The Unknown Royal Heir

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The Unknown Royal Heir Page 4

by Kimber Swan

  I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and ask him if he wants one by pointing to the bottle. He shakes his head no, indicating with a nod of his head to the mug on the coffee table. Once I’m seated on the couch next to him, I start retelling the events of the night from when Scott and Richard tried to grab me up until a few minutes ago.

  “Fuckers need to be taught a lesson.” He blusters. “I need you to tell me if you see them again.”

  “I don’t think we need to worry about them anymore. Daniel did a pretty bang up job of protecting me.”

  I sigh dreamily again, shaking my head to clear it. I hate the way I lose all sane thought when I think of him. Daniel is distracting when physically present but now when he’s absent?

  “Who does he think he is?” Dante says, anger emanating from his voice.

  I blurt out, “Well, he thinks who he is because he’s a Duke.”

  Dante snaps his head in my direction. His jaw slack and catching butterflies. It’s quite comical when Dante is caught by surprise. He blinks his eyes a few times before responding.

  “A Duke?” He says, shaking the shock off. “Duke of what? Like a real duke?”

  ““Yeah, a real Duke. The Duke of Balwart. It’s in some small country, north of Scotland.”

  “Wow, that’s….” He shakes his head. “…. but that still doesn’t give him the right.”

  “I know and I said as much. He apologized and asked if we could start over. He’s taking me out next Sunday.” I yawn and rub my eyes. “Are we done here because I’m going to bed? I have the early shift. Afterwards I want to go to the library and find out more about him.”

  It is times like this I would love to have a computer, but the monthly bill would push us over the edge financially. It would be nice to Google him in the privacy of my own home.

  “Good idea.” Dante says, his anger abating.

  He follows me into my room and starts pulling pajamas out of the dresser drawers as I walk to the bathroom to wash the make-up off. This has been a routine of ours for as long as I can remember. Dante needs to tuck me in bed on the nights we go out. I think it’s his way of making sure I am safe and sound in bed.

  Once tucked in, he kisses my forehead.

  “Good night, girlfriend. Have pleasant dreams.” As he reaches the door, he turns back around. “Hey, I’m sorry I overreacted back at the club. I don’t like it that someone else came to your rescue. That’s my job. I know it won’t always be my job, but until I am ready to let you go….”

  Sitting up I reply with, “It will always be your job. You will always be my brother, best friend and confidante.”

  He looks despondently at me because we both know that when and if I do find the right guy things may change. I will never marry someone who doesn’t understand my relationship with Dante. The man I marry will know we are a package deal. We have been through too much not to be together.

  “Hey, so what happened with the guy you were speaking to? Did you get his number?”

  “Yeah. He was waiting at the door, watching the scene unfold outside. He asked who you were and I told him. We had a few drinks as he tried to calm me down. We have a date next weekend.”

  “That’s great, I told you your dry spell was only short term. But you never listen to me. What do I know?” I say sarcastically.

  “Shut up. You don’t have to say I told you so.”

  “Yes, I do because it doesn’t happen often and when it does, I have to gloat.”

  “Bitch.” He replies mockingly.

  I throw a pillow hitting him squarely in the chest.

  He grunts.

  Giggling I say, “Good night.”

  He throws the pillow back at me aiming for my head, but I catch it.


  Chapter Three

  It has been two months since our impromptu midnight ride. Daniel cancelled our date several times due to business in Farquadt. We had a date planned when he called canceling again after the puddle jumper landed in Scotland. The plane didn’t even leave the runway before it was taking off again back to Farquadt. That was two weeks ago. I’m at a point where I think we should forget about it.

  I was surprised when he called late last night before his flight. He didn’t want to jinx his return to the states this time. No one knew he was leaving. He insisted on coming straight from the airport to take me out. Luckily, I have the day off. I tried convincing him to wait a day or two, but he was adamant. He was afraid something would come up yet again.

  Daniel refused to tell me where we’re going, but only said to dress casual and that we would be gone all day. When the knock at the door finally comes, I’m relieved to see him on the other of the door when it opens. He releases a breath when our eyes met across the threshold. My breath hitches at the sight of him- all male wrapped in worn jeans with a hole in the knee and black tee shirt.


  His eyes peruse my body, sending a tingle from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I am dressed casually in a floral print sundress, but he makes me feel naked.

  “Hi.” I suddenly feel shy.

  “Hi yourself.” He leans in kissing my cheek. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah, let me just grab my purse.” I reply, smiling.

  “No need. You won’t need anything.”

  “I need-.”

  He interrupts me.

  “I have everything we need on the bike.”

  Excitedly, I respond, “The bike?”

  “Yeah.” His lips twitch at the corners. “I thought today was a great day for the beach. Maybe have a picnic, take a walk and talk?”

  “That sounds great.”

  “Good, then let’s go.”

  He grabs my hand. I feel a shock of electricity and gasp. I stare at his hand looking for the source of the zap, but nothing is there.

  “Wait, let me change my shoes. Come in and make yourself at home. I won’t be long.”

  I tug on our joined hands but they release as he closes the door. I instantly feel the loss. I don’t look back afraid he might see more than I want him to. The familiar groaning sounds of the vinyl couch echo in the room when he sits down.

  “Sorry for the mess. We aren’t usually home for long and rarely have company. Cleaning isn’t a priority.” I yell from my room, adding a bathing suit under my outfit.

  “We?” He inquires.

  “Yeah, Dante and me. This is our place.”

  “I didn’t know you lived with him. I thought you were neighbors.”

  “No. It’s a long story, I’ll tell you some time.”

  “I’d love to hear it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you said you and Dante weren’t involved, right?”

  His tone sounds off. I laugh at his comment.

  “No, we’re not involved. Dante doesn’t see me like that.”

  “Oh.” He stands when he hears me closing my bedroom door. “I would never have guessed that with the way you two are around each other.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I laugh. “We tease each other mercilessly.”


  When he notices the change of clothing, he looks at me with an unasked question. I shrug my shoulders in a silent answer. The thought of mounting the motorcycle and being snug against him has my imagination running amok. Or maybe it’s that we are finally going out. I won’t lie to myself any longer. I missed him.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  I feel my face flame at the wild thoughts of all the things we could do on the motorcycle. His eyes twinkle. His grin becomes roguish and knowing like he can read my erotic thoughts.

  “Okay, then let’s go.” He says reaching for my hand.

  Again, I feel the quick shock when our flesh touches.

  “Oh, wait. Let me leave Dante a note so he doesn’t worry.”

  I grab paper and pen from the junk drawer. The note explains enough for Dante to know who I’m with. He left early this morning before I woke to cover a shift for Trish, a friend. I place the
note strategically on the refrigerator.


  Our apartment building lacks an elevator, which I have always hated up until this moment, but the leisurely walk down four flights of stairs with Daniel’s hand resting at the base of my back, warm and protective, I’m loving them. Someone opens the door at the base as we near, letting the sunlight in, brightening the dim hallway. Outside he repeats same routine he did the last time we mounted the bike- clasping his hand over both of mine when they’re around his waist. He eases the bike slowly out of the space not letting go of my hand.

  “Remember, hang on tight.” He says over his shoulder at the first traffic light, finally releasing my hands to grip the handle bars with both hands.

  I squeeze his middle tightly. The speed with which he takes off would have knocked me off if I wasn’t holding onto his thighs with mine. The freeing sensation immediately takes hold. The only worry, in the deepest recesses of my mind, is being in a horrific accident, but that’s part of the excitement. The danger.

  Traffic is unbearable in the city at this time. It takes a while to get to the bridge, but once on the highway, time seems to escape us. The blue sky and scorching sun makes for a great beach day- rare for the middle of October.

  The beach is teeming with beach goers and surfers enjoying the rare Indian summer day when we arrive. After parking the bike relatively close to the entrance, he points to an open spot next to an oversized tent. He guides me to the spot. I stop to remove my sandals before we hit the sand. Daniel follows suit with his loafers.

  The delicious smells of barbeque are wafting from the tent. My stomach protests from its lack of food, my nerves getting the best of me this morning. Daniel seizes my empty hand, pulling me along behind him. We pass the spot he pointed to and continue toward the tent.

  “This looks private. Let’s go back over there.” I point to where we just came from.

  He ignores me, continuing forward. Annoyed, I tug on his hand attempting to stop him.

  “No, you don’t understand, we can’t just go in there. It’s private.”

  He smiles at me and realization dawns.

  Flabbergasted, I choke out, “This is our picnic?”

  He nods curtly, continuing to walk, letting go of my hand.

  “Welcome to our picnic.” He says, opening the tent flap wider with flourish, affording me a better look inside.

  “This isn’t the type of picnic I was thinking of.” I mutter to myself, but he overhears.

  “Really? What were you expecting?” He inquires with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, when you mentioned a picnic, I thought…, you know…, a blanket, sandwiches with sand in them, towels. This is more like five star dining.”

  People are meandering by, trying to glimpse in. The whole scene makes me feel as if we’re on display. I’m annoyed with myself when I realize I would probably have the same reaction as these beach goers especially knowing I try never to intrude on someone’s privacy. It sucks when you realize how you truly are no different than other nosy people.

  “Next time, warn a girl. Would you?” I say, annoyed when some nosy beach goer sticks her head in the tent.

  “Well, where’s the fun in that.” He looks at me questioningly. “You don’t like surprises?”

  “I guess they’re okay. It depends on the type.”

  He distracts me with his question.

  “Is this a good type of surprise?”

  “Most definitely, but a little disconcerting. I feel underdressed and on display.” I say as another nosy body peeks in.

  “We’re at the beach having a picnic.” He tries reassuring me.

  I look around at the splendor of the tent and sarcastically look back at him.

  “Yeah, some picnic.”

  An ornately decorated table sits amidst the tent. Refreshments and other goodies are manned by a chef wearing a white hat. The wonderful aromas tickle my nose. I inhale leisurely, savoring the scents. A waiter assists me with my seat then helps Daniel with his across from me.

  “So, is this a typical date for you?” I say, leaning towards him with my elbows resting on the table, trying to get a picture of what his life must be like.

  Before he answers, his eyes darken as his gaze roams down. He turns his head as if something caught his attention outside the tent. I casually look down at the way I’m sitting and realize my cleavage is on display for him.

  His eyes are masked when he turns back.



  “What else do I have to look forward to?” I tease trying to lighten the suddenly cold atmosphere.

  He looks back at me oddly.

  “You know, you’re right. This is all wrong. Wait right there.”

  He’s so mercurial. He abruptly leaves the tent without a word. There is a blanket hanging on one arm and a towel in the other when he returns. The waiter rushes over, removing the place settings. I look inquisitively at the waiter then at Daniel, who is spreading a blanket outside in front of the tent.

  “What are you doing?”

  I walk towards the entrance to verify my suspicions. People are blatantly staring at him as he places the blanket down the straightens it. The man is either crazy or wants to please me. Hopefully. It’s the latter.

  “There. That’s more like a picnic. Come. Sit.” He pats a spot on the blanket next to him.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Yes, I did. You were expecting a picnic, not gourmet dining.” He smirks, throwing my words back at me.

  “Crazy ass.” I mutter to myself.

  I look at him, embarrassed that I may have said that too loud. And by his shocked expression, he did. He chuckles. I feel my cheeks warm.

  “What, no one has ever called you crazy?”

  I don’t even bother to hid my rolling eyes.

  “Actually, they do.” He replies with a smug smile.

  “Then what? No one ever call you an ass?” I remark skeptically.

  “No, actually, they haven’t. In my country, history has taught us that by insulting royalty, it is grounds for imprisonment. Even though we don’t practice that custom anymore, some people are still hesitant about insulting the hand that feeds them.”

  That doesn’t bode well for us. I always speak my mind without thought for the consequences, driving Dante crazy most times.

  “Seriously, you didn’t have to do this. Thank you.”

  The sun feels good warming my skin, but too quickly I find myself sweating. I remove my blouse leaving the small white and black polka dot bikini top. Daniel clears his throat. I glancing at him from the corner of my eye and see him shifting his position. Inwardly I smile. The waiter arrives shortly with wine filled goblets breaking the sudden tension. As I am about to take a sip, Daniel offers up a toast.

  “To a wonderful picnic.”

  “Yes, to a wonderful picnic.” I raise my glass in salute.

  He laces our fingers together and the familiar buzzing returns. We simultaneously stare at our clasped hands, sitting there in silence for a while. The setting is beautiful as the waves crash against the shore, surfers and sunbathers wade in the water, kids make sand castles close to the ocean’s edge while their parents look on and a bunch of teenagers play volleyball not too far away. This place is magical. I only remember coming to the beach one other time when I was really young and my mother was still alive.

  I turn my upper body to look at Daniel. His shirt is gone. My breath catches at his ripped physique. His smug smile is answer enough to know he knows how he affects me. His body looks as if it is chiseled out of marble- hard and defined. It’s my turn to clear my voice and look away. I try to break the awkwardness but instead stutter.

  “Um, so, um, what do you want to do?”

  He smiles at my loss of words, clearly having fun with my discomfort.

  “Whatever you want.”

  Standing up gracefully, my confidence builds with each movement. I slowly bend over lowering
my jean shorts, revealing the remainder of the bikini. His sharp intake of air lets me know I achieved my goal. More slowly and even more dramatically, I stand up giving him time to get the full picture. I have never been happier about my figure as I am right now.

  The heat in his gaze when I turn around causes my internal thermostat to rise several degrees. Trying to ignore him, I casually walk to the water line and dive in a few feet from the shore. I can barely touch the bottom when I surface.

  Holy crap the water is cold.

  Floating, I turn around searching for him and see he’s striding determinedly towards me, sans pants. He appears angry but with his shades on, it makes it difficult to judge his mood. I know without a doubt he is angry as he swims closer then passes me without glancing in my direction. Confused by his sudden mood change, I turn to follow him and see something a bit farther away from us, floating out towards sea. He catches whatever it is and holds it up for me to see, but it isn’t until he swims closer that I realize it is the top of my bathing suit.

  “Oh God.”

  I quickly try to cover my exposed breasts, but I can’t cover them and stay afloat.

  My first instinct is to swim back to shore, but I can’t leave the water for obvious reasons. Damn, damn, double damn. I turn around, look up at the sky hoping for divine intervention, but none seems to be coming. This is a cosmic joke or payback for our little flirting before. I took it a step too far and this is His retribution. I look over my shoulder and am surprised to see Daniel directly behind me.

  “I’ll tie it on.” He voice is low, repressing his anger, I think.

  Embarrassed I say, “I can manage,” while raising my hand for the top.

  “Like you managed to tie it before?”

  No doubt about it now. Anger seeps through his sarcastic question. I turn around ignoring my current state of undress to see his eyes focus on my bobbing boobs. His nostrils flare before he quickly looks away. His cheeks reddening. I snatch the offending piece of material and place it over my breasts.

  “You can look now.”

  My embarrassment is burned away by annoyance and my own mounting anger. I turn around allowing him to tie it.


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