The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 12

by Ivan Bridgewater

  Speaking in a patient voice. The Rock said, "He would never talk about what happened. He wouldn't even allow us to see in the links. Let’s just say, your Uncle has powers we can't imagine."

  "And so do you!" said Tersa in a voice now filled with new found respect.

  I had slowly managed to get fully back on my feet. Speaking truthfully, I said, "I don't even understand what I did. I just wished to fix it."

  We all stood there for a moment. Then the Rock turned to Talara and said, "I need a full report on what is happening down on the surface. Take Vandahar with you. Return soon! I need information!" With a nod, the two Magi disappeared. The Rock then turned to Tersa, saying, "Take the others, and scout ahead! We must try to find Madias! Things are moving fast now! Be careful!"

  Tersa hesitated, and turned to me. She looked me in the eyes, and said, "You're Uncle has always been my greatest hero! I never dreamed I'd actually know anyone like him. I regret my earlier remarks."

  She seemed to run out of words, simply smiled at me, and turned to leave. She took two steps, and then turned and said, "Don't forget, we have a date!" With that, she, and the Magi with her, folded space, and were gone.

  The Rock looked at me, and quietly said, "You sure know how to shake things up!" Then he started to laugh, and said, "I wish you could see the look on your face right now. Are you aware you look like your mind is a total blank?"

  Trying to react, I said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

  In a fatherly voice, the Rock said, "Your Uncle and I were strong friends. After that battle, he was never the same, and we grew apart. When I met you, I had great hopes, but even I never dreamed of the powers I've seen you display. You are a great and powerful Magi, Kaltar. Any doubts I ever had are now gone. The only question now, is what's next?"

  Uncertain what to say. I simply observed, "I'm sure you'll think of something!"

  He laughed again, as if at some private joke, and then said, "Yes! I'm sure I'll think of something."

  Chapter 14

  The Finest Cup of Love

  A short while later, Vandahar, and then Talara, returned. They spoke in hushed tones about a planet reborn, and gave me odd looks. I almost got the feeling, they were slightly frightened by me.

  After a few more minutes, the Rock said, "Kaltar, I want you to return to Remaca for now. Can you do that alone?"

  I felt strong enough, and said, "I can do as you wish, but don't you need my help?"

  Smiling, the Rock said, "I want you to rest. We must take good care of our newest super weapon!"

  I knew he was joking, but it felt odd being referred to as a weapon.

  As I prepared to fold space, the Rock said, "Remember Kaltar! No matter what happens! I have faith in you! Stay strong!"

  I nodded acknowledgment, and folded space for Remaca.

  I arrived on Remaca to find it lightly raining. The Dragons were sitting on the riverbank, watching the elephants play in the water. They were some distance away, and abruptly, the dragons appeared to realize somebody was at the house. They came running, and as they approached, I realized they were getting big. Bitsy was as big as a small car, and the second dragon, that I had named Al, was bigger than a very large dog. They came skidding up to me, and almost knocked me down.

  Even this large, they were very cute. Tending to lick my hand and rub up against me. Bitsy looked me in the eyes and pinged "Where is April?"

  I paused to think, and then pinged back, "She is on Earth. She will return soon!"

  That seemed to elate Bitsy. She was jumping up and down, and very excited. Then her wings unfolded, and she flew off.

  I stood there with Al, watching as she flew a wide lazy circle around us, and then flew straight down at us. She flapped twice, and landed softly right in front of me, looking very pleased with herself. Her wings neatly folded up, and disappeared.

  I could see I was in a lot of trouble. I praised the pair, and went up to bed. I was exhausted, and just wanted to sleep.

  The next morning, I felt rested, and went down to find both the dragons sleeping in the front hall. I left them there, and folded space straight to Earth.

  Immediately upon my return to Earth, I was knocked sideways as April walked right into me. I take it I appeared in the middle of the room as she was walking through. We grabbed at each other to keep from falling. As soon as she realized what was happening, April clutched onto me tightly, and said, "I'm so glad to see you!"

  I stood there holding her, and realized how good she felt to me. Her soft, warm, body folded up against me, and I wanted to remain there forever. In a quiet voice, I said, "Bitsy misses you!"

  She looked up at me, and smiled. Leaning down, I kissed her gently, and then she said, "I want to go back to Remaca. Cindy and Carl will watch my house here. The rent's all paid for the next three years. I just want to be with you."

  "I'm not even there a lot of the time," I replied. "I will always come here looking for you. You don't need to give up your life on Earth."

  She looked deeply into my eyes, and said, "I just want to be with you Kaltar. Remaca is your home. I want to be there when you come home. Is that hard for you to understand?"

  I pulled her close again, and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. We just stood there for a moment, pulling energy from each other. Finally, I released her, and took a step back. She looked up again, and I said, "Let's go home!" As I prepared to fold space, I looked down at her, and said, "What about telling Cindy and Carl?"

  "I already told them I was leaving," she replied. "I'll be back, and they're fine with that." She stood thinking for a moment, and then said, "We're not getting married Kaltar. I just want to give us a chance to be friends first. Is that okay?"

  I kissed her for a moment, and then we folded space for home.

  It appeared every creature on Remaca was awaiting our return. Bitsy was the worst of them, but it was obvious all of Remaca was in love with April. In all my life, I have never been so happy. We walked along the river, down past where the elephants hang out. We had what she called a picnic lunch out on an open hillside, and I fell asleep on the blanket afterward.

  Several hours later, Bitsy rolled over in her sleep, and for a moment I thought I was going to be crushed. I awoke to the feeling of great weight on my legs, and it was all I could do to get away from her. I stood up, and could see that Bitsy was asleep at April's feet, and I got in the way. I'd need to work something out before Bitsy got much larger, or I'd end up flat as a pancake.

  The sky had darkened, and as I stood there, April awoke, and said, "It's getting late. We should go in."

  As we approached the house, I could tell two people were there. We were too far away to see their faces, but we waved, and when I scanned them, I could see it was Vandahar and Tersa. They stood waiting for us, and as we got close, I heard Bitsy start to growl.

  We stepped up, and Vandahar was the first to speak, saying, "The Rock sent us to protect you, but I see you already have several bodyguards." He smiled, pointing at Bitsy, and said, "She is beautiful, but I wouldn't want her angry, and running after me!" From that minute on, Bitsy always loved Vandahar.

  Tersa was another matter. She simply said, "You'll end up sorry you started making dragons!" Then she turned to Vandahar, and said, "I haven't slept in two days. I'll return home, rest, and be back here very soon."

  "Why not stay here?" I suggested. "There are plenty of rooms. Pick one, and make it suit you. Go and get some rest."

  Tersa nodded, and went off to find a room. Vandahar stood talking with us for a few minutes, and then we all started to go in. As we stood in the doorway, April looked at me, and said, "We need a dog house Kaltar! Can you create a courtyard, and a stables big enough to hold several large Dragons, with room to spare?"

  "Oh! I love this game!" exclaimed Vandahar. "Please! Allow me!"

  With a gesture of his hands, he did as April requested. I felt he did better than I would have. I could sense the stables were well thought out, and the whole thing w
as created with a sense of balance. It all fit perfectly with the house. I was sure my Uncle would have approved.

  Bitsy and Al barked, and ran toward the large stables. It could have held a hundred horses, or three or four very large dragons. Our two watch dragons would have plenty of room to stretch out. We all laughed, and went into the house.

  I was still exhausted from the battle against the creatures, and needed to rest. I fell asleep as soon as I stretched out on the bed. I dreamed of another battle far away, and saw a great warrior stand against the Darkness. I didn't know the man, but I felt I should know him.

  Then it was morning, and I could hear the songbirds outside the window. I got up, and went down to the kitchen. I took the time to cook pancakes, and was eating when April walked in. She was yawning, and half asleep. I got up and started fixing her pancakes as well. Soon we were both eating breakfast.

  As we sat there, a giant head leaned in the open kitchen window, and Bitsy said, "Good morning," as clearly as could be.

  We were shocked, and all three of us jumped when Tersa suddenly yelled, "No Dragons in the house!" from the open kitchen door. Bitsy banged her head on the window casing as she backed out.

  April quietly said, "Please don't yell in the house."

  I saw Tersa start to explode in the link, but before I could say anything, she shifted, and quietly said, "No problem!" Sitting down with us, Tersa looked at what we were eating, and asked, "What is that?"

  "Pancakes and syrup," I replied. "It is one of the best things on Earth."

  Tersa smiled, and asked, "May I have some?" For the third time that morning, I cooked breakfast. I was getting pretty good at making pancakes. I sat them in front of Tersa, and joined the ladies at the table myself.

  A few seconds passed, and Tersa loudly said, "You're not just kidding these are good. I could get to love these things. What do you call them again?"

  "Pancakes," I said. "I like Maple syrup, but to each their own."

  Out in the courtyard, we could hear Al bark, and Bitsy called out, "Visitor!" The three of us stood, and moved toward the front door. As soon as we stepped out, we saw Talara talking to Vandahar. They smiled and waved. We walked over, and joined them. Bitsy quietly laid down behind April, and waited patiently

  We stood talking for a while, and Talara said the Rock would be joining us soon. He also said that the war was erupting all over, and that the Rock now felt things were on the verge of slipping totally out of control.

  "We should have seen this coming," observed Tersa. "It had been quiet for so long. We all knew it was just a matter of time."

  "After the final battle at far point, nobody wanted to remember what had happened," said Vandahar. "Now, they will have no choice. We didn't stop the Darkness. We just made it run off and lick its wounds in hiding."

  We stood talking for a while, when suddenly April said, "I need to go in for a minute! Be right back!" She smiled, and took off for the house.

  As the door closed behind April, Tersa looked at me and said, "How did it come to be that you love an Earther?"

  "She is beautiful!" I replied, truthfully.

  Tersa rolled her eyes and said, "Well, of course, I can see that. But it's still not an answer to my question."

  "Let it go Tersa!" said Vandahar. "That's not funny!"

  "I'm not trying to be funny, or disrespectful. I'm just curious," she said. "I like both of them. I just wanted to know why Kaltar fell in love with April. What event or trait made you fall in love with her?"

  I was very confused by the question. I said, "She hit me in the head with a ball. When I looked up, she was there. She is beautiful, and I fell in love with her." I thought about it, and said, "I think that's about it."

  I could tell Tersa was scanning me. She quietly said, "You are an amazing Magi, Kaltar. April is a lucky girl." I nodded, and at that moment, April walked out the door of the house. As she stepped up to us, Tersa said, "I was just telling Kaltar what a lucky girl you are to have him!"

  April smiled and said, "I'll bet you were!"

  I was glad to see them getting along so well. They were both being so nice. I had noticed Tersa could be a little short with people. I didn't want any trouble between them.

  Vandahar said, "Tersa! Why don't you go scout for the Rock. He should be returning soon."

  "That sounds like a wise idea!" said Tersa.

  Then she folded space, and was gone.

  Vandahar and Talara immediately sighed in obvious relief, and I was half tempted to scan them to see why they were so anxious. April said, "Isn't she awful wound up for a Magi?"

  The two Magi both laughed, and Vandahar said "You have no idea!"

  "She needs to spend more time around nice people," I said. She just seemed so tense. There was an edge to her I didn't understand. It reminded me of the vibes I got from the warriors back on Signey Octurus. Their blood ran hot with the hunt. As I scanned them, I could see the fires that burned in them. Tersa was much the same.

  "Tersa tends to stand alone," said Talara. "Her outlooks on the powers of the Magi, and how best to use them, puts many others on edge."

  "Her only family was killed long ago by the Darkness!" Vandahar said quietly. "She lives for revenge! It will burn her till there is nothing left if she doesn't relent."

  "Who does she spend her time with now?" asked April.

  "The young Magi call her the Snow Queen," Talara replied. "She scares them worse than the Darkness! I've known her for fifty centuries. I've seldom seen her smile except during fierce combat. When I see her starting to smile broadly, I get nervous."

  "She is a woman. In the heart of every woman beats the Mother. They are the finest cup that love ever flowed from." I thought for a moment, and then said, "Tersa is very beautiful."

  "Wow!" said April with a surprised look on her face. "Where did that come from?"

  "It seems obvious to me," I said.

  Vandahar looked at Talara and said, "Wait till Tersa hears about this!"

  "She is a woman!" quoted Talara, noting my comment.

  "Don't you dare say a word!" snapped April. "Not a word! Do you hear me?"

  "Not a word!" They said in unison. They both seemed happy to never mention it again. I never really understood why April was so upset. I thought about scanning her for a moment, and then decided I didn't want to invade her privacy.

  Abruptly, Vandahar noted that they needed to make a patrol of the area. They each walked away, headed in the opposite directions from each other. Seconds later, the two were out of sight.

  April smiled at me, and said, "It may take me some time to adjust to your friends. I'm still not used to the whole Magi concept yet."

  "That's funny," I said. "I think they're adjusting to you very quickly." I pointed over at Bitsy as she slept in the courtyard, and said, "Women who have their own personal dragons can't say they don't understand the whole Magi concept."

  She giggled and said, "My own personal dragon. I can just see me telling my friends that I have a pet dragon. They would never believe me."

  "They'll believe you when she comes running up and wags her tail," I replied. Now we were both giggling.

  April caught me off guard when she said, "Kaltar, is there any chance the war you talk about won't come here?"

  I paused, thinking. Then I said, "The Darkness is like an ocean, or a great lake. Its waves have touched our galaxy, and receded several times. Any lake can be drained. Even an ocean can be dissipated, and left dry. I believe the Darkness fears us, though I don't know why. Perhaps fear is what drives it."

  Looking a little incredulous, April said, "You almost sound sorry for it."

  I really thought about her comment. Then I said, "It lives alone in darkness. It reacts constantly as a terrified, injured animal might. I suppose that in a way, I do feel sorry for it. A hunter takes no joy from killing a rabid animal."

  "I don't think much of the rabies comparison!" said April. "You may recall, you said I had rabies!"

  I smile
d at the comment, saying, "That was a bad analogy. I simply meant that I feel we should never get joy from killing anything. It may be needed, even necessary, but never a moment of joy."

  April looked at me for several seconds. Then she quietly said, "I'd like to meet your parents. They must be wonderful people."

  For just a moment I thought I would cry. I had forced myself to not think of my Mother and Father. My Master had told me I couldn't return to see them. I now believe it was done to protect my parents. I fought back tears, and said, "I would love to see my Mother and Father."

  Seeing my tears, April quietly said, "I'm sorry Kaltar! I didn't mean to upset you!" She reached out, and took my hand. After a moment, she said. "We will go see them as soon as this is all over."

  Yes," I agreed. "As soon as this is over!" I wished I had the vision as so many other Magi had. Then I could have known how long it would be before peace could return. As it was, I just had to wait and see, just like April.

  Chapter 15

  The Kraken

  As we stood there. I saw two Magi fold space, and appear down by the river. They approached, and at first I thought it was Talara and Vandahar. Then I realized one of the Men was the Rock. The other was familiar, and as they got closer, I realized it was my Uncle Hammond. I was overjoyed to see him.

  A huge smile covered my Uncle's face, and we embraced. He was a huge man, and even after all these years he dwarfed me. He could have picked me up as if I was a child.

  He turned to April, and said, "How did such a beautiful Earther come to be here? You must be April. Rock has told me much of you, all of it good." April blushed heavily. I could tell she was flustered.

  Uncle Hammond turned back to me, and said, "This war is over for you boy!" His gaze shifted to the Rock as he said, "Our family has already given enough to this cause! He will be leaving with me!"


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