Ella (Twisted Tales)

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Ella (Twisted Tales) Page 2

by Kimber Sharpe

  Adam left the cellar then, leaving Jack to jerk my head back by the hair of my head. His cock slapped against my face then pushed against my lips before he forced into my mouth. He groaned deeply and thrust farther into my throat so that I gagged. He held me in place by the back of my head and rocked back then plunged sharply. Again I gagged.

  “That’s right, Ella. Take it!” he rasped repeated the thrust. “Fuck her. Fuck her harder.” At his encouragement, the other two quickened their movements. He pumped his cock in and out of my throat, harder when I gagged. Their heavy breaths filled the room and the sounds of their hips slapping into my body echoed off the stone walls.

  Jack released the back of my head and grasped my throat with both hands. “You breathe when I say you breathe,” he growled as he squeezed and pushed his dick deep. I gagged and struggled but he held me so I couldn’t move. Lights danced in the corners of my eyes right before he released so that I could drag air through my nose. I coughed against his cock but he grasped my head and thrust roughly between my lips.

  “Harder. Faster,” he told the others and they seemed to lose themselves as they assaulted my body with fever. One of them slapped at my tits and when I screamed Jack filled my throat with his meat and ground deep into the sound. His hips jerked violently and he grunted with every thrust, holding my head so that I couldn’t turn when I gagged. His groans became rougher and louder when I threw up on him. He kept pumping as if trying to shove it all back down my throat.

  George came first with a shout, followed almost instantly by Lionel. But Jack wasn’t even close yet. He told them to untie me and I was taken down from the poles. He shoved me to another piece of furniture – a waist high table. I was laid atop it and my arms and legs were tied to the legs and my head dangled off the edge. Jack motioned for his brothers to join him in front of my face.

  “Now you are going to take what we give you and you are going to scream while you do,” Jack told me while George wiped my face clean with a wet cloth. “And you are going to swallow everything we fill you with.” I nodded that I understood. I was in little position to object anyway. “If you don’t swallow, we are going to do it again and again until you do.” Despite his being the youngest, I could see his brothers were comfortable with him taking the lead.

  “Open your mouth, Ella,” Jack said softly then…too softly. I began to feel a little frightened. I didn’t like that. I liked it better when he was cruel. At least then I knew what to expect. Still I obeyed and hesitantly opened my mouth.

  Jack was the first to shove his cock between my lips. He delivered several sharp jabs and then he pulled out so George could have a turn.

  “Fuck her throat,” Jack told him. “Hard and deep.”

  George groaned as he pushed his cock into my throat. When he did, Jack moved to my side and brought his hand down hard on my clit. I screamed and George made a sound that sounded like a half growl. His cock jerked forward and I gagged but Jack slapped again.

  “Oh God yes!” George grasped my head and began fucking my face roughly. Then he stepped back for Lionel to slide between my lips.

  “Gag the bitch!” Jack told him before beginning a repeated assault on my clit. My screams muffled as Lionel buried himself in my face. He groaned and grunted before slamming back and forth between my lips.

  “My turn,” Jack said then. “Slap her hard. I want to feel her scream.” He thrust his cock to the hilt and I gagged but he held me in place. When George began slapping my pussy, Jack’s hips jerked with each strike.

  “Harder,” Jack rasped and George obliged so that there was a constant sting and I struggled against the ropes that bound me to the table. Jack ground against my face then stepped back so Lionel could return to my mouth.

  “Gag her, Lion.” Jack encouraged and Lionel drove deep. “Suffocate her.” Lionel pressed flat against my face and stayed there jerking his hips harder and harder against me until I struggled. He stepped back and George moved for a turn while Jack took up striking my clit. I started screaming and George filled my mouth with his meat.

  “Put both of them in her mouth. Make her take two,” Jack said between heavy breaths. Again his brothers did as he said and forced both heads of their cock in my mouth, stretching my lips around them. Jack got between my thighs and jabbed his cock into my pussy. He rocked into me so hard that he pushed the table forward. George and Lionel responded by pulling from my mouth and then took turns violently thrusting into my throat so that I gagged several times. When I threw up they didn’t stop. Instead it seemed to make their fever even hotter.

  George grasped my head by my hair and jerked me as he plunged deep. He slammed into my face, filling my throat while I gagged. Then Lionel pinched my nose closed before he rammed into my throat. He ground into my face and didn’t let go while I struggled. Lights danced in the corners of my eyes.

  “Yes, that’s it!” Jack rasped as he continued to fuck my pussy.

  When Lionel stepped back I gasped for breath but George only allowed me a moment before grasping my throat with his big hands. His cock went deep and then his fingers tightened.

  “Choke her!” Jack encouraged and George’s fingers got tighter still until I felt sure I was going to pass out. Then he stepped back and I coughed and dragged several breaths. Jack’s movements got faster and he leaned forward, over me, and bit my nipple hard. When I screamed Lionel caught the sound by shoving his cock into my throat. He groaned and then began pumping furiously between my lips. He shouted when he came. When he stepped back, George gave me no time to swallow. Instead he began stroking deep as if trying to push Lionel’s cum down my throat.

  “Drink it!” George grunted deeply and grasped either side of my head to pull me to him as he pounded into my mouth so hard I knew my lips were bruised.

  “That’s it!” Jack shouted, his hips surging forward as he came into my pussy.

  George suddenly thrust balls deep and again I couldn’t breathe as he filled my throat with his salty cum. “Drink it all.” He groaned and I tried and gagged. He didn’t release me so I tried again. It took four attempts before I got it all down.

  They pulled out and moved away from me and spoke quietly in a corner. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I could see they all three were stroking their cocks, readying for more. Adam returned and they called him to their corner. He glanced back at me momentarily and then nodded.

  I was untied then and set to my feet. They tied my wrists together, then looped the rope over a hook in the ceiling, pulling so that I stood on my tiptoes. Then Jack knelt and tied one end of a rope around my ankle and the other to a small hook in the floor. Adam stepped forward and lifted my other leg up high so that I cried out as my muscle stretched. He thrust his cock into my pussy with a deep groan. Lionel stepped behind me, gripped my thighs, and entered my ass.

  Jack sneered at me as he scooted a stool forward and stepped onto it. He grasped my hair and pulled it back until my arms were pulled taut and his cock was in my face. He thrust between my lips, then bent forward, wrapping his forearms around the back of my head. His hips surged forward and his cock filled my throat. I gagged and sputtered against him but he held me in place.

  “Do it, George,” Jack said between grunts.

  Suddenly something long and hard slapped against my tits causing the tips to burn. I cried out and the muscles of my body tightened. Adam and Lionel both groaned and fucked into me harder. Jack jerked forcefully in my throat.

  “Again,” Jack rasped.

  George obliged and delivered another strike, much harder than the first. All three shouted and pushed deeper. I gagged on Jack’s cock but he didn’t release me.

  “Faster. I want her to scream on my cock,” Jack’s arms tightened and pulled me firmly against him. When George began to strike me repeatedly, I screamed and Jack filled my throat. I made a gagging noise then screamed again and he groaned. Reaching between us, he pinched my nose closed while George continued to strike my breasts. I screamed until I was
out of air and then struggled, succeeding in swaying back and forth and arousing them all the more. Adam and Lionel went crazy slapping into my body from both sides.

  Jack released my nose and I dragged air loudly while he continued to fuck my face. Then he grasped my throat, holding me tightly so that I had to keep still to take slow breaths through my nose. It was difficult when screaming against his cock.

  Adam and Lionel came almost at the same time, filling my ass and pussy with their hot sperm. Jack released me and pulled from my mouth. Oh God. He wasn’t finished, I realized as they untied me and lowered me to the floor. I was taken to the low chair Adam had used before. This time, they positioned me so that my legs were beneath me, ankles tied to my thighs, with my arms bound behind me as well. They laid me upside down on the small table on my back and dangled my head over the edge. Jack immediately forced his cock into my throat wrapping one arm around my head to hold me in place. He began slamming into me without care of my discomfort while he used his free hand to slap wildly at my clit. I screamed against him and in moments he filled me with his cum, thrusting it deep into my throat until I managed to swallow. The other three did the same, not as violently but just as quickly found release. Then they left me there, tied up, and in the dark.

  No one return until hours late, early in the morning. It was Adam and he wasn’t alone. As Adam lit the candle, I recognized the man as a farmer of Salem, Caleb, husband and father of seven children. He was a big man, built for labor. The moment he saw me bound, his eyes darkened. I watched him begin undressing.

  “You will let this man use you, Ella.” Adam told me and then turned and left. I expected the worst but he just climbed on top of me and fucked me, coming into my pussy with a shout after only a few minutes. When he left, Adam returned, untied me and allowed me to return to my room.

  I didn’t know what any of that was about until a week later when I overheard Adam, Jack, Lionel, Caleb, and the local preacher talking in the parlor. I stood outside the door and listened to their conversation, shocked at what they were discussing.

  “She keeps evil away. That’s why the devil hasn’t come to our home when he seems rampant in the rest of the town,” Adam explained.

  “It’s true,” Caleb chimed. “After I’d lain with her, my crops did better and my wife was in better spirits.”

  “Becky was having problems with her pregnancy until George went to Ella. Now she has no discomfort at all,” Jack added and I realized they were speaking of me.

  “If this is true, we could purge our town of evil.” The preacher finally spoke. What did that I mean, I wondered.

  “It’s why I sent for you, Reverend,” Adam agreed.

  “I want to see the woman,” the preacher said and Adam raised his voice to call my name. I waited a moment before entering the parlor.

  “Ella, this is Reverend Elbas. Reverend, this is our Ella,” Adam introduced.

  “Is what I’ve been told about you true, girl?” the preacher asked. “Are you a vessel of God and do you ward of the evil that plagues other households?” I glanced from his stern expression to Adam who gave me a slight nod. I didn’t know what any of it truly meant but did understand if I was accused of warding off evil I could not be called a witch from the devil if I was.

  “I have never known my stepfather as a liar, sir,” I answered.

  “He is no liar,” Lionel spoke for the first time.

  The preacher studied me for a long moment and then turned to Adam. “You know my own wife has been ill for days.” When Adam nodded, he continued. “I will see for myself it what you say is true.”

  Adam nodded again before addressing me. “Undress, Ella, so that the Reverend may use your body and see what I’ve told him is no lie.”

  I swallowed, glancing between the men in the room before I slowly took off my clothes. It was the first time anyone had ever wanted me to be naked and used in the middle of the day. I understood then why George had taken Becky out for the day.

  “Her healing is stronger if she is bound,” Jack told him and produced some lengths of rope. Had this been what he was whispering about a week before? Was it his doing?

  The preacher nodded so Jack stepped forward. He bound me as he had before and positioned me on a pallet I’d not noticed in the room before. This had definitely been planned.

  “You will let the Reverend use you, Ella, and you will heal his wife,” Adam told me. I would have laughed except I knew I shouldn’t. Instead I nodded.

  “How is she most effective?” The reverend asked.

  It was Jack that answered. “I’ve found her mouth offers the most satisfaction and the healing is stronger when prompted from her body.” He held up a wooden spoon. The reverend finally freed himself from his trousers and stepped around so that his member hung in front of my face. I opened my mouth and he slid between my lips. I closed my mouth over him and began sucking his cock until it hardened into a long rod.

  “Hold her. Sometimes it is too much for her to keep still,” Jack instructed and the reverend’s cold hands grasped me on either side of my head. There was an evil look in Jack’s eyes as he neared.

  “You want to get as deep into her healing as possible, Reverend,” Jack told him then lifted the spoon and tapped it firmly against my clit so that I cried out. The Reverend pushed deeper and I heard the sharp intake of breath. That spoon slapped again just a bit harder. The Reverend pushed deeper and deeper still when I muffled another cry against his cock.

  His fingers tightened on either side of my head and the head of his cock pushed against the back of my throat as Jack began repeatedly slapping my pussy with the spoon. My cries vibrated through the preacher’s cock and he drew back then thrust deeper into my throat causing me to gag.

  “Hold her, Reverend,” Jack encouraged. “It won’t work if you stop it.”

  The Reverend grunted as he drove his full length into my throat. I gagged but he didn’t stop thrusting. And my cries continued as Jack began slapping that spoon with fever. He gradually began striking harder and harder until that sting was constant and shook my body with heat. My cries became screams and the Reverend drove into them wildly. Pleasure exploded through my body and I bucked beneath its force while the preacher continued to assault my mouth violently.

  “Give to her, Reverend, and receive God’s gift,” Jack said on a heavy breath.

  The preacher filled my throat with his cum then pulled from my mouth. Jack’s assault ended and I swallowed. Reverend Elbas quickly adjusted his trousers and looked at the others in the room.

  “In one week, if my wife isn’t recovered, I will have her hung as a witch.”

  Fear leapt in my chest.

  “Understood but she will have healed,” Adam assured him and the preacher left.

  “But…” I started to voice my concerns.

  “His wife only suffers from a cold,” Jack grinned down at me. “His housemaid told me she was already recovering. In a week she’ll be as right as rain in less than a week.”

  I breathed out with relief. Just as he’d predicted, the Reverend returned in two days, announcing that I was indeed a vessel of God, an instrument against evil. He fucked my throat again before he left. In just a few days the word spread and men began to show up asking if they cold partake in the vessel of God. Adam turned them away at first but Jack convinced him that for a few coins from each of them, I could be earning more than my keep in the household.

  Adam and his sons began working and quickly, transforming the cellar into a place where I could receive the men of Salem. And then the day came when they announced they would allow them into our home. George sent his wife to the midwife’s house insisting she needed rest during the final months of her pregnancy. She went and the house filled with eager men.

  “There will be no time to see to them all,” Adam said from the top of the cellar stairwell. Jack bound me as he had before and lay me on a bed they’d constructed that was bolted to the floor.

  “She can take them
three at a time,” Jack answered, sneering down at me. “Send in the first three.” Adam disappeared and a moment later three men descended, followed by the preacher.

  “I will be present during God’s work,” he insisted.

  “It will help with someone holy to witness,” Jack agreed then addressed the men who began to undress. “Do not stop until your healing is sated.”

  One of them lay down on the cot and I was lowered so that his cock could enter my ass. Another crawled between my legs. Jack instructed the one beneath me to hold my head so that another could straddle my face and hold on to the headboard. They all followed his instructions and I was soon filled with cocks.

  They began fucking me and it wasn’t rough at first. But Jack would make sure that didn’t last.

  “Faster,” he encouraged. “It doesn’t work unless it’s prompted from her.” Their rhythm increased but Jack wasn’t satisfied. He gave the spoon to the preacher.

  “Strike her breasts so that there is enough healing for all three.”

  The Reverend began striking me lightly just enough to send heat through me and cause me to cry out.

  “More,” Jack encouraged the men inside of me.

  “Yes,” the preacher chimed, “Take the healing that God offers. You must give in to it.”

  The men in my pussy and ass began pumping into me and I heard their breaths deepen. The man in my mouth increased his rhythm, plunging into every cry so that my voice vibrated through his cock. He groaned and his hips jerked.

  “Faster,” Jack said and they obliged.

  “Receive God’s blessing,” the preacher’s voice rose and the spoon slapped harder. “Take what he offers.”

  The man in my mouth thrust deep into my throat and his hips jerked in sharp movements as I screamed against him. One by one, they filled me then climbed off.

  I saw the flushed look in the preacher’s face and Jack’s smug smile before he spoke. “Send down all the others. Perhaps witnessing the healing, they will be more eager to receive it.” The men that left nodded. Moments after they left, the cellar was filled. Jack wiped me clean then moved to sit in a chair across the room. He motioned for the next three men.


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