The Unknown Royal Heir

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The Unknown Royal Heir Page 12

by Kimber Swan


  Shaking with pent up anger, I throw the phone towards the plane and watch as it explodes into tiny pieces when it hits the pavement. Determined to kick his ass for this, I exit the car unaided and stomp up the stairs to the plane.

  Once inside the plane, I notice the look on Dante’s face. His excitement makes me feel ashamed about my behavior. I will kick Daniel’s most glorious ass from here to kingdom come this, regardless of his motives.

  The plane is spacious despite its outward appearance. There is a crest of some sort on the cockpit’s door matching the one on the tail end of the plane. The neutral tones are soothing, which help to assuage my foul mood a little. The cabin is divided into spaces with a room off to the rear. The male flight attendant, attired in a perfectly fit, dark, navy blue suit comes to welcomes us. His blond hair and electric blue eyes are striking. Once seated, he ensures the seat belt is fastened tightly around my waist.

  “My name is Charlie, if you need anything, Miss Michels.” He informs me.

  “Thanks.” I whisper to him. “Whose plane is this?”

  “It’s the Duke of Balwart’s.” He answers.

  I knew this already, but needed the confirmation because no one else seems to be giving me answers.

  “Do you know where we’re headed?”

  He looks to Mo and Curly, but doesn’t answer when I notice them staring at us.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake. Where. Are. We. Going?” I yell exasperated, looking at the ceiling for answers.

  “Milady, please the Duke knows what he’s doing.” The bigger of the two answers me finally.

  “Enough already. I have been taken against my will, ignored, and mistreated.”

  Let’s not forget spoken to harshly and hung up on twice by my so-called boyfriend. But after the events of the last day and half, I may change his status.

  Sighing, I say, “Charlie, I assume you have alcohol on board?”

  He nods.

  “Fine then, I’ll have Stoli Vanilla straight, on the rocks. And keep them coming.”

  “Daphne.” Dante warns in a reproachful voice. “I won’t be carrying you to where ever it is we’re going. Don’t do this.”

  “Leave me alone. Traitor.”

  The tears threaten to fall, but I won’t let them. I stare out the window as the plane readies for take-off.

  “I’m on your side and if that happens to be the side they’re on, then so be it.”

  I sigh, defeated by his words.

  “You’re acting like a spoiled brat. I’m sure Daniel will explain once we meet up with him.”

  “You made your point.” I sneer at him, the tears suddenly evaporating as quickly as they started. “Just one drink please, Charlie.”

  “Sure thing.” When he comes back, I sip the drink and he asks, “Would you like a blanket?”

  “No, thank you.” I whisper. “Could I get a diet Coke for this?”

  He smiles walking away.

  “Where do you think we’re going?” I turn to Dante trying to be positive.

  “I don’t know, it’s exciting. We’ve never been on a plane before and our first ride is on a private jet. Who would’ve thought?” He answers.

  “Yeah, I guess it’s cool.” I lean into him whispering. “I’m scared though. Daniel has never acted like this before. He was so mean on the phone.”

  “He probably thought you were acting like a spoiled brat when he was trying to do something nice.”

  Dante sips his drink slowly and retrieves a magazine out of his bag. The pilot informs Charlie to prepare for take-off. The engines fire up and the jet jerks forward. The plane bounces over cracks in the runway as it races down it. The plane tilts back as the front wheels lift off. I clutch the arm rest in a death grip.

  “That was so cool.” Dante says to me once the wheels have left the safety of the ground. He looks at me and laughs. “Hey, are you okay?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. This can’t be happening. God only knows what my face reveals. Who ever said flying was fun? We are in the sky, still climbing, without anything to catch us should we fall.

  “We have reached our cruising altitude and should arrive in France by dawn. The weather is expected to be rainy with a high temperature of forty-four degrees. The flight plan is set and looks like no turbulence is expected.” The pilot makes announces fifteen minutes in to the flight.

  Dante and I are staring at each other smiling.

  “France.” He says excitedly and mouths “Oh My God.” Then he leans over whispering softly. “If you don’t thank Daniel properly, I will.”

  He leans back, snickering as my face flushes. I do plan on thanking him after I kick his ass for talking to me the way he did. France? Why all the cloak and dagger stuff?

  “Oh, don’t you worry, I plan to.” I say ruefully.

  He tsks me.

  Charlie comes over with a blanket and asks, “Are you hungry?”

  “Actually yes, what do you have?” I reply kindly.

  “I can make you just about anything. What are you in the mood for?” He replies flirtatiously, looking at Dante.

  Thinking I say, “A turkey sandwich with mayo, lettuce and tomato?”

  “Done. Dante?” He asks.

  “The same please.” Dante flirts.

  “Okay, be back in a bit.”

  Charlie walks over to Mo and Curly, exchanges some words then disappears around the partition. I reach over grabbing a magazine, tapping my foot. Charlie returns with a work of art. It is not something I would have expected as airplane fare.

  My stomach is full after savoring every morsel of the sandwich, which was followed by crème brulee. I’m starting to feel the effects of the turkey and Vodka. On the verge between sleep and wakefulness, Charlie comes over tapping me gently on the shoulder. I am momentarily confused as to my whereabouts after being startled awake.

  “The Duke requested that you sleep in the bed chamber and not in the chair.”

  I blink at him in surprise.

  “You spoke with Daniel?” I inquire wishfully.

  “No, before you arrive he called. He knew our flight would be in the middle of the night and wants you to get rest because,” he leans down to whisper, looking at Mo and Curly, “your trip is not ending in France.”

  “Do you have any idea what is going on?” I whisper as he guides me to the bedroom.

  Everyone else is sound asleep in the main cabin. Charlie imparts information once we are alone away from eavesdroppers.

  “I’m not supposed to say anything and I can get fired.”

  I nod solemnly.

  “But I heard rumors. There is some turmoil between the council, the Duke and the King. No one knows about what. Only those closest to the Duke and King know.”

  “Then why is he bringing us here now? Why all the cloak and dagger stuff?”

  “I don’t know, I’m sorry. I don’t have more to tell you, but please try to get some sleep. He made it sound like you will need it.”

  The bedroom room is spacious and elegant. A huge bed is centered in the room, occupying most of the space. A peek behind one of the doors reveals a closet full of women’s clothing. The clothing ranges from suits to dresses to jeans in a variety of fabrics and colors. On closer inspection, they’re all in my size. I could never afford the name brands hanging there. Curiosity catching the best of me, a quick look through the drawers reveals undergarments also in my size. The third drawer hides deep amethyst silk pajamas.

  I change in to the pajamas, tossing my clothing on the floor of the closet. I climb into bed, snuggling under the down comforter and sigh contentedly, too tired to wash my face. I drift into an exhausted sleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.

  Chapter Nine

  The pilot’s voice over the sound system wakes me from the most delicious dream. Stretching the sleep out of my system and pouting at the loss of the dream, I look at the clock realizing my nap was more like a coma.

  “Miss Michels, we’ll be land
ing soon. I’ll need you take your seat.” Charlie says after knocking on the door.

  “I’ll be right out.”

  I curl my toes deep in the carpet, luxuriating in the feel. It must be amazing to live in this kind of splendor. It hurts knowing that Daniel and I could never be. He would be crazy to give this up. We could never be more than a fling. On the way to the bathroom, I decide to live this adventure to its fullest, not worrying about the consequences of falling for such a guy until the adventure ends. I’ll be left with bittersweet memories. The problem, if I’m honest with myself, is that my heart is already involved. I’m not sure how it will fare in the end.

  The windows are wet. The sky no longer holds the darkness of night but the hints of morning. Another quick glance at the clock says it is five thirty in the morning. The last time I was up at this hour was when we were in high school. The cold-water splashing on my face helps to wake me further. The ornate mirror reflects a woman looking rested and happy, not the woman who woke yesterday morning. Dressed to kill, make-up perfectly applied and feeling well rested, I venture back to the main cabin with a confident stride.


  I’ll be seeing him in a matter time. Or at least I hope I’ll be seeing him soon.

  Charlie approaches me with a croissant gesturing to a chair next to Dante. The smell and taste are divine. Dante looks at me smiling and hands a cup of coffee in one hand and hot chocolate in the other. Hot chocolate- my favorite.

  “Someone is dressed to kill this morning.”

  I smile at his appraisal of me. My taste buds explode with the gooey chocolate after biting into the croissant.

  “I’ve decided to have fun during this adventure despite what has happened. Who knows where this will lead. I want to have great memories of this time together.” I say between bites. “Because when we go home, it’s back to our boring, dull life.”

  “I guess you had a good sleep?”

  “It was amazing. Why didn’t you come and sleep next to me?”

  “I didn’t think it was appropriate.”

  “Appropriate? Since when have we ever been appropriate?”

  He doesn’t say anything.

  “Your loss. You know eventually this will end.”

  He squeezes my knee. I look around our surroundings yearning for some of it to remain at the end. Surprisingly, I am calm throughout the descent and landing. Customs agents announce themselves after the plane’s door is opened. They board asking for our documents and declarations. Dante and I look at each other questioningly because neither of us has a passport, never thinking we would need it. One of Daniel’s men hands him four passports, surprising us. Again, Dante and I look at each other perplexed.

  Once the custom agents leave, we disembark. The bigger of the two guys exits the plane instructing us to stay put until he returns. While he is gone, Dante and I thank Charlie for a pleasurable trip. It seems the same pre-flight routine will hold true again, me sandwiched between MO and Curly.

  This airfield is as private and remote as the one we took off from. A Mercedes SUV and a high-end sports car with blackened windows are the only vehicles present. There is no sign of the custom agents, their cars or anyone to help with the plane. The tower looks dark and abandoned.

  The nicer of the two men escorts me to the sports car, darting his head around. Dante is escorted to the other car. We’re being separated?

  “No, wait this is out of the question.” I try to disengage myself from his grip, but it tightens.

  “In the car, Miss Michels.”

  I try in vain yanking my arm away, but his grip tightens painfully.

  “Ouch, you’re hurting me.” I yell at him as he drags me along.

  My anger is rising again. So much for having fun and enjoying this adventure.

  “Daphne, stop. Don’t worry about me. There is a reason why Daniel is doing this. Just be patient.” Dante yells across the widening chasm between us.

  “I won’t go anywhere without you.” I yell back, nearly tripping as I get dragged forcibly to the waiting sports car.

  The car door opens revealing a dark interior.

  “Get in the car now, Daphne.” A voice quietly demands from inside the car. “It’s too exposed out there.”

  Startled by the voice, I trip nearly falling, but am yanked up by the arm. I would know that voice anywhere. It is the same voice that yelled at me two days ago then hung up on me. Once inside the car, the door closes locks and without a word uttered, it speeds off the runway and out of the airport without a backward glance.

  “Daniel.” His name is reverent sigh from my lips.

  I stare at him, heart pounding in my chest. He’s like a mirage. Forgetting all about the adventure, my anger and his driving, I lean across the stick shift, kissing him desperately. He matches my desperation along with something else I can’t name. My anger dissipates.

  I feel the car swerve as he abruptly ends the kiss, swings the car off the dirt road and places it in park. His hands gently grasp my face deepening the kiss. A sigh escapes me, bringing Daniel back to his senses. Me, I’m still floating somewhere over the Atlantic. Again, without words, he places the car in drive and brings us back onto the dirt road.

  I look behind us and am surprised to see we are alone. The nighttime sky is now grey, releasing a freezing rain over the landscape. The trees speed by as the car races down the road. The land is barren.

  Daniel has not spoken a word since I was unceremoniously dropped in his car, probably to the utter relief, I’m sure, of my captors. The muscles in his jaw and shoulders are tense. My tapping foot is the only sound in the car. Daniel inclines his head towards me.

  “Something you want to say?”

  “I’m not sure where to start.” I respond sardonically.

  “A lot has happened since we last spoke.”

  “You mean when you last yelled at me?”

  My eyes although angry are clear, holding his gaze stare for stare, expecting answers or an apology.

  “No. My trip home has been extremely informative. There is much to tell you and honestly, I don’t know where to begin. I’m sure you have questions. “

  I harrumph.

  “Why don’t you ask and I’ll answer as best as I can?”

  “Finally, some answers.” I mutter to myself as I stare ahead, but out of the corner of my eye I see him smile.

  Where do I start?

  “Where is Dante going?”

  “He is taking a different route than us back to my estate.”


  “It’s difficult, ask me another one.” He evades.

  “Why all the cloak and dagger stuff?”

  I look at his side profile. He is a handsome man, perfectly straight nose and defined brow line making him appear more masculine, but when he turns to me his normally shuttered eyes are filled with sadness.

  “That requires more of an explanation than I can give you right now. Try another.” He replies.

  “Daniel, this is ridiculous. Why don’t you tell me what you can tell me?”

  “I’m sorry Daphne. I’m not trying to upset or anger you.” He hits the steering wheel. “Just trust me when I tell you it needs to be this way. I need to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Safe? Safe from who? There you go again with the vague remark.” I yell, throwing my hands up.

  “Daphne…” He pauses. “Daphne…”

  “Come on Daniel. You have to tell me something.”

  “There are things that I recently uncovered in my father’s effects.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “I promise you, you will. Most of it I can’t explain in the car. We’ll be stopping by a friend of mine’s flat in Paris. I’ll be able to explain more there. Please be patient.”

  He places his hand on my knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  I nod.

  “Thank you. Tell me what you have been up to since I last saw you?” He asks, changing the topic to me.
/>   “Besides being dragged all over the place and spoken to harshly by my boyfriend?” I say defiantly.

  He chuckles.

  “Oh baby, I haven’t begun to drag you all over.” The smoldering look he tosses insides. “Is that what I am to you, your boyfriend?”

  Flustered by his question, I mutter, “I don’t know what we are, but it seemed the best way to describe our relationship. What would you call it?”

  “I think that phrase appropriately describes us. But it will be different.” He mutters not intending me to hear.

  What does that mean? What does he have to tell me? How is it going to change? With every statement he makes, twenty new questions arise.

  “Why don’t you find something on the radio?” He suggests. “How was the flight?”

  Frustrated, I search the radio, finding a pop music station and settle back in my seat. He speeds up and switches gears as we enter the highway. His hand finds its way to my thigh.

  “I’ve never been on a plane before. So, that was interesting.”


  “No. There was never enough money for Dante and me to go away.”

  He looks at me thoughtfully. I stare at my cuticles not wanting to meet his eyes. His wealth suddenly feels uncomfortable.

  “Your plane is beautiful by the way. I loved the bedroom and all the clothing. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m wearing one of the outfits?”

  “They’re yours. Consider it a gift for all you’ve been through.”

  I snap my head up.

  “You deserve so much more.” He whispers.

  I get the feeling there is some underlining meaning with his comment, but I decide not to pester him. Bitching gets me nowhere, I’ve come to realize.

  “Anyway, the flight was good. I slept most of the way after I settled down. I didn’t like the way you spoke to me.”

  “I know and I’m sorry, but time was of the essence and you were being stubborn.”

  “Well, don’t do it again.”

  He chuckles. I don’t like him thinking I’m stubborn. Most of the time I’m easy going, but something about Daniel brings out the stubbornness.

  “Yes, your Highness.” He replies without a trace of humor. “I can’t promise you that I won’t do it again though, especially if it affects your safety.”


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