Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set

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Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set Page 24

by Lilian Monroe

  Einstein was right about time, it’s definitely relative. The hours have crawled by so slowly I wonder if the universe is broken.

  I was disappointed when Rosie texted me, but I just keep thinking about seeing her later. We won’t have very much time together, but that never stopped us last time. We had one night together before, and I already know how much we can accomplish in just a few hours.

  I pace up and down my hotel room and wait for the time to pass. I finish my work, I do a short workout, I shower, I try to read and keep myself busy.

  Finally I can’t take it anymore and I head down to the hotel bar. I’ll have some food and a drink and wait for her there. It’s nearly 8pm, surely she should be done soon.

  Time doesn’t seem to speed up when I’m eating and I can’t stop glancing at my phone. It feels like before, when I was just waiting on her to call. This time I’m just waiting on her to show up.

  My food tastes like nothing and my drink is bitter, so all I do is sit and wait and read the news on my phone.

  This is torture.

  It’s torture up until the moment that I feel two hands on my shoulders and I smell her perfume. Her hands slide down my arms and she slips into the bar stool next to mine. I glance over and can hardly breathe.

  She’s still wearing her work clothes but she’s let her hair down. Her eyes look tired but bright, and her lips are wet. She slides her tongue over them and they glisten in the dim light of the bar.

  “Thanks for waiting up,” she says. Her voice is low and gravelly and my cock jumps in response. It’s throbbing already and all I want to do is plunge it deep inside her. I could bend her over the bar, hike up her skirt and push her panties to the side and then just drive my cock into her right now. It wouldn’t matter who was around or who saw, because nothing on Earth matters except for her.

  “No problem,” I manage to say, trying not to imagine her naked body or the way her nipples feel when they’re between my lips. “You want a drink?”

  “Not really,” she replies. She glances at my almost full drink. “But I can have a soda water or something.”

  I shake my head, calling the bartender over for the bill. “No. Let’s get out of here.”

  She smiles and ducks her head down. I love watching her when she tucks her curly auburn hair behind her ear. The light catches it and it looks like a million different shades of red. I sign the bill and charge it to my room.

  “Let’s go,” I say. My voice is hoarse and all I can think about is the rock hard cock between my legs. Rosie stands up and I put my arm around her waist, guiding her towards the elevators.

  The minute the doors close, we’re two animals. The past months of agony and rejection and attraction explode between us and I grab her, turning her around and pinning her against the elevator wall. I take her wrists in my hands and hold them up near her head, pressing my hips against hers. She moans and I take her lips in mine, and then drop her hands to pull her shirt out of her skirt and running my fingers up her sides.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and grinds her hips towards me, my hard cock pressed between our two bodies.

  The elevator dings open and we fall out. I grab her hand and we practically run towards my room. My hands are shaking as I slide the key card into the lock and push the door open. She closes it behind her and drops her bag, her blazer, tears at her shirt. In just a few seconds she’s standing in front of me wearing nothing but her bra and lacy thong, and I’m still struggling to unbutton my shirt.

  She takes a step towards me and grabs either side of the buttons, ripping it open in one movement. Her hands run up my stomach and around my neck and she presses her body into mine.

  I can’t get enough of her. I unclasp her bra and let it fall down and groan when her breasts fall free. I take them in my hands and she moans in response before clawing at my belt buckle. My pants fall down and Rosie falls to her knees with them.

  “Rosie…” I groan.

  “Shh,” she says as she pulls my boxers down to my ankles and grabs my shaft with her hand. I groan again as she starts stroking, and then gently hitting her lips with the tip of my cock.

  “I’ve been dreaming about this for months,” she says. My eyebrows shoot up and I wonder why she wouldn’t have called me, but I can’t say anything because right at that moment her lips part and she takes my cock in her mouth.

  It’s wet and warm and her moans vibrate against the tip of my cock in the most delicious way. I tangle my fingers into her hair and gently guide her head back and forth. She raises a hand to put it over mine on the back of her head and presses gently. I grip her hair harder and push her head towards me with a bit more pressure. She moans and presses my hand a bit harder until I’m pushing her onto my cock and she’s moaning with every thrust.

  I’ve never had my cock sucked like this before. The feeling is unreal. Her hair is curled around my fingers and she glances up at me with her eyes watering. I pull away and she pants.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She grins. “Get back here.”

  She grabs my cock in her hand again and a second later it’s in her mouth. I can’t take it anymore. My whole body is on fire. Every time her lips move down my shaft it’s a new wave of pleasure crashing over me.

  “Rosie, I’m going to come,” I say.

  She moans in response and then it’s all over. I’m flying over the edge, standing just inside my hotel room with the woman of my dreams on her knees in front of me. She sinks her fingers into my thighs and keeps her mouth on me until my cock stops throbbing and my body stops convulsing.

  I take a step back and stumble, my pants and underwear still around my ankles. She giggles and helps me towards the bed.

  “Rosie,” I breathe. “That was insane.”

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” she responds with a glimmer in her eye. I can’t think of anything to respond. The two of us lay back on the bed. I’m still panting and my heart is racing. I roll over towards her and drag my fingers down her bare stomach. She shivers as I get closer to her mound, trailing my hand under her panties and through her slit.

  “You’re so wet,” I breathe. She laughs again.

  “I wasn’t joking when I said I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.”

  My fingers start running up and down her slit ever so slowly. She makes the sexiest little moan I’ve ever heard and turns towards me.

  “If you can make me come half as hard as you did just now, I’ll be happy,” she says with a grin. “Looked like you enjoyed that."

  I laugh and nod. “I’ll make you come twice as hard.”



  I forgot how good his hands feel. He slides his fingers back and forth and all I can do is moan and enjoy the feeling of his skin against mine. The second his hand glides down towards my center I can feel my whole body trembling. It’s like I’ve been ready to explode before he even touched me.

  With one hand on my slit, Lucas starts kissing my neck. His kisses just below my ear, down towards my collarbone and back up again. He crushes his lips against mine and our moans mix together as his hand moves back and forth over my bud.

  This is wrong on so many levels, but I can’t help myself. He’s irresistible. Right now, it doesn’t matter that we’ll be working together for the next few months. It doesn’t matter that I’m pregnant, that he’s the father, it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know it yet. All that matters is his hands, his mouth, his body.

  He circles his fingers around my bud and my body trembles in response. He shifts his weight to press his body against mine and I sink down further on the bed. I close my eyes and focus on the thousand little thrills that are coursing through my body through every vein to every extremity. He groans as my hips buck towards his touch and then shifts his body.

  The instant his mouth touches my clit I know I’m going to come. I won’t last long with his lips and his tongue covering my opening, devouring me. He groans.

/>   “You taste better than I remembered,” he breathes.

  I can’t answer. My hips grind up towards his face and he brings his lips back towards me. I’ve never had someone eat me out like this. He’s groaning and licking and sucking me in ways I didn’t know were possible. Every time his mouth connects with my center I feel the pulsing of my heartbeat more intensely.

  Just like he did to me a few minutes ago, I wrap my fingers into his hair and grind myself into his face. He groans and I groan as the pleasure inside me intensifies.

  I can’t think. All that matters is what he’s doing to my body, and how my body is aching in response.

  With his mouth still toying with my bud, he slips a finger smoothly inside me. He groans as his finger slides in, glancing up towards my face.

  “You’re so wet,” he says in amazement. I open my eyes and look down at him. Our eyes meet for an instant and I see the clarity in his piercing blue gaze. His lips pull upwards into a mischievous grin and he dives back down towards my slit.

  This time, when his tongue touches me my body reacts and his fingers find my most sensitive spot. In an instant, I’m flying over the edge, screaming and wrapping my fist into his hair, arching my back and feeling my body convulse and shake as the pleasure bursts inside me. My veins feel like fire and my voice sounds like it belongs to someone else. I grind my hips towards him and he groans as he feels me come.

  I’m panting, sweaty, moaning gently as my body finally starts to quiet down. Lucas looks up and stands up to his knees, dragging his fingers out of me. I shiver as he touches my bud with the very tips of his fingers. He grins.

  “How was that?”

  “Nnmmmffff..” Is all I can manage. I open my eyes lazily and try to focus them on his face. His eyes are half-closed, scanning up and down my body. I let my eyes drop from his eyes to his full lips, his jaw, down his muscular chest all the way to his cock.

  “You’re so hard,” I breathe.

  Without answering, he moves his hand to his cock and starts stroking it gently. He reaches down to his pants and pulls out a condom.

  Too late for that, I almost say before I stop myself. He slips the condom on and I bite my lip as he moves towards me, lifting a leg up onto his shoulder.

  When he enters me, I remember what it felt like the first time we met. All the times I’ve thought about him late at night, all the times I’ve replayed our first night together were just a pale shadow of the real thing. His cock feels bigger, harder, thicker than I remember. My walls grip him so tightly that I can feel every movement he makes.

  I remember him feeling good but I don’t remember him feeling this good. As if he’s reading my mind, he groans and leans down towards me, teasing my nipple as he slides himself in and out of me.

  “You feel better than I remember.”

  “So do you,” I reply. He smells musky and manly and it’s almost intoxicating. I can’t control my own body.

  He lifts my other leg up onto his shoulder and I know it’s all over. It only takes a couple thrusts for my body to contract around him and for the pressure inside me to boil over. I’m coming again, saying his name over and over as the orgasm sends me flying.

  I open my eyes and Lucas is smiling. Our eyes meet and I enjoy the last waves of my orgasm just as I feel him get harder. His head drops back and I watch him orgasm, wrapping my arms around his chest and pulling him in towards me as he comes.

  When we collapse on the bed beside each other, my heartbeat slowly returns back to normal. My eyes flutter open and I turn my head towards him. He groans and opens his eyes before trailing his fingers over and back across my chest. I inhale deeply, enjoying the softness of his touch.

  “Your touch feels so nice,” I whisper. “Almost as nice as that orgasm.”

  Lucas chuckles. “Almost.”

  We both fall silent and my eyes close. Our breath mingles and our limbs intertwine and I fall into the deepest sleep I’ve had in a long time.



  My alarm goes off and Rosie groans. I chuckle and slide out of bed.

  “You’re not a morning person, are you?” I ask, looking at her collapsed form on the bed. Her hair is splayed out around her head like a halo. She squints at me and groans again.

  “Morning people shouldn’t be trusted,” she says before rolling over again. I laugh.

  “Does that mean you don’t trust me.”

  “You’re an exception.” She glances at me from the pillows and I see the hint of that smile I love.

  My smile quickly turns to worry as her face falls. She looks at the bed as if she’s in a daze and then makes a noise somewhere between a whimper and a groan. Suddenly, she throws the covers off and sprints to the toilet. Before I can react, the door slams and I hear the distinctive noises of her vomiting violently.

  “Rosie! Are you okay?”She retches again and I try the doorknob. It’s locked. I bang on the door with my fist. “Rosie!”

  I hear a flush and then the sink. After another painful moment the door opens and her pale face appears.

  “Rosie! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she croaks. She opens her mouth and I wait for her to speak, but she just shakes her head and looks away. I watch as a thousand emotions pass over her face and I put my hands on her waist.

  “Rosie if you’re sick I’ll take you to the doctor,” I say gently. “I can catch the next flight.”

  She shakes her head again and says it again. “I’m fine. I’ve already been to the doctor. I….” She pauses again and looks up at me. Her eyes search mine and her mouth opens again and I wait.

  “… you got any mouthwash?”

  Her words surprise me but I nod. “Oh! Yeah, of course. Mouthwash just in that bag, and the hotel has a toothbrush you can use. I have my own.”


  We both go into the bathroom and brush our teeth side by side. I glance at her in the mirror and she opens her eyes wide at me to make a face. I laugh, toothpaste falling down my chin. It’s been a while since I’ve brushed my teeth beside a woman, and it feels good to be here like this. Every time I’m with her it’s just… comfortable. It feels like I’m supposed to be here.

  Before I know it, it’s time for me to leave for the airport. I give Rosie one last lingering kiss and say goodbye.

  “I have your number now, so you can expect to be annoyed with all my texts,” Rosie laughs. I frown, but before I can ask her what she means my phone rings.

  “Cab’s here,” I say, glancing at it. She pouts and I laugh, tilting her chin up and giving her a soft kiss. “Talk to you soon.”

  This time when I leave for LA I have the same lightness in my step as last time. I have the same excitement in the pit of my stomach as when I met her two months ago, except this time I have her number saved in my phone.

  My phone buzzes and I grin as I see her name pop up. My heart feels light.

  Rosie: I had a good time last night. Safe flight xx

  My fingers tap quickly at the screen.

  Lucas: See you when I get back.

  For the first time in… well, maybe ever, I’m actually looking forward to New York. The city that used to mean long work days and busy streets is now somewhere I want to come back to. I have to go back to LA and meet with my clients to assure them that their launch campaigns and advertisements are in hand, but as soon as I can find an excuse I’ll be flying back to New York.

  I go straight from the airport to the office and almost bounce inside. I’m whistling to myself as I head towards my office.

  “You’re in a good mood!” Linda’s voice calls out from across the room.

  “New York has that effect on me,” I shoot back to my boss.

  She walks out of her office and leans against the door, one eyebrow raised. “It doesn’t usually.”

  Her hair is pulled back in her signature grey bun and she looks completely put together, as usual. She’s been my boss for fifteen years and knows me better
than anyone. I chuckle and shrug a shoulder before dropping my bag just inside the door. “Lockwood is good. They had a proposal prepped and should have full ad sets ready for review by the end of the week. If we’re lucky, this whole ordeal will just be a tiny blip in sales.”

  Linda nods. “Good work. Maybe that spring in your step is just relief.”

  I laugh. “Something like that.” Maybe it’s just the afterglow of the four orgasms I had last night. I glance at my phone and wonder if it’s too soon to call Rosie.

  Heading in to my office, I start taking my laptop out of my bag and setting it back up on my desk. Linda clears her throat and I look up, surprised.

  “Didn’t realize you were there!”

  “Listen, Lucas,” she starts. Her voice is neutral and I can’t read her face. “You’ve done great work this past while. Going to New York at the drop of a hat when you’re a single dad isn’t easy, and it’s appreciated. I know you’ve been asking about the assistant director position and I’d like to offer it to you officially. We can discuss the pay and responsibilities, but this way you can delegate a lot of the east coast work to the junior agents and stay in LA more permanently. I know that you value your time with your daughter, and this is my way of saying I heard your request, and thanks for your hard work.”

  My stomach drops. This is what I’ve been wanting for the past year and a half, and Linda is offering it to me on a silver platter. Assistant director for the biggest agency in LA. My heartbeat is rushing in my ears. If it’s what I’ve always wanted, why does it feel so bad? I look down at my desk and Linda clears her throat again.

  “Lucas? I thought this was something you were working towards. We don’t offer promotions like this very often.”

  I shake my head. “No, no, of course. Linda, thank you! This is what I’ve been working my ass off for for as long as I can remember. Thank you.”

  Linda nods and turns to leave. “You can bring Jake with you to New York when you go for the first weekly review and introduce him to the team. He’ll take over after that. I’ll let you get settled and we can discuss particulars tomorrow morning. How about 9am?”


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