves on the far wall and switched on the stereo. After adjusting the volume she retrieved her camera and lightly touched Therese’s arm.

  “I thought we would start out here.” She walked to the French doors and headed outside to the wide terrace that overlooked the city. The light was just right, like deep yellow roses with red tips. The buildings shimmered in the light, some silver, some orange. Therese stood by the door, seemingly taking in the view and breathing in the cool evening air. Bo and Carmen passed by her, one gently taking her hand to lead her the rest of the way out. She seemed a little surprised at the contact, but fell into step alongside them.

  They stood toward the end of the terrace, the city and sunset bursting into the background beyond. Therese took a few deep sips of her wine, obviously still battling her nerves as Bo and Carmen stood next to her. Lauren approached, offering her a comforting smile as she took her near-empty glass and set it on a small table.

  “There are only two things you need to worry about here, Therese,” Lauren said. “One, relax.” She approached again and began positioning her, moving her arms to help with the stiffness and fingering her hair to let some errant strands come down around her face.

  “And number two?” she asked, breathing heavily as Lauren backed away.

  “Have fun.”

  She nodded and took several quick breaths as Lauren paced and then squatted, searching for the perfect capture.

  “Okay. Breathe easy, Therese,” Lauren encouraged from behind her lens. “Let’s go.” At her command, Carmen tossed her arm over Therese’s shoulders while Bo wrapped an arm around her waist. They leaned in with easy smiles, all in worn jeans, casual and sexy like they had been close friends for years. Therese wore a dark brown tank top that brought out the light brown sugarcane color of her skin and accentuated her eyes.

  Lauren took shot after shot, hypnotized. Therese relaxed, following the lead of her seasoned companions. They laughed, held hands, embraced. Eventually, Bo took off her shirt, showing off her lean muscles and white sheer bra. Therese openly stared, seemingly mesmerized at the darkness of her nipples showing through the fabric. It was a pivotal moment and Lauren didn’t want Therese to grow uncomfortable.

  “Therese, why don’t you come stand by me? I need some intimate shots here.” Surprisingly, she seemed disappointed. She opened her mouth to protest but then thought better of it. With hesitance, she walked toward Lauren and turned to watch as Lauren continued to click away. Bo and Carmen immediately rubbed together, Carmen unbuttoning Bo’s jeans with fingers that slid up and down her abdomen. They kissed, soft, slow, and teasing.

  “Carmen, open your blouse a little.”

  She did as instructed and they kissed again, short, tugging kisses. Their hands caressed and searched, their bodies coming to life with the fire of desire. It was a beautiful scene with beautiful light. Lauren lowered her camera and found Therese watching intently. Brushstrokes of color darkened her cheeks, and she seemed to be holding her breath.

  From what Lauren knew, it had been at least six weeks since Therese had experienced any intimacy. She had been holed up in her apartment all alone wondering where her relationship had gone wrong. And now, her desire, which had been buried deep with all the recent trouble in her life, was sparking to existence once again.

  “Let’s take a break.” Lauren placed a hand on Therese’s shoulder. She jerked, startled, and tore her eyes away from Bo and Carmen.

  “I’m losing light,” Lauren said, looking off into the growing night. “We’ll have to go inside.”

  Therese nodded and the four went back inside the loft. Lauren busied herself readying her camera for more.

  Therese seemed more at ease and even asked for more wine.

  “Please help yourself. It’s on the counter,” Lauren said.

  She continued working on her camera. After going over every photo, she ejected the memory card and inserted a new one. So far, the pictures had turned out beautifully.

  Her equipment ready for more, she moved into the main room, turning on a few lamps as she circled the open space. The candles were still burning throughout the entire loft, flickering soft light. She pushed the plush red velvet couch from the center of the room to the back wall where the off-white drapes acted as a backdrop. She took a step back with her hands on her hips. Ready.

  As she knelt behind a tripod, Bo and Carmen joined her, making themselves comfortable on the sofa. Therese came as well, standing next to Lauren.

  “Your check’s on the table,” Lauren said, maneuvering the camera. Carmen and Bo seemed lost in their own world as they started touching one another with light, purposeful fingers, trailing up and down exposed necks and arms. Lauren didn’t look away as her camera began to click.

  “Pardon?” Therese asked.

  “Your check. It’s on the table. Along with the memory card with all the photos. I wrote down which one I would like to keep.” Lauren glanced over at her. “With your permission, of course.”

  “You mean, that’s it? I’m done?”

  Lauren, changing her mind about the shot, released the camera from the tripod, and stood, moving closer to the models.


  Therese was quiet, and Lauren could sense her hesitation. And maybe, just maybe, more than a little disappointment. Lauren looked at her and her face said it all.

  “You did a great job.”

  She met Lauren’s eyes but seemed to have no words.

  “I hope you had fun.” Lauren smiled, meaning it.

  “I did,” she said. “I had a lot of fun.” The disappointment was high in her voice. “I just thought you would need me for more is all.”

  Lauren studied her for a moment, trying to see into her, to know exactly how she felt and what all she could and would be willing to handle.

  “It’s not that I no longer need you,” Lauren said with soft sincerity. “It’s that I didn’t think you would be comfortable for these next set of photographs.”


  “But you’re more than welcome to hang out for a while if you want.”

  “Hang out?”

  “Sure.” Lauren gave another smile. “And watch.”

  Lauren felt her answer, didn’t need her to voice it. It was heavy and real, thickening the air around her.

  Therese wanted to remain. She wanted to watch.

  Lauren refocused on her models and nodded, camera ready. Carmen ran her hands up to Bo’s breasts, massaging and pinching the nipples through the bra. Bo sighed heavily and the candlelight reflected the dance of their tongues.

  Therese stood staring, mesmerized. Lauren moved about carefully, poised like a cat, capturing quickly and efficiently.

  Carmen removed Bo’s bra and tossed it aside. Her hands moved back to her nipples where they pinched the exposed skin for real. Bo cried out softly and reached for Carmen’s shirt. She unbuttoned it slowly, tongue still dancing in her mouth as she did so. The flickering light caught Carmen’s dark skin beautifully. Muscled shoulders and a defined chest came into view as the shirt was peeled off and tossed to the floor. The white of her bra contrasted sharply but shortly as Bo nearly tore it from her body. Carmen moaned a yes, helping to discard the bra, her mouth continuing to suck on Bo’s tongue.

  Lauren took shot after shot, moving quickly.
r />   “Good,” she said. “Good, now, Carmen, move behind her.”

  The two stopped kissing and Carmen stood and walked behind the couch. Bo faced forward and leaned back, welcoming Carmen’s eager hands, which immediately began to massage and titillate. Bo’s eyes fell shut as she moved with the caresses, arching her back and offering herself further. Carmen massaged and pinched her nipples, running her hands down her taut abdomen and back up. Then she dipped her head and kissed her neck and shoulder, at first lightly and then heavier, licking with her tongue and nibbling with her teeth. Bo reacted vehemently, grabbing a fistful of short kinky hair, pushing herself onto the back of the couch. She kissed Carmen back, still holding her head while her other hand hurriedly unfastened her own jeans once again.

  Carmen roughly squeezed a nipple and Bo pulled away, crying out softly. They stared at one another, breathing rapidly, eyes burning. Carmen mouthed something, words of encouragement, of desire, of pleading, Lauren did not know. Then she took Bo’s breast into her mouth, tugging long and wet on the center, causing Bo to release her hold and tilt her chin toward the ceiling. Then her hand drifted down to Bo’s waistline where she slipped it inside her jeans and began to move it back and forth.

  Bo cried out again and spread her legs. Carmen held her tightly, wrapping her other arm around her while she sucked on her breast and rubbed at her flesh.

  Lauren glanced at Therese. She was standing very still, mouth slightly open, face flushed. Her eyes were intense and one hand was opening and closing at her side.

  Bo tugged Carmen away from her breast and kissed her, tongues glistening in the light. Bo groaned and rocked a little into her hand and then they both looked to Therese, mouths moving with moans and impassioned pleas, eyes heavy with desire.

  Carmen eased her hand from Bo’s jeans and she moved it slowly, tracing up her torso to between her breasts and up to her neck. When she reached her mouth she spread her fingers and pressed them against her lips. Then she leaned forward and snuck her tongue out, licking her fingers and probing into Bo’s mouth. The sight was stirring, torrid beyond words, reaching down into Lauren and clutching her stomach.


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