Second Time Around

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Second Time Around Page 17

by Colette Caddle

  ‘So, are you saying that I should let Suzie set the pace?’

  ‘It would probably be best. She likes to feel in control and, since the accident, she’s quite easily overwhelmed.’

  ‘The last thing I want to do is upset her in any way.’

  He wore a deep frown and Mandy congratulated herself on a job well done. ‘That’s what I thought, Douglas, and I’m sure it will all work out fine.’

  ‘Did she say if she enjoyed our evening together?’ he asked.

  Mandy was able to answer this honestly. ‘I haven’t been talking to her. As I said, there’s a lot going on in the Connors family at the moment. I’ll probably drop by later. Would you like me to give her a message?’ she offered.

  ‘Tell her I had fun.’

  Suzie collapsed onto her bed, exhausted. Had it really been only three days? Thank God it was Friday and Keith would be taking over for the weekend, because she was ready to scream. In fact she had screamed at one stage, along with Bobby, when he’d sent a pot plant crashing in the hall and water, soil and ceramic shards had flown all over the place. Despite Jess and Noel’s help, Suzie had never known time to pass so slowly as when she was solely responsible for her grandson. She’d tried everything to distract Bobby but it was impossible to hold his attention for more than a couple of minutes, and teatime was a complete nightmare. She had tossed Sharon’s folder in a corner, snorting in disgust. She’d raised three children and her daughter thought she needed a manual in order to feckin’ babysit for a few hours? But now all three of them were beginning to realise that, not only was Bobby a full-time job, he was an extremely complicated child. Desperate, Suzie swallowed her pride and took a look through Sharon’s notes but, right now, all she wanted was dinner and a long, hot bath. There was a tap on the door. ‘Come in,’ she called, and Jess appeared with a cup of tea.

  ‘I thought you might need this.’

  Suzie sat up and smiled. ‘I do. Thanks, love.’

  Jess sat on the end of the bed and yawned. ‘Noel’s gone out to get curry.’

  ‘Good, because I haven’t the energy to cook.’

  ‘It’s been one hell of a long week.’

  ‘You can say that again. I don’t know what I’d have done without you two. Noel has the patience of a saint, hasn’t he?’

  Jess grinned. ‘It’s not much of a stretch for him to be Bobby’s playmate.’

  ‘I suppose. I can cope with most of it but I wish I didn’t have to feed him. It’s a nightmare.’

  ‘Sharon said there’s some recipes in the folder.’

  ‘Fuck the recipes.’ Suzie shook her head impatiently. ‘I made him a lovely spaghetti Bolognese yesterday and he literally spread it all over the table, picking out all the pieces of carrot, and, when I gave out to him, he started screaming blue murder. From now on it will be sausages, fish fingers or chicken nuggets, and, if he doesn’t like it, he can starve for all I care.’

  ‘I know it’s hard, Mum, but if we send him home upset then Sharon will be anxious that it’s not working out and that’s defeating the purpose.’

  Suzie groaned, knowing she was right. ‘We may keep her blood pressure under control but I’m not so sure about mine.’ She glared as she sipped her tea. ‘Get that damn folder, will you?’

  ‘This is unbelievable,’ Jess said, leafing through the ring binder as her brother unpacked the cartons.

  ‘I’ve only had a quick look but I thought it was mad.’ Suzie got a plate and set the naan bread in the centre of the table, before fetching water for herself and Jess and a beer for her son. ‘The sooner Sharon has this baby the better. Then she won’t have so much time to obsess over her son.’

  ‘Give her a break, Mum,’ Noel said, turning the folder round so he could read it. ‘Bobby’s no average kid.’

  Suzie snorted. ‘Huh. You can say that again.’

  ‘Why isn’t he talking more?’ Jess asked. ‘The teachers must have said something to Sharon about that.’

  Noel skimmed through the pages as he ate. ‘If they did, she didn’t put it in the folder.’

  ‘She says that he doesn’t make friends easily,’ Jess said. ‘I can understand him being quiet with us – kids are often shy around adults – but I noticed, when we were at the playground, he keeps away from the other children. Is he always like that?’

  Suzie nodded. ‘He’s a loner all right. He’s more interested in Percy than people, although’ – she grinned – ‘that’s understandable.’

  ‘Has he any friends at school?’ Jess asked.

  ‘He’s only in Junior Infants, love. I doubt any of them make real friends at that age. I’ve certainly never seen him with any one child. In fact, he usually comes out from school alone.’

  Jess frowned. ‘That’s a bit sad.’

  Noel wiped his mouth and stretched back in the chair, the folder in his lap. ‘You know, she may not be admitting it to us or even herself, but Shaz knows damn well that Bobby’s got a problem.’

  Suzie felt a pang of guilt. She should have known that without having it spelt out for her, but, even when she’d cast an eye over the folder earlier, all she’d seen was an obsessive and over-protective mother. ‘What do we do?’ she asked her children, because she felt completely out of her depth.

  Noel closed the folder and patted it. ‘Exactly what it says in the instruction manual. Sharon knows him better than anyone. Also, I was saying to Jess, we need to get Cal on board. This is more his area of expertise.’

  ‘I’ll happily take his advice if he’s got any,’ Suzie said wearily.

  ‘The first few days were bound to be hard, Mum,’ Jess said.

  ‘Of course they were,’ Noel agreed. ‘I’ll nip into town tomorrow and pick up a few bits and pieces to keep him amused.’

  She smiled fondly at her youngest. ‘Thanks, love.’

  ‘Now, to much more exciting stuff.’ Jess leaned forward on the table, smiling. ‘Have you heard from your date?’

  Suzie suppressed a grin. It was ridiculous how much fun she and Doug were getting from acting out the lovesick-couple routine – until he’d told her Mandy’s comments, which had put a darker slant on things. Her sister was really doing her damnedest to come between them. So much for blood being thicker than water. ‘I thought we got on well, but all I’ve had is a one-line text thanking me for my company,’ she said, truthfully, not mentioning the hours they’d spent on the phone since. Susie’s first day with Bobby had been a shock to the system and the first person she’d thought to call was Doug. Perhaps it was because he had been such a support when she was nineteen, pregnant and terrified. He had a great way of diverting her and making her laugh. They’d talked each night since and, as a result, she’d gone to sleep a calmer woman. But minding Bobby had still taken its toll.

  ‘Perhaps he’s away on business,’ Jess said.

  ‘Or maybe he’s just not that into you.’

  ‘Noel!’ Jess glared at him.

  ‘Sorry but I’ve always wanted to use that line.’ He grinned at his mother. ‘I’m sure that you’ll hear from him. He’s probably afraid of looking too eager.’

  Despite trying to keep up the charade, Suzie couldn’t help smiling. ‘How long would you leave it if you were playing it cool?’

  ‘Five days,’ Noel said.

  ‘Three days,’ Jess said at the same time.

  ‘You see? That’s just desperate,’ her brother said, and Jess chucked a dishcloth at him.

  ‘But we’re not kids,’ Suzie said. ‘We’re too old for silly games.’

  ‘Tell Mandy that.’ Jess laughed. ‘She seems to thrive on games.’

  When she was ready for bed, Suzie went out to refill Percy’s water bowl and give him a last cuddle. ‘Goodnight, sweetheart,’ she said, closing the door and turning off the lights. Halfway up the stairs her phone beeped and she stopped to pull it out of the pocket in her jeans. It was a text from Doug.

  Hi Suzie. Fancy a chat to let off some steam? D. x

  Her tiredness
forgotten, Suzie carried on up to her room, grinning and feeling ridiculously happy.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jess found a parking spot near to the flat and was walking up the path when she heard her name being called. She turned round to see Louis coming towards her, his face grim. ‘What are you doing here, Louis?’ she hissed when he reached her.

  ‘Hey, don’t be like that,’ he said, looking upset. ‘You didn’t reply to my texts or drop by the office.’

  ‘I emailed you my article – didn’t you get it?’

  ‘I did, and it was great, but’ – he brushed his knuckles along her arm and smiled down at her – ‘I wanted to apologise.’

  She looked up at him, surprised to see remorse in his eyes. ‘Apologise?’

  ‘Yeah, I came on a bit strong the last time. I was out of line. I’m sorry, Jess.’

  She gave a small smile, relieved that he was ready to be reasonable. ‘Apology accepted.’

  ‘Can I come in for a minute?’

  She started to shake her head. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea—’

  ‘I won’t stay long,’ he promised. ‘I just wanted to explain. I’ve really missed you, Jess.’

  She felt her resolve weaken. When he was nice, he was very nice and right now he was looking at her with such love and regret. ‘Five minutes, that’s all, Louis.’

  His face broke into a wide smile. ‘Thank you.’

  Jess led the way upstairs, thinking Cal would murder her and she could only imagine her mother’s reaction. But Jess wasn’t going to fall back into old ways. He’d apologised and, hopefully, if they talked it would clear the air and make working together easier. She opened the door to the flat and immediately he slammed it closed and pressed her up against the wall.


  He covered her mouth with his in a hard, punishing kiss as his hands pushed up her skirt.

  Jess put both of her hands on his chest and tried to push him away. ‘Louis, no, what are you doing? What’s got into you?’

  ‘I told you, I’ve missed you.’ He ran a finger along the line of her panties and licked his lips, his eyes dark with lust.

  ‘This is some apology.’ Jess glared at him, her heart racing. ‘Stop it, stop it now!’

  ‘You are so fucking sexy when you’re angry.’ He slid a hand under her top and squeezed her breast, hurting her.

  ‘Louis, no.’ She tried to push him off but he was too strong for her and seemed turned on by her resistance. Her skirt was around her waist now, and he was prising her legs apart with his knee, his upper body pinning her in place and he held her wrists above her head in one hand, rendering her helpless. Jess squeezed her eyes closed. This couldn’t be happening. And then she felt his breath on her neck and cried out when he bit it and then did the same to her breasts through her top. She’d never known him like this before and she felt real fear as his hand left her to fumble with his trousers. His hand roughly tugged her panties to one side and she opened her mouth to scream but immediately he covered it with his own, effectively silencing her.

  Just do it, get it over with, she pleaded silently, tears rolling down her cheeks. If he noticed, it didn’t bother him. He was beyond reason, pushing into her hard and fast like a crazed animal.

  Within minutes it was all over and Louis had pulled out and gone into the bathroom to clean himself up. She stood there for a moment, shocked and trembling, before stumbling into the bedroom. Wrapping the duvet round her, Jess sat on the edge of the bed, her teeth chattering.

  She heard the toilet flush and the sound of him going into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’

  He stood in the doorway, clean and tidy and drinking a beer as if nothing had happened. Jess stared at him in shock. ‘You hurt me!’

  ‘Oh, come on, you know that you enjoyed it. You are so hot.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Pity I’ve got to go. Maeve’s invited a gang over for a barbecue. I told her I was just nipping out to stock up on beer and wine.’ He winked. ‘I’ll call you.’

  As the door closed behind him, Jess curled up in a ball waiting for the tears to come but she just felt empty and cold. Dragging her aching body into the bathroom she turned on the shower, praying that, for once, there was hot water and sighed as steam started to rise. Stepping in, she flinched at the scalding water on her skin but made no move to lower the temperature, just stood there. She winced as the pressured jets of water found the bruising on her neck, breasts and tail bone where it had been pounded against the wall. As Jess gently soaped the soft flesh of her inner thighs, which stung from the friction of his trousers rubbing against her, she suppressed the four-letter word that pulsated in her brain. This wasn’t a stranger: it was Louis. They’d been seeing each other for months and he’d never behaved like that before. It must be like he said: he’d missed her and been rougher than he realised. So why did she feel dirty and used? She wound a towel tightly around her and went back into the bedroom. Sitting down in front of her dressing table, she stared at her reflection. There were marks on her neck and chest. She let the towel drop to her waist and saw the same on her breasts. Opening the top drawer, Jess pulled out underwear, jogging pants and a warm sweatshirt. Despite the hot shower, she was still shivering. Her phone beeped.

  ‘Katie,’ she said, hoping her friend somehow sensed she needed her. Going back into the hall, Jess retrieved her phone from her jacket pocket, still lying on the floor along with her bag where she’d dropped it when he’d grabbed her. She looked at her messages and saw it was from Louis.

  I can’t wait to do that again. L. x

  Jess didn’t want to dwell on exactly what it was that he wanted to do again. He’d missed her. He couldn’t wait to make love to her. She could almost see Katie’s lip curl at her describing what had just happened as making love. But he’d wanted her, desperately. That’s all it was. She shouldn’t have fought him. That was why she had this bruising. He hadn’t meant to hurt her.

  Calmer, Jess went into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee and settled at the kitchen table with her laptop and started researching the planned changes to the secondary school curriculum and the arguments for and against, noting her sources and following up links.

  An hour into it, the phone rang.

  She looked at the display before putting the phone to her ear. ‘Hey, Shaz.’

  ‘You were supposed to call me.’ Her sister was reproachful. ‘How did it go?’

  Jess hadn’t a clue what she was talking about and then remembered she’d promised to call Sharon and let her know how the first week had gone. ‘I do work for a living and have deadlines to meet,’ she snapped.

  ‘Sorry. I was just anxious to hear if Mum behaved herself.’

  ‘Everything went fine, Sharon. Mum didn’t whack Bobby and he was as good as gold,’ Jess lied as they had all agreed they would.

  Sharon laughed. ‘I’m his mother, Jess, and I love him dearly, but even I wouldn’t describe him as “good as gold”.’

  Jess smiled. ‘The point is, we coped quite well. Mum managed to keep her temper under control, Noel played online games with him, he did lots of colouring and I taught him a few card games. He’s going to be a shark if he ever takes up poker.’

  ‘He is quite a sharp little cookie, isn’t he?’ Sharon said, proudly.

  ‘Yeah, so stop worrying.’

  ‘It’s just that he’s whiny when he gets home and Keith had trouble settling him this evening. I suppose it will take him a while to adjust to the new routine.’

  ‘Of course it will,’ Jess soothed. ‘And remember, he’s used to being with you all the time. He’s bound to have missed you.’

  ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ Sharon said, sounding relieved. ‘Thanks, Jess.’ There was a wail in the background and Sharon sighed. ‘And that’s my cue to hang up. Bye.’

  ‘See ya.’ Jess fetched a bottle of water and was just settling back to work when the phone rang again, making her jump. She hesitate
d when she saw Cal’s name. She wanted to talk to him but after what had just happened . . .


  ‘Hey, Cal. Sorry, I know I should have called.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. Noel told me that you all have your hands full. Are you working?’

  ‘Trying to but not getting very far,’ she admitted.

  ‘Fancy taking a break? I thought we could go for a walk along the seafront and catch up.’

  Jess peeked out of the window. It had been windy and overcast earlier, but the sky was clear now and the wind seemed to have died down. Maybe a walk was exactly what she needed to settle her, to make her feel normal again.

  ‘You’re on,’ she said. ‘I’ll meet you outside The Sheds.’

  As she rounded the corner on to the seafront, Jess saw him leaning on the railing, his back to the beach as he looked left and right. Two girls jogged past him and gave him the once-over before carrying on, pulling faces and giggling. Jess smiled. He was a good-looking guy and she could understand him catching their eye. When he spotted her, Cal waved. She waved back and waited for a break in the traffic before crossing to join him.

  ‘Hey.’ He bent to give her a quick hug, and she froze. Sensing it, he stepped back, his eyes searching her face. ‘Jess? Is everything okay?’

  Swallowing back tears at the concern in his voice, Jess nodded. ‘It’s been a tough week.’

  Cal took her hand and led her towards the promenade, and Jess fell into step beside him, conscious of his fingers laced through hers. She stared down at them, contrasting them with the fingers that had dragged at her clothes earlier. She shivered and forced herself to take a slow, deep breath of sea air.

  ‘Are you sure you’re all right?’ Cal paused, glancing over at her.

  Jess ached for him to hold her in his arms and make everything go away, but she forced a nod and a fake smile. ‘Yes, you were right, this was a great idea. I’ll be good for another couple of hours after this.’


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