The Unknown Royal Heir

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The Unknown Royal Heir Page 31

by Kimber Swan

  Seeing the two of them form a bond fills my heart because despite what they both think, they need each other. AnnaBelle has become an extremely important person in my life. She’s been hurt by those she trusted because she works for me. It bothers me how people will use other people to get close to me.

  I have tried to live by my father’s teachings about court and not trusting anyone. His warnings seem like they only yesterday. I repeat his words like a mantra whenever we hold court. There are few people outside of our immediate circle whom we do trust. Even those who backed us during Baron Farfall’s demise, I don’t trust. Unfortunately, everyone is looking to gain power, no matter the cost to us.

  Daniel and I have circulated the room and mingled with guests. Daniel thought it would be a good idea to invite the commoners who attended our wedding as a thank you. It warms my heart witnessing our people intermingling without knowing who the other person is or what their station in life may be.

  Only Dante could point some of the commoners out by their costumes. It really made me feel good, though embarrassed, when some of the single aristocrats disappeared with some of the commoners, knowing they were trying to find a quiet, private place. Hopefully, this night will add new blood into the aristocracy.

  Speaking of adding new blood, the night is coming close to an end and my husband promised me some alone time prior to the unmasking. He has been talking to one of the English dignitaries. We know he came specifically to find our weak spot. Since we exposed his plot, he has been hard press to get information from anyone. We’re not sure why he has continued to stay on.

  I have only been listening with one ear to their conversation while a matronly woman has been talking my other ear off about my duty to produce royal heirs and how her daughter was pregnant within weeks of her marriage. Daniel must have overheard her because the hand at my back applies a gentle reassuring pressure.

  “Excuse me will you, Mr. Roberts.” I hear Daniel say to the man. “It was a pleasure speaking with you. Hope you continue to enjoy your stay.”

  “Yes, thank you, King Daniel.” Mr. Roberts replies with a curt nod. “Good night, Queen Freya.”

  Mr. Roberts’ guest interlocks her arm around his tightly. She murmurs something in his ear, but stares at me while she does it. A chill runs down my neck at her scathing look. I quickly blink not believing what I saw. When I look back, they are taking their leave. Any outward hostility is gone.

  “Excuse us, Lady Jones. I have something I need to talk to the Queen about.” Daniel artfully ends the matronly woman’s one sided conversation with me.

  “Please have your daughter call AnnaBelle and we can have tea someday.” I say politely, clutching her hand.

  Daniel pulls me away.

  “It’s about time. I have been having the most impure thoughts where you’re concerned all night, especially since that hot dance we shared.”

  “Didn’t you feel me against you? How hard you made me? Why I wouldn’t let you go?” He whispers in my ear.

  “Actually, I did.” I chuckle.

  When we are in the hallway leading to our suite, Daniel dismisses our guards.

  “I’ll race you there?” I say laughingly over my shoulder, running down the corridor as fast as my heels would allow me.

  As I pass the doors leading to our suite, I hear Daniel’s steps get louder as he approaches. My heels click clack on the stone floor, but then I hear a different step. Everything from this point on happens so fast it is a blur.

  I turn around to see whose step is behind me. A woman runs at me with a raised hand gripping a sharp knife. It reminds me of a cheap slasher film. I take a few steps back startled when Daniel yells. I turn to sprint away, but catch my heel in the hem of my skirt. I fall to the floor, hitting my midsection on one the many straight back chairs lining the hallway.


  I land sharply as on the floor. The woman pounces on top of me in a matter of seconds. My arms block the knife swipes from making contact. Her breathing is loud. She isn’t making any other noises. Suddenly, her weight is lifted off me with a scream. When I roll to see the scuffle, clutching my abdomen in pain, Daniel has the upper hand. I relax momentarily as the rest happens in slow motion. I will never forget how she got the upper hand and sunk the knife deep in Daniel’s chest.

  The scream that tore from my throat has the guards we just dismissed rushing back. She hears them coming and looks down at what she did. The woman pulls the knife out of his chest, raising it as she advances toward me. I scramble to get to Daniel’s side as I see a red puddle forming under him.

  The woman and I meet somewhere in the middle, but before she can kill me a loud bang is heard followed by the woman crumpling to floor next to me with a look of surprise on her face. She tries to stand, but falters. She drags her failing body closer still trying to kill me.

  Another shot is fired. This one entering the center of her head, two feet away from me.

  She falls face first to the ground. Dead.

  Ignoring her, I reach Daniel. His breaths are labored and gurgling. I gently lift his head to my lap. The red flow of blood oozing rapidly out of his chest is my undoing. I bend over applying pressure to the wound, trying in vain to stop the bleeding.

  “Baby?” Daniels whispers, his lips tinged red.

  He coughs, spitting up some blood out.

  “Shh, Daniel. Don’t talk.” I admonish him softly, applying harder pressure. “Help! Someone get the doctor.”

  “Are you okay?” He whispers.

  His coloring is rapidly turning a pasty white. His lips have a bluish tinge to them.

  “Stop talking. I command you to be quiet.” I reprimand him, the tears falling freely. “You have to listen to your Queen.”

  He chuckles, but it stops abruptly by a gurgling cough.

  “I wear the pants in this relationship.” He says after a couple of seconds with what little energy he has remaining.

  Donald is by my side, taking off his jacket and moving my hands away from the knife wound. He applies better pressure than I could.

  “I love you.” Daniel says. “I need you to know I will always be with you no matter what. You must make sure you protect our child. He or she will always be looking over their shoulder. Don’t let him or her ever be afraid. I want him or her to be happy.”

  He stops talking again as another coughing fit over takes him.

  “Of course, I will. But you will be there with me to make sure. I can’t do this on my own.” I will him to fight.

  “I don’t think so, baby. I think I have done what I was put on this earth to do. To love you and bring you back to Farquadt.”

  “No!” I yell at him. “I won’t lose you because of this country. You promised me forever. We still have our whole lives in front of us.”

  “You have to let me go. You should marry again to secure your throne. Marry quickly. Don’t mourn me too long you need to secure throne for the baby.” He says in a barely audible whisper.

  How did this night go so horribly wrong? Only this morning we found out we were having a baby. We are supposed to be blissfully in bed enjoying each other.

  I look at Donald and his eyes are red. The guards have made a make shift stretcher and placed Daniel on it. They hurry down the corridor towards the doctor’s office. In shock, I look down at my hands covered with Daniel’s life blood. The white dress speckled red and pink.

  Dante helps me up. I don’t know when he arrived here. I cry out as a sharp pain overtakes me. Dante lifts me into his strong arms. Arms that have always offered me comfort, but right now these are not the ones I want holding me. I struggle to get down and Dante lowers me. Two guards roll the woman over removing her mask. This was the masked woman who escorted Mr. Roberts. I would not have forgotten that dress or mask after the look she gave me. I hear a muttering around us as the face comes into view.

  “Elizabeth?” I gasp.

  “Wait wasn’t she the woman with Mr. Roberts?” Dante questions. “How
did she end up with Mr. Roberts? Do you think he knew?”

  “I don’t have time to worry about that now. I need to be by Daniel’s side.” My tears dry up for a brief time until I think about Daniel.

  “Robert? Make sure the King’s siblings are brought to the doctor’s office.”

  “My lady, they took Daniel to the hospital wing.” Robert explains.

  “Well, where ever he is make sure there are more guards. Double the amount. Have someone remove Elizabeth’s body then inform the Baron of what happened.” He nods as I turn and take my lead. “Oh, and hold Mr. Roberts for questioning.”

  Within seconds I am surrounded by a league of guards leading me to the hospital. To my King. To my lover. My husband. My soul mate.

  My soul feels fractured without him near. Another sharp pain in my abdomen causes my step to falter. One of the guards quickly catches me before I fall. I feel something warm drip down my leg. When I look down all I see is Daniel’s blood, but why is it still warm? Why is it teasing me with his warmth?

  “Daphne, you’re bleeding sweetheart.” Dante says. “Get her doctor now! Have her meet us in the hospital.”

  “I’m fine. It’s just Daniels’ blood.” I say trying to ignore the truth. “I need to see Daniel.”

  “You need a doctor otherwise you are going to lose the baby.” Dante says, not caring who overhears.

  “The baby is fine. It’s Daniel that-.”

  A sharper cramp doubles me over this time.

  Dante wastes no time in lifting me in his arms again and starts running. The guards lead him down another hallway. The lighting down here is brighter. They lead Dante to a set of swing doors similar to a hospital.

  The chaos we walk into comes to a halt when they see me in Dante’s arms. A nurse rushes to Dante’s side.

  “Is she okay?” The nurse asks.

  “She’s pregnant and started bleeding.” Dante answers.

  “I need a gurney now!” She yells. “We have an obstetrics emergency. The Queen is pregnant and bleeding.”

  “How is Daniel?” I cry.

  “He is in surgery right now, my lady.” She answers. “We need to see what’s happening with you and the baby.”

  Dr. Stevens comes running in.

  “What happened? I was paged that the Queen-.” She stops abruptly as she sees Dante lowering me to the gurney the guards just brought over.

  “She’s bleeding.” Dante explains to her briefly.

  “What happened, my lady?” Dr. Stevens asks urgently as they lead me through another set of doors.

  “I fell while being attacked. Daniel was stabbed rescuing me.” I cry again or maybe I never stopped. “Dante find out how Daniel is. I need to know.”

  “There’s nothing we can do for him right now. He would be royally pissed off if you didn’t take care of you and that baby. I promise I will check once we know you’re okay.” Dante says while squeezing my hand.

  “I won’t be able to concentrate unless I know what is happening with him. Please.”

  “I need to do an internal exam. Go find out while I do this.” Dr. Stevens instructs Dante.

  “Fine, but don’t take her shit. She is not fine no matter what she says.” Dante sneers at me.

  “I understand. Now go.” Dr. Stevens says returning her attention to me. “There’s a lot of blood here. Let’s get you out of this gown.”

  She orders the nurses. The nurses cut away the once beautiful white gown now stained with both Daniel’s and our unborn child’s blood. They quickly put on the typical hospital gown. The door opens and another woman comes in with the sonogram machine.

  “Okay, Daphne, stay with me. This may hurt a little. I have to find out what is going on inside there.” Dr. Stevens explains, using the name I’m used to.

  The nurse applies a blue gel to the tip of the long, penis like probe. I don’t remember the one in her office looking like that. She gently inserts the probe. I wince at the sharp cramp it elicits.

  “Oww.” I cry out.

  “Try to relax. We already know what this little one looks like from this morning. Let’s make sure he or she is still in the same position.” Dr. Stevens explains softly.

  As she moves the probe around, my mind wanders to Daniel making me worrying more. He has to be okay. There is so much we still need to do. Before I met him, my life with Dante was good, but it was always lacked something. The kind of something you didn’t miss until you had it and then lost it. Daniel showed me what I was missing. There is no chance I can ever go back to the way life used to be if he should leave me.

  But if he should leave, I know this little one he gave me would be his greatest gift to me. This little one is a part of him. I must do everything within my power to make sure he or she is born healthy and strong. His legacy needs to go on. He or she needs to remind the country who their father was and the great sacrifice he made for it. This country will never forget him.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The door to the exam room swings open without concern for what is happening in here. Dr. Stevens quickly removes the probe and covers me from prying eyes. The nurse quickly helps me to a sitting position. My exam forgotten.

  A doctor, whom I have never seen before, strides in. There are small dark spots spread over the front of his navy blue scrub shirt. His face looks drawn and tired. Another person enters on his heels. This one I recognize as Daniel’s personal doctor.

  “Your Highness.” Daniel’s doctor says bowing. “This is Dr. Edwards. He was the surgeon who operated on the King.”

  “Your Highness.” Dr. Edwards bows. “We did everything we could for the King, but I’m afraid it may not have been enough. The knife nicked his aorta, the main artery in the body. He lost a lot of blood and coded twice on the operating room table. After the second time we were forced to close up. I repaired it the best I could. It is hard to tell how long his brain was without blood. I just don’t know what will happen.”

  A sob escapes me as he speaks. My hands go to my abdomen as a sharp cramp over takes me. Dr. Stevens quickly orders the nurse to get a sedative.

  “No, I don’t want it.” I say to her. “I need to see Daniel.”

  “Your Highness, I don’t advise that. There are wires and tubes keeping him alive as we speak.”

  “I don’t care. If he is going to die he will know we are there.” I speak with authority.

  “Please, Daphne.” Dr. Stevens pleads. “Think of the baby. It’s too much of a risk. We don’t know how much of that blood is yours.”

  I take a deep breath then ask, “If I am losing this baby, is there anything you can do to stop it?”

  She shakes her head from side to side.

  “Then I can’t worry about it now. Daniel needs me.”

  I look to Dante who snuck into the room when the doctors came in. He nods sadly, understanding what I want then leaves. He returns quickly with a wheel chair.

  “You heard your Queen. She is going to see the King, her husband.” Dante announces to the room.

  Dr. Stevens and a nurse assist me into the wheel chair Dante holds in position. The surgeon holds the door open for us then leads us down a series of corridors and doors. Eventually, we come to what looks like a recovery room and intensive care unit rolled into one. The first thing to assault my senses is the noise- the slow beep of a machine, the hiss of another machine. The next sense affected is smell- the stringent bleach-like chemicals. Finally, although they say light travels faster than sound, in this case I believe my eyes refused to see what was in front of them.

  There is only one patient here and guards are surrounding the only bed. My heart lurches in my chest. The man I love and plan to spend my life with is in the middle of the bed looking small and broken, despite being the large, powerful man he was.


  I wipe at my eyes then place my hands across my abdomen, protectively. Dante continues wheeling me next to Daniel. I clasp his limp hand in mine, squeezing it, reassuring myself he is still he
re. Instead his hand feels lifeless, cold. I remember the first time he held my hand. It sent shivers straight to my core.

  The way he gripped the handle bars of the motorcycle.

  The way he gripped me tightly ensuring I held on as we escaped Paris.

  The way he held both my hands as he plunged deeper into me our first time together as man and wife.

  I knew there would be no one else for me. This man had me reacting to him on a basic level from the very beginning. We overcame the obstacles. We will overcome this one also.

  I kiss his hand.

  “Daniel, baby it’s me.” I whisper.

  I wait hoping for him to open his eyes for me.

  “Please don’t leave me. You know I can’t do any of this without you. You’re the one who convinced me I could run the country. You promised me you would be here to guide me and love me.”

  I wipe the hair that fell over his left eye and caress his cheek. The beeping on the machine slows a bit more.

  “Baby, don’t you dare leave me. You have a son or daughter to meet. What am I going to tell them why you left? Please, Daniel, don’t do this.” I plead with him. “I need you like I need oxygen to breath.”

  The beeping hesitates and I look at the screen. There is one line with nothing registering. No beeping. No sign of a heartbeat. When I turn around, I see that I am alone in the room with Daniel.

  “Dammit it! Don’t you leave me?” I scream at him. “Don’t leave me alone. Everyone has left me. Not you too.”

  Still nothing.

  “Please.” I cry.


  “I won’t do this without you.”


  “The baby and I won’t survive without you.”


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