The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 35

by Ivan Bridgewater

  Tersa and I folded space, and returned Cindy and Carl to their homes on Earth. I made it a point to take Carl with me, instead of Cindy. We arrived on Earth, and I delivered Carl right to his apartment living room. We arrived, and Carl said, "I don't understand what's happening, but there are forces on Earth doing bad things."

  Frowning slightly, I said, "It's the Madness. Humans do bad things all the time."

  "Not like this!" Carl said emphatically. Stepping over to a video monitor, Carl began showing me data about various things he was tracking on Earth. There were lists of corporations and governments from around the planet, but I failed to see what the data meant.

  Carl was scanning my thoughts, and quietly asked, "You don't see the patterns, do you?"

  "Not Really," I admitted. Carl adjusted the data flow I was seeing, and highlighted a reappearing name. Someone named Robert Hetrus had his hand in a lot of nefarious dealings, but I still didn't understand what was happening.

  "Mister Hetrus was recently assassinated by a man named Mike Rutger," Carl informed me. "Mister Rutger is a converted Earther, and now works directly with the Chosen."

  "I’ve met the man named Mike Rutger," I noted in passing. "He seems very nice."

  "He's probably Earth's most deadly assassin," Carl observed. "I've read the data files the Chosen have on him. He scares the shit out of me."

  "What does all this mean?" I asked. "I still don't see what you're talking about."

  The data on the screen shifted again to show a long list of corporations. Carl pointed at the list, and said, "These ninety four corporations account for almost half the pollution and global warming on the planet." The list changed, so it now appeared shorter, and Carl said, "These sixty corporations from that list, were all controlled by Mister Hetrus. I guess you could call him Mister global warming."

  "If he's dead, then Earth is safe?" I wondered aloud.

  "That's the problem," Carl told me. "Nothing has changed, except the man in charge. The new CEO is a man named Donald Morgan. He took over for Robert Hetrus two hours after the man died."

  "That does sound a little odd," I agreed.

  "This is what Mister Morgan looks like," Carl noted quietly. The image of a tall, thin man appeared on the screen. He was dressed from head to toe in grey. The picture showed him getting out of a grey limo, and even his guards were dressed in grey. After a few seconds, Carl said, "This guy isn't making a fashion statement. He's the guy in charge, and his people are doing some really bad stuff."

  "I don't know much about the Earth itself," I pointed out. "Is there a possibility you are misunderstanding the data at hand?"

  "It's possible," Carl acknowledged. "But not likely. Do you remember the Russians that kidnapped Cindy and I?" I nodded, and Carl continued, saying, "They are indirectly linked to Morgan." He took a deep breath, and then said, "I believe the Russians thought they were after my money, but they were sent by Morgan." He looked right at me, and continued, saying, "I believe they were really sent looking for you and April."

  The realization was like a punch in the stomach. I could see his thoughts in the link, and his logic was very solid. "I think it's time you and Cindy joined April on Remaca." I suggested.

  "I'm not running away from these people." Carl noted dryly. "I’d prefer Cindy went someplace safe, but I'm staying here."

  "Have you spoken to our liaisons with the Guardians, and the Chosen?" I asked.

  "The Guardians are almost all at war," Carl said quietly. "The Chosen only have a few thousand people on Earth right now. They are hardly in a good position to deal with a man like Morgan."

  "I'm not sure what I can do about all this," I thought aloud. "I don't understand Earth culture enough to interfere. I might just make things worse. What do you want me to do?"

  "I don't expect you to do anything," Carl told me. "I just wanted you to know what was happening, in case I disappear."

  I didn't like the sound of that, and said, "You should leave here till this is all over." Even as I said the words, I knew he would never leave. His mind was firmly made up.

  "I don't know what I'm going to do," Carl observed. "But I'm going to try to do something about all this. I seem to have developed a good mind for business. I'm going to put it to work against these creeps."

  "If you manage to hurt them, they’ll quickly come after you," I reminded him.

  "Let them try!" Carl snarled. "I've got plans for them." He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "They used Cindy to get me to open the door last time. That's one reason I want her out of here."

  "She'll never leave if you're in danger," I told him pointedly. "You better come up with a better plan."

  "She'll go if you ask her to," Carl informed me. "She respects you, and loves April." I stood there debating his comments. On many levels, I was unhappy about all this.

  "I consider you my friend," I stated plainly. "I can't leave you to do this alone."

  Smiling slightly, he said, "I'm not going in with a gun and shooting things up. I'm going in as a business man, and ripping their bank accounts apart. I don't want to hurt anybody. I understand the concept that these people are sick with a madness. I think they’re destroying the earth in a deliberate manner, under someone's instruction. That's what I'm trying to stop."

  "I'll talk to Cindy," I agreed. "I'll try to get her to stay with April till she has the baby."

  "I really appreciate it," Carl noted. He stood debating for a moment, and then said, "You're my best friend, Kaltar. You have changed my entire life, and given me a totally different outlook on life. No matter what happens to me, I want say how grateful I am for all you've done."

  It was obvious we were done talking, and I told Carl I was going upstairs to speak to Cindy. As I left, I wondered if I would ever see him again. It was obvious he was planning on going in harm’s way.

  Walking up to Cindy's doorway, I realized it was slightly open. I stepped in to find Cindy just walking into the living room with a suitcase. She saw me, and said, "I'll be ready in a minute." She stepped out of sight down the hall, and returned a moment later with another suitcase. As she sat it down, she asked, "May I take both these?"

  "Certainly," I agreed. "I take it you're aware of what's going on?"

  "I can read minds ya know," she pointed out. "Carl likes to treat me like the village idiot, but I'm not."

  Laughing slightly, I said, "I've never thought of you as anything but my friend. I don't really believe Carl cares for you any less than I do."

  Cindy was extremely sober for a moment. The small smile she had worn, slipped from her face, and she said, "Carl has changed so much, I hardly recognize him." She hesitated for a moment, and then went on, saying, "He's not like most of us in the Chosen. He wants to strike out against the Earthers that are minions of the Darkness. It's tainting his entire outlook, and is making him act more and more erratic."

  "I'm going to try and help him," I assured her. "But for now, I believe staying with April will be the smart thing for you to do."

  "I'll go stay with April, because she needs me," Cindy informed me. "But if something isn't done about Carl, there's going to be trouble."

  I simply nodded to acknowledge her comment, but I suspected she was right. Ten minutes later, we arrived on Remaca. As we stepped up onto the front porch, April stepped out the front door. Cindy and April hugged each other, and both began trying to talk at once. Stepping past them, I took Cindy's luggage upstairs to the guest bedroom.

  When I returned downstairs, I found the two ladies had now moved into the kitchen. I went in, and told them I had a few things to take care of. They hardly seemed to know I was there. I left them laughing and talking as if they hadn't seen each other in months.

  I walked out the front door, and called out to Tersa in the link. Within seconds, she folded space, and appeared standing before me. She glanced at me and asked, "What's wrong?"

  I stood there debating, and then said, "I need to talk to Dona Carter, or Satu-Ra's daughter,
Jasmin. Would you please be kind enough to find one of them, and ask them to come see me?"

  Tersa nodded, folded space, and was gone. I was thinking about how best to handle the issues Carl and I had discussed. Voices drew my attention, and I soon saw Vandahar and Selena walking up the trail from the school, toward my home. They both smiled, and we all said hello as we met on the porch.

  "Why so serious?" Vandahar asked after a moment. "You look as if you're expecting trouble."

  "I suppose in a way, I am," I replied. Within seconds, I had given them the relevant information in the link.

  Selena emitted a high pitched whistling sound, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

  I didn't really have a good answer for that, and before I could think of one, Tersa appeared with Dona Carter. The two of them stepped over to us, and Tersa said, "I found Dona first. Should I go hunt down Jasmin?"

  "Not for now," I replied. I focused on Dona, and said, "I just talked to Carl back on Earth. He paints a rather terrifying picture of what is happening." I began sending her information in the link, but she quickly stopped me.

  "I know Carl," Dona reminded me. "We are very aware of what he's doing. He bought a petrol company for a billion dollars two weeks ago, and it has grown tremendously. His company is selling cheap fuel, and driving down the market. That means that dirty fuels, like coal, are getting squeezed. He's driving some of them out of business, and making the others uncomfortable."

  "Can you help him?" I asked. "He's a good friend, and I'm worried about him."

  I could tell Dona hesitated. She slowly said, "We try not to draw attention to ourselves. He's stirring up a hornet's nest, and we've been worried how it would all work out. We've spoken to him, and he refuses to listen." She broke off, but I could already see the conflict in the two behavior patterns.

  "I don't mean to cause problems," I observed truthfully. "I can see the problem. But isn't there something you can do?"

  "In a way, he's right," Dona quietly noted. "The problem is, if the general public on Earth find out what's happening, they may not take the news well. The Guardians trained those of us who are in the Chosen, and they teach us to stay low. Carl is downstairs screaming he's here, and waiting for trouble to come visit. I just don't see what we can do."

  "Is Satu-Ra aware of what is happening on Earth?" I asked. "I have an impression he takes a special interest in what happens on that world."

  "I've sent in numerous reports, but heard nothing back," Dona informed me.

  Turning back to Tersa, I asked, "Would you please go tell Jasmin I need to speak to her?" Without hesitation, Tersa folded space and was gone. I was getting discouraged, and beginning to wonder if I could figure out a way to help resolve this.

  "We could turn this to our advantage," Vandahar suggested. "We could use your friend to draw the greys into a trap."

  "I don't like the idea if turning my friends into bait," I noted quietly. I was instantly aware that Vandahar was right. I just couldn't allow myself to think of such a thing.

  Seeing my thoughts in the link, Dona suggested, "Perhaps you should just ask Carl. I believe he would really enjoy the concept."

  "I have a plan!" Vandahar suddenly announced. He seemed almost gleeful as he stood there thinking. Then he said, "Please excuse me!" and folded space, disappearing right off my front porch.

  "I'm going after Vandahar," Dona informed me. "He's made me curious." Then she folded space, disappearing without another word.

  "What do you think they're up to?" Selena asked.

  "I'm not sure," I admitted. "I didn't get a chance to pick up on it. Judging by the look on Vandahar's face, it will be interesting." Before Selena could respond, Tersa returned with Jasmin. As they stepped up to the porch, we exchanged greetings, and Jasmin said, "Tersa explained your request for assistance. My father has ordered any resource you request be made available. What can I do to help?"

  I could already see there was no easy answer to that question. I understood the need to not draw unwanted attention to the Guardian presence on Earth. I also knew that someday, the knowledge would become public. With a friend's life at stake, I questioned the lack of direct action.

  I could sense Jasmin scanning me heavily. She is the daughter of Satu-Ra, and one of the strongest telepaths I've ever seen. Her mind focused on my thoughts, and she quietly said, "Allow your friend, Vandahar, to try his plan. I’ll check on them before I return to Signey Octurus." Her eyes darted around, and she asked, "Is April alright?"

  "She's fine," I answered. "Her friend Cindy is with her. They're inside the house, talking."

  "My father has assigned me to be a direct liaison to you, and the Magi," Jasmin informed me. "Would it be possible for me to remain here on Remaca for as long as you are here?"

  "Of course," I agreed. Turning to Tersa, I asked, "Would you arrange guest quarters for Jasmin?"

  "I'll take care of it," Selena told us. Addressing Jasmin, she said, "If you'll walk over to the school with me, I'll arrange a place for you to stay." Jasmin nodded to acknowledge the comments, and seconds later they were walking away, headed for the school.

  "What do you think Vandahar is up to?" asked Tersa.

  "I don't know, but I trust Vandahar," I responded. "Judging by the look on his face, it should be pretty good."

  "Give them some time." Tersa observed. "Vandahar is very intelligent. I'm sure he has something interesting in mind."

  We stepped into the house, and walked back to the kitchen. April and Cindy were still talking, but as we stepped in they stopped, and looked up.

  "Cindy told me what's happening," April remarked. "Is there anything we can do?"

  "Vandahar seems to have a plan." I answered. "But I haven't heard all the details yet."

  "Give them a few days," Tersa suggested. "By then, you should see some results." We all sat and talked for several hours, and April and I finally got to sleep very late that night.

  Chapter 6


  Over the next few days, we saw a slight change in our normal daily schedule. The addition of Cindy and Jasmin to our list of daily visitors made things just a little more hectic. Jasmin spent the first day retrieving some of her personal items from Signey Octurus. She also visited with Vandahar on Earth, and returned laughing to herself about the ingenious Magi. She promised me a report in just a few more days, and assured me Carl was doing just fine.

  Both April and Cindy were still on edge about what was happening, but I trusted Vandahar and Jasmin. On the fifth day after I talked to Carl, Vandahar came to visit us early in the morning. I was having pancakes for breakfast. Cindy and Jasmin were already done with breakfast, and just sat talking at the breakfast table when Vandahar walked in.

  "Is Carl alright?" Cindy blurted out. I could tell she was expecting bad news.

  "Carl's just fine," Vandahar assured her as he sat down to join us. "He's a rather brilliant young Earther. We've been taking advantage of his tendency for direct confrontation."

  "I'm almost afraid to ask what that means," I observed.

  Vandahar smiled for a moment, and then said, "I've got something to show you."

  Images began to appear in the link. It took me a moment, but I suddenly realized I was seeing the front door to Cindy's apartment. A short man in grey stepped up to the door, and a second later a second man in grey appeared. The second man in grey did something to the door, and it opened.

  The two men stepped into the dimly lit living room, and shut the door behind them. They made it to the center of the room, and the sound of the door locking behind them could be heard. The men pulled their pistols, but it was too late. I loud, "whoosh" could be heard, and a fine fog appeared in the room.

  The two men in grey reacted badly to the foggy mist. They both screamed and fell to the floor. The guns hit the floor with a loud metallic thump, and both men thrashed around as if they were dying. Almost at once, the front door burst open, and Vandahar stepped into the room.

  Several peo
ple were with him, but Vandahar was the only person I recognized. They moved through the room, securing the two men's guns, and searching the area to make sure the place was safe. I saw Vandahar kneel down over the two men, and suddenly realized he was removing the tick like creatures that normally controlled these men.

  The men in grey were stunned, but not injured. The confused looks on their faces spoke volumes about the men's state of mind. In seconds they were being helped up off the ground by Vandahar and the other people with him.

  Almost at once, the scene reset. A single man in grey appeared, and the process repeated itself all over again. The look of shock on the man's face as the door snapped locked on him was priceless.

  The next man in grey didn't bother with the door. He just folded space into the room. It didn't matter, and the previous chain of events unfolded the same way as it had in the other cases.

  "We've captured eight of them so far," Vandahar noted. "We separate the people from their riders, and then indoctrinate them into the Chosen."

  "Sooner or later, they'll catch on," I observed. "What happens then?"

  "We have backups in place in case things get out of hand," Vandahar explained. "Carl owns the building, and he moved the other tenants to new homes. He's the only person living in the place. Most of the structure is now a series of traps."

  "Even my place?" April squeaked. "I might want to go back someday ya know!"

  "Your apartment is rigged, and so is Cindy's," Vandahar responded. "Kaltar's apartment is where I've been staying." he smiled slightly at Cindy, and said, "As long as you aren't a grey, there's nothing to worry about. No tick, means no problem."

  "Except all my stuff is getting wet," Cindy grumbled.

  "Carl had us put most of your personal things in storage," Vandahar said. "I can assure you, your apartment will be fine when you return."


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