You're Still The One

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You're Still The One Page 6

by Cheyenne Barnett

Chapter Five

  Letter #48

  Dear Caroline,

  Let’s just say, mom and I had a little heart to heart over about a two minute time period. I just reminded her to be kind and I might have mentioned you were a bit stressed. But, she took well to what I told her and promised me that she would take care of you while I’m gone. I made sure and included that when I returned, I wanted to see a relaxed and stress-free Caroline. I might have been a little stern with that little detail as well. :)

  I was kind of wondering when the shopping frenzy would begin and I’m glad you took Katie with you. I believe she’s just as excited for this baby as we are. Actually, I was wondering if you had thought of a godmother yet. I was thinking that she would be the perfect fit, but of course, you have the final say.

  I’m very relieved that you have something to look forward to, honestly, I’m looking forward to receiving a very long letter with all the gifts we’ve received. I would love to see pictures from the event and I’m sure Katie will take care of that detail, as well.

  Oh, dear, Caroline, why on earth would you even think about a nursery theme for a boy? A waste of time, if you ask me, but I’m sure you already knew that. I think Cinderella would be the perfect theme for Julianna and I can’t wait to see what that empty room turns into.

  Care, I honestly think you’ve gone completely crazy since I left! You do not gain five pounds a day in any pregnancy, that’s completely insane. I don’t think any woman enjoys gaining weight, but it’s just part of having another human being growing inside of you. I happen to think you look absolutely beautiful and I can tell you’re not as upset as you think you are. The way you’re looking at the camera says it all. You have that glow.

  I guess it would be no shock to tell you that every soldier in my unit agreed that it is indeed a girl. You’re carrying high and you know what that means… Julianna it is.

  Now, to the difficult part. This was one letter I was not thrilled to write but please, please don’t worry… As I write this, the General has just left my tent. He informed me that we are about to leave the base. This is where combat comes in and that’s pretty much all I can tell you…

  Caroline, I won’t be able to write for a while, I won’t be able to have any contact with anyone but my soldiers until this mission is complete. I don’t know how long it’ll be before you hear from me again, it could only be a few days or a few weeks, but please don’t stress over it, you’ll just worry me.

  I’ll be fine, Care, you just focus on Julianna. I love you and I miss you.

  Love Always,


  A few days? A few weeks? What am I supposed to do, wait for a letter to tell me if he’s alive or not? I understand that it’s a mission and contacting people could give away their location, but for goodness sake’s, I’m his wife!

  “Caroline!” I hear Helen cry out from the living room. I leave the bedroom and find her and Alex gasping at the TV in horror. I turn and watch as Helen turns the volume up.

  “We’ve just received some very devastating news out of Iran this evening. A United States military unit has been attacked just outside of the state capital. It has been confirmed that at least twenty-five have been found dead and at least fifty more injured. We’ve also received word that the unit was stationed in Virginia at Fort Lee. No names have been released. This is Kara Thomas reporting live, CNN News.”

  No words could completely describe what I was feeling… I was terrified, frustrated, and had a sudden feeling of helplessness. How was I to know if he was involved in this? How was I to know if he was alright?

  Within an instant, adrenaline kicked in and I ran for the phone. I quickly dialed Katie’s number and on the second ring, she answered. “Caroline, please calm down, he wouldn’t want you to have a heart attack, now would he?”

  “Are you at work?” I ask, ignoring everything she had just said.

  “Yes, I’m in the office and we haven’t heard the details yet.”

  “I’m coming, stay there.” Without saying another word, I grab my keys off the counter as I frantically run to the garage. “Alex, go with her!” Helen cries.

  By the time I get into Phoenix, Alex is already in the passenger side. I don’t even bother to argue, I just raise the garage door, throw the car in reverse, and back out of the driveway. “Look, I don’t have time to go over all the rules of Phoenix, just don’t touch anything and keep your seatbelt on until I park the car.” Alex didn’t say a word as I slid out onto the main highway.

  “Hey! Slow down!” He yells, clutching the handle above him. I knew what Phoenix was capable of and yet, I had never pushed her this hard since I had bought her. I kept praying that Logan was alright and for some reason, there would be no cops in the area.

  Even if they would have pulled me over, I’m sure no officer in their right mind would try to arrest a pregnant lady who thinks her husband may possibly be dead. Definitely, not a good idea.

  As I approached the gate, I came to a sudden stop and rummaged through my glove department to find my badge. I grabbed it just as the guard approached my window. I rolled it down, then flashed the badge. He nodded as the gates swung open.

  As soon as it was wide enough for Phoenix, I flew through and followed the curvy road to the office building. I parked, grabbed the keys, and took off into the building without waiting for Alex. However, as I waited for the elevator, he caught up.

  “Come on!” I cry, pushing the second-floor button frantically. “Oh, dear, God!” I yell, running towards the stairs with Alex right behind me.

  “Caroline, you’re going to cause yourself to have a heart attack if you don’t calm down!” I ignore the comment as I run into Logan’s office. Katie jumps up as I approach her, breathing heavily.

  “Caroline, goodness, sit down!” She says, pulling out her office chair.

  “No time for that, what do you know?”

  “Caroline, I am not telling you anything until you sit your butt in this chair.” She adds sternly.

  Getting more and more aggravated by the second, I reluctantly sit down. “Tell me, Katie, or I’ll let someone else be the godmother!”

  Her eyes go wide, “Really? I’m the godmother!”

  “You won’t be if you don’t tell me what you know!”

  “I’m waiting on a phone call from the General, he’s supposed to call once they account for everyone.”

  “How long ago did he tell you that?”

  “Right before you called me.”

  “That’s all he said?”

  “Yes, that’s all.”

  My brain starts thinking of all the reasons why he didn’t mention Logan to her. If he knew Logan was alright, he would have told her, but then again, Logan might not have been with him, so how would he have known?

  After sitting there for what seemed like forever, Katie’s phone began to ring. “General?” She answers… “Yes, she’s here…” She pulls the phone away from her ear and hands it to me. “He wants to speak to you.”


  “Caroline, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, but I just arrived at the base hospital and accounted for my men.”


  “Logan’s alright, his unit was attacked earlier this morning, but he made it out. He has a few cuts and burns, but he’s alright. The Doctors are checking him out right now. I asked him if he needed anything from me and he said to call you. So, I did exactly what he said.”

  “Thank you, General. Thank you.”

  “I promise, as soon as he’s rested, I’ll have him call you. Take care.” I hang up and breathe a sigh of relief.

  Thank God, he was okay.


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