The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 28

by Ivan Bridgewater

  "It's alright Tersa. You meant no harm," I told her. "Is this why you've been so upset?"

  Tersa waved her arm, and softly said. "It seemed pretty upsetting to me!"

  I stood looking at her, and said, "It was an unforeseen accident! Sooner or later, April would have been exposed through our normal contact with the Chosen."

  Tersa looked me in the eyes for the first time, asking, "You’re not angry at me?"

  "Not at all," I said. "When April is recovered, you can ask her. I suspect she will be very grateful to you for trying to help her."

  Tersa broke eye contact again, and looked down. She was deep in thought. I turned to the doctor and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

  Doctor Colton turned to April, and pointed vaguely at her as she slept. She said, "We have been refining our scans. We believe some of the Earther humans can't cope with mental contact with others. In preparation for your arrival, we have drugged April slightly, blocking the telepathic abilities she will have developed. Now we need someone to reach into her mind, and bring her out so we can help her."

  "You want me to reach into her mind, and bring her out?" I asked.

  The doctor looked at me oddly for a moment. Then she said, "That's a very simple version of it. But yes! That's the concept!"

  Tersa abruptly said, "Her mind will have developed defenses to keep you out! It's not as simple as it sounds!"

  Obviously frustrated, the doctor told me, "You’re our best chance! If you can do this, we will have a way to follow and perfect. It may save thousands of the Chosen from serious health issues."

  I looked at Tersa and said, "That alone is enough reason to at least try."

  Tersa looked exhausted, and said, "I'm not going to argue! It wouldn't do any good! Please! Just be careful!"

  I looked down at April, and reached into her mind as she slept. Unlike my previous scans, her mind was now fogged. I reminded me of a building filled with smoke, though I was able to breathe fine. I moved from room to room in her mind. Ever deeper into her mind's hidden realms.

  Then I opened a door, and the next room looked like April's living room on Earth. I stepped through the room, down the hall into April’s bedroom, and found her sleeping there. She looked so peaceful. For a moment I hesitated to wake her.

  I reached out, touching her gently on the arm. She felt warm and soft to the touch. I gently shook her for a moment, but she didn't move. I said, "April! Can you hear me?" No reaction. She just laid there.

  I don't know why, but for just a moment, I bent down, and kissed her on the lips softly. An electric shock seemed to surge through her body as I stood back away from her. Her eyes fluttered, and slowly opened. She looked over at me, and asked, "What do you want?"

  "I want you to wake up!" I observed. "This is a dream! You need to wake up!"

  Confusion was evident on April's face as she asked, "Who are you? What's happening?"

  I patiently told her, "It's me! Kaltar! You need to wake up!"

  April blinked her eyes and asked, "Kaltar? Is it really you?"

  I nodded, and said, "You were developing telepathic powers, and they upset your mind. The doctors have drugged you, so that won't happen again."

  "The voices!" she whispered. "They can stop the voices?"

  I nodded, and said, "You need to wake up April!"

  Out in the front room, I heard a deep growl. April's eyes filled with terror, and she said, "It's the beast, come to kill us!"

  "No!" I said. "It's all in our minds! Just relax, and it can't harm us!"

  She sat up in bed, and I bent over her, holding her close, so her face was buried in my chest. I quietly repeated, "You need to wake up April!"

  She was shaking badly, and cried, "I'm afraid, I don't want to die!"

  "It's going to be alright," I gently said into her ear. "I'll keep you safe! Just keep your eyes closed till you wake up!"

  I was there for several seconds. Then I could hear the breathing of a large beast in the room. I stood over April, covering her as she sat there. I could feel her tremble, and her fear made me angry.

  Suddenly, I was back at the hospital at Drevins Spraug, standing over April. Her body was just as it had been, but the instruments on her tube said she was waking up. Doctors and nurses were entering the room, and with a loud (hiss...) the sleeping chamber was opened.

  I leaned down over April, and gently called her name. She just laid there, and both Tersa and Doctor Colton stepped closer. The doctor told me, "Touch her hand! The body contact might help!"

  I already knew the answer. Bending down, I gently kissing April on the lips for a brief moment, just as I had in the dream. Instantly, April shook once, as if she had been shocked. Then her eyes slowly opened, she looked around, and asked, "How did I get here?"

  I leaned down close to her, and softly said, "It's alright now! You're safe, and everything's going to be fine!"

  Visibly upset, Tersa turned, and walked out of the room. Doctor Colton was giving instructions to a nurse about April's medications. I stood, looking down into her confused face, as she laid there in front of me. I slowly began to realize I had been given April back. It was a shock! I had almost given up hope!

  Doctor Colton looked at me, and said, "We know how to start now! It will give all of us here more hope! We needed badly for this to work. We were running out of other options."

  April said, "I think I'm going to get sick!"

  I stepped back out of the way. The doctors closed in and surrounded April. They were checking all her vitals, and scanning her mind. I felt exhausted, and stepping over, almost fell into a chair in the corner of the room. My vision began to tunnel down, and I heard Doctor Colton asked, "Are you okay? You look white as a sheet!"

  I heard April loudly say, "Kaltar! Are you okay?"

  I was so happy to hear her voice, I said, "I'm fine now that you're awake!" Then I slumped out of the chair, onto the floor.

  A lot of excitement seemed to be occurring. Then Tersa was back in the room. She stood over the doctors that were working on me. Then she passed her hand over my forehead, looked at the lead doctor, and said, "He needs to rest!" She focused on me, and softly told me, "Go to sleep Kaltar! I'll keep you both safe!"

  That was the last thing I remember!

  Chapter 18

  April is Home

  I awoke in my own bed on Remaca. Selena Zanthros was asleep in a chair in one corner of the room. As I stirred, she jolted awake. Looking slightly disheveled, she said, "I'm supposed to get everyone when you wake up!" She stood up, and stepped out of the room.

  I laid there trying to sort out what was happening. Things were all happening so fast, I was just having a hard time keeping up.

  Tersa stepped into the room, and turned up the light slightly so I could see better. She smiled, and quietly said, "I'm sure glad to see you awake!"

  "How long was I out this time?" I asked.

  "Just since yesterday," she replied.

  April stepped into the room next to Tersa. I just couldn't believe it. April was alive and awake. She softly asked, "Are you alright, Kaltar?"

  I just laid there looking at her, and after a moment, Tersa said, "Kaltar! Answer her!"

  I looked at April, and told her, "You are very beautiful!"

  Tersa instantly said, "Now that's our Kaltar!"

  The Rock stepped into the room, and I could tell he was scanning me. He was smiling from ear to ear, so I take it he was happy with the scan. After a moment more, he said, "You just never cease to amaze me!"

  "What did I do now?" I asked.

  The Rock looked down on me as I laid in bed. He glanced at April, and said, "To start with, you saved this young Earthers mind! We will use that knowledge to help countless others."

  "Doctor Colton says two of the Chosen, besides April, have awakened already," noted Tersa. "The drugs work perfectly so far!"

  The Rock said, "It's come to my attention you've been helping the Guardian Satu-Ra and his family. The Chosen! The Guardia
ns! You are making allies all around you!" He looked deeply into my eyes, and told me, "I want you to rest for a few days young Magi! You deserve a break!"

  I just kept starring at April. I couldn't believe she was awake. She came over, and sat down on the edge of the bed. The Rock and Tersa started talking between themselves about the doctors now working at Drevins Spraug to help the other people who were still unable to awaken. After a few seconds, April leaned in close, and kissed me gently.

  Nose to nose with her, I whispered, "I missed you!"

  She touched her forehead to mine, and said, "You saved me." She hesitated, then said, "I love you!"

  It felt so good hearing her say the words. I was at a loss for what to say. After a moment more, Selena stepped in and said, "I was going to fix some breakfast. Is anyone else hungry?" Everyone in the room raised their hand. Selena promptly turned around, and left the room.

  The Rock and Tersa stepped out of the room a second later, and it was just April and I left. She was quiet for a moment, and then she said, "Tersa and I talked while you were asleep. She said you risked yourself over and over to help me." She looked down at the ground and said, "I'm sorry I was so much trouble. I just get confused when I try to understand what's happening. It all just scares me."

  "Don't worry about it!" I observed. "With time, you'll adjust, and then you'll take it all in stride."

  April changed the conversation, saying, "Tersa says the war has really begun!" She hesitated, and then said, "She says soon you'll have to leave and join the Guardian fleet! Is that true?"

  I just nodded my head yes. April leaned down and hugged me for a moment. Sitting back up afterwards, she quietly asked, "Do you feel up to breakfast?"

  I suddenly realized I was starving. I told her, "If you'll help me up, I'll race you to the kitchen!"

  April smiled down at me, and offered, "How about I bring you breakfast in bed?"

  I had never heard tell of such a thing. I just nodded again, and April disappeared out the bedroom door. A few minutes later she was back with a small tray heaped with food and drink. She sat it on the bed and stood back, saying, "Enjoy!"

  Looking at all the food, I said, "I hope you're helping me!"

  Smiling, she pulled a small fork from her back pocket, and said, "I was hoping you’d offer!" Moments later we were both eating pancakes with a passion. Five minutes after that, we were finishing off the last bites of food. I drank something called orange juice. I don't know if they call it that because it is orange, or because it comes from a fruit called an orange. Like so many things from Earth, I often wonder where they got their start.

  We finished breakfast, and April disappeared out the door with the tray. She was back a minute later, and we spent a few minutes talking, and getting caught up.

  April told me she had talked to Bitsy, and seen a little of Drevins Spraug. I could tell she was pleased by the huge smile on her face. We talked about many things, including the battle at farpoint. After a short while, April quietly said, "I've been thinking about you leaving soon to join the Guardian fleet!"

  I nodded, and said, "It's time for the skirmishes to end. We must enter the war at the front of the battle, instead of covering the Guardians flanks. Within a week, we should join the Guardian fleet in force."

  Smiling sweetly, April asked, "Is there any chance I can go?"

  "I'm sorry!" I replied. "I can't risk taking you. You'll be safer here, or at Drevins Spraug."

  "You're sure I can't go?" she asked.

  I nodded again, and told her, "This is going to be dangerous April! I don't want you near any of it!"

  She nodded, stood up, stepped over to my bedroom door, and locked it. Then she started getting undressed. She reached over, snapped off the light, and in seconds she crawled into the bed with me. I abruptly realized how cool the sheets were, and how warm her body was. The sensation was wondrous.

  We wrapped our arms and legs around each other. I reveled in her soft skin, and as she leaned over me, we began to kiss.

  It was a good feeling! A very good feeling!

  Then there was a tap at the door. We both froze, and after a few seconds, I finally asked, "Who is it?"

  There was silence for a moment, and then Tersa said, "You have company downstairs. Do you feel up to talking to them?"

  I really didn't want to talk to anybody at that moment. April gently kissed me again, and whispered, "You better go see who it is." She hugged me a moment more, and then pulled away. I could hear her getting dressed. I said, "We'll be right out!" and started to set up in bed.

  We opened the door three minutes later to find Tersa sheepishly waiting for us. She told me, "I think you're going to want to see these people. I'm sorry if I interrupted anything."

  April appeared embarrassed, but I saw no reason for it. All we did was kiss and hug. I could see why people enjoyed it so much. It was very stimulating.

  Tersa led us downstairs. I found the Rock, Madias, and Jasmin all waiting for us. As we stepped in, they all started scanning us. Jasmin was the first to speak, saying, "So it's true! She has awakened!"

  I could tell she was elated, as was everyone. April stayed for a minute, and then said, "I have things to take care of. I'll talk to you all later." She kissed me gently for a second, and then left the room.

  As soon as she left, the Rock put his hand on my shoulder, and told me, "I'm glad she's well! I know how her condition weighed on your mind!"

  I simply nodded. There was nothing more to say.

  Madias quietly said, "The time has come. The Guardians are preparing to step up the attacks on the Darkness. We have started placing Magi into the ranks of the Guardians in key positions. It's our hope that the Magi can be at the right place at the right time, and give the Guardians the edge."

  "I want you to prepare to join the Guardian Satu-Ra at once," noted the Rock. "The two of you together are a powerhouse of energy the Darkness will find unsurmountable!"

  Jasmin interjected with, "You'll find my father a bit gruff, but he is a very generous man. If you can work with him, he will become your greatest supporter. He is loyal to a fault!"

  Deep in thought, I said, "I need to secure April's safety, and then I'll join the Guardian fleet." I looked at Jasmin, and said, "I've met your father, and found him to be a great Guardian. I'm sure I have much to learn from him."

  She smiled at me oddly, as though I had made some great joke. Then she said, "I suspect he will learn a great deal from you."

  I was tempted to scan her and see what was so funny. Instead, I looked at Madias, and said, "I'll report to the Guardian fleet within two days."

  "I look forward to you joining us," Madias replied.

  I stood nodding, and the Rock said, "Very well. We'll let you get ready. See you soon!"

  He folded space, quickly followed by Madias. Jasmin stood there with the odd smile on her face for a moment. Abruptly, she said, "Sorry for the interruption! See you soon!"

  Then she folded space.

  Tersa had walked out right after April did. I went looking for them. It was Tersa I found first, sitting in the kitchen. She seemed to be exhibiting the same smile that Jasmin had. Her first words to me were, "April is a nervous wreck! You need to go spend some time with her!"

  When I just stood there feeling confused for a moment, Tersa said, "April is a young woman madly in love, and now you're leaving! She was issues that she needs to settle with you."

  Still confused, I said, "I'll go talk to her!"

  Snickering, Tersa corrected me, saying, "I don't think she’s planning on a lot of talk!"

  I was almost worried now, and went looking for April. She was in her room, and rather upset. She was unaware I was there for a second. As I walked in, she was talking to herself. I heard, "Telepaths and privacy issues! What was I thinking?"

  She saw me out of the corner of her eyes, jumped, and spun around, loudly saying, "Don't sneak up on me like that!" Then she started to quietly cry. She was trembling as I wrapped my arms ar
ound her and pulled her close.

  I just stood there holding her for a moment. Then said, "It's okay! You're just fine! Why are you crying?"

  Clutched to my chest, her muffled voice said, "You people freak me out! Teleporting telepathic aliens with magical powers battling evil, and I fall in love with their leader. I must be out of my mind!" She took a deep ragged breath, and then said, "Or, at least I would be out of my mind, if I wasn't drugged to prevent it!"

  Holding her, I began to realize April was still having a rough time adjusting. I said, "If I must leave, where would you like to stay? Earth, Remaca, or Drevins Spraug."

  "I'd rather stay with you," she replied, sniffling slightly. I could see this was going to be difficult for both of us. She leaned closer to me, looked up, and we began to kiss. Just holding her, I began to get chills and hot flashes at the same time. It was like having an emotional short circuit.

  Abruptly, she broke the kiss, and stepped back. Softly, almost to herself, she said, "I've got to get control of myself!"

  "I love you, April," I said. "You are very beautiful!"

  She clenched her eyes closed, and told me, "Stop saying that! It's not helping!"

  Now I was really confused, and just stood there, debating what to do. My teacher, the Rock, once told me I would find women confusing. He is a very wise man!

  "I don't mean to harm you," I observed. "If I'm upsetting you, I'll go away, and return later."

  April promptly clutched ahold of me, and whispered, "Don't you dare disappear!"

  Each time she took a grip on me, my body temperature and pulse rate would skyrocket. I was beginning to think I was ill.

  I looked down at her, and said, "I love you!"

  She just exclaimed, "Shut up you idiot!" and started to kiss me again. I started to worry one of us would have a seizure or something. I had never imaged I could feel this way. Intense is just not a strong enough word for what I was feeling. April stepped over, locked her bedroom door, and turned off the lights, and for the next two hours, we made love.


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