You're Still The One

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You're Still The One Page 24

by Cheyenne Barnett

Chapter Fourteen

  The past weeks have been hard, but everything worked out in the end, just like Nick had said. Sarah did help me and surprisingly, she helped Logan and I become even closer. When we got back from Kentucky, Sarah's funeral was the next day. It wasn't easy, no funeral ever is, but I didn't feel guilty anymore. I was at peace and I knew there was nothing I could have done to change her mind.

  Even Jessica and Amanda said she had been on suicide watch before, right after Jon left. I just wish someone would have warned me beforehand. I was surprised when they both told me they wanted to continue our meetings, but in a way, I was glad. Now, they're both doing very well and the General praised me for their progress.

  Currently, I'm almost eight months pregnant and as hormonal as ever! I find that I get agitated a lot easier than I used to and I tend to lay down and take naps more often. I have to admit, I never liked how much weight I had gained, which was now almost thirty pounds, by the way, but then again, I'm sure no woman ever likes that part. I feel like all my energy has been drained away and I can walk from the bedroom to the kitchen and be tired. That's probably the worst part so far, besides all the back pain, of course.

  But, Logan continues to remind me, everything will be worth it when Julianna is here. I know he's right and let me tell you, I'm looking forward to my due date. Just about six more weeks! I can do it!

  "Logan! You're going to have to help me up!" I yell from the couch.

  He walks down the stairs and over to me, "I'm just curious, what do you do when I'm not here?" He chuckles.

  "Not funny, I can get up on my own, but it's not pleasant." He pulls me to my feet. "So, is the nursery done? Can I see it now?"

  He smirks, "I just finished a few minutes ago, I was going to make you wait, but I guess I could let you see it now..."

  "Yes! I want to see it!" I add, excitedly. I have been waiting to see this nursery for over a month now. We had bought everything we needed and I had picked up the decor to match the Cinderella theme weeks ago. But I had promised Logan that I wouldn't look in the room until he finished it up. That was something I had planned on doing myself, but given the circumstances, it was best that he finish it. I didn't have the energy and even if I did work on it, it was never certain it would be done in time for Julianna.

  I follow him back up the stairs, when we reach the nursery room door, he makes me close my eyes. "Take a few steps toward me." He says as he leads me into the room. "Alright, ready?"


  "Open." I look around the room in complete shock. Dang. This place looks just like the magazine picture. "Wow." The dresser sits in the corner of the room, the changing table opposite it. The crib sits in the center, Logan's fixed it just like the picture I showed him. He's added the canopy and pink drapery just liked I wanted. Light pink curtains flow at the top of the windows and the small silver chandler I had picked up hangs from the ceiling. It truly looks like a Princess' room. "So? Did Mr. Fix-It do a good job?" He asks as I smile.

  "Yes, Mr. Fix-It did a very good job. It really looks like a Princess room. Wait until Helen finds out you did it and not me." I chuckle. I had missed Helen since she left, but she was flying back in about a month when I was closer to my due date. She called a couple times a week and checked on me and of course, I always sent her pictures of my ultrasounds. Alex had told Logan that she was sending them to everyone she knew, she's one proud grandma.

  A car horn gets my attention as Logan looks out the window and smiles. "The General's here."

  "I didn’t know he was coming?" I ask as I follow him down the stairs.

  He smirks, "I did." I watch him curiously as we walk out to the garage. Before I can see anything, Logan slips his hands over my eyes. "So, we have a surprise for you..."

  "Another one? Not that I'm complaining, of course." He leads me down the driveway as I hear the General speak up.

  "Logan's been telling me that you all have been disagreeing about cars as of late. You know, those little sports cars you've got are going to be really hard getting a car seat in and out of. So, my wife decided to give you all a gift from us..." Logan removes his hands from my face as I look on to a silver Toyota Four Runner.

  "You're giving us an SUV?" I ask as my eyes go wide.

  He smiles, "Well, technically, my wife is since this was hers. She's decided to get another vehicle and she told me she would love for you and Logan to have this one. No payments, just insurance, so really, you can both keep your old cars."

  "I don't even know what to say," I mutter as he pulls out the keys.

  "Take her for a test drive? We have to get the title changed, so you can drive us to the courthouse." I smile and take the keys.

  "Thanks, General. I never thought somebody would give us a car, though."

  I am so grateful to have such good friends. I mean, who would give you a practically brand new car? That's just unheard of... But, I did feel a weight lift off my shoulders. I didn't want to get rid of Phoenix and I knew Logan didn't want to give up Crimson either. It's like our cars were married too, I mean we got them right around the time we started dating. They're kind of part of the family and maybe one day, Julianna will learn to drive in one of them.

  So within a day, my to-do list was completed. The nursery was finished and an SUV was now in the family. I keep telling Logan I have to name it and I think I thought of a good name on the way to the courthouse.


  Perfect, don't you think?


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