Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set

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Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set Page 3

by Lilian Monroe

  I get up and follow him over. I start a few feet away from him, picking up boxes and cookies and cakes that have fallen on the floor. We work in silence for a few minutes. I stand up after picking up the millionth item off the floor, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. I grab my heavy sweater and pull it off over my head, letting out a sigh.

  “It’s hot in here!” I exclaim, and then I see Zach’s eyes on me. His eyes are roaming over me and suddenly I feel like I’m wearing nothing at all. I pull down the hem of my thin camisole. I wasn’t intending on taking off my sweater. I blush and turn back to the mess on the floor to hide my embarrassment. I bend over to pick up a stack of plastic plates and when I stand up he’s right beside me, his arm brushing against mine. He turns towards me so that his chest is inches from mine.

  I place the plates down gently on the table and try to slow down the thumping in my chest. Zach is so close to me I can feel the heat radiating off his skin. He smells sweet and spicy at the same time and I breathe deeply, trying to calm myself down. As soon as his scent hits my nostrils it has the opposite effect. My body goes into overdrive and all I can think of is putting my hands on his body.

  We’re inches apart. Slowly, I drag my eyes up his chest to his jaw, watch his lips as he opens them gently and finally let my eyes drift up to his. They look so dark, like bottomless pools of brown staring back at me.

  My heart is going wild. I can feel it beating against my ribcage as we stand there, transfixed. I can’t tear my eyes away from his. I don’t want to.

  Ever so slowly, Zach brings his hand up and gently brushes the edge of my hip with his fingertips. I shiver, closing my eyes gently and relishing his touch. He’s barely touching me but it feels more intense than I could imagine. It’s like his fingers have a direct line to my centre, sending wave after wave of heat towards my core.

  His fingers drift from my hip towards my navel, ever so gently brushing the fabric of my camisole. The blood is rushing between my legs and desire floods my veins with every heartbeat banging against my ribcage. I open my eyes and glance back at him. His eyes are half-closed. I can see him looking at me and the intensity of his gaze sends another wave of heat through me. I know my eyes have the same look of pure desire as his. I raise my hand and hesitate, then place it gently on his chest. He’s warm, and hard, his smooth muscles rippling under his shirt. I can feel his heart beating as well and it gives me a surge of confidence. My other hand flies up to his chest and I run it up towards his neck.

  The second my fingers touch the bare skin of his neck it’s like something explodes between us. My skin touches his and it sizzles, sending sparks through my entire body. He grips my waist and pulls me into him.

  This is so wrong. This is my boss! Zach Lockwood! I shouldn’t be doing this.

  But then his lips crush against mine and all thought disappears from my head. He tastes sweet, his lips soft against mine as they part and kiss me. His hand grips my neck, tangling into the hair at the nape of my neck and pulling my head in towards his. My hands are gripping his shoulders, his neck, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into me.

  He’s pressing me into the table and I lean back, loving the way his body feels strong and muscular as he crushes it into me. His lips press against my neck, trailing kisses down my collarbone as his hands grab the small of my back and pull me into him. I’m panting, trying to keep my feet on the ground as my body goes into overdrive. The pleasure and desire is exploding through my entire body and I can feel my wetness pooling between my legs.

  I want him. I don’t care that he’s my boss, or the CEO, or that we’re at the office. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone before.



  The minute she took that sweater off I knew I had to kiss her. My cock started throbbing as soon as I laid eyes on her, and now she’s here in my arms and it feels better than I could have imagined. She’s pulling me into her and kissing me like I’m the last man on Earth. Right now, here with Harper, I might as well be. The office is a mess and it’s going to cost me a fortune to fix everything up and pay for the office party at the pub but I don’t care. I’d pay ten times whatever it costs to be exactly where I am now.

  I grab the tops of her thighs and lift her onto the table, sending a box of cookies flying back down to the ground as I brush it out of the way. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down on top of her. We’re both panting, clawing at each other, grabbing and pulling at whatever body part our hands can find.

  “Wait,” Harper says, pulling away. “Anyone could walk in.”

  “I don’t care,” I breathe. “Let them watch.”

  I kiss her again. I can’t think of anything except the way she tastes, the way she feels, and the way my cock is straining against my pants and throbbing like it’s about to explode. I feel her hands on my chest and she gently pushes me away again. I nod.

  “You’re right. Come on.”

  I help her off the table and she slips her hand into mine. We head towards my office. It’s just on the other end of the room, in the back corner. As soon as we’re in the door she slams the door closed and jumps into my arms. She wraps her legs around my waist and I wrap my arms around her, our lips already crushing together the minute the door slammed shut. I walk over to the couch that faces the big bay windows and set her down gently onto it. I love this view—New York’s twinkling city lights—but right now I can’t look at anything except the beautiful woman laying down in front of me.

  Her cheeks are flushed and she has that twinkle in her eyes. They look like emeralds, bright even in the dim light of the office. I can see her freckles now, scattered over her face. I brush my thumb over her cheek.

  “You are incredibly sexy,” I breathe as my lips dip down to kiss her collarbone. Her hands reach up and tangle into my hair.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she teases. I lift my head and grin.

  “Yeah, I do,” I admit. “But this time I actually mean it.” She laughs and I get to see that smile spreading across her face. Her eyes are so bright, every look is sending an electric thrill straight down to my cock. I lean down and kiss her neck again. I can’t get enough of her soft white skin. She grinds her hips upwards and I groan, loving the way her body feels underneath me.

  Suddenly Harper tenses and looks over my shoulder.

  “What was that?!”

  I glance back and look towards the door. “What?”

  “I heard something. I think someone’s here.” Her voice sounds strained and her heart is beating fast. I can feel it as I lay there on top of her. She’s tensed up completely and the whites of her eyes are visible all around her irises. I frown, slowly lifting myself off the couch. I can’t help but feel Harper’s nervousness.

  Was that a shadow I just saw through the blinds? They’re mostly shut but if someone was close enough they could see in. At least, they could see enough to know what we were just doing. My heart jumps in my chest and I feel the blood start to pound through my veins. I get up and take a few steps towards the door, pausing to listen. Silence.

  I reach forward, grabbing the door handle in my right hand. With one last breath, I clench my other fist and rip the door open.

  Nothing. It’s empty.

  “Hello?” I call out. “Who’s there?”

  I wait for one, two, three seconds, taking a step out into the open room and listening for any sound.

  It’s completely quiet. I take a few more steps and look around. The room is exactly as we left it: a complete mess. I squint and try to look for movement, any movement, around the room. There’s nothing. No sound, no movement, nothing.

  Sighing, I turn back around. I walk back into my office and close the door. I hold my arms out by my sides and shrug. Harper is looking at me, wide-eyed. She’s sitting up on the couch now, her arms by her side. Her hair is messy and her cheeks are flushed.

  “Nothing,” I say simply. I turn to the blinds and close them shut completely, just in cas
e. Then I turn back to Harper and we look at each other for a few seconds. She’s never looked this good.

  She’s the first to start smiling. It starts as the corners of her mouth start twitching upwards, and then her eyes brighten. Suddenly she’s laughing, looking at me and holding her chest as the laughter barrels out of her. I can’t help it, I start laughing too.

  My shoulders shake and I lean back, letting the stress of the past few moments roll off me. I collapse onto the sofa next to her and lean back, laughing until it subsides and we both sigh. Harper turns to me and looks me in the eye, her eyes shining.

  “Sorry,” she says. “Guess I’m a bit nervous. Sex in the office and all.”

  Before I can respond, she’s got her hand on my chest and is crushing her lips against mine. She swings her leg over me and straddles my thighs. I let my hands drift from her hips down to her ass, loving the way it curves under my touch. She starts grinding herself into me and I groan. My cock is rock hard. I can’t wait any longer. I need her. I need to make her mine.



  Once the stress dissipated, I had to lean over and kiss him. And now I feel completely out of control in the best possible way.

  I can’t help myself, his lips taste so good. The way he’s grabbing my hips and ass, pulling me down on top of him is driving me crazy. I can feel his hard cock in his pants, pressing against my leg as I move up and down on top of him.

  I push myself off and stand up, hastily unfastening my pants. I slide them down my legs and stand up. I can’t wait any longer, this is happening. I hear Zach sigh and I look at him. He’s staring at me with fire in his eyes. He’s unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants down. We’re both rushing, clawing at our clothes and ripping them off.

  I can’t wait for him to take them off. As soon as they’re bunched near his feat I climb back on top of him and grab his cock in my hand. It’s thick and hard, and even the touch of it makes my body shiver with pleasure. I put one hand on his shoulder and stare at him. His dark brown eyes are boring into me and I don’t look away for a moment as I take his cock and slowly start moving it back and forth along my slit.

  Every time it comes near my opening or my bud it sends a thrill through my entire body. I can feel my body opening up, getting sopping wet and ready for him. I don’t remember the last time I wanted a man this badly. His hands are on me, his fingers sinking into my ass as I move slowly back and forth.

  The way he’s groaning is driving me wild. I don’t know if it’s the wine or the nervousness or the sheer thrill of being at the office like this with the man I’ve been fantasising about for weeks, but I can feel my orgasm mounting before he’s even done anything to me. Just the way his hands grip me, the way his groans pierce through me, the way his body feels smooth and hard is enough to take me to the edge.

  I can’t take it anymore. I feel drunk, but not off alcohol. I close my eyes and shift my hips, still grabbing his cock as I position it underneath me.

  Sinking down onto his cock is the most erotic thing I’ve ever felt. Inch by inch, he slides inside me like his cock was made to be there. I can feel my body stretching and gripping and contracting as he enters me. I moan, sitting down completely on top of him. I exhale as I sit back. Finally I open my eyes and look down at him.

  His mouth is open and he’s exhaling, his eyes shining in the dim light as he watches me. He lets out a low groan and I shiver, taking a second to let my body adjust to his size. His fingers sink into my ass a little bit more and I can feel his cock throbbing inside me.

  Every sensation is heightened. Every touch sends shivers through my whole body. Every heartbeat makes the pleasure course through my veins a little bit more. I take a deep breath and start grinding my hips, slowly at first and then faster and faster.

  Suddenly it’s a frenzy. I’m grinding and riding and bucking and he’s thrusting into me, grabbing my ass and my neck and my hair as he pushes himself deeper into me. Our bodies are slapping together and our moans fill the room.

  I feel almost dizzy. It’s intoxicating—the feeling of him inside me. Every time my hips sink down and his cock pushes into me it’s like a bolt of lightening through my core. The pressure inside me is building and building and building until I can feel my orgasm inside me like a ball of heat that’s ready to explode.

  The instant he slips his hand between us and finds my clit it’s all over. I’m flying through space, eyes closed, body bucking and convulsing in pleasure as he grinds into me more. I’m screaming his name but it’s like the sound of my own voice reaches my ears a second too late. My walls are contracting around his cock as our bodies crush together. I can feel him groaning and moaning, grabbing my hips and pushing himself into me a little bit deeper.

  His cock gets harder and hotter and all of a sudden I feel him explode. We come together, our bodies completely in sync as we moan and grab onto each other tightly.

  My heart is pounding and I collapse on top of Zach. His breath is ragged, and his arms fall down by his sides. My walls are still twitching, gripping and releasing his cock inside me with every beat of my heart. His cock is pulsing and all we can do is sit there until our bodies recover.

  Slowly, I climb off him and sink onto the sofa beside him. His arm is around my shoulder, his fingers lazily trailing over and back across my skin. I lay my head against him and I feel him lay a soft kiss against my hair.

  “You smell nice,” he breathes. I smile.

  “So do you,” I respond. I take a deep breath and lay into him a little bit more. I smile to myself as we enjoy a quiet moment.

  My thoughts are buzzing even though my body is relaxed. This is completely out of character for me. I just had sex at the office with my boss!! Not only that, but were in such a rush that we didn’t use any protection. I sigh, I know the chances of me getting pregnant are pretty much zero. I discovered that right before my last relationship crashed and burned, after months of appointments and treatments and tests. It was heartbreaking, but I’ve accepted it now. I’ll never have kids of my own.

  I try to quiet my mind down and focus on Zach’s chest and the way his fingers are trailing back and forth on my shoulder. Right now I’m not going to let my thoughts run away with me. All I can do is close my eyes and enjoy Zach’s body wrapped around mine. His breath is slow and his heartbeat is steady and it feels like the most comfortable place I’ve ever been. I sigh gently and settle into him.

  A couple hours ago I never would have imagined that I’d be half-naked in Zach Lockwood’s office enjoying the afterglow of an intense orgasm. Maybe pulling the tree down wasn’t such a disaster after all.



  “We should probably go to the Christmas party. They’ll be wondering where we are,” Harper says as her head lies against my shoulder. She makes no move to leave.

  “Probably, yeah,” I respond, staying completely still. It’s too comfortable here. It feels too good to have my arm wrapped around her and to feel the little shocks course through my veins as my body recovers from my orgasm. Harper shivers and sighs against me, then finally lifts herself off.

  I watch her bend over and pick up her discarded pants, loving the way her ass curves into her shapely legs. She’s got to be one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen. My head still feels light, like I’ve had one too many drinks. I know it’s not the alcohol though, I feel such a rush through my body the second she sank down on top of my cock.

  Sighing, I bend down and pull my pants back up my legs. Harper shoots me a glance and grins.

  “That was fun,” she says. I smile.

  “Yeah.” I pause, unsure how to ask her what I’m thinking of. “Harper, we never used… I didn’t have a condom. I’m clean! It’s just…”

  Harper’s face tightens and she nods. Her eyes cloud over as if she’s thinking of something painful and then she stands tall and shakes her head. “I won’t get pregnant, if that’s what you’re worried about. I… I don’t usually do that.” />
  She waves her hand towards the couch. She looks almost worried, even though it’s done. I know people say that all the time but I believe her. The way we had sex was far too real, far too instinctual to be some regular one-night stand for her. I hope so, anyway. Was that a one night stand?

  “Don’t usually do what, sleep with your boss? Pull down a gigantic Christmas tree? Fuck like your life depended on it?”

  She laughs. “Yeah, something like that. It’s been a long time since…” her voice trails off and she looks down at the ground. She’s wringing her hands, suddenly lost in thought. I take a step towards her and put my arms around her waist, lifting my hand to tilt her chin up towards me. Her lips are soft when they touch mine, and they open slightly so I can taste her mouth. She shivers in my arms and we stay like that for a minute before pulling apart.

  “We should go,” I whisper. She nods and pulls away from me, smoothing her shirt down. Our bodies separate and it feels wrong. I want to put my arm around her, grab her hand, inhale her scent, but I can’t. It’s over now, I can feel it. Harper’s body goes a little bit rigid and she puts on the familiar professional air that I’ve seen from her at work.

  We head out of the office and Harper heads towards the table. There’s still spilled food and drink all around. She grabs her red sweater and pulls it on overhead. She fiddles with the hem and the lights turn back on, flashing on her torso in the shape of a Christmas tree. I laugh.

  “That thing is ridiculous.”

  “I know,” she says proudly, spinning and posing for me as she laughs.

  Suddenly she stops and looks down at her feet. She frowns and I look down to see what she’s staring at. Harper bends over slowly and gathers a pile of plastic plates on the ground. She’s crouching down, holding them in her hands and staring at them intently. She looks back at me, her eyes betraying a hint of panic.


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