Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows

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Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows Page 9

by Majeski, Ashley

  January 11, 2011: Teen Mom 2 premieres.

  ARREST #2 - March 27, 2011:

  Jenelle is back in police custody with misdemeanor charges of assault and affray. She was caught on tape pummeling former friend Brittany Truett, after a disagreement over boyfriend Kieffer Delp.

  Early April 2011: Jenelle gets into another physical fight, this time with friend and roommate, Tori Rhyne, while filming an episode of Teen Mom 2. No charges are filed.

  April 2011: Jenelle's one-year probation begins. During this time, she is unable to “use, possess or control any illegal drug or controlled substances unless prescribed for the defendant by a licensed physician,” according to court records.

  May 7, 2011: Jenelle voluntarily heads to a drug treatment rehab center in Malibu, California. Much of her 30-day stay is filmed for Teen Mom 2. "She's actually excited about going to rehab," Jenelle's' friend, Patrick Williams, tells OK! magazine. "She wants this. She wants to grow up.”

  July 13, 2011: Jenelle violates the terms of her probation by testing positive for THC (found in marijuana). She's also behind on payments to the court and hasn't attended required aftercare since being released from rehab. According to her official violation report: “The defendant tested positive for THC on 7/13/2011 and admitting to using same. The defendant was discharged from inpatient drug treatment on 6/7/2011 and recommended aftercare/discharge plan was not followed. Since the defendant's discharge from inpatient treatment she has failed to follow up with any aftercare.”

  July 17, 2011: TMZ posts photos of Jenelle smoking and posing with marijuana, two days after failing her drug test.

  ARREST #3 - August 8, 2011:

  Jenelle is again behind bars in North Carolina after testing positive for marijuana and opiates (another violation of her probation). She is eventually released on $10,000 bond.

  September 6, 2011: Jenelle's mom calls the police on her daughter after they get into a fight. “On September 6, 2011 I received a call from dispatch in reference to a domestic,” the responding officer wrote in the police report. “I spoke to the caller, Barbara Evans, who stated her daughter, Jenelle Evans, started cursing at her, calling her names, and was destroying the residence.” Barbara did not press charges.

  November 22, 2011: Jenelle upsets close friend and Teen Mom 2 co-star Kail Lowry when she attempts to make a date for a weekend getaway with Kail's ex-boyfriend, Mike Lush. “That's the last time I will ever defend someone who is consistently talked about,” Kail tweets after finding out. “What hurts the most is I always said we were closest…no good deed goes unpunished.”

  January 3, 2012: Jenelle begins dating Marine Gary Head.

  January 5, 2012: Photos showing Jenelle drinking and partying with Tori Rhyne are posted on Twitter. They were reportedly taken by her former boss, James Duffy, in November 2011 - while Jenelle was on probation.

  ARREST #4 - January 10, 2012:

  Still on probation for beating the bejesus out of Brittany Truett, Jenelle is booked into Brunswick County (North Carolina) Jail - this time for making “harassing phone calls” and “communicating threats” to former roommate Hannah Inman. Her attorney, Dustin Sullivan, calls the charges “absurd and retaliatory in nature.” She is sprung after posting a $1,000 bond, later tweeting: “I'm free as a biiirrrrddddd :D.”

  ARREST #5 - January 16, 2012:

  Jenelle is behind bars for the second time in a week after North Carolina cops pick her up for violating a domestic violence protective order, which forbid her from contacting Hannah. She is again released on $1,000 bail.

  February 14, 2012: Jenelle spends the night in the hospital, reportedly for a tonsillectomy and dehydration.

  ARREST #6 - March 5, 2012:

  Jenelle is arrested on charges of cyber-stalking her former boss, James Duffy. She turns herself in and is released from jail after spending less than a half hour behind bars.

  April 4, 2012: Tori Rhyne tells Star magazine that Jenelle uses LSD, Ecstasy tablets, Xanax, Adderall and alcohol. “Jenelle has been clean and sober since July of last year and has successfully completed each and every random drug test that was given to her every week for nearly eight months,” Jenelle's lawyer, Dustin Sullivan, tells Today.com.

  April 16, 2012: Tori Rhyne tells RadarOnline that Jenelle is a cutter! “They're all crazy,” she says of the Evans family. “It just messed with her head.”

  April 16, 2012: Gary reveals on Twitter that he proposed to Jenelle - and she accepted! But later that day, Gary says he found out that Jenelle had been talking to her ex-boyfriend, Kieffer, and had paid for him to come visit her in North Carolina. Gary breaks off the engagement.

  May 2, 2012: Kieffer and an MTV camera crew tag along for Jenelle's breast augmentation surgery.

  May 8, 2012: RadarOnline posts nude photos of Jenelle from both before and after her boob job. Kieffer later admits he leaked them.

  May 16, 2012: Jenelle announces her engagement to Gary, weeks after they broke up and got back together.

  June 7, 2012: Jenelle and Gary storm James Duffy's house - allegedly with a gun - to retrieve a pair of Jenelle's panties that he had been posting photos of on his Twitter account.

  ARREST #7 - June 24, 2012:

  Jenelle claims Gary tried to strangle her with a bed sheet. He is arrested on domestic violence charges, but Jenelle is also picked up after police find drugs and drug paraphernalia at their residence. She is charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, marijuana possession, and possession of a controlled substance. Both spend the night in jail and are released the next morning.

  July 2012: Ashleigh tells Star magazine that Jenelle stole $500 from her. A bitter feud ensues.

  July 19, 2012: Jenelle announces that she and Kieffer are living together again.

  August 20, 2012: Graphic nude photos of Jenelle - which she claims were taken by James Duffy - show up on Twitter.

  August 28, 2012: Jenelle's charges from her June 2012 arrest are dropped. Gary pleads guilty to assault.

  September 2012: Barbara stages an intervention for her daughter. She and her boyfriend, Mike, reportedly go to the Delp house in New Jersey to pick up Jenelle after hearing reports that she is using heroin. Kieffer has Barbara and Mike arrested and charged with second degree trespassing.

  September 20, 2012: Jenelle is hospitalized in New Jersey for what she calls a “ruptured cyst.” (It is rumored that she is actually detoxing from heroin.) While there, she tweets that she and Kieffer are no longer together.

  October 1, 2012: Jenelle gets a giant leopard print tattoo on her thigh. Why? “The Leopard itself represents how strong I am but no one knows and they underestimate my strength so that's why the leopard print fades away,” she writes on her Sulia page. “I'm so strong and no one sees, I guess no know one sees my strengths because I do it discretely. It's very hard to explain my tattoo but I know what it means. I hope you guys understand, lol.”

  October 10, 2012: Jenelle begins dating 26 year-old Courtland Rogers. They are reportedly introduced by a drug dealer.

  November 5, 2012: Jenelle is hospitalized again, this time in New York City. "Yayyy! Another ruptured cysssst!" she tweets. "NICE, ughhh... In soooo much pain :'(" [sic]

  November 19, 2012: Jenelle and Courtland announce that they are engaged during an online chat. Fans are alarmed by Jenelle's haggard and thin appearance, spurring rumors that she is abusing drugs.

  November 23, 2012: Ashleigh tells Star magazine that Jenelle was involuntarily committed into the Old Vineyard Behavioral Health Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “My mom first realized Jenelle was doing heroin when she walked into her house a month ago and saw her.” Jenelle tells fans she was having cyst-related surgery.

  November 26, 2012: Allison Lester - a friend and roommate who accompanied Jenelle to New York weeks earlier - publicly accuses her of using heroin. "She's an addict, end of story," Allison tweets, adding that Jenelle also uses the drug Suboxone.

  December 4, 2012: Jenelle and Courtland ma
rry in the magistrate's office of the Brunswick County courthouse, moments after the groom is charged with a felony for obtaining property under false pretenses.

  December 10, 2012: A video is posted on YouTube that includes a phone conversation in which Barbara openly discusses Jenelle's heroin use with Kieffer's mother.

  December 17, 2012: Jenelle posts a photo on Twitter, showing a text she sent to her mother. It reads: “Yeah that's what happens when u commit me to the hospital…becuz u like to have things your way.” [sic]

  December 19, 2012: Jenelle celebrates her 21st birthday.

  December 30, 2012: After Jenelle accuses her husband of 26 days of talking to Taylor Lewis - the mother of his infant daughter - behind her back, she tells her Twitter followers that she is “done” with Courtland.

  December 31, 2012: Jenelle and Courtland reconcile and head to a North Carolina club to celebrate on New Year's Eve.

  January 16, 2013: Courtland confirms to Star magazine that Jenelle is pregnant with her second child. “Me and Jenelle are so happy that she's pregnant,” he says. “She told me 'I'm looking forward to a second chance.'” Later in the day, Jenelle tells MTV that she “missed a few birth control pills” and got the news during a doctor's appointment. “I was really surprised,” she says. “I know a lot of people will say we're not ready, or judge me from my past. I want to prove to everyone that I can do this. This wasn't planned, but it happened so we're taking it as we go. Courtland and I are happy and excited now. We have our own place, we're married, and we're both working. We know having a child can be difficult, but we're going to do our best.”

  January 17, 2013: RadarOnline publishes Jenelle's sonogram photos, and Jenelle uploads a photo of her stomach to Instagram with the caption: “Baby bumpppp. My little angel!” She reveals that her due date is September 4, 2013.

  January 21, 2013: Jenelle and Courtland are once again at each other's throats after Courtland leaves his pregnant wife alone to go party with his friends. She accuses him of cheating on her. Courtland denies the claim on Twitter: “I went out last night and got wasted and came home at 3 am and I left my pregnant wife asleep by herself but I didn't cheat!! I just left.” Jenelle insists that she's divorcing him. She pays a visit to her ex-fiance Gary Head later that night.

  January 22, 2013: Jenelle claims she was rushed to the hospital. Later that day, the administrator of her Facebook fan page updates fans on her condition: “Jenelle's conditions are not good, but cannot say more about what happened. Pray for her and the baby and also that certain people get what they deserve. She is very hurt and feels very betrayed.”

  January 23, 2013: Jenelle, fresh out of the hospital, blasts Courtland on Twitter: “I am getting a divorce, ASAP. YOU F**KING LEAVE OUT OF TOWN AND I MIGHT BE HAVING A MISCARRIGE?! F**K U, U F**KING PIECE OF SH*T.” Hours later, Jenelle's attorney, Dustin Sullivan, confirms that she has filed four charges of assault on a female with an unborn child against her husband. It's reported that Jenelle's skull had been fractured as a result of him hitting her. Courtland, who had fled the state by the time the charges were filed, tells RadarOnline “I did not hit my wife. This is not true at all.”

  January 24, 2012: Courtland appears on Stickam and declares that he and Jenelle made $20,000 for selling the story of her pregnancy to Star magazine. He also claims the baby might not be his, and says she cheated on him with a guy named Kris. Courtland insists he never hit Jenelle and that she bruised her own cheek. He also says that, despite her pregnancy, “she's still getting high. She's doin' all types of sh*t…Right now she's doin' pain pills, Xanax and smokin' weed.”

  January 25, 2013: While staying at Gary Head's house, Jenelle fears she is having a miscarriage and rushes to the hospital. Later that day, a friend tells RadarOnline that, “Jenelle lost the baby this morning. She's sad and upset, but she'll make it through.” Gary and Jenelle continue to tweet from the hospital, even posting photos of her hospital room. Gary insists that he and Jenelle are not romantically involved and that they are just friends. Courtland arrives at the hospital, but is turned away after he is told that Jenelle doesn't want him there. Later that night, Jenelle, Gary and friends hit the town, hanging out at several bars and posting photos of themselves online.

  January 26, 2013: Courtland rants on Facebook: “supposedly beat her and she just lost our baby 2 hours ago but all of a sudden there's no marks on her and she is taking Gary shopping… I am happy to screen shot that pic of her in the mirror singing she just took after losing our baby due to Xanax use!! I cannot wait to go to court and show this judge the truth about her she needs to learn that he is not the f***ing president and that she can't just make up some sh!t to destroy someone's life!”

  February 6, 2013: Courtland, still wanted on assault charges (filed by Jenelle), turns up in a South Carolina hospital. It's reported that he is there to detox off of drugs. He tells RadarOnline, “I've been under suicide watch and I don't even have shoelaces. All I want is my wife back. Jenelle is my best friend and I miss her.” Courtland's baby-momma Taylor tells fans on Twitter that Courtland will remain in the hospital for a week before turning himself into police.

  February 11, 2013: Jenelle's baby daddy, Andrew Lewis, appears on the Teen Mom 2 season 3 reunion special and admits that he was physically abusive during their relationship.

  February 12, 2013: Jenelle and her ex, Gary Head, announce that they are officially back together - despite the fact that she is legally still married to Courtland.

  February 25, 2013: MTV reportedly sends Jenelle to rehab in Florida. “[Jenelle] is seeking treatment for her drug addiction issues and related stresses stemming from her tumultuous last few months,” a source tells RadarOnline. The website claims that Jenelle went to the treatment facility willingly.

  March 1, 2013: Jenelle and Gary Head split. That same day, she is released from rehab and immediately starts lashing out at Gary on Twitter.

  March 5, 2013: Jenelle checks into another rehab facility. “Jenelle was in great spirits before she went in,” a source told RadarOnline. “She is really hoping that she can get control of her life. She is bi-polar and she's had a really hard time balancing the medication she needs for that.”

  March 6, 2013: Jenelle's husband, Courtland Rogers, is arrested in North Carolina for his outstanding warrants, stemming from the abuse charges that Jenelle filed against him.

  March 10, 2013: Jenelle returns to her social media accounts, posting that she is once again out of rehab. Her stay lasted only lasted four days.

  Late March, 2013: Jenelle and Courtland get back together and try to rekindle their romance.

  ARREST #8 - April 23, 2013: Jenelle is taken into custody (again) when North Carolina’s finest catch her with 12 bindles of heroin. She is also charged with assaulting Courtland.

  April 24, 2013: Jenelle is kicked out of Courtland’s house by his mother.


  Jenelle's Real Addiction Is Fame

  She's gone to rehab twice on MTV's dime - both reportedly for drug-related addiction issues - but there's only one thing, in my opinion, that Jenelle is addicted to: fame. She feeds off of the notoriety she's garnered from appearing on MTV. When something goes wrong in her life (or whatever relationship she's in at the moment), Jenelle makes a beeline for Twitter. She seeks validation from her 700,000-plus followers, but, sadly, more than half of them are probably only following her to watch the train wreck.

  Jenelle's antics onscreen pale in comparison to her social media activity, essentially turning the show into a mockery of itself. It's quite ridiculous to watch an episode of Teen Mom 2 that was filmed nearly a year ago in which Jenelle is claiming that she is “getting her life together,” all while her current life is playing out online like a white trash telenova.

  In a few years, no one will be talking about Jenelle, and I fear that she's in for a rude awakening. It will be very hard for her to adjust to life off-camera and out of the spotlight. I foresee her continuing her hijinks well int
o the future, just to keep feeding her fame addiction.

  Corey Simms cried tears of joy as he watched his 18 year-old bride, Leah Messer, walk down a makeshift aisle at their October 17, 2010 wedding in Charleston, West Virginia. The romantic affair - staged on a sunny Sunday afternoon at picturesque Coonskin Park - was like a scene plucked from a Hollywood movie. Leah stunned in the satin, ivory-colored Maggie Sottero gown her mother purchased for $1549, while Corey paid tribute to his Mountain State roots with a camouflage tie and vest under his black tuxedo jacket.

  Watching the newlyweds toast to their future - with Coca-Cola! - and dance to John Michael Montgomery's “I Swear,” it was almost impossible to imagine that just six months later, they would be tangled in nasty public divorce, with rumors of cheating, lies and physical abuse rocking the Teen Mom universe. It was a lethal combination of infidelities, money problems and pressures from becoming overnight celebrities that doomed the proud parents of 15 month-old twins Aleeah and Aliannah from the moment they said, “I do,” Leah's mother Dawn Spears says. “Do I think [the show] enabled a bunch of drama issues for these kids? Yes I do,” she says. “Drama sells.”

  Longing For Her Father's Love

  Leah may have been young when she married, but Dawn was even younger. She met Leah's father, Gary, at her church and after a short courtship, began begging her parents to allow them to marry. They reluctantly agreed, on the condition that the young couple didn't have children for at least two years. But that didn't work out. “I got married at 16 and got pregnant [with Leah] two months later,” Dawn says. “So I was 16 and pregnant too - but I was married first!”

  As a child, Leah was “wild…but a good kid” -- a lot like her daughter Aleeah, Dawn remembers: “If you watch her story, she is so determined, like nothing's going to stop her from making it. She's been like that since she was little.” Leah, one of three children, was in kindergarten when her parents decided to split. She was particularly close with her father - a real “Daddy's girl,” Dawn remembers. “But [after the divorce] they didn't have much of a relationship because he would call and promise them stuff for Christmas, or say he was coming to see them, and they'd sit and wait on him and he'd never show up. She'd sit there crying, waiting for him to show up and he'd never come around.”


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