Blood Lust

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Blood Lust Page 31

by Alexandra Ivy

She quivered, her hand lifting to cup the side of his neck in a gesture of intimate affection.


  “And I’m greedy,” he murmured, his blood heating as he allowed his gaze to slowly sweep over her face. “The more I have, the more I want.”

  She blushed, no doubt recalling the long nights when he’d kissed her from head to toe, unable to sate his unquenchable desire for her.

  “So I’ve noticed,” she teased.

  He smiled with wicked anticipation, happiness swelling through him like the most potent aphrodisiac.

  “In fact . . . I’m feeling a little greedy right now,” he assured her, bending down to scoop her off her feet. “Shall we discover if our new home possesses a bed?”

  Her laughter filled the house with a warmth that truly turned it into a home.

  “I remember when you would have been satisfied with a couch,” she taunted.

  He headed out of the kitchen and toward the large master bedroom at the end of the hallway.

  “And I remember how you disappeared the second my back was turned,” he growled, gazing down at the face that had haunted his dreams for years. “I want you in a room where I can lock the door.” Bending his head, he kissed her with a promise of pleasure to come, speaking against her lips. “You’re never going to slip away from me again, cara.”

  Five brave military heroes have survived the hell of

  a Taliban prison to return home—and take on

  civilian missions no one else can. They’re the men of

  ARES Security. Highly skilled, intimidating,

  invincible, and one by one, tested again and again . . .

  Lucas St. Clair’s prestigious family had a political future

  neatly planned out for him—one that didn’t include his

  high school sweetheart, Mia Ramon. Under their

  pressure, Lucas gave her up. But since surviving

  captivity, he’s a changed man—and a crucial member of

  ARES Security. When he discovers a dead man

  clutching a picture of Mia that bears a threatening

  message, his fiercest protective instincts kick in,

  and he knows he must go to her.

  Mia has never forgiven Lucas for breaking her heart,

  and she’s convinced her feelings for him are in the past.

  But it’s soon clear that isn’t true for either of them.

  Now, determined to solve the crime and keep Mia safe,

  with his ARES buddies backing him up, Lucas will have

  to reconstruct the murder victim’s last days—

  and follow a lethal trail that leads right back to

  the fate of the woman he still loves . . .

  Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of

  Alexandra Ivy’s


  coming in January 2017

  wherever print and eBooks are sold!


  The worst part of being held in a Taliban prison was the nightmares. At least as far as Lucas St. Clair was concerned.

  No matter how many years passed, his nights were still plagued with memories of being trapped in the smothering darkness of the caves. He could smell the stench of unwashed bodies and undiluted fear. He could hear the muffled sounds of men praying for death.

  He knew that his parents assumed that his biggest regret was the derailment of his political aspirations. After all, his military career was intended to be the first step in his climb to a position as a diplomat.

  From there . . . well, his family was nothing, if not ambitious. They’d no doubt seen a White House in his future.

  But there were few things that could make a man view his life with stark clarity like five weeks of brutal torture.

  By the time he’d managed to escape the caves, he’d known he was done living his life to please the precious St. Clair clan.

  Instead he’d banded together with his friends, Rafe Vargas, a covert ops specialist, Max Grayson who was trained in forensics, Hauk Laurensen, a sniper, and Teagan Moore, a computer wizard, to create ARES Security.

  He’d wasted too much of his life.

  He intended to leave the past behind and concentrate on his future.

  Of course, there was an old saying about “the best laid plans of mice and men . . .”

  Chapter One

  The Saloon was the sort of bar that catered to the locals in the quiet, Houston neighborhood.

  It was small, with lots of polished wood and an open-beam ceiling. On the weekends they invited a jazz band to play quietly on the narrow stage.

  Lucas spent most Friday evenings at the table tucked in a back corner. It was unofficially reserved for the five men who ran ARES Security.

  They liked the quiet ambiance, the communal agreement that everyone should mind their own fucking business, and the fact that the table was situated so no one could sneak up from behind.

  Trained soldiers didn’t want surprises.

  At the moment, the bar was nearly empty. Not only was it a gray, wet Wednesday evening, but it was the first week of December. That meant Christmas madness was in full swing.

  Perfectly normal people were now in crazy-mode as they scurried from store to store, battling each other for the latest, have-to-have gift. Or attending the endless tour of parties.

  Currently Lucas and Teagan shared the bar with a young couple who were seated near the front bay window. Those two were oblivious to everything but each other. And closer to the empty stage there was a table of college girls. Already at the giggly stage of drunk they were all blatantly checking him out. At least when they weren’t gawking at Teagan.

  No biggie.

  Both men were accustomed to female attention.

  Teagan was a large, heavily muscled man with dark caramel skin, and golden eyes that he’d inherited from his Polynesian mother. He kept his hair shaved close to his skull, and as usual was dressed in a pair of camo pants and shit-kickers. He had an aggressive vibe that was only emphasized by the tight T-shirt that left his arms bare to reveal his numerous tattoos.

  Lucas St. Clair, on the other hand, was wearing a thousand dollar suit that was tailored to perfectly fit his lean body. His glossy black hair was smoothed away from his chiseled face that he’d been told could easily have graced the covers of fashion magazines. As if he gave a shit.

  His eyes were so dark they looked black. It wasn’t until he was in the sunlight that it became obvious they were a deep, indigo blue.

  Most assumed that he was the less dangerous of the two men.

  They’d be wrong.

  But while the girls became increasingly more blatant in their attempts to attract their attention, neither man glanced in their direction.

  Teagan because he already had a flock of women who included super-models, and two famous actresses.

  And Lucas because . . . he grimaced.

  To be honest, he wasn’t sure why. He only knew that his interest in women hadn’t been the same since he’d crawled out of that hell-hole in Afghanistan. Not unless he counted the hours he spent brooding on one woman in particular.

  The one who got away.

  Lucas gave a sharp shake of his head, reaching for his shot of tequila. It slid down his throat like liquid fire, burning away the memories.

  Nothing like a twelve-year-old vintage to ease the pain.

  Lucas glanced toward his companion’s empty glass.

  “Another round?” he asked.

  “Sure.” Teagan waited for Lucas to nod toward the bartender, who was washing glasses at the same time keeping a sharp eye on his few customers. “I assume you’re picking up the tab?”

  Lucas cocked a brow. “Why do I always have to pick up the tab?”

  “You’re the one with the trust fund, amigo, not me,” Teagan said with a shrug. “The only thing my father ever gave me was a concussion and an intimate knowledge of the Texas penal system.”

  Lucas snorted. They all knew that Lucas
would beg in the streets before he would touch a penny of the St. Clair fortune. Just as they all knew that Teagan had risen above his abusive background, and temporary housing in the penitentiary to become a successful businessman. Teagan had not only joined ARES, but he owned a mechanic shop that catered to a high-end clientele who had more money than sense when it came to their precious sports cars.

  “I might break out the violins if I didn’t know you’re making a fortune,” Lucas said as the bartender arrived to replace their drinks with a silent efficiency.

  “Hardly a fortune.” Teagan reached for his beer, heaving a faux sigh. “I have overhead out the ass, not to mention paying my cousins twice what they’re worth. A word of warning, amigo, never go into business with your family.”

  “Too late,” Lucas murmured.

  As far as he was concerned, the men who crawled out of that Taliban cave with him were his brothers. And the only family that mattered.

  “True that.” Teagan gave a slow nod, holding up his frosty glass. “To ARES.”

  Lucas clinked his glass against Teagan’s in appreciation for the bond they’d formed.

  “To ARES.”

  Drinking the tequila in one swallow, Lucas set aside his empty glass. There was a brief silence before Teagan at last spoke the words that’d no doubt been on the tip of his tongue since they walked through the door of the bar.

  “Are you ever going to get to the point of why you asked me to meet you here?” his friend bluntly demanded.

  Lucas leaned back in his chair, arching his brows.

  “Couldn’t it just be because I enjoy your sparkling personality?”

  Teagan snorted. “If I’d known this was a date I would have worn my lucky shirt.”

  “You need a shirt to get lucky?”

  “Not usually.” Teagan flashed his friend a mocking smile. “But I’ve heard you like to play hard to get.”

  Lucas grimaced at the direct hit. Yeah. Hard to get was one way to put it.

  “I want to discuss Hauk,” he admitted, not at all eager to think about his lack of a sex life.

  Teagan leaned forward, folding his arms on the table. “Did you pick up any intel from your overseas contacts?”

  Lucas didn’t ask how his companion knew he was quietly reaching out to his military connections in an effort to track down who was stalking Hauk. They were each using their various skills to discover who was responsible for leaving the creepy messages that were increasingly threatening in nature.

  “Yeah.” He’d received an updated report earlier that morning. “There’s been no chatter that includes Hauk or anything about our escape from Afghanistan.”

  Teagan nodded. Each of them had managed to make enemies during their time in the Middle East. It was war. But Hauk was a sniper who’d received a very public Medal of Honor for taking out three powerful terrorist leaders during his time in service.

  That was the sort of thing that pissed people off.

  “Then this isn’t the work of an organized cell?”

  “Nope.” Lucas gave a decisive shake of his head. He’d contacted everyone he knew, including those at Homeland Security. If Hauk’s name had been floating around as a potential target, someone would have heard about it by now. “It’s more likely some independent whack-job.”

  Teagan’s jaw hardened with frustration. “I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed. If it was a cell we could keep an eye on them, but how the hell do we find some lone nutcase?”

  “I have put the word out that I’m looking for information on anyone who’s shown an interest in Hauk.” Lucas studied his companion’s grim expression. “What about you?”

  Teagan reached for his beer. “I’m doing a computer search on anyone who served with Hauk during his tour in the Middle East and has left the military in the past six months.”

  Lucas arched a brow. Teagan was talented. Maybe even the best hacker in the States. But he wasn’t a miracle worker.

  “That’s a long list.”

  “It’s going to take awhile,” Teagan admitted, taking a deep drink of his beer.

  “Shit. I hate this waiting,” Lucas muttered. The thought that some unseen enemy was hunting Hauk was making them all twitchy. “What about Max?”

  “He’s . . .” Teagan slowly lowered his beer as his gaze narrowed. “Did you forget to pay your taxes?”

  Lucas frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Teagan nodded across the room. “There’s a government employee who just flashed a badge at the bartender and is now heading in our direction.”

  Lucas glanced over his shoulder, his gaze trained on the middle-aged man strolling in their direction.

  The stranger had thinning blond hair that was ruffled from the stiff breeze. A suit that was in dire need of a good pressing. Cheap shoes. And a face that had a hint of a bulldog.

  Yep. Definitely a government grunt.

  Lucas turned back toward his friend. “How do you know he isn’t looking for you?”

  “I’m too clever to get caught.”

  Lucas rolled his eyes. “Christ.”

  “Lucas St. Clair?”

  Halting next to the table, the man instantly locked his attention on Lucas. Which meant he knew exactly what Lucas looked like.

  So, had he recognized Lucas because of his ties to the St. Clair clan? Or because he’d done a background check before entering the Saloon?

  Lucas was betting on the background check.

  The stranger didn’t look like the sort of man to take an interest in politics.


  The man flashed a badge that identified him as HOUSTON HOMICIDE DETECTIVE SERGEANT SAM COOPER.

  “I have a few questions for you.”

  Lucas remained relaxed in his chair. There was no reason to get his panties in a twist. If there’d been a death in his powerful family he wouldn’t be contacted by a midlevel bureaucrat.

  And he hadn’t killed anyone. At least, not lately.

  “Concerning?” he asked.

  The man glanced around the nearly empty bar. “Do you want to do this here?”

  Lucas shrugged. “Unless we need to include my lawyer.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  The “yet” hung in the air between them and suddenly Lucas was a lot less nonchalant about the encounter.

  Narrowing his gaze, he nodded his head toward the chair across the table.

  “Have a seat, Detective.” Waiting until the man lowered his solid form into the chair, Lucas waved a hand toward his friend who glowered at the lawman with a menacing frown. “This is Teagan Moore.”

  “Detective Cooper,” Teagan muttered, folding his arms over his chest to make it clear he wasn’t leaving.

  Lucas hid his smile. In his work as a negotiator, he’d learned the art of subtlety. It was easier to persuade people to do what he wanted, rather than trying to force them.

  Teagan, on the other hand, was a sledgehammer.

  Returning his attention to the Detective, he tapped an impatient finger on the table. He had a dozen things he needed to take care of before he could return to his elegant townhouse in the center of Houston.

  ARES Security might be a relatively new business, but they were already swamped with demands for their services. And to make matters more insane, Rafe had taken off with his new bride to Hawaii for a well-earned honeymoon.

  He wanted to be done with this cop so he could get back to work.

  “You said you have some questions,” he prompted.

  The man offered a self-deprecating smile, but Lucas didn’t miss the cunning intelligence in the man’s blue eyes.

  He was a man who liked to be underestimated.

  Taking the time to pull a small notebook and pen from an inner pocket of his jacket, Sam Cooper laid them neatly on the table.

  Precise. Careful. Meticulous.

  “What’s your relationship to Anthony Hughes?” he at last asked.

  Lucas frowned. �
�There is no relationship. I’ve never heard of—” He bit off his words as an ancient memory floated to the surface of his brain. “Wait. I went to prep school with a Tony Hughes. I don’t know if that’s the same guy.”

  “Where was the school?”

  Lucas shrugged. “Hale Academy in Shreveport.”

  The Detective’s face remained impassive, but something flashed through his eyes that told Lucas that they were speaking about the same person.

  “So the two of you are friends?”

  Lucas hesitated. In truth, the two couldn’t have been more opposite.

  He was the son of a senator. He’d lived in a fancy mansion on the edge of town with a nanny while his parents spent most of their time in D.C. Tony was the youngest of five brothers who grew up in a shack that had barely been habitable. If Tony hadn’t been a six foot two behemoth who excelled at football he would never have been admitted into the exclusive private school.

  And even that wouldn’t have made them more than classmates.

  It was only their mutual friendship with Mia Ramon that’d thrown them together.

  “Not really,” he said. “I haven’t seen him in fifteen years.”

  Sam scribbled on his notepad, his gaze never leaving Lucas’s face.

  “You’re sure? He hasn’t tried to call or contact you?”

  “I’m sure.” Lucas felt a stab of dread. “What’s going on? Is he in trouble?”

  The Detective instantly pounced. “Why would you say that?”

  Lucas arched a brow. “Beyond the fact a Homicide Detective is asking me questions about him?”

  “Yeah, beyond that.”

  “It was no secret that Tony was doing drugs from the time he arrived at Hale,” he admitted, not bothering to add that Tony was also dealing to make enough money to support his dead-beat dad. It wouldn’t take much of a Detective to dig up that old dirt. “He was kicked off the football team when he tested positive for weed our senior year. If some unknown donor hadn’t come up with his tuition he would have been forced to leave school.”

  More scribbling on the pad. “Were you close growing up?”

  “I didn’t really know him until he transferred to the academy.”


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