Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set

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Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set Page 37

by Lilian Monroe

  I groan, moving both my hands to her chest as she wraps her hands around me again. I kiss her again and again and again. I can’t get enough of her. Jess’s skin tastes incredible. Her nipples are two hard little buds and I pinch them gently between my fingers before taking one in my mouth.

  I don’t know how we got here, or how it is that I’ve met a woman like her in a town like this, but right now I don’t care about anything except feeling her body against mine.



  I’m trembling from just the feeling of his hands on my skin. The way he runs his fingers over and back across my chest and down my spine is making my head spin. It’s like every inch of skin that he touches is set on fire, and all I can do is sit here and enjoy the blaze.

  With my legs wrapped around his waist, I grind myself into him a little bit harder. He groans, and I feel his cock pulse between us.

  I want him so bad. I don’t know if I’ve ever wanted anyone this bad.

  The heat in my centre is making me dizzy, and with every touch of his fingers and his lips it only grows hotter.

  He takes my breast in his lips and I let my head fall backwards. I moan as he kisses my nipple and then inhale sharply as he bites it ever so gently. His teeth drag on my skin and the nerve endings in my body start screaming with pleasure.

  I run my hands over his shoulders, around his neck, on his chest. Every smooth muscle is rock hard on his body and my hands roam all over. I drop my hand between us, tracing every bump on his chest and abdominal muscles until I find the bulge in his pants. He feels rock hard as I start stroking him gently outside his pants.

  He groans and closes his eyes, leaning back slightly as I trace the outline of his cock with my fingertips. His hands drop to my hips and then my ass and he digs his fingers into my skin. I press my hand a tiny bit harder over his crotch and he opens his eyes to look at me.

  Owen’s eyes are cloudy, but sharp. He looks almost drunk, and his lips fall open and my hand continues to move back and forth over his shaft. A groan rumbles in his throat and he stares at me, not moving an inch as I touch him.

  His eyes are magnetic. I can’t look away. It’s almost animalistic, the way he’s looking at me. He leans back ever so slightly and his eyelids droop down as another groan escapes his lips. I see my own desire reflected in his face. I feel my own hunger when I touch his cock. Everything that he wants, I want it too. I want it more.

  As if he reads my mind, his hands grip my waist and he lifts me up and flips me onto the bed. I yelp and giggle as my head hits the pillow. Owen turns towards me and reaches up my dress until he finds my panties. He holds himself up on his elbow and starts kissing my breast again as his other hand slips under my underwear to find my sopping wet slit.

  As soon as he touches it, he groans. He pushes my panties to the side and drags his fingers through my wetness before bringing his hand up to his mouth. He slides his fingers into his mouth and glances up at me as he groans.

  “God, that tastes good,” he says in a low growl.

  The words catch in my throat. I can’t say anything. My heart is pounding in my chest and all I can do is watch as he runs his fingers back up the inside of my thigh and slips them smoothly inside me.

  My body shudders the second his fingers enter me. My walls grip him as he starts stroking me, and he moves his lips back to my chest. I tangle my fingers into his hair and moan gently as my body is set on fire.

  How does he know how to touch me like this? How does he know which parts of my body are sensitive, where to run his fingertips and where to grip me?

  He takes his fingers out of me and gathers the fabric of my dress, pulling it up over my head. It lands next to my bra, but neither of us pay much attention to it. Our eyes are locked on each other, and his hands move down my sides and over my stomach. He shifts his weight so that he’s on top of me, covering me with kisses.

  Owen explores my body, inch by inch, with his hands first and then with his mouth. He sends pleasure coursing through my veins as every part of my skin is touched and kissed and stroked. He runs his fingers over my underwear and it somehow feels more sensitive than my bare skin. I shudder, and he looks up at me one more time.

  “Owen…” I breathe. He groans in reply, dipping his head down to kiss that little crease between my hip and my thigh.

  I hook my fingers into my panties and start sliding them down my legs. I kick them off and don’t care where they land. My knees fall apart and all I can do is stare at the look on Owen’s face.

  He scans my body, his eyes half-closed and his lips slightly open. A growl rumbles inside him and my heart pounds against my ribcage. He stays like that, staring at my naked body until I feel like I’m going to come without him even touching me. Finally, after an eternity, he runs his fingers from the centre of my chest down between my breasts and over my belly button until he reaches my mound.

  This time, when his fingers touch my slit, he doesn’t slip them inside. Instead he moves them in slow circles around my bud and I can’t help but whimper as he touches me, first softly and then faster as my hips start to buck under his touch.

  It’s almost too much. I’m dizzy. I can’t see straight. The pleasure coursing through my veins is overwhelming as his hands move like magic over me. I can’t tell what his hands are doing and what his mouth is doing, my whole body just feels like one wave of pleasure.

  Before I know what’s happening, my body arches and the pressure inside me explodes. I’m flying over the edge as Owen’s hands push me further and further into my pleasure. I whimper and moan until my moans turn to gasps, my body convulsing and my hands gripping the sheets.

  I hold on for dear life as my body quivers under his touch. When I can finally move again, I open my eyes and slowly focus them on him. Owen’s grinning, still stroking me ever so gently.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” he growls.



  Watching Jess come is one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen. I can’t stop watching as she trembles and convulses in front of me. Finally she puts a hand to her brow and sighs.

  “Whoa,” she manages to say. I grin again.

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Not at all,” she replies with a smile. “It was awful.”

  She spreads her arms and I lay down beside her, trailing my fingers over her body.

  “You’re still wearing pants,” she says softly. “Why are you still wearing pants?” Her eyes search my face and they gleam with mischief. I grin.

  “My mistake.”

  In a couple seconds I’m kicking my pants off the bed and Jess’s hand is over my crotch. My cock is straining against my underwear and Jess groans when her hand strokes along my shaft.

  “Looks like you enjoyed that almost as much as I did,” she says.

  “Almost,” I manage to reply before she slips her hand under my waistband. The second her hand touches my cock I feel like I’m going to come right here and now. She touches me softly, barely brushing her hand against me but it feels more sensitive than I’ve ever felt it. I moan and hook my fingers into my underwear, sliding it down my legs and kicking it off to join my pants on the floor.

  Jess giggles and grabs my cock in her hand. She makes a small gasp as it throbs against her touch and all I can do is lay my head back and close my eyes.

  There’s no use with me trying to fight it. I know I’m going to come way too quickly. Even just having her beside me and running my hands along her body is taking me there. Now, with her soft hand stroking up and down my shaft I know I don’t stand a chance.

  Jess shifts her weight and straddles my leg, all the while stroking me. She brings her lips to mine and I wrap my arms around her, running my fingers through her hair and inhaling her soft perfume. My cock is so hard it almost hurts. It throbs against her hand and she grips it a bit tighter. I groan.

  “Do you have a condom?” She asks softly. I say nothing for a second, just staring at her eye
s and wondering how I got so lucky. I nod.

  It’s a flurry of activity to shift my weight and find the box of condoms in my nightstand. I pull one out and look at the little square package. I bought that box ages ago, back when I was in New York. Haven’t had much use for these lately. My hands are shaking as I stand and try to tear the crinkling package open. Jess reaches over to keep stroking my cock and my head falls back as I groan.

  “That feels too good,” I growl.

  She laughs softly. “I didn’t know it was possible to feel too good.”

  “It is possible, and this is what it feels like.”

  I can’t take it anymore. I roll the latex over my shaft and Jess lays down on her back. She’s looking at me through half-closed eyes and I drag my fingers through her slit. She moans and shivers at my touch before letting her knees fall open.

  It’s impossible to describe the feeling of entering her. If I thought her hand felt good, I didn’t know what I was in for. It’s like my cock was made for her, it slides in inch by inch until our bodies are completely connected. I groan as I lean forward, and Jess wraps her legs around my waist. Her fingers wrap around the nape of my neck and she bites her lip.

  “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” I groan as I drag my hips back and forth. She smiles before her mouth falls open with a small gasp as I push myself deeper inside her.

  It’s ecstasy. Her walls grip me and her fingers sink into my skin. Her mouth tastes sweet and hot and her body feels impossibly soft under my touch.

  She responds to every move I make and our bodies move in sync. We grind and buck and thrust together until our bodies are sweaty and my mind is completely empty. Nothing exists except the pleasure in the pit of my stomach, growing hotter and heavier by the second.

  My thrusts get harder and her moans get louder. She grabs my body and I watch her face transform as the pleasure courses through her.

  I thought watching her come as I touched her with my hands was erotic. Feeling her come with my cock inside her is indescribable. I can feel every contraction of her muscles, every quiver, every moan that vibrates through her chest. I can feel everything, until everything becomes too much and I’m flying through space with her.

  Our bodies are tangled and intertwined as our desire turns to pure passion. She grabs onto me and I soak in every second of pleasure that passes between us as we hold onto each other for dear life.

  It’s not until the tension subsides and our bodies relax that I pull myself off her, wiping my forehead as the sweat starts to bead.

  “Whoa,” she says and I grin.

  “You seem to be saying that a lot today.”

  She laughs. “Can’t help it.”

  I lean forward and place a soft kiss on her lips. My heart is still beating fast and I stare deep into her hazel eyes. I can’t believe how lucky I am right now.



  “Ahh, shit,” Owen says as he looks down. “Hold on, let me get you a towel. The condom slipped off when I came out. One sec.”

  He jumps up, holding the used condom in his hand to throw out. He grabs a towel from the chair and tosses it over to me. It lands directly on my face.

  “Thanks,” I say as I pull the towel down and glance at him sideways. “Very gentlemanly.”

  He laughs. “Sorry. I thought speed was more important that gallantry.”

  I grin and start cleaning up with the towel. “Messy!”

  “That’s half the fun,” he replies with a laugh.

  He disappears into the bathroom and comes out a few moments later, crouching down to open the room’s mini fridge. He comes and sits on the edge of the bed, hands me a bottle of water and places a carton of strawberries on the bed between us.

  “How’s that for gallantry,” he says with a grin.

  I laugh and take a drink of water before handing him the bottle. “It’s not bad, I’ll give you that. You’re a quick learner.”

  “Are you training me now?” He asks as he bites into a strawberry. “That didn’t take long. We only just met the other day.”

  “Start them early, it’s the only way. Like a puppy, you know?” I pop a strawberry into my mouth and smile as he laughs.

  He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. He sits back up and stares at my face before letting his eyes roam down my body. He shakes his head.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  My heart starts beating a bit harder as his eyes flick back up to mine. I smile, suddenly shy. “Not bad yourself,” I respond.

  He leans down to kiss me again before taking another strawberry in his mouth. I watch as his lips surround the fruit and he bites down into its soft flesh. His jaw flexes as he bites and he makes a small noise in satisfaction.

  My phone rings, interrupting our quiet moment. I get up and try to find it through my things strewn all over the room. As soon as it’s in my hand I see Sam’s name on the screen.

  “Oh shit! I was supposed to meet Sam half an hour ago.” I pick up. “Hey, Sam! I’m on my way.”

  “You okay? It’s not like you to be late.”

  I glance at Owen and stifle a laugh. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m great, actually. Just had to help Gram with some stuff. I’m in town so I’ll be at your place in five. Okay, yep. See ya.”

  I hang up the phone and look at Owen, who’s laid back in the bed to watch me. He has a grin playing over his lips. “Didn’t mean to make you late,” he says with a grin. “Sorry about that.”

  “You’re not sorry at all,” I say with a laugh. I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge before draping my arm over his chest. “I’ll allow it, but only because I’ve just had two of the most mind-blowing orgasms of my life.”

  He chuckles as his eyebrows shoot up. I kiss his lips softly and then stand up. “But right now I need to go meet my friend for lunch. She said she had some news for me.”

  I turn and start gathering my clothes all over the floor, sifting through it to find my underwear. I pull the panties on and pick up my bra.

  “When can I see you again?” Owen asks, watching me as I dress.

  I shrug. “Tonight?”

  A smile spreads across his face and he nods. “Tonight sounds good. The band is playing at the bar again so it should be a good evening.”

  “Great. We be all over each other and start a whole mess of rumors. Give these people something to talk about,” I laugh.

  “Would that bother you?” He asks. I glance at him and see the seriousness in his question. His eyes aren’t playful, he’s staring at me curiously. I pause before slipping my dress over my head, chewing on his question.

  “No,” I finally respond. “It wouldn’t bother me, but I’m leaving in a week. You should be the one thinking about the consequences of that kind of chatter.”

  He just nods and stretches his arms overhead before interlinking them behind his head. He grins as I pull on my dress and fix my hair in the mirror. “I think I can handle a few rumors if it means I get to see you again.”

  I laugh and walk over to him, kissing him one last time. “Be careful what you wish for,” I say with a wink. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  “See you tonight,” he replies. I grab my purse and walk to the door, turning one last time to look at him as he lies on his bed. We just smile at each other before I slip out the door and close it softly behind me.

  It takes me a second to pull myself together once I’m out of the room. I take a deep breath and smooth my hair down again. I glance at the closed door and a grin pulls at my lips. There’s a lightness in my step as I make my way downstairs and out of the hotel.



  Joe is sweeping the front entrance by the time I get downstairs. He glances at me as I pass through the double doors to join him outside

  “Late morning?”

  I shake my head but I can’t think of an excuse, so I just change the subject. “You ready for a big crowd tonight?”

  “I was thinking, Owen, it
might do us good to hire someone else. I’m not used to having this many people in the bar.

  I nod. “You’re right. I’ve been asking too much of you. I’ll put out the word. You got anyone in mind?”

  “I’ll ask around,” he replies, shaking his head. Before I can answer, a familiar voice pipes up from the sidewalk.

  “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear,” the voice calls out. I turn to see Mary Hanson’s long blonde hair and telltale smirk staring up at me. “Are you hiring?”

  “Well, I…” I’m not sure why I’m hesitating. Mary tilts her head to the side.

  “I’ve got experience behind the bar, and I know pretty much everyone in this town. With the wedding coming up I could use some extra cash.”

  I turn to Joe who shrugs and goes back to his broom. Mary is still standing there, hip sticking out and taping her foot gently on the pavement. I nod slowly and gulp.

  “Well, sure. I can give you a two-week trial period, how does that sound?”

  “Sounds great,” she says, climbing the three steps to join me on the porch. She sways her hips as she walks towards me and stands a little bit too close to me. She smiles up at me through her lashes. “I won’t disappoint you.”

  I clear my throat and nod. “Okay. Come back around 4pm and Joe will show you where everything is. Won’t you, Joe?”

  Joe grunts in response and I nod again. I take a step to the side and jump down the stairs onto the sidewalk. Mary’s eyes follow me the whole way and when I look back at her, she’s still got that smirk on her face. She flicks her hair behind her shoulder and smiles a bit wider.

  I nod my head quickly and turn towards the back of the building. On paper, it seems great to hire some extra help. But Mary Hanson? I’m not sure why I have a bad feeling about this. I shake my head to get rid of the feeling and clear my head.


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