The Unknown Royal Heir

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The Unknown Royal Heir Page 20

by Kimber Swan

  The walls of the great hall have bared witness to the historical moments of this country. Kings and Queens were coronated here, disputes settled. The granite floor has scuffs marks of shoes long since broken and bloodshed. The alcoves hide even more secrets.

  The castle today, as well as yesteryear, is full of spies. No one ever knows who to trust in such a setting. It is because of this that Daniel waited to the last possible second to bring us here. We came in the dead of night when no one was awake. Only certain guards knew we arrived. They never knew it was the soon to be announced princess. It was assumed that Daniel arrived for the state dinner. They were never the wiser that another passenger sat in the car.

  Christmas would have been the perfect time to visit because of the decorations, but instead, my father took yet another holiday, spending two more weeks with us at Balwart Manor. The gifts he gave were beautiful, shiny and colorful, but unnecessary. I had everything I ever wanted. Jewels and trinkets weren’t necessary.

  I asked Rachel to retrieve baby pictures from my apartment in New York for a scrapbook I made for my father. I didn’t know what to get a King for Christmas. It was emotionally hard putting it together, but worth all the tears as my father was brought to tears when he saw pictures of my mother and me together.

  Daniel’s gift to me was out of this world. He gave me some of my heritage back. We went for a ride in his helicopter touring Farquadt. He pointed out key spots, towns and to my surprise a Neolithic circle, similar to Stone Henge. He believes this one dated around the same time as Stone Henge and the Ring of Bradgar on the Orkney Islands. He promised to take me back when things settled down. I plan on holding him to this promise. The country is breathtaking by land, but words could not describe it from the air.

  Then he flew us to Scotland. We landed on what used to be my mother’s estate. It seems, I have additional family there, though all distant. My mother’s title transferred to a distant male relative since no one knew I existed. The reception I received was cold at best. I don’t know if they thought I was seeking to reclaim the title or not, but I wasn’t allowed to see my mother’s room or any of her things. This bothered me to no end.

  Daniel was put off by them and told me not to worry, that everything I needed to know about my mother, my father could relay. He also made sure my distant relatives had a place to send my mother’s things to should they “find” them. I only wished to see where she grew up and maybe get a glimpse of what her life was like there. Even after living with her, she and her life are still a mystery to me. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I never really knew my mother.

  When I spoke with Rachel, I told her to let the lease go on the apartment, but she and Justin decided to move in. She was scandalized by what she saw when she went to pick up the pictures. It looked as if someone had ransacked the place. Thankfully the pictures were not found. I had her take pictures of the damage and send them to me. Daniel has his men investigating it. He is fairly certain it is the same people who tried to abduct me the day we left.

  Justin packed up whatever personal items were salvageable and shipped them. Rachel asked why we weren’t coming back. I couldn’t tell exactly why yet, but I told her I would explain soon. Dante told her to plan vacation time in July, but nothing more. It is going to be a surprise when Daniel’s jet picks them up and brings them to Farquadt for the coronation ball.

  On New Year’s Eve, Daniel, Dante, my father and I had a great dinner and played boards games. Can you get anymore domestic? My father is a scrabble genius. Believe it or not, it was one of the best nights we’ve had since arriving. There was no talk of politics, espionage or court. It was the four of us getting to know each other. I wish Daniel’s family could have come, but Daniel feared for their safety with everything going on. They stayed at school and university, promising to make it up to them next year.

  I gave AnnaBelle the night off. She spent it with her relatively new boyfriend, Adam. There is something about him I don’t trust, but I don’t know her well enough yet to say anything. She introduced me as Daniel’s cousin. I explained my crazy feelings to Daniel, but he reassured me Adam checked out. Whatever that means. AnnaBelle is very shy when it comes to men. She explained everything is all new to her, the relationship and her new position.

  Some of the aristocracy is crying out that my father has neglected his duties. Surprisingly, the Purists have been quiet, almost as if they’re biding their time. Daniel seems tense most of the time, but isn’t saying why. I tried a romantic dinner shortly after New Year’s Eve, but he cancelled because of some crisis. I haven’t tried for another date since then.

  On Valentine’s Day, Daniel took me to a beautiful restaurant overlooking Loch Saber. He rented the entire restaurant. The room was filled with candles and rose petals. It was like something out of a dream or fairy tale. Our security detail and Dante were there watching, but from another room. Technically, we were not alone, but it was the closest we’ve gotten in a long time. Daniel gave me a beautiful heart shaped black diamond pendant necklace.

  The both of us seem to be spending quite a bit of time in the gym. I’ve reasoned it as us being sexually frustrated. I don’t think he realized how hard it would be to have me underfoot all the time and not be able to touch me. I hope there is an end to the frustration soon. The little touches, innocent brushes against each other send tiny sparks of electricity through me every time.

  We’ve had periods of intense kissing to groping, but only when Dante leaves the room. We are like two teenage kids trying to sneak around our parents. It’s comical most times. When my father is with us, the servants wait on him and he doesn’t have to leave for any reason, except maybe the bathroom, but then he sends for AnnaBelle before leaving the room.

  I realized the way my father behaves is an act. One night when we were having dinner together, just the two of us, I asked him about being gay. He dropped his spoon in surprise then chuckled. He explained that after what happened with my mother, he thought it best if the Purists didn’t have any one person they could target and why not make it even more flamboyant. The men, he supposedly entertains, are all actors. No one knows this including Daniel.

  Needless to say, when I told Daniel and seeing the shock written all over his face, I never laughed so hard in my life. I remember how secretive Daniel was about it on our first date then to find out the opposite was true. When I explained to my father how Daniel reacted he also laughed. Daniel is rarely taken by surprise and when he is, it is memorable.

  Daniel, Dante and AnnaBelle think I am ready for tonight’s state dinner, but I think I need more time. My father told me it was going to be a breeze. Both he and Daniel will not leave my side. Tonight, I will be at my father’s right and Daniel will be right next to me.

  My gown is an emerald green off the shoulder satin dress. The seamstress Daniel hired to complete it worked wonders. I often wonder if I will ever become accustomed to dressing as I have these last few months. Daniel insisted I wear the diamond heart pendant. He bought me matching earrings for this occasion. I will never get used to the extravagant gifts.

  Daniel has been acting strangely these past couple of days. He has been disappearing only to arrive back home after dinner when I am in my rooms and he can’t visit. Dante thinks it has to do with the dinner tonight but I can’t help think maybe he is having second thoughts. I was the other woman not too long ago and, well, maybe he is that type of guy to have another woman on the side or maybe he likes the chase. He knew he couldn’t have me then, but now that he can….

  “You look beautiful, Princess.” AnnaBelle says dreamily. “Daniel will have a hard time keeping his hands off you.”

  “Let’s hope.” I say wickedly, but sober quickly. “You don’t think it’s too much?”

  “He is an honorable man. I know this is hard on both of you, but it will be worth it in the end. You must be a role model for all the young girls. Farquadt is backwards in many things, but I in this one area we are where we should
be. Girls now a day don’t respect themselves enough to wait.” She pauses thinking. “Can I be frank with you?”

  “You don’t have to ask, of course you can.”

  “I was surprised when you told me you were still a virgin. I thought all American girls were loose.” She states reproachfully.

  “Believe me, it wasn’t from a lack of trying, but something always stopped me.”

  A knock at the door stops our conversation. Dante enters in a fitted tuxedo that makes him look like James Bond. I would probably make a pass at him if he wasn’t gay and Daniel was in the building.

  “Oh. My. God. You look like a princess.” He laughs at his own joke.

  “Have you been downstairs yet?”

  “Yes- not that we’ve really seen the castle, but it doesn’t look like anything when we first arrived. It has been completely transformed. I can only imagine what happens when you are coronated or even a royal wedding.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

  “Really? We haven’t even spoken about that since we got to Farquadt, except for what he said to my father.”

  “But you told your father you would marry him. Don’t you think your father and Daniel have spoken? I mean come on, really? This country is stuck in the middle ages.” He looks at AnnaBelle. “Sorry AnnaBelle, but it is. It’s beautiful and romantic, but really?”

  I giggle at his statement because never has a statement been more true.

  “Are you ready?” Dante asks. “It’s almost time.”

  “Yes. No matter how nervous I am, I want my father to be proud.”

  “Okay then, let’s go.” Dante says holding his arm out for me.

  The mirror I’ve been looking in must be magical because the woman looking back cannot be me. That woman is grace and beauty personified. I am neither. I smooth the dress and my hair of none existent creases and loose tendrils.

  “You look perfect. Daniel and Michael will be proud to have you on their arms tonight.” Dante states. “I’m actually jealous that I won’t have my arm candy tonight.”

  “You will always have me.” I lean up to kiss his cheek.

  Dante guides us out the room and down the hall. We hear the loud murmurs as we approach the main staircase. The herald of arms is announcing guests as they arrive. A few moments ago, the herald announced Lady Elizabeth. My heart leapt in my chest at the mention of her name. My father explained that he and Daniel will be greeting everyone as they enter. I will be the last one to enter and be announced.

  The plan is to have me announced as Freya Daphne Bridget Sinclair. Daniel and my father will be at the base of the stairs. I will kiss my father’s cheek formally and Daniel will kiss my hand. My father will escort me into the ballroom with Daniel walking directly behind us.

  “Okay girl. It’s my turn.” Dante says, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “Good luck. I’ll see you later.”

  Dante quickly descends the stairs and leans into the herald.

  The herald announces, “Mr. Dante Marino of New York City.”

  I hear a slight dull in the murmurings as I assume the guests are looking to see who he is. Edward, the King’s Master of Household, is on the other side of the staircase, hidden behind a large tapestry. He gives me the go ahead to descend. Taking a deep breath, I make my way down the stairs careful not to trip, hoping my grand entrance is not a tumble down the stairs. I am reminded of how I came to be here. I remember what Dante and I have been through, the curve balls and near misses. We survived. I remember how we wondered where our next meal would come from. I remember we came from nothing, but we have gained a new family and friends.

  The question remains what will this new family expect from me. I wasn’t brought up in this world. I am the daughter of a King. One who never knew about me. And here I am, about to be announce by him to everyone as his daughter. He knows my past, though not as scarred and jaded as one may think, but it still has skeletons that anyone could find. I am not ashamed of them, but he may be.

  The herald taps his staff three times on the marble floor drawing my attention back to the present.

  He clears his voice and then states, “Miss Freya Daphne Bridget Sinclair, daughter of the late Duchess Bridget Delaney MacMichels.”

  The entire room quiets eerily. I make my way slowly down the steps, making sure my chin is held high and back ramrod straight. At the bottom, my father and Daniel are waiting. Daniel, the sixty-fifth Duke of Balwart, looks dangerous in his tuxedo, almost the way he did the night we met. The King is dressed in the royal uniform of red, black and gold. Numerous medals cover the left side of his uniform showing his rank- the highest military leader in the country. The royal men are required to serve in the military.

  My father holds out his hand and I kiss his cheek then look to Daniel lifting my hand to him. He takes it, kissing it softly. My father takes my other hand, wrapping it in the crook of his arm. The rest of the guests follow. I hear the loud murmurs amongst them. The most prominent speculation is that I am my father’s mistress.

  The doors to the grand ballroom open. The ballroom is spacious with high ceilings, floor to ceiling windows and marble floors. The tables are lavishly laid out with simple flower and flag centerpieces. There are twenty-two tables each with twelve seats. And then there is the raised table at the front of the room, which has place settings for three. The orchestra starts playing. My father leads us further into the room to the center of the dance floor. The first dance is the waltz. During one of our lengthier getting to know you talks, my father discovered that Dante and I taught ourselves how to ballroom dance.

  After the music ends, my father escorts us to the front table, helping me to my seat. Daniel sits to my father’s left and me to the right. The orchestra stopped playing while everyone takes a seat. Once seated, my father stands, quieting the conversations.

  “I know many of you are wondering who this exquisite woman is sitting next to me.” I feel myself blushing. “Well, wonder no more my friends. This is my daughter, Princess Freya Daphne MacMichels Sinclair, the future Queen of Farquadt.”

  He turns to look at me and without taking his gaze away, he continues, “Many of you here tried to force my hand over twenty years ago. Princess Freya was born from my wife, the Duchess Bridget, who, may God rest her soul, I loved very dearly. Daughter of mine, rise and allow me to introduce you to your loyal subjects.”

  The sound of scraping of chairs sliding back on the hardwood floors in unison happens as if it was practiced. Most of the men rise and start towards our table. I take a step back afraid they want to do me harm. My father places a firm hand along my lower back stopping my retreat. One by one they bow in front of me. My father nods at each of them. The women, I notice, are a bit slower to respond. Once the men are seated again, some of the women make their way towards me in a similar fashion. Some of them are openly staring in awe while others are shooting daggers. Lady Elizabeth is among the ones who did not come to greet me. There is movement to my left drawing my attention. After the last subject leaves, Daniel bows in front of me, kissing my hand again, sending a warm tingle up my arm. Then he turns to my father and bows.

  “My liege.” Daniel says loud for all to hear.

  My father nods.

  “I wish to claim what was promised to me before I was born, what is rightfully mine by law.” Daniel states formally.

  Daniel digs into his tuxedo pocket and retrieves a small velvet box. I can hear the gasps sounding around me as everyone realizes what is happening.

  “My King, I wish for your daughter’s hand in marriage.” Daniel states firmly.

  “And so it will be granted as promised.” My father states formally.

  And so, Daniel turns towards me, drops to one knee and opens the box to reveal a beautiful red diamond ring surrounded by black and yellow stones. My shaking hand covers the gasp that escapes from me. He wipes his free hand on his pants then removes the ring from the box, giving me a smirk in the process.

  Grasping my left hand and poising the ring
at the tip of my finger, he asks, “Princess Freya, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, the next Duchess of Balwart.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The room starts spinning. Tingling limbs and blurry vision are the first signs that I’m going to faint. My breath releases, not realizing I was holding it. I’m saved the disgrace of falling down as the chair behind me saves me. I blink dumbfounded this is happening.

  “Princess?” Daniel clears his voice, trying again. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but it was happenchance that we met in New York. You were meant to be here today alongside your father with me by your side. Please except this ring and my vow to you. I vow to always stand by your side as your husband, friend, lover and confidante. Please accept my offer.”

  What was he thinking asking me in front of all these people? Where’s the romance? What about the professions of love? He never mentioned love at all. His proposal is more about duty that anything else. I look at my father who is smiling expectantly. He nods imperceptibly. Yep, this is about duty. I blink trying rid myself of the daze I seem caught in. I glance back at the room full of people I don’t know and see the expectant looks staring back.

  One look stands out the most, reminding me of my duty and what happens if I say no. Red faced and angry, Lady Elizabeth is permanently seared in my mind. I look between her and Daniel then back again. A feeling of possession overtakes me. He’s mine.

  My head slowly starts to nod. He smiles radiantly. My nod turns vigorous before the words are out of my mouth.


  Daniel slips the ring on my finger. The ring fits perfectly and is surprisingly light despite the large stone. His shoulders rise as if a weight has been lifted off them. He’s humming with life. Daniel stands, engulfing me in a hug- the first real sign of emotion he has shown all night.


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