The Unknown Royal Heir

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The Unknown Royal Heir Page 7

by Kimber Swan

  I hear my phone vibrate on the counter.

  “Should I call now? I doubt he’s there. Maybe we should wait until next week after Thanksgiving.”

  “Here, let me see your phone.” He asks, holding out his hand.

  I hand it to him and he looks through it. Before I know it, he’s talking to the private investigator about what we need, questioning how much it is going to cost. After a brief conversation, Dante hangs up.

  “Okay. We’re definitely going to need the extra money. He’s asking for a deposit, which we can afford now but depending on what he finds will depend on how much it is going to cost.”

  “I’ll pick up an extra shift at work and see if I can get some part time work elsewhere.” I state matter of fact.

  “No. I’ll do a couple of fights. Enough to get us ahead and then I’m done.”

  “Please don’t, Dante.” I plead, blinking back the sea of tears.

  “It’s settled. There’s a fight tonight that I was thinking about entering for a little while now. The pot is huge if I win. I’ll call Tony and let him know I’m in.”

  “You’ve been talking to him?”

  Dante ignores me, making the call. The anticipation of him possibly getting hurt because of me is killing me. My nails are paying the price. It’s times like this I wish we had better paying jobs or family we could borrow money from. He hangs up turning to me.

  “It starts at eight. I need to be there by seven forty-five. As long as you don’t get in the way and I don’t get distracted by my girlfriend being there, Tony said it was okay to bring you.”

  “Your girlfriend?” I question him, smirking.

  “Yeah, it was the only way to get you in. So, play the part and I’ll play mine.”

  I sigh frustrated and scared. “Fine, finish cleaning up and I’ll get ready. Should I wear something special?”

  “Wear something comfortable and not too showy. You need to be a wallflower.” He replies absentmindedly.

  “Got it. Jeans and a hoodie.”

  “Perfect. Cover your hair. This way no one will try to pick you up. I need my mind on the match, not on you. Are you sure you want to come?”

  “I have to. You’re doing this for us.”

  “I’ve done this before for us and didn’t involve you. This is me keeping the promise I made after the last fight.”

  “Thank you, I won’t get in the way.” I hug him.

  A sense of foreboding surrounds me as I dash off to my room to change. If only I could see the future.

  Chapter Five

  We don’t have much in the way of material things, never knowing when we may have to up root ourselves. I realize that now more than ever standing in front of my closet. There isn’t a thing to wear. All my jeans are waiting to be taken to the laundromat along with the two hoodies I own. In the back of my closet where all women keep the clothing they buy but are unsure of the purchase at time, was a pair skinny jeans with tailored rips, some rips a bit more revealing than others. I take it off the plastic hanger and think better of it when Dante knocks at the door.

  “Are you ready?” He calls into my room opening the door slightly.

  “I need five more minutes.” I reply, looking at the jeans, sighing.

  Quickly, I don the jeans and look at the hoodies on the floor to determine which looks cleaner and then sniff the cleaner one. Dante makes me do a quick turn in the living room to assess my choice of clothing. He makes some minor adjustments to my hair and the little make-up I wear. We leave shortly after that.

  The ring is only two subway stops away from where we live. We hop on the el train. I’m wound up while Dante leans his head back, completely at ease. There’s an unsupervised child darting about the aisle. There’s a group of teenagers sitting by the door, laughing. Dante places his hand on my knee, stopping the bouncing.

  “It’s going to be fine. I promise.” He says sincerely.

  I smile at his thoughtfulness. I grip his hand, squeezing it.

  The ring is a converted warehouse like something out of a gladiator movie with dirt floors and an open ring, ratcheting up my fear a little more. The bright lights highlighting the ring cast shadows over the rest of the space. The high ceilings heighten the raucous noise of the patrons. The place is packed with all walks of humanity. Men and women are standing about yelling, trying to place their bets.

  If two people could be attached at the hip, Dante and I were those people. Dante introduces Tony to me as Anthony. Tony has been attempting to get Dante alone since we arrived, but Dante will have none of it until he finds the right spot to deposit me. The first fight is ending and I can see Dante’s behavior changing. When Dante finds a safe spot, he lets go of my hand and removes his sweats with grace despite his large frame. He leaves the hoodie on and starts jabbing at the air, bouncing on his toes from foot to foot.

  The first set of fighters leave the ring bloodied and exhausted. Dante squeezes my hand as the fighters brush past us. The loser can barely walk straight and the winner is not in much better shape. A wisp of my hair falls free from the hood. I raise my hand to move it when I noticed it trembling before my eyes. The atmosphere in the arena is intense with the anticipation of a new title being awarded at the end of tonight’s event, which Dante explained is why there are so many people here tonight.

  The emcee announces, “Last call for bets. The next fight starts in ten minutes.”

  “Remember, stay here and don’t move.” He whispers loudly in my ear.

  “Got it. Don’t move.” I don’t recognize my own voice.

  “You sure you’re going to be okay?”

  “I’m fine as long as you don’t get hit. I don’t think I could take that.” I yell in his ear.

  He smiles at me. “How about I only let them hit me twice at most.”

  “You can do that?” I ask disbelievingly.

  “Of course,” he says sure of himself. “I have to make it look good otherwise what’s the point in betting?”

  Ten minutes go by very quickly. Dante continues jumping in place, warming up. We don’t speak much. The energy surrounding me feels alive the closer we get to the match.

  Dante leans over, whispering in my ear. “Love you sweetie.”

  He kisses my forehead then walks towards the ring as his stage name is announced. The crowd cheers, but it is nothing compared to when the crowd’s favorite is announced. The loss of Dante’s protection is immediately felt as the rowdy crowd swallows me up. I start to think maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  A group of guys near me start leering. One of the guys takes a menacing step toward me. I take a step back retreating into myself hoping to stop the unwanted attention. A few feet and minutes later, their attention is turned toward the fight as the emcee speaks.

  My moment of ease is quickly replaced by nervous energy as the first punch is thrown, narrowly missing Dante’s head. If Dante wins this fight, then he continues until he loses. The payoff is greater with each fight he wins. I have never seen him fight up close, but I know his driving force tonight and well, let’s say this will be a long, bloody night- no pun intended.

  Thankfully, Dante is still standing after three fights, not looking the worse for wear besides the tiredness in his eyes. His face is unmarred unlike his opponents who have not fared as well. There are two more fights left including the final one. The fight currently taking place is to determine the opponent Dante will fight in the final.

  One of Tony’s thugs, and I say thug because that’s what he looks like, pulls Dante away from me. My back is stiff from standing too long in one spot. Dante returned to me after each fight as he promised not giving me the chance to move. I spot a chair not too far from where I am. The lecherous stares begin again as I sit, but this time one guy approaches me. I stand up ready to flee, but am blocked by his friends.

  “Hey, there. I haven’t seen you here before.” He says.

  His eyes roam over my body leisurely in an unwanted way. The need to
take a shower overwhelms me. I shiver trying to ignore him. After a couple of minutes he tries again, becoming more irritated each time I ignore him.

  “I saw you with D-man. Are you his?”

  Again, I ignore him, hoping Dante returns quickly to disabuse this guy of any notions he may have.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you.” He shoves me in the shoulder.

  I slide the chair between us this time blatantly ignoring him. This guy must be thick in the head because he isn’t getting the picture.

  “Listen, I’m talking to you. You think you’re too good for me?” He says leaning in my face.

  He forcibly yanks me towards him despite his short, squat frame. The hoodie falls back. The stale smell of booze and something else permeates my senses as he breathes heavily in my face from his exertion. Startled, I yelp catching people’s attention within close proximity of us. His grip tightens as I try to squirm out of his grasp. This will surely leave a mark.

  “Aren’t you a pretty thing?” He says, touching my hair. “How much does D-man pay you? I can double it.”

  The clothing and jewelry suggests money, but his yellow, crooked teeth and greasy hair say differently. He may have money, but he has no class. His grip loosens enough for me to remove my arm and make a move, but two arms wrap securely around my waist pulling me tight against a hard body. I stiffen, thinking this is it. I’m about to be abducted and Dante will never know what happened. The hard body starts nuzzling on my ear and my horror grows. I suck in a deep breath.

  “I got you.” The velvet rasp of Daniel’s voice whispers in my ear.

  My anxiety ebbs immediately.

  Daniel kisses my neck and inhales, dragging his nose seductively up the side of my neck as only a lover would. I quiver under his touch. My heart stops suddenly then picks up its pace double time. My accoster looks up and behind me, furious as hell.

  “Is there a problem? I told my girlfriend not to venture from D-man while I was collecting my winnings, but it looks like she can’t listen.” I stiffen at being spoken about the way he is. “I’ll have to teach her a lesson when we get home.”

  Daniel’s innuendo is clearly understood by the gathering crowd as they snicker. If it isn’t, the smack on my ass conveys his meaning more clearly. He pushes me behind him in the general direction of where Dante is. I look back and find Dante. He realizes what is transpiring and pushes people out of the way to get to me

  “Did my girlfriend offend you somehow?” Daniel says lightly.

  Dante’s nostrils flare as he hears the tail end of the conversation. I squeeze Dante’s arm stopping him from anything he may be thinking. I can feel his muscles tighten with every word uttered between Daniel and this guy. I lean up into Dante’s ear.

  “Let Daniel handle it.”

  He glares at me.

  “You should keep her on a shorter lease and teach her some manners. It’s not polite to ignore someone when they’re talking to you.”

  Dante takes another step closer. Daniel holds up his hand to Dante, halting his movements.

  “That would be my fault, again.” Daniel shakes his head, sighing with nonchalance. “I told her not to talk to anyone except me or D-man.”

  Dante finally grasping the situation, places me behind him out of harm’s way. I drink Daniel’s powerful form in. It reminds me how much I missed him. However, the Daniel in front of me is a stranger. He exudes a tangible danger, even more dangerous than the one at the club. I’ve never met such a chameleon of a man.

  “Well, she looked real cozy cuddling in the corner with D-man.” He looks back at his friends, snickering. “You know, I don’t think you are her boyfriend.”

  “I think D-man needs some incentive to win the next fight.” Another guy says, stepping towards me. “Maybe if we had some fun with her that would be encouragement.”

  Dante stiffens. If it weren’t for the death grip I have on him, he would have lunged forward.

  “What do you say sweetheart? You know you want it.” The first guy says, attempting to step towards me, but Daniel menacingly steps in his way.

  It sounds like Daniel is growling.

  “Now you’ve gone and started a problem with me.” Daniel says with mock annoyance, but thinly veiled anger. “I have a problem with dirt bags trying to touch and talk to what’s mine.”

  The guy looks mildly amused looking Daniel up and down.

  “And what are you going to do about it?”

  The guy’s friends all take a step closer.

  “You grabbed her before and now you’re talking to her. Do I need to spell it out for you?” Daniel replies ominously all trace of annoyance gone and replaced by something far more sinister.

  Both Dante and Daniel are poised like cobras ready to strike. This guy has no idea the hornet’s nest he rattled. I know what Dante is capable of and can only imagine what Daniel can do after his last rescue.

  I’m briefly reminded of the guy Dante put in the hospital for three weeks while we were on the streets. Even after I tried pulling him off the guy’s unconscious body, it took Dante knocking me flat on my ass for him to finally stop. I had never seen Dante that way before and never since. So, I know exactly what he is capable.

  Daniel, from what little he relayed to me has had to fight for his life and that of his family’s since an early age. He has had to be one step ahead of his enemies to physically survive the constant threats. I have no doubt Daniel could be lethal if pushed too far. I fear they both are at their breaking points.

  I step around Dante, out of his reach, and walk up to Daniel. He must have eyes in the back of his head because he offers me his hand stopping any further movement. I wrap my hands around his bicep resting my cheek intimately on his shoulder while still standing slightly behind him. My hope is to walk away from this without any bloodshed. Daniel, still on the verge of attacking, calms slightly with my touch.

  Tony yells at Dante pushing his way through the crowd. Two other guys I didn’t see before start to close in on our group as well, but they don’t seem to be with Tony. They’re deadlier than anyone here.

  “I told you if she caused any problems we would have a problem.” Tony sneers at me. “Now she’s cost me time collecting bets because everyone is more interested in what’s going on over here then spending money. I’m taking this out of your cut.”

  Dante, already fuming, starts to speak but Daniel stops him with his hand never taking his eyes off the other guy. “That won’t be necessary. How much are you out? I’ll cover it.”

  I whip my head up looking at Daniel, but he ignores me. I look towards Dante.

  “Hard to say the exact amount. Definitely in the thousands.” Daniel quirks his eyebrow, but Tony sees an opportunity. “Maybe tens of thousands. Hard to say really. Unless of course, you know….”

  Daniel waits for him to continue, but when he doesn’t Daniel says, “Unless what?”

  Tony looks Daniel over like a prized horse at the stables. I know what he sees- a tall, muscular, hardened male. His clothing doesn’t hid much, but the real thing is even better.

  “You look like a guy who can handle of himself. Not too many guys would stand up to Gino here if they knew what’s good for them.” Tony looks down his nose at Gino then drops the hammer. “Fight for me.”

  The small crowd gathered around us murmur their disapproval. I look first at Daniel then at Dante. Daniel looks down at me contemplatively for the first time since this mess started then hands me off to Dante, but not before staking his claim with a drawn out kiss. He pulls back then shakes Tony hand in an unspoken agreement.

  What just happened?

  It happened so fast. Daniel is fighting in Dante’s place?


  Tony leads Daniel to the ring, leaving me with my mouth agape. Gino follows Tony, blustering about the way Tony spoke to him. After Tony ignores him, Gino pushes his way through the crowd angrily with his two goons following in his wake forgetting his conflict with me. Tony takes the microphone i
n his hand and clears his voice before speaking.

  “Ladies and gentlemen.” He waits for the noise to quiet to a loud hum. “There has been a change in fighters this evening. D-man has suddenly fallen ill.”

  The loud “boos” take me aback. Some people around us look at Dante with sneers. I step back into him. He braces me while staring them all down.

  Tony continues. “Unknown to us as a fighter, D-man’s replacement won’t let us down. He promises to keep us entertained and win us large amounts of money, but only to those who are willing to bet against his opponent, The Storm.”

  The crowd goes wild at the mention of the reigning champion. The guy is the size of a brick house and probably as tall. I’m not sure how’s he won the fights because he doesn’t look like he can move all too fast. But looks can be deceiving.

  “Fifteen minutes to fight time. Place all final bets.” Tony finishes, handing the microphone roughly back to the referee.

  Tony ushers Daniel out of the ring. They’re head to head discussing God knows what, probably last minute terms when I approach. Daniel shakes his head no then Tony talks some more. Daniel gives the slightest nod of his head, ignoring my presence.

  I yell at Dante. “You have to stop this. Dante, please.”

  “Daph, I can’t. The only thing I can do is go in his place but Tony doesn’t want me anymore. He thinks he has a greater chance of making more money on Daniel then me especially since he is an unknown, untried fighter.” I try to move closer, but Dante stops me. “He’s discussing business. He won’t acknowledge you until he’s done.”

  Just watch me.

  I escape Dante’s hold, walking right up to Daniel. He finally acknowledges me by staring down at me then finishes his talk with Tony. When Tony leaves, he turns to me pulling me to the side, away from the crowd. He stands before me. Every inch of me longs for remove the few feet between us.

  “You don’t have to do this. Dante and I will find a way to pay Tony back. Please don’t do this.” I beg, fear lacing my voice.

  My vision blurs.

  Daniel looks down at me with pain shining from his beautiful eyes, then lowers his gaze to our joined hands. My breath hitches in my throat at the intensity of the emotion there. When he looks up, all emotion is gone, hidden from everyone including me. He looks behind me. I feel Dante press himself against me. Cocooned as I am by these two strong, powerful men, I should feel safe and secure, but I am anything but.


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