The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 25

by Ivan Bridgewater

  "They chose you Kaltar," responded Bitsy. "Couldn't you tell how happy they were to see you?"

  Now the other three Magi were laughing so hard, they were losing control. Between giggles, Tersa said, "It's a good thing you love dragons!"

  Giving all of them a stern look, I said, "I came to see April!" That seemed to sober them all, and we proceeded deeper into the cave.

  It was obvious as we got close to the hospital facilities. There was a change in the appearance and "feel" of the caves. As we stepped close to the entrance, two Magi and a dozen of the Chosen's security people became evident. They seemed to recognize us, and all but one quickly faded from sight.

  He stepped forward, saying, "My name is Halsmare! I'm in charge of security here!" He looked closely at me, and quietly said, "April is well! We will protect her and the others at all costs! There are over a hundred of us here now, and the dragons alone would scare most others away!"

  Bitsy softly said, "We will keep April safe young Magi! You can leave, knowing that she is safe!"

  My mind was quickly losing what focus I had left. I had to see April, and asked, "May I see her for a minute?"

  The man nodded, and stepped aside. Tersa followed me, but Vandahar and Selena remained behind. They could tell in the link that I was on the edge of losing my self-control. I suspect they were being kind.

  Halsmare took Tersa and I to the room where April slept. I stood looking down at her, and heard Halsmare say, "I'll be right back!" Then he left us.

  I stood there for a full minute just looking at her. She looked as if she might just sit up at any moment. Of course, I scanned her, and nothing had changed.

  A woman who looked ancient walked in. I could see in the link that she was one of the Chosen. She smiled at me, and said, "I'm Doctor Colton. I guess I'm in charge here." She paused for a long moment, and then said, "I've been told you have a personal interest in this young woman. Is that true?"

  "She is my beloved," I replied.

  The doctor smiled at me, and said, "Yes! I had that impression!" I could tell she was deep in thought. Then she said, "I can tell you already scanned April. Do you sense any neural activity at all?"

  "No," I replied. "It's like looking into a dark cavern. I get no sense of activity." I stood thinking for a moment, and then said, "Why do you ask?"

  The doctor looked down at the floor, and then said, "Both our normal empaths say they can sense something during a deep scan. But when they look, they can’t lock on it. I hoped that knowing the girl, you might be able to lock onto something in the deep core that we could work with."

  "You mean your empaths can pick up something in a scan?" I asked. "They can sense something active in April's mind?"

  Slowly nodding her head as she stood looking down at April, she suddenly glanced up and said, "They were too frightened to remain linked for long. It's frightening to be an empath and try to work with a mindless person." The doctor paused, and then said, "It's possible you could lose your mind."

  I looked down at April, and asked, "What should I do when I get in there?"

  Both the Doctor and Tersa started to loudly protest. But it was Tersa who was the most adamant. "This can wait Kaltar! She is safe, and in stasis. If you do something wrong, you could kill her!" I stopped, thinking through her words. She continued after a moment, saying, "Your power levels double every seven days! In just a month, you'll be immensely stronger!" She reached out, and gripped my arm, saying, "You don't need to do this!"

  The doctor said, "She's right! We might find the answer at any moment!" she shrugged, and then told me, "I just had to ask if you saw anything in your scan. I have the impression you have abilities that could make a difference."

  I was very tempted to force the issue. I stood there debating, and then said, "I'll wait a month, and then we'll talk again."

  Doctor Colton nodded, and said, "We can do a lot in a month! Come back then, and we will see!"

  Tersa said, "You chose wisely Kaltar! This is the best course! Moderation and patience is the answer!"

  "Unless I get killed next week," I observed. "I'm hardly in a safe line of work."

  Tersa rolled her eyes, and said, "Have a little hope Kaltar! April is safe here! It will be okay!"

  I stood looking down at April as she slept. I knew this was the correct, intelligent course. Despite that, I was tempted to just go in and try right then. It was finally settling in that I had responsibilities. I couldn't just do as I wished. After a moment more, I looked up at Tersa as I told her, "I'll wait thirty days!" I stood there for a little longer. Then added, "I won't promise any more than that!"

  I got the feeling they were both relieved. The doctor said, "In the event there is any change, you will be notified at once!" Tersa nodded, and started to steer me towards the door.

  As we stepped out, I got the feeling I was missing something, but I just couldn't see it. We started toward the general exit, and met up with Vandahar and Selena. We continued on, and soon found ourselves at the exit to the lair. Bitsy and Al were sitting watching a sunset as we walked out. They had dozens of babies playing at their feet. It was blissful.

  Nothing was said before we left, but I knew April was safe here.

  Chapter 13

  Meeting Jasmin

  We returned to Remaca. It seems each time I come back here, it's busier than the last time. From my home, I could see that the school now extended down along the river, and currently must be housing several thousand students. My actual home was quiet, but as soon as you stepped outside, you could hear explosions in the distance. Occasionally the ground would shake from a major detonation.

  As we stepped up to the house, a young woman stepped out from the front porch. She was scanning all of us as we approached, and I could tell at once something was different about this girl. She was "intense" for lack of a better word. Her aura and her strength in the link were overpowering. I knew at once she was not like us.

  With a bright smile, she looked straight at me and said, "My name is Jasmin! I've been sent to make contact with you!"

  Tersa, Vandahar, and Selena all paused, and stood scanning our visitor. She seemed little fazed by the examination, and I said, "Hello Jasmin. My name is Kaltar. How may I help you?"

  Before Jasmin could respond, Tersa said, "This is a child of the Guardian known as Satu-Ra!" Tersa looked at her oddly, and commented, "I'm surprised she would just show up here."

  Jasmin said, "My siblings and I have been aware of Kaltar for several weeks. We have been busy, but we felt it was important that we contact you."

  Sensing a truth in the link, I said, "Your Father isn't aware you're here! You should be careful approaching others! We might have been dangerous!"

  The girl looked younger than me, but for just a moment, I caught a moving image in the link. She was busy decimating an army of Critz using only her mind. In a flash, the image was gone, and Jasmin noted, "I'm hardly defenseless!"

  Tersa could see the images as well, and asked, "So why are you here now?"

  "My Father is unaware how important you are in the time line," Jasmin replied. "He is a good man, and a Guardian. If we told him of the dangers we shall face, he would try to interfere, and protect all of us." The young girl paused, deep in thought. Then she said, "My brother, Tucker, sent me here. He scanned Madias, and became aware of your existence."

  I nodded, and said, "I'm pleased to meet you, but you shouldn't withhold things from your father. It will cause problems in the long term."

  Jasmin's smile never faded, and she said, "Our father is a powerful Guardian, warrior, and leader. Yet even he has limitations. My brother, Tucker, is a driving force within the current stream of events in the timeline. I'm sure the Magi have become aware of the disruption occurring in the timeline."

  "We have been receiving reports, and some of us can see the disruption," I responded. "If you've scanned Madias, you are aware of as much as we know."

  Jasmin nodded, and almost to herself, said, "Tucker had
hoped you would have a better understanding of what was happening." She looked up and our eyes met. She said, "Our previous attempts to alter events in the timeline have met with mixed results. We've become very cautious about dealing with events that may cause major alterations, or worse yet, a complete disruption. My brother, Taylor, was almost lost during one such time alteration. We have been very concerned ever since."

  Scans were going back and forth so fast that you began to smell ozone in the air. Abruptly, Jasmin looked at me, and exclaimed, "You are suffering! Someone near to your heart is in trouble!" She scanned me deeply, and then noted, "We were unaware this was occurring!" Another scan, and then she said, "The Chosen had not informed us of this issue!"

  The mind of this beautiful child was amazing. She was linking with her siblings as we spoke, informing them of what was happening. At the same time, we were being scanned. I got the impression that Jasmin's shields were on autopilot, and drawing huge amounts of power. She was far more powerful than any Guardian I had ever seen. Even one of the greatest Magi would have been hard pressed to keep up with her.

  "How can we assist you?" I asked.

  In the distance, there was a large explosion, and the ground shook. Jasmin's head snapped to the left, and she reached out with her scans, checking on the cause of the noise.

  As she was scanning the students down by the river, I really looked at the young woman who stood before me. She was dressed in what the Earthers would have called Ninja Black. She was armed with two short swords in body scabbards, and I got the feeling she was capable of defending herself quite well. The only warrior I had ever seen that was her equal was Tersa, and perhaps a few Magi on the Council. She was a very dangerous woman.

  As dangerous as a loaded gun, yet absolutely beautiful. Tall and lithe, with bright green eyes, the girl was stunning. At that moment, she turned back towards me, and I told her, "You are very beautiful!"

  Tersa rolled her eyes, and Vandahar laughed slightly. Jasmin rolled her head to the left, and seemed to scan me again. She stood there for a moment, and then said, "You are not what I expected!" Still scanning me, she was silent for a moment, and then continued, saying, "We had the impression from Madias that you were pretty hard core! You're not much older than us, but you... you are very... impressive!" She scanned me a moment longer, then she added, "So much power, and yet you're so innocent! You are a true enigma!"

  "Enigma asked how we could help you!" observed Tersa. I could sense some irritation in her voice.

  Jasmin seemed to focus again, and I noticed she gave Tersa an odd look. She didn't say anything aloud, but I could tell something happened between Tersa and Jasmin in the link. Turning back to me, Jasmin said, "My brother just wants to know if there is any way you can become more engaged. We are fighting on multiple fronts, and often, we're losing. We need your help!"

  In the last moment as she spoke, I sensed the desperation in her voice. She was downplaying how bad things were. They were taking horrific losses. I said, "We are already engaged, but we are suffering loses ourselves. I can promise we will help. I just don't know exactly how at this point."

  Of course, my memories of the recent loss of my home world came to my mind. The young woman saw my thoughts in the link, and she actually cringed. In a soft voice, she said, "Oh! You poor boy!" Compassion flooded her eyes, and I almost started to cry.

  Tersa, her voice softened now, said, "Kaltar is trying to get the Magi up to speed. They're just not all up to it yet." In the distance, another explosion punctuated her comment.

  Jasmin nodded, and said, "I can appreciate that. I'll tell Tucker help is on the way."

  "Will you tell your father that we spoke?" I asked.

  Jasmin smile widened, and she said, "No way! He has too much on his plate already! Besides, if he knew I was here, he would kill me." She blinked oddly several times, and then said, "I'm not here! You didn't really see me! If my father finds out, I am in so much trouble!" She reached out, took my hand, and said, "Nice to meet you!" Then she released her grip, stepped back, and folded space.

  The entire meeting lasted about five minutes, but it seemed far longer. For several seconds after she left, we all just stood there. Then Vandahar left to report to Krashure Maug, and Selena walked away to return to school. As Tersa started to walk into the house, I said, "I could tell something happened. What did Jasmin say to you in the link?"

  Tersa hesitated for a moment. Then she said, "I saw how she was scanning you. It was a scan used when considering a mate. I told her in the link that you were already in love. She told me yes, and that I should keep it in mind!" Tersa paused, and then asked, "Any more questions?"

  I always seem to be asking the wrong questions. I just shrugged, and shook my head no. We went into the house. I went to my room, and collapsed into my bed without undressing or taking a shower. Sleep washed over me, and I was out for hours.

  Chapter 14

  Attack on Remaca

  I woke up to the sound of a trumpeting elephant. I could see in the link they had been startled by an explosion set off by one of the students. I would need to tell the students to be careful, especially now that the female elephant was pregnant. I needed to look up how long pregnancy lasts for an elephant. I had the impression it took a long time to carry a baby elephant full term.

  I slowly sat up in bed, allowed my legs to dangle over, and finally touched my feet to the cool floor. I sat there feeling tired, despite the fact that I just woke up. I stood up, went in, and took a shower. I could have stood there all day. The water felt almost scalding, and I loved it.

  I don't know how long I was in there, but almost as soon as I turned off the water and stepped out, a voice called out, "Kaltar?" and Tersa stepped into the room. She stood there looking at me for a moment, then blushed slightly, and turned around. Over her shoulder, she said, "Madias is here, and wants to speak to you!"

  She just kept standing there, so I decided that was the whole message and finally said, "Fine! I'll be right down!"

  Standing there for a moment more, she abruptly said, "Fine!" Then she walked away down the hall. I was tempted to scan her, but decided it would be rude. I got dressed, and went down to find Madias sitting in my kitchen.

  He smiled, and stood up when I walked in. We were the only ones there, and shook hands for a moment. I was aware it was an ancient Earth custom. I found it amusing that Madias used the gesture. "It's good to see you!" he said. We sat down, and after a moment, he said, "I understand you had a visit from Jasmin!"

  "Yes," I replied. "She was very beautiful!"

  A funny smile spread across his face, after a moment, he asked, "Do you talk to everyone like that?"

  I sat there debating what he meant. I finally said, "I guess so." Then, a moment later, I asked, "Am I doing something wrong?"

  Still smiling, Madias shook his head no, and said, "You're just plain honest to a fault, aren't you?"

  "Honest is good," I observed.

  "You need to learn the difference between honest, and blunt," Madias commented. Almost as an afterthought, he added, "Probably one reason Jasmin liked you so much." He focused on me again, and then said, "Just go on being honest Kaltar! It works for you!"

  I smiled back, and asked, "Is that all you needed?"

  That seemed to remind him of why he was here. His face lit up as he said, "I almost forgot! Satu-Ra has accepted the title Arthur, the King! He is now in command of a vast space armada, and I have great hope we have turned a page on a better day!"

  After a moment, I said, "I got the feeling from Jasmin things weren't going well."

  Madias sat there considering for a second. Then he said, "She told you, did she?"

  I nodded, and said, "Not the details, but I got the feeling they really need our help!"

  Looking down at the ground, Madias said, "We have taken heavy loses, but I am aware of your losses as well. There's just so much you can do. You can't be everywhere at once."

  I looked at the Madias and said. "W
e're Magi! We should be able to be everywhere at once!"

  He actually burst out laughing, looked at me, and said, "If only it was that easy!"

  At that moment, Tersa entered the kitchen. She smiled and said, "I was going to fix myself some coffee. Would you two like some?"

  We both smiled, nodded, and went on talking. A few seconds later, we heard the first loud explosion. Two seconds later, the entire house shook. Almost at once, I heard another explosion. The three of us were already headed for the front door. We burst out into the open, and I looked up to see a sky full of falling meteors.

  Hundreds, perhaps thousands of them, appeared to be falling. Far down the road, I could see students running towards us, and I figured in less than two minutes, we were all going to be dead. I reached out in my scans, and could see six large ships herding the meteors to Remaca like sheep. They had already broken off, and were reaching for a higher orbit to sit and watch the planet die.

  I was so fed up with the entire mess. They destroyed my old home, and now they were here. My anger once again took control, and I reached for far more power than I could handle. Closing my eyes, I focused on the image of the carnage falling down around us. I hissed the word, "Gone!" in little more than a whisper. In that same instant, I released everything I had. All my anger, linked with the power of the planet’s core. Instantaneously, all the meteors seemed to turn to grey dust. There was a loud crash, and it was over.

  The students stopped running a short distance away. They seemed to still be stumbling forward, as they looked up at the sky in disbelief. All that, and I still wasn't through.

  The six alien ships were trying to break orbit. I reached out, and froze their ship's jump engines. I threw out a dampening field, making sure they couldn't fold space and escape. Then I reached for more power from the core.

  I could see bright white sparks coming off the tips of my fingers. I reached up with both hands wide open, facing up. Then I clenched them into fists, and whispered, "Come here to me!"


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