The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 10

by Ivan Bridgewater

  From the hall I heard, "Yes! I know that! Who are you with?"

  "They are Earthers that are aware of who we are," replied the Rock.

  The two men stepped into the room. Introductions were made all around, and we all sat down. Vandahar hesitated to talk, and the Rock finally said, "Go ahead! Tell us what is happening."

  The man hesitated a moment more. Then he started talking rapidly. He said, "The Sheshika system, and The Governing Council of First Ones, have been obliterated. There is nothing left bigger than a trash can in the entire system. I went to Signey Octurus to try to verify what was happening. When I was there, the place was attacked from space."

  "They dared attack Camelot?" whispered the Rock.

  Nodding his head, Vandahar said, "I saw both Madias and Rautha there. They were laying waste to armies when last I saw them." He paused, and said, "There is more!"

  The Rock hesitated, and then asked, "How bad is it?"

  "He was almost killed!" said Vandahar. "Several of his children were injured badly. It was almost a total disaster." The Magi hesitated, and finally said, "I helped them!"

  Breaking in, Carl suddenly asked, "What do you mean, Camelot?"

  The Rock hesitated, and then said, "It is the name once used for Signey Octurus. There was a golden age, long ago, when the Milky Way was united. Then came the Madness, and it all fell apart."

  Picking up the story, Vandahar softly said, "Madias lost his son, Rautha, fighting the Madness, and almost died himself. Madias always swore Camelot would return. He believed Earth was the key. It now appears he was right, over and over."

  "Who's the guy you’re talking about?" asked Cindy.

  "Satu-Ra is an ancient Guardian that was placed on Earth about eight thousand of Earth's solar cycles ago!" said the Rock. "He is now in control of a vast armada, manned by legions of warrior Guardians. He's building an army to fight the Darkness! He has a growing list of allies, and is becoming very powerful."

  "You mean this guy is over eight thousand years old!" gulped April.

  "Here on Earth the whole time," Carl quietly said to himself. "Can you imagine what he's seen?"

  "I believe he has discovered a cure for the Madness," The words bubbled out of Vandahar. I could tell the Rock was shocked.

  "And exactly what is the Madness?" asked Cindy.

  "The Earth is isolated because of the Madness!" stated the Rock in a matter of fact voice. "The Earthers are descendants of a great race known as, the First Ones. When they contracted the Madness, they were cut off here on Earth, and left to live short, violent, lives." Realizing he was talking to Earthers, he hesitated, and then added, "I regret to say that many species consider you as unstable."

  "That could explain what I've been seeing on the evening news over the years," said Carl.

  "Sure explains my last couple of boyfriends!" giggled Cindy.

  "Anyway," continued the Rock. "If a cure was found, you could live for centuries, and develop telepathic powers."

  The three Earthers in the room sobered on that remark. "You mean we could live for centuries?" asked April.

  "Heal your own wounds, and teleport across vast distances," Vandahar noted.

  The room was truly silent now. Under her breath, I heard Cindy whisper, "Fucking Madness!"

  Looking at me across the table. April said, "I guess that makes me damaged goods!"

  "Not to me it doesn't," I responded. She dropped her eyes down, and blushed brightly.

  A moment passed, and Vandahar said, "Things are moving quickly. There have been several full scale battles. The time line keeps fluxing heavily. What these people are doing is directly affecting the fate of the Universe. We can't just keep ignoring what is happening."

  "I'm not ignoring anything!" growled the Rock. "We have been observing the situation, and accessing the situation as it develops."

  Cindy said, "When my boss used to talk that way. I always knew it was bullshit."

  The Rock grumbled under his breath, but didn't openly reply. He was looking down at the table. After a few more seconds, he quietly said, "Perhaps I've let things go too far. Have you heard from Talara, or any of the other Magi?"

  "No," said Vandahar. "It will take time for him to return."

  "You'll be having guests tonight Kaltar," said the Rock. "Is that alright?"

  "Of course," I replied. We all stood up to leave the kitchen. April moved close to me, quietly taking my hand. Our eyes met, and I could tell she wished to talk alone. As Cindy and Carl stood talking to the Rock and Vandahar in the room for living, I stepped off to the side with April while we were still in the kitchen.

  She looked up at me, and said, "I want to stay with you!"

  I went over this in my mind, and knew I was in trouble. I said, "It may be a little crowded." April just smiled up at me. She stepped into the living room leading me by the hand. As we walked past the others talking, April said, "Goodnight folks! I'm going back to bed. See you tomorrow."

  As I passed through the room, the Rock said, "I would like to speak to you!"

  April just kept on walking.

  "Since when are you two sleeping together?" asked Cindy in disbelief. "Aprils not that kind of girl ya know!"

  "I had much the same question myself young Magi!" said the Rock. "Since when do you completely disregard my instructions?"

  I debated how to settle this. The Rock and Vandahar quickly realized what kind of relationship April and I had in the link. They said goodnight, and each went to their own rooms. Dealing with Cindy and Carl was a little more problematic. I finally just told them it wasn't what it looked like. They hesitated, but finally said goodnight, and left.

  I went back to find April already laying down, going to sleep. I laid next to her, and her soft warmth filled my awareness. I was so tempted to pull her close, but we were supposed to be going to sleep.

  To make things worse. The Rock had instructed me to rest before our return to Earth. I was anything but sleepy.

  After about ten minutes in the darkened room, I heard April whisper, "Are you asleep, Kaltar?"

  I truthfully said, "I'm really not all that sleepy."

  "Me either," April said. "I just didn't want us to be separated tonight."

  After a few seconds, I said, "I'm happy you're here."

  A few more seconds past, and she rolled over onto my shoulder. She was almost laying on me. I could feel her lean forward slightly, and softly kiss me. Very gently, she continued the kiss for several seconds.

  I had never kissed a girl this way. I felt very confused. I was only sure of one thing.

  It was a good feeling!

  She continued to kiss me for several minutes. When we stopped, we were both breathing heavily. She leaned away, and said. "I want to tell you. I've never spent the night with a man before." Even without scanning her, I could tell she was being truthful.

  We laid there for a while, and to my shock, I must have fallen asleep.

  I woke up spooned up behind April. She was heavily asleep, and I just laid there holding her. She felt so good in my arms. This was all I needed to motivate me to defend the Earth. The smell of her hair. The feel of her soft warm skin. I was rapidly falling madly in love with April.

  I had libraries of knowledge about love to draw from. I didn't really need a book for this. I knew in my heart, I was in love.

  Of course. I wasn't on Earth to fall in love. I knew the Rock was not going to be happy.

  I pulled April close, and she moaned slightly. Then I went back to sleep with her locked tightly in my arms.

  Chapter 12

  Confronting Vince

  I awoke the next morning alone in bed. I could smell something cooking. Going out into the main house. I found the Rock and Vandahar eating pancakes with April at the kitchen table. They all smiled, and April said, "I saved some pancakes for you. They're on a plate next to the griddle."

  I soon was eating with everyone else, and had pretty well decided my favorite food in the world was pancakes.
In many ways, it is the perfect food. Served with honey or syrup, it is a delicious meal in itself.

  There was a tap at the door, and I just stepped over and opened it. There stood Carl, and the man April called a thug, Vince. There was at least a dozen other people in the Hall. As soon as Vince saw me, he hit me in the face, sending me flying back into the room.

  Carl, badly beaten, fell across me as Vince shoved him into the room. Vince said, "I told you we would find him without your help!"

  Vince stepped into the room along with two of his friends. The rest were still standing in the hall. At that moment, April entered the room with a large stick. I heard her hiss, "I'm over being afraid of you assholes!" Then she hit one of the men in the face. It was a big stick, and almost took the man’s head off.

  No one moved, and blood began to run down the man's face. April pulled back the stick to hit the man again, and I heard the Rock say, "There is no need for that!" Looking up to the kitchen doorway. I saw the Rock and Vandahar standing there, and as they stepped further into the room I was in, the Rock said, "They can't move. I've frozen their bodies in place. They are aware, but can't move their muscles."

  I could see intense fear in Vince's eyes. They were the only sign the men could hear us talking. It was cool in the room, but a bead of sweat was running down Vince's cheek as he stood there.

  Next to him, blood started to drip from the face of the man April had struck. He would have passed out, but the Rock wouldn't let him fall. Stepping close to the bleeding man, the Rock said, "This one is making a mess. Shall we send him someplace where the mess won't matter?" I scanned the man for a moment. He had the mind of a terrified animal.

  Vandahar stepped past the Rock, so he was in front of Vince. He looked into Vince's eyes, and in a casual way, said, "I believe they would all be more entertaining without their skins."

  "I'm not cleaning up the mess!" said April.

  Carl rolled over, sat up, and said, "I'll be glad to clean up the mess!"

  There was a sound of fluid as one of the men in the hallway emptied his bladder. I could see there was going to be a big mess.

  I said, "I say we let them go!"

  "No!" growled Carl. He sat up. I could tell it hurt him to do it. He stepped over to Vince, and hit him right in the face, hard. Frozen in place, the effect was made even worse. At the least, Vince's nose was broken. His eyes watered as Carl looked closely at him, and whispered, "You're lucky I don't let them skin you alive!" Then he stepped away.

  The smell of blood, sweat, and urine, began to fill the room. In a voice as still as death, the Rock said, "If I should come to believe any of you were to harm any of these people, I would make you wish I just skinned you. I can read your minds. I know everything you know. Where you live. Who your family is. Everything!" He leaned close to Vince, and said, "If any of these animals hurt my friends, you'll be the first to die! Then I'll be coming for the rest of you!"

  "I still say we should skin at least one of them!" said Vandahar. "So the rest of them will take us seriously!" I scanned him, and could tell he had no intention of harming them. I heard another bladder in the hallway void, and the smell of urine flooded the room.

  "Now, I’m going to release half of you!" said the Rock. "I want you to run away. If you don't, I'm going to skin the other half, and make you eat them after they are baked in honey! Do you all get the idea?" They were all frozen, unable to move. After a second more, the Rock continued, saying "Alright! Ready! Set! Run away!" Then he released them.

  Six of the men sagged. Then ran faster than I've ever seen men run before. It would have been funny, if it wasn't for the two frozen men with blood covering their faces. Five seconds later, the hallway was clear of the first group of men. The Rock quietly said, "I'm serious! If any of my friends are ever harmed, I'll hunt you down, and you will regret it. Now, get out of my sight!"

  Then he released the men.

  They all sagged, and the man April had hit, fell to the floor. Vandahar pointed at the man, and instructed the others, "Take your trash out with you!" There was a flurry of activity, and the men disappeared dragging their friend down the hallway. I could tell in a basic scan, that we had probably seen the last of Vince. The man was scared senseless.

  As the noise in the hallway receded, we had time to deal with Carl. April had been wiping some of the blood away with a damp towel she had retrieved from the kitchen. The Rock quietly said, "This is a job for you Kaltar!" I stepped closer, and scanned Carl.

  He had contusions and lacerations covering his face and upper body. Capillaries in his face had burst, and bruising was extensive. I could sense two broken ribs in the scan, and minor damage to one kidney. I raised my right hand, pulled the pain from him, and could sense his pain subside at once, even as my pain levels rose.

  Abruptly, he stepped back, and said, "If you're doing what I think you're doing, stop it!"

  "I am just helping you heal," I replied.

  He reached out and touched my side, making me shy away. He looked me in the eyes, and said, "The cost is too great! I'm telling you. Please don't do this!"

  I lowered my hand, stopping at once. I know enough to respect the outlooks of others. I wanted to help, but not cause problems. He smiled, and turned to walk toward the door. As he did, I raised my hand, and fixed the damage to his kidney. I would be sore tomorrow, and it would heal. I was satisfied with that.

  As soon as Carl left, I noticed that the Rock and Vandahar were getting ready to leave. My Master looked at me and said, "I wish you to return to Remaca, and await us there." I nodded to acknowledge the command, and both the Rock and Vandahar folded space, and were gone.

  The first thing April said after they left, was, "I want to go with you!"

  I knew at once I was in trouble.

  "I doubt the Rock would approve of that!" I replied.

  "And I don't approve of you leaving me here!" retorted April.

  I have concluded that one possible fault with love, may be that seemingly simple things can become very complex when love is involved. I knew better, but I said, "Alright! Let's go to Remaca!"

  Her eyes grew big as saucers, and she said, "Serious! Really! I can go!" The last few words were almost shouted. I could see there was no turning back now. Trying to cover myself, I said, "You better leave a note for Cindy, or we'll all be in trouble."

  April scribbled something on a piece of paper, and said, "Be right back!" Then she stepped into the hall, and slipped the note under Cindy's door. Stepping back into my home, she locked the front door, turned back to me, and said, "Okay! I'm ready!" She stepped closer, and wrapped her arms around me, saying, "Let's go!"

  I had never folded space carrying another person before. I tried to ignore the risks, pulled April close, and folded space for Remaca.

  The moment we arrived, one of the songbirds landed on April's shoulder, and started to sing. I took it as a good omen.

  April was thrilled. I took her hand, and led her toward the house. As we approached closer, she said, "It's beautiful Kaltar! The planet, the house, the birds, and just everything. I already love Remaca!"

  I was thrilled of course. Having her praise my home made me elated. Opening the door to the house, I said, "Welcome home! This is your home now as well. I hope you enjoy it."

  Pointing way out in the yard, April said, "What is that Kaltar?"

  "That's fertilizer from my elephants," I responded.

  In the distance, I heard one of the elephants trumpet. April looked up at me and smiled, saying "You're not kidding me, are you?"

  "No!" I said. "I have two of them, and one of them is expecting a baby!"

  April paused, and then coyly said, "You know what causes that, don't you?"

  Looking over at her, I said, "I think it was an accident." The comment made her give me an odd look.

  I opened the door to the house, and we walked in. She looked around, and said, "It's nice, but a little spartan, wouldn't you say?"

  "We don't believe in keepin
g a lot of stuff laying around," I replied. After a moment, I asked, "Is there something you would like?"

  "Some chairs to sit on would be nice," April observed.

  I don't know why, but I said, "I have a bed!"

  Smiling at me as she might a child. She told me, "Let's stick with chairs and a couch. Maybe a desk over in the corner. Can you do something like that?" I reached into her mind, took her thoughts, and created the items. As soon as they appeared, she gasped slightly. Looking over at me, she said, "You're amazing!"

  "Thank you," I replied. In the next hour, we created a house full of furniture from April's imagination. Toward the end, I encouraged her to think of things strictly from imagination. The house was beginning to fill up, and become alive.

  When we went upstairs to the bedrooms, she looked at my duplicate of her bed, and laughing, said, "I see now what you mean."

  Standing there looking at my room for a moment, she suddenly said, "I want my own room. Alright?"

  I nodded, and said, "Sure!" We stepped along the upstairs hall, and she picked the room next to mine. Within a few minutes, it looked much as her room back in Earth did. She was delighted.

  We returned downstairs, and ate lunch. April was having a great time, but I could tell something was bothering her. I didn't want to scan her, so as we talked, I finally asked, “What is wrong April?"

  "Let me get this straight," April said. "You've never even dated another woman. At least I dated, and had a chance to meet other people. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not taking advantage of you."

  "I love you April," I replied. "You are beautiful!"

  She sighed, and said, "That is not helping, Kaltar!"

  I was uncertain how to take her odd comments. "Have I done something wrong?" I asked.

  “Actually, I'm wondering what kind of friend I am to you," she said. "The more I think about it, the more certain I am I'm messing you up. You deserve better from your friends."

  She sat there thinking. I was tempted to scan her, but decided against it. I could see that she was having personal issues, and I didn't wish to cause her further confusion. We spent the next several hours creating items in the house, and the yard.


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