Lonely Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 6)

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Lonely Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 6) Page 5

by Harmony Raines

Nate had to agree: there was a funny side to this somewhere. Why was it that this bear had gone from being all alone, to having one woman too many in his life?

  Chapter Thirteen – Chloe

  Confused. That would sum it up. She had thought Nate single, unattached, lonely, up there in his cabin. Now it appeared he had a close relationship with Olivia. Fun, pretty, vivacious Olivia. Totally unburdened with life’s baggage. Chloe was no match.

  She sank down in to her wheelchair, feeling despondent, as if her bubble of happiness had burst once more.

  “Hi, Chloe. Let’s get some details, shall we, then I’ll take you to Radiology.” Nurse Beth came over and sat down, very efficient and radiant with her swollen baby bump, another lucky woman who had bagged a good man in Dr. Ben.

  “Listen, why don’t we go and get some coffee while you’re in Beth’s capable hands?” Olivia said, pulling Nate towards the restaurant area.

  “No. I’m staying with Chloe,” Nate said firmly.

  Just then, behind her, Chloe heard the voice of her father; this was all about to get worse. Her head felt like it would explode, and she didn’t want Nate to see her struggling to cope. Although she was sure she had already lost him. So she said sharply, “No, you go, Nate. I’m sure you and Olivia have a lot of catching up to do.” Did she really sound that miserable? What had happened to the way he made her feel? It was still there, only buried under a large heap of self-preservation. Her life seemed determined to fall apart.

  “Are you OK, Chloe?” Beth asked, looking intently at Chloe.

  Chloe wiped her eyes, trying to look cheerful. “I’m fine. Thanks, Beth.”

  “He didn’t want to go,” Beth said kindly. “It’s you he’s interested in.”

  “That’s what I thought, until Olivia turned up. It seems they have a previous relationship, which I didn’t know about.” Chloe felt her heart wrenching; she could not risk going through the same thing she had with Jerry. It was too soul destroying.

  “Listen, Nate is one of those men who really knows what he wants, and that is you. He is not going to be swept away by Olivia. She’s not his … type.” Beth patted her hand. “Don’t push him away, Chloe.”

  She looked over to where her father and stepmother were approaching. “I might not have to,” she said. “After he’s met the rest of my family, he’ll probably run a mile.”

  “Don’t be too sure,” Beth said.

  “Chloe, there you are.” Her father gave Beth the once-over, and then said, “Are you treating my daughter?”

  “Yes. I’m going to take her to Radiology so we can check for broken bones, and then we’ll decided what’s the best course of action.”

  “Strap it up and send her home. All this trouble! She went off in a huff because she let a good man slip through her fingers. Damn it, Chloe, you are not a child, what were you thinking?” As usual, his voice was harsh, accusing, and angry. Chloe wanted to fade away, or run back up the mountain with Nate.

  “I wanted some space, Dad.”

  “We all feel like that sometimes. But you have to face up to your life. Not run away from it.”

  “We are not all the same as you. I needed some space,” she repeated.

  “Right, if you could wait here, Mr Turnstall, and Mrs Turnstall.” Beth looked at Chloe’s stepmother, who hadn’t said a word, just looked bored. “We will be back shortly.”

  “Thank you,” Chloe said as soon as they were out of earshot.

  “What’s the deal with your dad? He doesn’t look happy.” Beth pushed Chloe along towards Radiology.

  “He hasn’t looked happy since the day my mom died.”

  “Ah, so he loved her a lot.”

  “I guess. We don’t talk about her. But he married my stepmother, Charity, so soon after, I presumed he didn’t miss her much.”

  “He looks like a man who lost the love of his life.”

  “Then why did he marry so quickly? And he hates me. I’m never good enough—not slim enough, pretty enough, or smart enough.” They reached Radiology, and Beth wheeled her inside.

  “You know what I think? He misses your mom and you remind him of her. I see it all the time, the different ways people deal with the loss of loved ones. Listen, if he didn’t care he wouldn’t have dropped everything to come on over here, would he?”

  Chloe leaned back in the wheelchair and closed her eyes. “You’re right. You know, I think Nate had the right idea, living up in the mountains all alone.”

  “But he’s come down now, Chloe. For you. You hold onto that, let him in, and the two of you will be able to face anything together.”

  “I hope you are right.”

  “I am.” She patted Chloe’s shoulder. “Now I am going to leave you in the very capable hands of Tony here. I’ll be waiting outside to take you back.” Beth handed the chart to Tony and then left.

  “Let’s get a scan of your ankle then, Chloe. OK?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Take your time.”

  “That good, hey?”

  “Oh, yes.”


  “Well, it’s not broken.” Behind her, her father sighed in that I told you so way he had perfected. “But it is a nasty sprain. It’ll take a few days to heal. Keep off it for the rest of the day and then try to walk on it tomorrow. Three to five days and it will be a lot better.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Chloe said, wondering where Nate had got to; he had been gone for over half an hour. She had a sneaking suspicion he had left, to do some catching up with his old friend Olivia.

  “Right, let’s get you back to the house.” Her father placed his hands on the wheelchair and was about to push her out of the hospital.

  “I’m waiting for a friend first,” Chloe said, searching around for Beth so she could ask her if she had seen Nate, or whether it was possible to leave him a message.

  A sound of giggling, and Olivia came around the corner with Nate. She looked happy, flirtatious, and clean. While Chloe felt as if she had been dragged through a hedge, or at least down a mountain. Which, in a way, she had.

  “See, I told you Chloe would still be here. Everything takes ages in a hospital.” They walked over to Chloe, who felt gratified that Nate could not drag his eyes away from her. They were full of concern and she found herself smiling shyly at him, leaving him looking relieved. She had been wrong, and read too much in to the situation. He had known Olivia for some time and yet chose to live on the mountain, a mountain he had left for Chloe.

  “How are you feeling?” Nate asked, coming over to her.

  “Better, thanks; it feels much easier after taking the weight of it.”

  “I’m surprised Jerry isn’t here yet? Or is he working? He always did work hard,” Olivia said, coming over to join them.

  An awkward silence ensued, only broken when her father huffed loudly and then said, “So you haven’t got round to telling everyone yet, Chloe? Maybe you should have done that instead of dragging yourself up that damned mountain.”

  “Olivia,” Chloe began, digging deep to keep her cool. “Jerry and I broke up.”

  “Oh, Chloe, I am so sorry. I thought you guys were made for each other.” She bent down and hugged Chloe tight. “I really am sorry,” she said softly, kissing her cheek. “If there’s anything you need, let me know.”

  “Thanks, Olivia,” Chloe instantly felt guilty about her jealousy of Olivia and Nate. If they were meant to be together, then so be it. But when she looked up at Nate, he only had eyes for Chloe, and she blushed guiltily. It meant Olivia was going to be left upset too, because she certainly had a thing for Nate.

  “Listen, while Nate’s in town, let’s all hook up. I’ll arrange something. I have just the man in mind to get you over Jerry.”

  “No, please, it’s too soon.” Chloe couldn’t bear the thought of going on a double date with Olivia and Nate.

  “Nonsense. Look, your dad looks like he’s itching to get you home. So we’ll come by and pick you up at seven, and then we’ll go for dinner.
” She turned and took Nate’s hand. “It means I have a reason to keep Nate here in town for an extra day or two.”

  Chloe looked helplessly at Nate, who said, “I don’t know if I’ll still be around tomorrow evening.” Although his eyes told Chloe he never wanted to leave her side.

  “You can sort it all out later; right now, I have work to do. It’s all very well for you youngsters not to have anything to worry about, but I have a workforce.” Her father moved to push her out of the hospital.

  Nate stepped forward and said, “I’ll do that, Mr Turnstall.”

  “Oh, yes, you are the mountain man those hunters said kidnapped my daughter,” her father said suspiciously.

  “He didn’t, Dad. I already told you he is the one who saved me.” Chloe sounded exasperated. Why did he read bad things into everything to do with her life?

  “Right, so he persuaded you. Look.” Her father pulled a checkbook out. “Why don’t I write out a check, as a reward? I won’t treat you any differently to those other guys. I’m just glad Chloe is back.”

  “I don’t want your money,” Nate said firmly, and her heart filled with pride, no one usually turned down the Turnstall checkbook.

  “Sure you do, and this is my best offer, so don’t think you can try that and make me raise the sum.”

  “Mr Turnstall, you have no debt to me. I rescued Chloe because she needed me. The fact that she is safe is payment enough.” Nate sounded equally firm.

  Chloe ducked her head at the openness, the rawness of his words. As she looked towards Nate, her eyes were drawn to Olivia, who was looking from Nate to Chloe and back again. A look registered there, and Chloe knew that she had picked up the connection between them. But before she had chance to say anything, although what was there to say when so many people here, her father took hold of the wheelchair and pushed Chloe out of the hospital.

  It seemed that her father was as confused as the rest of them. No one turned down his money unless they had an ulterior motive.

  “I don’t know where you found that guy, or he found you. But I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

  “Dad, I’m not seven.”

  “No, but you are my daughter, and you live under my roof. Now you are not with Jerry, you’ll have all manner of people after you for your money.”

  “I don’t have any money. It’s all yours, remember.”

  “Exactly, so while you are under my roof, you will not see him. If Olivia asks you to go to dinner tomorrow, you say no.”

  “OK, that is enough. I am not yours to order round.” If Chloe could have found the strength she would have stopped the wheelchair and left.

  “Like I said, under my roof.”

  “Then perhaps it’s time I moved out from under your roof.” She knew just the cosy little cabin roof she would rather live under.

  “You don’t mean that, Chloe.” His voice had softened, and for once he realised he had overstepped the mark.

  “Yes, I do. I am sorry you feel let down about Jerry, I really do. But what makes it all worse is that you have never thought how upset I was to see him in bed with another woman. I know you blame me, and I really do wish I could be the daughter you want me to be. But I think it’s time we both faced up to the fact that I’m not like you.”

  “No, Chloe, you aren’t. You are just like your mom.”

  Chloe looked at her father, as if seeing him for the first time in years; he looked old and sad. “Dad, it’s OK.” She placed her hand on his. “It’s OK to miss her.”

  He glanced over at his second wife, who was unlocking the car. “I just wish she was here with us, Chloe. I miss her so much.”

  “I know, Dad. I know.”

  Chapter Fourteen – Nate

  Nate sensed the subtle shift in Olivia’s mood, but he was so preoccupied with watching Chloe disappear into the distance with her father, he didn’t react. Not until she asked him bluntly, “So are you the reason Chloe’s engagement is off? I feel such a fool I felt sorry for her, when in reality she was the reason it broke down.”

  “No. Nothing happened between us,” Nate insisted. Olivia looked a little brighter. He had to handle this carefully, and not lead her on. “Look, she went on to the mountain after she split with her fiancé. I found her, and took her back to my cabin.”

  “Where nothing happened?” Olivia pressed.

  “No. She was hurt, her hands cut up.” He knew he had to tell her the truth. “That isn’t to say I didn’t want something to happen.”

  Olivia let her breath go, a short sharp blast through her lips. “I thought so. When you looked at her. Wow, so she went from one man straight onto another. Sometimes life doesn’t seem fair.”

  “I’m sorry, Olivia. You know I care for you, but not in the way you would hope.”

  “A girl can always dream,” Olivia said, smiling wistfully. “So is she the reason you went up to the mountains in the first place?”

  He should have known she would see the connection, and he couldn’t lie to her. “Yes. I knew from the moment I saw her at the engagement party she was the one for me. But I could never come between her and the man she loves.”

  “Loved. Of course, it’s wide open for you now. Jerry was a jerk, but still, she seemed to love him.” Olivia gazed into the distance, unseeing.

  “Listen, Olivia. I’ll find somewhere else to stay tonight.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s getting dark and anyway, I still enjoy your company. Don’t worry, I won’t jump you while you’re in bed.”

  “I feel like an asshole.”

  “None of us can help who we are attracted to, right?” Olivia smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes; he could see she was upset and disappointed.

  “You would make someone a wonderful partner,” he said.

  “But not you?”

  “Not me. I don’t want to lead you on, Olivia.”

  “OK,” she said resignedly. “Let’s go grab something to eat and we’ll make arrangements for tomorrow. We’ll still go out, because I am not letting you go back up to that cabin of yours unless you have made some attempt at wooing the lovely Chloe. Do you hear me?”

  “Don’t worry, Olivia, I have no intention of leaving Bear Bluff until I have convinced her I am the man for her.”

  “Damn it, Nate. Why couldn’t those words be for me?”

  “Because we are not meant to be. But I can guarantee that when you meet the right man, what you think you feel for me will fade away until you won’t even remember why you had a crush on me.” He only hoped his words were true and that one day soon, a bear would come knocking on Olivia’s door.

  “Well, if you put it like that.” She took his hand and led him to her car. There they got in and she drove them back to her apartment.

  “So I guess I’ll make the sofa up for you, and then we can eat. I feel like splurging on Chinese food.”

  And so they spent the evening together, talking and laughing, and Nate really did wish he could have had feelings for Olivia. But his heart belonged to Chloe, so he vowed he was going to try really hard to find a bear who would love and appreciate the special person Olivia was.

  When they went to their separate beds, all he could think of was getting through the next day, because in the evening, he would see Chloe again, and he did not intend to let the day end without resolving their relationship. He only hoped her father was not about to put a stop to his daughter seeing the lonely bear from high up in the mountains.

  Chapter Fifteen – Chloe

  “Nate’s not with you?” Chloe asked when she had hobbled out to Olivia’s car.

  “No.” Olivia helped her in and then got into the driver’s seat, where she turned and faced Chloe. “Look, I wanted us to have a chat first.”

  “Oh.” Chloe didn’t like the sound of this. If Olivia told her she had feelings for Nate, how was she supposed to react? She couldn’t just say she was pleased for Olivia; the last thing she wanted to do was be two-faced. Why did it always have to be so difficul

  “Don’t worry. Nate is all yours. I can’t lie and say I’m not disappointed, but I’m also not the kind of woman who would run after a man who is so obviously in love with someone else. I have my pride, you know.” Olivia turned and smiled wistfully at Chloe. “I hope it works out for you, I really do.”

  “Thanks, Olivia, that means so much. I mean, I never went looking for him. It’s just when I caught Jerry in bed with another woman…”

  “What! That’s what happened? Oh, Chloe, why didn’t you come find me?” Olivia leaned over and hugged Chloe.

  “I felt too ashamed. As if I wasn’t good enough, you know. And my dad was livid. You know how I always said he wanted Jerry as a son-in-law. Well. To find out that Jerry had been stringing us all along just for the job promotion hit my dad hard.”

  “Hit your dad hard? Sometimes I don’t think your dad ever thinks of anyone else’s feelings but his own.” She looked guiltily at the big house behind them, as if she thought he might be able to hear her. “Sorry, Chloe, but you know he didn’t exactly win father of the year when your mom died, did he?”

  “No, we talked about it some last night. I get the feeling he tried to replace my mom with Charity.”

  “You mean he went for the exact opposite?”

  “Yeah, he wanted to fill the void.”

  “It still doesn’t excuse the way he behaved towards you.” Olivia rubbed Chloe’s back in comfort. “Listen, you know, Chloe, you deserve that big hunk of man meat who is in love with you. I want you to give him a chance; he will be the best thing to ever happen to you.”

  “You don’t think I’m on the rebound?” Chloe wiped tears from her eyes. She was so lucky to have Olivia as a friend.

  “No. Well. He’s been in love with you since your engagement party. Went up to his cabin to stop himself coming and claiming you all caveman style, from what I gather.” Olivia started the engine and drove back along the long tree-lined drive away from the Turnstall residence.

  “You’re joking?”

  “No. Not at all, but you might want to keep that to yourself, I have no idea what it is with him, but he fell for you hook, line, and sinker. It all fits together now, how he used to come down every once in a while and ask how your wedding plans were going. I thought it was because I was your bridesmaid, but now I see that it was because he was secretly hoping something would go wrong.”


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