The Unknown Royal Heir

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The Unknown Royal Heir Page 26

by Kimber Swan

  From where I am I can’t hear their voices, but I can see Dante and Donald glancing in my direction, each taking a turn talking. What can be so important? I sit up wincing slightly at the tightness of the wound then wiggle to the edge of the bed without releasing the sheet. I reach for my robe at the foot of the bed and put it on.

  Daniel turns to look at me. His easy demeanor is gone, replaced by sadness. Dante and Donald enter the room. I notice the door is flanked with at least four guards that I can see that weren’t there last night. Daniel starts walking towards me as Donald shuts the door.

  “What’s going on?” I say to Dante, looking at Daniel.

  “Daphne, sit down.” Daniel quietly commands.

  “No! Tell me what’s wrong?” I counter fearfully.

  Daniel reaches my side and grasps my arms. “It’s your father.”

  I sigh, relieved that it isn’t something bad. He is probably pissed about the way I spoke to him last night. Knowing him, he probably left without warning.

  “What did he say or do now?”

  “Give us a minute.” Daniel says to the other men.

  “No, I’m staying.” Dante responds.

  “Fine, stay.” Daniel sighs.

  “Sit down, Daphne.” Daniel tries again.

  “Just tell me.”

  Daniel holds my hands hesitating, but then states matter of fact, “Your father was murdered last night.”

  My knees give out, but Daniel is there catching me. Dante steps forward. The only parent I have left is gone? No, this is some sort of sick joke. Push the newlywed until she breaks. See how much the soon to be Queen can handle before she breaks. What the hell type of country is this?

  “What did you say?”

  “Last night your father was killed.” Dante answers softly.

  “Seriously. This isn’t funny.” I look between the two of them. “What did he really do?”

  “Honey, he’s gone.” Dante whispers.

  “Why are you doing this? Are trying to hurt me for finding someone besides you who makes me happy?”

  “Daphne. He’s gone.” Daniel interjects.

  “But you said he was safe here.” I blame Daniel. “You said it was safe for me. That no one could get to me. I don’t understand.”

  “You are, sweetheart. I don’t know how this happened.” Daniel replies.

  “I need to see him.” I state still in complete denial. “Take me to him.”

  Someone is lying and I need to see for my own eyes. He wouldn’t leave me. We just found each other. There was so much he still needed to tell me and show me. He was going to teach me how to run this country. He promised to be by my side guiding my decisions.

  I shake off Daniel’s hands and walk to the door repeating the mantra “he’s not dead,” trying to convince myself this is a bad nightmare I want to wake up from.

  “What room did he sleep in last night?” I ask anyone in the hallway.

  “Your old room.” Donald says quietly.

  This time I did stumble and fall to my knees. My room? The three of them are by my side in an instant. I’m on all fours when the dry heaves start, but nothing comes up because I haven’t eaten since last night. I feel a sharp pain in my side followed by a sudden wetness that wasn’t there a moment ago.

  “Why was he in there?” I ask tears streaming down my face.

  Daniel is on his knees next to me talking but there is a loud pounding in my head. I look at Dante who is talking also. Donald looks sad. I can’t hear what they are saying. The room is twirling and I feel myself falling to the side.


  It’s too hot. I kick the cover off, but the heat engulfing me persists. It wakes me from my slumber. I stretch, wincing at the tightness in my side, and sigh knowing Daniel and I are married. We had the most amazing night together. I roll over searching for his lips, but when I open my eyes it’s not Daniel but Dante.

  “Hi.” I smile despite my confusion and murmur sleepily. “You’re not Daniel. This is unexpected. Where is he?”

  “Daphne, we need to talk.” He says softly.

  “Dante, it was amazing. Now I know what you and Trish were talking about.”

  “I’m happy for you Baby girl. But Daph, we need to talk.” He tries again.

  “I know. You want hear all the details.” I say blushing. “He was so gentle. It almost brought me to tears. I thought there would be-.”

  “Daph, listen to me. We have to talk about your father.”

  Dante’s seriousness leaves a lingering sadness.

  “No, I don’t want to talk about him. He was an ass last night. I don’t want him to ruin this for me. Let me have this day. We can talk about him tomorrow. I want to-.”

  “Your father was killed last night.”

  I shake my head no, not believing him. He engulfs me in a hug as I start thrashing around trying to break free from his tight grip. The tears stream freely down my cheeks.

  It’s not true. He wouldn’t leave me.

  “He can’t be. He promised to teach me how to rule the kingdom. He wouldn’t let all his sacrifices have been for nothing.” I mumble in his chest.

  “He died last night. Daniel is looking-.”

  I push him away hard.

  “Stop saying that. He isn’t dead.”

  I shake off his attempt to hug me and hastily climb out of bed. A sharp pain catches my breath. The window overlooking the front drive frames the beautiful backdrop of the lake. The day is gloomy and overcast with no sun for miles. There are many official looking cars lining the drive.

  “I guess everyone heard about our wedding. They’re here to offer their congratulations.” I remark.

  I turn looking at Dante. His sad eyes are hesitant as he approaches me. I step back putting more distance between us. He stops a few feet away.

  “I hope the staff can accommodate everyone on such short notice. Where’s AnnaBelle? She needs to help me greet them.”

  “She’s taking care of some other stuff right now.”

  I turn around walking to the closet. Hopefully, Daniel has something in here I can wear until we can move my stuff in here. I stop as I recall my room. Something important happened there. The wedding, that’s right. I should be happy when I think about it, but instead I feel heartbroken.

  “Daph, look at me.” Dante says in the doorway of the closet.

  I ignore him remembering how on such short notice the staff had accomplished an amazing feat with the wedding. There were countless flowers and candles. They need to be rewarded for their hard work.

  “We need to do something nice for the staff for all the effort they put into my wedding last night, especially on such short notice.”

  “Daphne!” His loud voice catches me off guards. “Ignoring me is not going to make this go away. Look at me.”

  “No. If I look at you, you’re just going to lie to me some more. I expected more from you.” I say harshly from the safety of the closet. “I thought you wanted me to be happy?”

  “Oh, I do, baby girl. More than anything, but you need to face reality.”

  “I can’t believe you would be like this. If our roles were reversed, I would be over the moon happy for you.”

  I shake out a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. They’ll be big, but will fit until I can get to my room.

  “Fine! You want to take it out on me. Go ahead. But I won’t have you deny it any longer. You’re in too much danger to deny it.” Dante yells storming into the closet.

  I try walking around him, but he grasps my upper arms forcibly shaking me.

  “You need to hear me.”

  When I don’t answer and stare at him blankly, he releases me, storming out.

  “If you aren’t going to listen to me, then maybe you need proof.” He yells back at me.

  “Is he really gone?” I quietly ask as I emerge from the closet.

  Dante stops abruptly by the door and turns to me nodding.

  “I just found him.” I whisper. “Why did
this happen?”

  Dante rushes to my side, engulfing me again.

  “I know, baby girl.”

  “I didn’t get enough time with him.” I say, wiping my eyes.

  “Be happy we found him.”

  He reminds me that we’re here because I wanted to find him.

  “Oh God. This is my fault entirely. If I didn’t want to find him so badly, then-.”

  “Stop. This is not your fault.” He murmurs in my hair. “Daph, I would never say this because you need to grieve for him, but you need to pull yourself together. You’re Queen now. You need to not show any weakness to anyone. Remember what your father said about them exploiting your weaknesses. Later, when we find out who did this, you can mourn.”

  I take his words in, digesting them slowly, word for word.


  Show no weakness.

  Grieve later.

  “Where’s Daniel?”

  “Beating himself up. Making irrational demands of everyone he trusts. He’s blaming himself for last night.”

  “Why? He didn’t do anything.” I retort.

  “I know that, but he thinks that if he didn’t marry you then maybe your father would still be alive. He feels that if your father wasn’t safe, how can he keep you safe.”

  “He has always told me people have been trying to kill my father for years. It wasn’t his fault.”

  “Your safety is his top priority. If he couldn’t keep your father safe, how can he expect to keep you away from the wolves circling.”

  “That’s crazy. He couldn’t have known. He did everything he could.” I reply. “Where is he?”

  “Last I heard, he was in your old chambers.”

  “Good, let’s go then.” I say, walking to the door. “I need my husband to know I don’t blame him.”

  “Daph, wait.” Dante yells to my retreating back. “Your father may still be in there.”

  I stop short inhaling sharply, trying to control my raging emotions.

  “I understand. No one will see me break down again.” I reply coldly, stuffing my emotions into the biggest internal box I can muster.

  I’ll look at them another day. I must get past today first. There are too many people relying on me right now.

  “That’s not what I’m saying.” He says, jerking me around to look at him. “I want you to be prepared. I don’t care if you break down in front of me. It’s me here.”

  I nod.

  “I’m sorry. I know that. You just said some things before that were true. Thank you for reminding me.”

  I feel a cold reserve overcoming me, but this is what is needed of me. I must separate emotion from ruling. I need to be a pillar of strength for my country in their hour of need.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay going in there?” He questions sincerely.

  I don’t answer. I forcefully swing the door open, banging it against the wall. The guards stand at attention. I stop in the hallway taking a deep breath, hoping I’m ready for what I’m about to see.

  “I’ll be here when you need me.” He yells after me.

  I can hear the pride in his voice. I’m not sure I can do this, but I must. I feel like a little girl playing dress up with her stuffed animals, my step falters when I realize I didn’t even have those as a kid.

  The hallway that was once a short distance away from Daniel’s chamber seems too far. With each step, it feels like I am sinking further and further in quicksand with no hope of getting out. The guards flank me the minute I started to move. I stop abruptly, looking at them all. These men, all my father’s personal guards, men he trusted with his life, never went anywhere without him. They should have been guarding him last night.

  “How did they get past you?” I accusingly ask the group at large.

  “No one went through those doors last night, your Highness.” The gentleman, whose name I think is Robert, says.

  “Robert, right?” I ask him.

  He nods.

  “Then tell me how is it that my father is dead?” I demand.

  Not waiting for an answer, I storm off towards my old chambers. It’s amazing how quickly those chambers became my old ones. I wonder what other Queens or Queens-to-be used these rooms. Did they have the same feeling I did about becoming Queen? I stop abruptly again seeing a different person than me using that room. I spot one of the older maids who seems to have some authority around here passing us.

  “Excuse me.” I stop her. “Could you tell me, did Lady Elizabeth ever sleep in those rooms?”

  I point in the direction of the chamber. I notice the sadness in her eyes before she curtsies and answers.

  “Why yes, your Highness. She was to be my lord’s wife and was always afforded that room.”

  “I see. Is Da-, is my lord still in there?”

  She nods.

  “Thank you.” I say, dismissing her.

  She curtsies again before leaving. I turn to Andrew.

  “Was my father supposed to sleep in that room last night?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “No, your highness.” He replies.

  “I see.” I reply thinking. “Do you know if there is an escape door there like the one in the royal residence behind the kitchen freezer?”

  He looks thoughtful before answering.

  “There probably would be.”

  “That’s what I was afraid of.” I remark moving with more purpose.

  When I enter the room, I don’t think I was really prepared for what I saw. It took a while for my brain to register what my eyes were relaying to it. My father was sleeping peacefully in the center of the bed with his arms folded across his chest. My heart sees this, but my brain knows better. My brain notices the crimson halo around his head.

  The sob that erupts from me stirs Daniel from his sitting position on the bench at the foot of the bed. I quickly cover my mouth with my hand. He glances at me with saddened eyes then looks down at his hands. I slowly walk to the side of the bed, next to my father.

  He’s gone. Truly gone.

  “I’m so sorry.” Daniel mumbles solemnly.

  “For what?” I ask, afraid to look away from my father, hoping against hope he will open his eyes.

  “This is my fault.” He states matter of fact.

  I straighten my father’s hair like he’s worn it since I met him. My eyes catch on the neat hole near his temple. I close my eyes offering up a quick prayer for his soul then I turn in Daniel’s direction, looking around the room with a more critical eye. She will pay. I will prove what they have done. They will never take another person from me again.

  “If you’re talking about bringing Elizabeth into our lives, then there is no need to apologize. I don’t blame you for that. You had no control in it.”

  Daniel’s confusion confirms he has no idea what I’m talking about. He didn’t think of her a suspect.

  “But if you are talking about allowing her to stay in this room before me and showing her the hidden escape route, which I’m pretty sure is here somewhere.” I say, looking near the wall closest to where father’s wound is. “Then feel sorry for that.”

  I search the walls and floor finding a spot where the floor looks newly scratched.

  “Is this it?” I ask.

  “How did you know?” He asks disbelievingly.

  “I think my father must have had his back to this wall when the killer came in. In the dark and under covers it would have been hard to see him. I think the shooter shot him before realizing it was the King and not me.” I explain.

  Daniel’s face pales as he realizes the truth in my words. I was the intended victim. He stands quickly, following my thought train with his own.

  “I’m assuming no one actually moved him into that position?” I ask everyone in the room.

  When no one answers, I continue. “I think the killer realized her mistake and tried to, I don’t know what, but something.” I pause going back to my father’s lifeless form. “After the events of last night, I think I
was the intended victim.”

  The room eerily quiets.

  “He decided last minute he wanted to stay close to me. Right?”

  Robert nods.

  “Everyone in the house knew where I was staying because of what happened earlier in the night, but word would not have gotten out yet.”

  “You think Elizabeth or Baron Farfall paid someone to come in here to kill you.” Daniel offers.

  “No, honestly, I don’t think Elizabeth would pay anyone to do that. I think she would have gotten the satisfaction of doing it herself. Think about it. You and I humiliated her last night at dinner.” I further explain why I truly do believe it was Elizabeth and not some hired hit man. “The things she said to me down in the dungeon were scary. She is unhinged.”

  “But she knows if anything happened to you I still would not have married her.” Daniel states matter of fact.

  “I think she really thought you could get over losing me. That you would forgive her any mistakes or indiscretions she made along the way.” I say. “I know she would stop at nothing to get the crown. Baron Farfall and she had to have found out I escaped. They know I could point my finger at them and ending in their executed.”

  “But why?” Daniel questions, anger vibrating from him in waves.

  “Regardless, it doesn’t matter now. What matters now is that we have a country to address. We have to assure them the power structure still exists.” I can’t believe the cold words coming out of my mouth.

  Who am I?

  “They need to know I am the Queen of Farquadt and I will not back down.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It took a few hours of planning how to handle this crisis because let’s face it, a monarch dying is a major crisis. A monarch being murdered is a whole different game. No one except a few knew about the nuptials and subsequent bedding that took place late last night. After last night and all the steps taken, per law I became Queen even if I haven’t been crowned yet. It was decided that Daniel would call for an emergency meeting here at Balwart for three o’clock. The timing gave us the opportunity to bring in extra security. We brought in Special Forces from Farquadt’s military for securing the outside grounds. Daniel warned me there were snipers hidden all over the grounds.


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