Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book Page 21

by Jourdyn Kelly

  Greyson scowled. He knew Cade could relentlessly bust balls when it came to his buddies’ ‘girlfriends’. He also knew Cade could be crude, and Blaise deserved more respect than that. “It was more than that, Cade.”

  Cade held up his hands in surrender. “All right, brother, don’t get all bent out of shape. Unless Blaise is the one bending you out of shape.” He gave Greyson a mischievous grin. “So, how was she?”

  Greyson finally cracked a smile. Of course, he wasn’t going to go into details with Cade. Blaise meant too much to him to do that. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t give the condensed version.

  “Let’s just say I’ve been ruined for other women.”

  Cade’s eyebrows hiked up to his hairline. “That good?”

  “Her name suits her perfectly,” was Greyson’s cagey response.

  “Good for you. In all seriousness, I’m happy for you, brother. I never thought I’d see the day when Greyson Steele gave his heart to a woman. Blaise is certainly worthy. She’s perfect for you.”

  “Thanks, man. Let’s hope she stays with me after meeting Nora and Preston.”

  Cade snorted in disgust. “You’re going to subject that beautiful woman to the likes of them?”

  Greyson barked out a laugh. “I have no doubts that Blaise can hold her own against the monster-in-laws.”

  That got Cade’s attention. “In-laws? Shit, man, you really are serious about her, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, Cade. I’ve never met anyone like her. She’s it for me,” he said with more bravado than he felt. Oddly enough, he wasn’t afraid of his feelings, it was Blaise he worried about. Greyson had never had to sweep a woman off her feet. Hell, he had never wanted to. But he was determined to be the man Blaise would want to fall in love with.

  BLAISE SMILED AS she read Greyson’s text one more time before slipping her phone into her back pocket. It was the fourth time she had read the message—okay, tenth, but who’s counting—and each time made her feel things in certain places. She gave the coffee carousel a spin, closed her eyes and pointed to one of the K-cups. Butter Toffee Tsunami, she read silently. Pretty much how she feels about Greyson coming into her life. Like a huge tidal wave that she had no control over. The thing that surprised her the most was that she wasn’t more panicked about that.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Ellie sneaking up on her caused Blaise to jump, and drop the coffee pod at her feet. Good thing that wasn’t an actual cup of coffee, Blaise thought as she spun around with her hand on her heart.

  “You scared the shit out of me!”

  “And, you did not meet me at the trails. I thought we were running together this morning.” Ellie’s tone was stern, yet Blaise could see the sparkle in Ellie’s eyes letting her know she wasn’t really upset.

  “I’m so sorry. I had a late night, and I overslept. I should have called you.” Blaise felt terrible for letting Ellie down. Truth is, she had completely forgotten about meeting her best friend this morning. After she had gone to bed—alone—her dreams had been filled with Greyson, which made it very hard to get out of bed this morning.

  Ellie gave her a knowing smile, which confused Blaise since there was no way Ellie could have known what happened last night. “So? How was sex with Greyson?”

  Blaise just stared at Ellie, slack-jawed. “You are really freaky, you know that?”

  Ellie chuckled at her. “It’s not that difficult to figure out, Blaise. I knew you had a date with Greyson last night, and you blushed when you said you had a late night. And, you didn’t answer my question.”

  “You know me too well,” Blaise mumbled, turning her back to continue the task of making her coffee.

  “You like that about me. It saves you the time of having to explain everything,” Ellie countered smugly. She was completely right. Blaise did love that about Ellie. As freaky as it may be, it made things easier. On the flipside, Blaise knew she would never be able to lie to Ellie. Keep secrets? Yes. Lie? Not a chance.

  She faced Ellie before answering. “Greyson is… amazing. Beyond amazing,” Blaise said with a smile. “It’s definitely never been like that for me before.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you describe sex as amazing.”

  “I’ve had good sex before, but nothing like this.” Her mind wandered to the night before. Ellie never wanted details, which Blaise appreciated, but there was one thing that still bothered her. “He has condoms in his living room,” she blurted. “Who does that? Have you…”

  “Nope. This isn’t about me, so don’t ask me questions,” Ellie said quickly, effectively cutting off Blaise’s personal question.

  Blaise scrunched her nose at Ellie, and bit back any retort she had. “Fine. It just reiterated the fact that Greyson’s apartment is nothing but a fuck pad.”

  “Oh, Blaise. Tell me you didn’t say that to him.”

  “Of course I did.” She frowned when Ellie closed her eyes and shook her head. “What? I need to be honest with who I am, El. I’m not going to just show him the ‘good’ side. If he wants to be in a real relationship with me, he needs to know all sides, right?”

  “Yes,” Ellie conceded. “However, using a little more tact would be good. Calling his home a ‘fuck pad’ was a bit impolite.”

  “Truth is truth,” Blaise defended herself. “That place has been in his family for years. Specifically for the bachelor men to live in before getting married. It’s a fuck pad. I call a spade a spade, El. You know that.” Even as she said the words, Blaise wondered if Ellie was right. Could she have been more polite with how she worded it to Greyson? Should she have? She brooded over these questions as she turned back to her Keurig.

  “Have you invited him in yet?” Ellie asked, breaking Blaise out of her thoughts, and changing the subject.

  Blaise sighed audibly, perfecting her cup of coffee before turning back to her best friend. “No.” She set her coffee on her desk as a sudden urge to clean her desk hit her. Perhaps clearing her desk would help clear her mind as well. She picked up a stack of books, and walked them to the bookshelf to replace them.

  “Why are you so afraid to let people in, Blaise?” Ellie held up her hands before Blaise could answer. “And, don’t you dare turn this around on me. If you do, I will march my ass right back to the diner, and throw all of the red velvet cakes in the dumpster.”

  “I wasn’t…” Blaise stopped her denial when Ellie raised a brow. Sighing, she walked back to her desk, and plopped down in her chair. “You’re just mean.”

  Ellie said nothing, just waited for Blaise to continue. It was how they worked. Ellie would start a conversation with a question, then give Blaise time to talk it out, no matter how long it took.

  “I don’t know, El. It’s not that I’m afraid to let people in.” Again, she stopped when Ellie gave her a look. “Okay, okay. I’m afraid. I don’t even know how it really started, to be honest. You know I’m very protective of my space, so when men would ask to come in, I would automatically say no without hesitation. It’s always been that way. I guess it just feels like opening my home is the equivalent of…” She faltered, searching for the right words.

  “Opening your heart?” Ellie supplied quietly, and Blaise nodded. “You know you’re going to have to invite someone in eventually, right?”

  “I invited Greyson in last night when he drove me home. He declined.” Blaise laughed softly at Ellie’s surprise. “Apparently the look on my face told him I wasn’t ready yet. He said he would accept when I could ask him without looking like I’m about to pass out.”

  Ellie laughed. “Good man.”

  “Very good,” Blaise agreed honestly.

  “So? Take a chance on him, sweetie.”

  Just then, Mer popped her head through the door. “Ms. Knight? Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had company. Good morning, Ellie.”

  “Wait a minute!” Blaise practically shouted. “I’ve been trying to get you to call me Blaise for the longest time, but you refuse. Yet, you c
all Ellie by her name? What is that about?”

  “I’m not her boss,” Ellie provided with a smirk.

  “Fuck that. I’m not going to be her boss if she doesn’t stop with the damn ‘Ms.’ shit!” Blaise winked at a dumbfounded Mer to let her know she was just kidding. Well, mostly.

  Mer released her breath with a nervous laugh. “I’ll try.” She cleared her throat. “Blaise, there’s someone here to see you.”

  “Hallelujah,” Blaise muttered, then frowned. “Do I have an appointment?”

  “No ma’am.”

  Ellie and Mer laughed when Blaise dropped her head to the desk with a dramatic thud.

  “Go on. I have to get back to the diner anyway,” Ellie said through her laughter.

  Blaise mocked Ellie’s laughter, playfully glaring at Mer. “I’ll be right out.” She stood, pulling Ellie out of her chair. “You are a bad influence on my employee.”


  They both laughed when Blaise bumped Ellie’s hip with her own, causing the shorter woman to stumble a bit.

  “Oh, shit!”

  Ellie ran into Blaise when she stopped abruptly. “What’s wrong?” She peered around Blaise, finally seeing what Blaise saw. “Ohhh. Is that her? Tall, skinny and bitchy?” Ellie asked under her breath.

  “The one and only.” Blaise’s answer was sarcastic, but she knew Ellie wouldn’t take it personally. Seeing Pricilla was not on her to do list today, or any day for that matter. The woman that was with her looked vaguely familiar, but Blaise couldn’t recall ever meeting her before. Squaring her shoulders, she sauntered—yes, sauntered, because Greyson was hers and Pricilla could fuck off—into the room. “Pricilla. What can I do for you?” Blaise kept her tone even, though inside she wanted to scream for this bitch to get out of her store. As she had other customers, she didn’t think that would be wise.

  Pricilla looked at her coldly. “You could stop screwing my fiancé.”

  There was no discretion. The blonde made sure that her voice was loud enough to carry to the other customers, causing Blaise’s face to turn pink with embarrassment. The declaration caught Blaise off guard making her normally witty tongue, tied.

  “So, this is the delusional woman you told me about,” Ellie stepped in, her volume level the same as Pricilla’s. Blaise could kiss her best friend right now for rescuing her, and snapping her out of her dazed state.

  “This is her,” Blaise answered, a small smile playing on her lips. Ellie could be vicious when someone threatened the people she loved. She may not raise a hand to you, but she could cut you good with her razor sharp tongue.

  “This has nothing to do with you.” Pricilla dismissed Ellie with a sneering glance.

  “Oh, but it does.” Ellie stood between Blaise and Pricilla, having to look up a little in order to look Pricilla in the eyes. “Tell me something,” Ellie paused, glancing back at Blaise with a wink. “Pricilla was it?”

  Blaise nodded with a smile.

  “Right. Tell me something Prissy.”

  “Pricilla.” The blonde enunciated haughtily.

  “That’s what I said.” Another glance back at Blaise. “Isn’t that what I said?”

  Blaise nodded enthusiastically. “That’s what I heard.”

  “See? Now, tell me something, Prissy. What makes you think you can waltz in here and start shit when you know damn well Greyson isn’t your fiancé.”

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Pricilla spat.

  “I don’t? Well, let’s see. Greyson has told you many times that he doesn’t want to be with you, correct? He’s also dating Blaise, which should give you another hint that he’s not your fiancé. How much more proof do you need?”

  “I’m wearing his ring. How much more proof do you need?” Pricilla’s smile was smug. And, ugly.

  Ellie snickered in Pricilla’s face, causing the taller woman’s face to scrunch up and turn red with anger. “Tell the truth,” Ellie began, a little louder than before. “Did Greyson give you that ring, or did his mother?”

  “That doesn’t matter. What matters is I’m the one wearing it.”

  Ellie laughed outright at this, causing Blaise to chuckle as well. “Oh, bless your heart. It does matter, sugar. If Greyson doesn’t want you, and didn’t give you the ring, then you’re not going to get married. Unless, of course, you marry his mother.”

  Pricilla practically snarled at Ellie, then looked at Blaise over Ellie’s head. “Do you always let others fight your battles?”

  “At least my friend backs me up,” Blaise responded, looking pointedly at the woman standing next to Pricilla. So familiar, she thought again as she took in the light brown hair, and grey eyes. Grey eyes? Shit. It couldn’t be, could it?

  Pricilla smiled, but it was anything but pleasant. “This is Greyson’s sister. She’ll be happy to…”

  “Lie for you?” Ellie interrupted. “You just admitted that Greyson didn’t give you the ring. Now, run along and take your delusions with you.” Ellie flicked her wrist towards the door dismissively.

  Pricilla’s face reddened even further, but she still stood her ground. Glaring at Blaise, she said, “I told you I would ruin you if you got in my way. Greyson and I will be married. Nora has promised him to me.”

  At that, Blaise pushed Ellie aside and got in Pricilla’s face. “First of all, Greyson is not a toy. He is a man very capable of making his own decisions. Second, don’t come into my shop and threaten me. If you want a fight, I guarantee you it won’t be pretty, and I won’t lose.

  “Greyson chose me. Get over it, and get out of my shop.” She turned to Greyson’s sister. “This isn’t the first impression I wanted to give when meeting a member of Greyson’s family. But if you insist on just standing there while this woman makes ridiculous claims on your brother, I really don’t care what opinion you have of me. Your judgement is clearly impaired.”

  Pricilla shushed the young woman before she could answer Blaise. “This isn’t over, bitch. Come on, Courtney. Let’s get out of this pitiful excuse for a business.”

  “So pitiful,” Ellie began, half to Blaise and half to the rest of those around her, “that all of your precious clubs you belong to, all of the weddings you attend—never as a bride—and the events your family throws all come to Knight in Bloom. And, what exactly is it that you do with your time besides try to marry a rich man that doesn’t want you?”

  With a huff, Pricilla turned on her heel, grabbed Courtney, and practically dragged her out the door.

  “Well. She was pleasant,” Ellie announced sarcastically.

  Blaise glanced around, giving the two other women in the shop an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry you had to witness that.”

  “Nonsense, dear.” The older of the two women ambled close to Blaise. So close that her hefty breasts were nearly touching Blaise. “That was quite entertaining. I’ve heard about your reputation with flowers, and that’s why I’m here. I didn’t realize I’d be getting a show with it.” She laughed heartily.

  “I’m here all week,” Blaise quipped, and wrapped her arm around Ellie. “And, this one is two doors down at the diner.”

  “Oh! Ellie’s! What a delightful place, with the most amazing pastries. I just love it! You tell your boss that.”

  “Why thank you,” Ellie smiled sweetly. “You just told me. Be sure to stop in again, soon.”

  With a promise to do just that, the woman returned to her shopping, leaving the two friends alone again.

  “As entertaining as all of this was, I really have to get going,” Ellie said apologetically.

  Blaise hugged Ellie tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered in her ear.

  “Of course, sweetie. You may want to tell Greyson that Pricilla stopped by.”

  Blaise stepped back, but kept her hands on Ellie’s shoulders. “I don’t know, maybe. I don’t want to be that girl. Drama isn’t my thing, you know that.”

  “I know. But she is a Chapman. Don’t underestimate the pow
er of money.”

  “If she tries anything, I’ll tell Greyson. I promise.”

  Seemingly satisfied with Blaise’s answer, Ellie kissed her on the cheek and left. Blaise stood there for a moment, looking around her shop. Knight in Bloom had only been open for an hour, and already they had been inundated with customers and orders. She wouldn’t let anyone ruin something she had put her heart and soul into. Especially some bimbo socialite who was mad at her for “stealing her boyfriend”.

  “So ridiculous,” she muttered, then smiled brightly and nodded at a customer. If tall, skinny and bitchy wanted a fight, she’d get one. Blaise shook her head. This was exactly one of the reasons why she didn’t do relationships. But she’d be damned if she was going to let someone like Greyson slip through her fingers. Blaise frowned. Did she really just think that?

  “Mer, I’ll be in the back if you need me.”

  “Okay, Ms. um, Blaise.” Mer smiled sheepishly with a shrug.

  Work in progress, Blaise thought with a distracted smile. She sat behind her desk, and took a drink of her now cold coffee. Damn it. ‘Relationships are messy.’ That phrase kept going running through Blaise’s head. The question it raised was, was Blaise up for the challenge? Did she really want to fight the likes of Pricilla Chapman just to keep dating a man?

  But, then, Greyson Steele wasn’t just any man. Not only did Blaise want to fight for him, she wanted to fight for herself. She would not allow herself to be intimidated by Pricilla Chapman, or money. Or even love.

  “Well, shit.” Blaise lowered her head into her hands. “Looks like I’m going to have to invite Greyson in.” It was time to give Greyson a chance.

  GREYSON TOOK IN his surroundings as he sat in one of the empty offices at Drake & Associates. It was a modest office—about half the size of his at Steele Industries—but well appointed. He quite enjoyed the stark differences. Where his other office was light and airy, this one was elegantly dark. The desk was streamlined and efficient, rather than massive. Preston thought the bigger the desk you sat behind, the more imposing you are. Greyson found it ridiculous, and unnecessary. Being knowledgeable about the business you’re doing is all you need to succeed.


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