Mission: Compromised Submissive

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Mission: Compromised Submissive Page 8

by Willow Brooke

  Jim, from Jim’s Videos and Guns, had said the three men had been in a few hours before, arming up with hunting gear and ammo. Being as they were new in town, Jim, like everyone else in the town, added a few extra lines of questioning to feel out their intentions in the great town of Justice. Upon learning that they were in from the city and were headed out to hunt on Workman Mountain, good ol’ Jim phoned the Sheriff the moment they walked out the door. After stopping by the local grocer to confirm their destination, Michael and the others were headed up to give the boys a little friendly hometown greeting.

  Workman Mountain was part of the Reynolds’ family property. It had been open to the public for hunting, meaning the good residents of Justice. Some outsiders caught wind of it from time to time and the ones who failed to have the common courtesy to ask permission were ran off without explanation, and the gates locked.

  There were two ways in and out, which worked to their advantage. The second way was unknown by everyone but a select few so they would have the opportunity to sneak up without being detected. There were four cabins on the property, but only one off the main driveway, which, if he had to put money on it, was where they had squatted. About half a mile away, the group stopped and parked. Michael was the first to hop out and grab Betsy, stashing boxes of ammo in his pockets. The others all grouped around, readying for whatever awaited them.

  “I say we spread out and surround the house. They haven’t had time to head out into the woods yet as far as I know, but just in case, be cautious. There’s no way some city boys can outwit us here in the deer woods. Try not to kill ‘em, but if it is you or them, take them down.” Earl had a way with words. His loyalty was to his country, his family, and his town. Anyone that tried to mess with one of those would see how rough and tough real cowboys were.

  “Agree’d. Okay, Dave and Nate, you two take the East side. I will go in from the South, and Earl can take the West. There ain’t no way they are far from the cabin. And, by the things they bought at the store, they’re more than likely half ass drunk already. Let’s go teach them a few lessons about what happens when you hurt one of ours.” They all nodded in agreement and followed Michael, forking off at the end of the trail.

  Michael and the others all stood hunkered down concealed by the brush outside the little hunter shack. All three men were inside, yelling and laughing obnoxiously. While they watched on, it was evident they had indeed been drinking. Which would make taking them down easier, but bad because they wouldn’t feel the full impact of their sins. He motioned to the others, and together they surrounded the house, readying to enter.

  Michael was the first to bust through the front door, with Nathan right behind him. Dave and Earl came in through the back, surrounding the three. The dumb bastards didn’t know what was happening for a good long spell. One even offered them a beer. Earl made way to rid their guns, while Michael, Nate, and Dave politely apprehended them. “The boy you three fuckers almost killed was my son. We are here to repay the favor,” Michael growled.

  “What? That fag? Well, now, see? We did you a favor. Seems to me, you owe us,” the first blonde cocky bastard said. Michael punched him square in the nose, gaining a small shred of satisfaction when he heard the bone crack. Just for good measure, he repeated to the exact same spot, knocking it sideways on his face. The next few hits evened up his face, rearranging each item to match. “Oh, I owe you more than you know you son of a bitch. Think of today as your first payment.”

  “You like torturing people? You like drugging them helpless and raping them? Guess what? It’s your turn! And, if you say the word fag one more time, you will be eating through a straw for the rest of your worthless life!” Nathan roared. Earl had to pull him and Dave off the other two. Just like Michael, they took it personally. They were open about their sexuality, and accepted for who they were in the close-knit town Justice provided. They hadn’t met Vince yet, but the mere idea that anyone was done so cruelly sent both men over the edge. Even Earl joined in the party, claiming they were ‘resisting arrest’ and would be brought up on enough charges they would get an up close and personal look at how it felt to be ass raped. Since Earl’s father was the judge, they would no doubt be going to prison for a very, very, long time. It was almost unjust how easy kicking their ass into the brink of unconsciousness was. Forty-five minutes later, Earl brought the cruiser up and tossed their bloody, battered bodies in the back and hauled them in. Michael thanked them all, and headed back to the house. Justice was served.

  Chapter Seven

  The team geared up for yet another mission. The computer hard drives and files they had confiscated at the compound Vice had been held at had opened up enough evidence that they were closing in fast on finishing and becoming the heroes the United States needed. Since the beginning this four month stint of no communication home had been hell, but worth it. They couldn’t risk compromising their location or losing their data.

  This time, they knew exactly where and what to get to draw the final pieces together to the puzzle, and could head back to the States to put it all together. The operation here was only a small part of a bigger picture. These minions were nothing more than the blue collar workers for the suits. There were two main warehouses they operated from. One was in Jalalabad, the other south of Khost. From the looks of things, all of the offshore account numbers were neatly folded into a perfect little file on one of the hard drives—which happened to belong to none other than the good ol’ Florida Governor Herman Vancover himself. The deeper they had dug, the more information was found. Their original suspicions had been correct. Governor Ted Dante of California, New York Governor Beau Tallon, Senator Nelson, and Vice President Kovack were all involved. Now they had the evidence to prove it. What they hadn’t expected was for them to be conspiring on home soil. There were lists of names ranging from members of the CIA to the FBI and Homeland security. Their warlord crimes were being operated right on American soil, and no one was the wiser. These motherfuckers were going down, and hard.

  All were grouped around in a final briefing before they took off. A chopper was headed to pick them up and drop them at their location. Pop was leading the rundown, and giving the locker room pump up speech. “We are close, troops. Just like all of the other missions, this is a raid. Go in, grab Intel, search for and capture the leaders, and get out. Today, we have our own cavalry backing us up. The dirty work gets handed down. These soldiers, just like us, don’t take shit and don’t work by regular rules. They fuck shit up. So, I say let's let them. If we can get to the second compound by tomorrow and finish this, we can be on our way home and back sitting at the table with Mrs. Sander's signature fried chicken by the end of the week. We good?” The team all answered in a ‘Hooah’, radiating pure energy.

  Maverick did another quick onceover of the map and plan. They were dropping three clicks from the west side of the compound and rucking in. “Vice, you are hanging back with the birds until we return. Those Cav boys might be tough, but they need a real soldier to guard them. If by some chance word got out of the last ambush, they will be waiting for us.”

  “What! Bullshit! I’m not staying behind to babysit! You can’t possibly think it is in the best interest of the team to leave behind the fucking sniper for shit's sake!” Her temper flared. She had half expected them to try to pull this shit last minute, and she was prepared. There was no way in hell she was going to sit back like a wounded girlie girl and not do her damn job. Fuck that and anyone who thought she should.

  “Vice, you aren’t healed. You still have cracked ribs for fuck's sake, so settle the hell down before I give you a shot of morphine to knock your ass out!” Juju fired back. Everyone turned and looked at her. Until now, no one knew of the broken bones, just the bumps and scrapes. Shit. Well, they did now. Her eyes met each of the team, all getting the same shocked and disapproving look. Of course, Kodiak had to be the one to speak up first. Damn him and his motherly instincts.

  “You have broken bones? What else
is wrong that you failed to tell us? First it was a few minor cuts and bruises. Now ribs. What’s next, your leg? Arm maybe?” His condescending tone only added to her fury.

  “Aw fuck, Kodiak! This is exactly why I didn’t say anything. No. Nothing else besides what you already know. They are ribs, not my damn femur or skull. Ribs are like toes or fingers. You can’t cast the bitches. They just have to heal. You all are acting like I have my damn legs cut off or something. I am combat ready… Ain’t nothing water and Motrin can’t fix. Army motto… Drink water, take Motrin, and march on, soldier. So, let’s march the fuck on and do what we came to do!” Mac had stood, flattening his ears at her excited state. He watched them all closely, ready to defend if given the command. The poor mutt looked confused. He had loyalties with them all, but if push came to shove, there was no doubt he would keep Vice safe.

  Before anyone else could argue with her, Dom took control of the situation. “Enough. If she says she’s ready, she is. Get this shit to the pick up spot.” Just as she thought she was off the hook, his voice lowered and his gaze intensified. “Vice, a word please.” Oh hell. This wasn’t going to be good. The team was still clueless to their extracurricular activities, which needed to stay that way. It was bad enough they were fraternizing, but with their group, it was more. They were all family. There was a good chance some of them might feel awkward or betrayed, and that couldn’t happen. They were a team.

  Vice walked back into the tent behind him, channeling all of her courage and wit. Hulk had insisted Mac go with him, pouting at the way the dog had traded him for Vice so easily. On one hand, he was glad he was a protector, but on the other, it made him a bit jealous.

  She could handle anyone who came along, and never felt this way. So, what has changed? Ugh. Who am I kidding. I know good damn well what changed. He waited and shut the door behind her, stepping up within inches from where she stood. Vice had to crane her neck to look him in the eye, but she managed to still do so and keep her shoulders squared and her posture strong. Showing weakness now wouldn’t be in her best interest. He may be the boss in the bedroom…when she lets him, but in life, she ran the show. If he thought for a minute she was gonna turn into a damn weak scared little puppy, he had another thing coming. Before he had a chance to lay into her ass, she jumped.

  “Dom, whatever you are gonna say, shove a cork in it. I am a soldier first, and don’t think for a damn second that last night changed any of that. My duty is to my Coun—.”

  “Zip it and listen, and listen good, Alexandria,” he interrupted.

  Oh hell. He used my real name. Shit.

  “When I ask what all your injuries are, you better damn well tell me. Your safety is my responsibility as your commanding officer, and as...” He paused, unsure what to label this. It had been one night. He hadn’t collared her, and God only knew if she would ever let him. So, what where they? Boyfriend hardly felt appropriate. Lover seemed too harsh. Friend came off more like fuck buddy. He rolled through his mind, trying to find a word that fit and came up empty. He hardened his stare and continued, “As you are mine. Damn it, I about lost it in there. I’ll allow you to go this time. But your ass will stay where I tell you, and there won’t be another damn word about it or your little ass will pay in ways you can’t handle. Do you understand me, Alexandria DeAnne Strong?”

  Vice took a step backwards, knocked dizzy from the force his voice projected. Once again, he had her speechless. She gave a short nod, upset and irritated he had this effect on her. When his eyes narrowed and that familiar growl came out, she jumped. “Yes, Sir.” Her gaze lowered for a split second before returning to look him straight in the eye. His eyes seemed to pierce through her. Just as she was contemplating making a break for it, the corners of his lips curled ever so slightly.

  “Good. Now, come here.” Vice’s feet carried her slowly toward him on their own. Before she could analyze the situation, she stood chest to chest with him. Her body immediately responded, arching toward him in a magnetic connection. In one swift motion, he dropped his mouth to hers in a quick, playful sloppy smooch, catching her off guard. She giggled in surprise, licking and nipping back. He snickered, getting yet another taste to the many sides of his badass soldier girl. She was one in a million. Movement outside the tent caught their attention and Vice jumped back, fussing with her hair and straightening her clothing like she had been caught making out on her parent’s couch. Juju walked in, eyeing them both.

  “Sorry, I uh…didn’t know you were in here. Vice, I need to check those wounds before we head out.” Juju glanced back at Dom with a questioning glance. Living true to his calm, cool, and collective nature, Dom didn’t falter.

  “I just did. She is good to go with fresh bandages, but will need to take the antibiotics and pain meds.”

  Vice didn’t speak up, leaving the conversation and situation to Dom. This was what he did best, so why risk spewing the wrong thing now? Even when Juju stared her down, expecting her to answer for herself, she didn’t. With a shrug of his shoulders he nodded, accepting it. “Okay. I’ll go grab it and be back in a minute. We are about to head to the pick up point. Pop has everyone squared away and is waiting for you.”

  “Good. We were headed that way now.” Dom walked toward the door, flashing a cocky ass grin back at her. “Vice, get your shit and get moving. If you’re going to lag around, I’ll leave your ass here where you should be.”

  Juju rolled his eyes and left, used to Dom’s hardass. Vice laughed, sticking her tongue out at him when Juju was out of sight and turned to grab her ruck. It was time to go to work.

  Ten minutes later, they were all loaded into the Chinook and flying toward their destination. Khost was smaller than what they had imagined, and were somewhat thankful they hit it first. There was a good chance they might get lucky and find all the information and documents they needed to tie the Vice President in on this loop and avoid drudging around in Jalalabad. Jalalabad was rough, and posed a higher risk of attack. With the eyes in the sky and the help from the Cav, they were damn near invincible. Triple Deuce had a reputation that damn near matched theirs.

  They touched down around two clicks out from the compound. Just like all of the previous compounds, this one looked just as shitty, dirty, and pathetic. Everyone hopped out, followed by the Cav Scouts that were going in with them. The snipers, along with Pop and Vice, were positioning along the ridge line from all angles. There were three birds in the air ready and waiting for the command.

  “You all know what to do! Let’s go catch us some treasonous bastards, troops!” Rock hollered, pumping them up for the short march. They all fell into step, quietly making their way through the rough terrain.

  Their battle was sweet, short, and to the point. Like clockwork, the soldiers cleared the area effortlessly and got enough Intel to last a lifetime. Between papers, blueprints, and hard drives, they should have what they needed. There was signs of the Americans everywhere, leaving little doubt they were residing under the thick heavily armed cloak of Jalalabad when they were in country. It was time to take things back on home turf. “Great job, team! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Let’s get this shit back to camp and get our asses home!” Maverick commended.

  “Hell yeah. I haven’t been able to talk to Bella in forever. She is going to be freaking out.” Joker laughed.

  “No communication until we set foot home, boys. We can’t risk getting intercepted between here and there. This stuff here is priceless,” Pop said, patting the ruck full of their findings.

  “Damn. Can you imagine the headlines when this goes public? I’ll be surprised if there aren’t riots.” Bud grinned.

  “This won’t go public. If we have enough to put Vice President Kovak away, they will come up with some hush hush cover up. With the secret societies and other resources they have, no one will ever know the full truth,” Maverick pitched in. He was right. The facts were, unless this could benefit someone high up, no one would ever know. Then again, with the re-elect
ion coming, it might. However it was portrayed, someone somewhere would be running the show. The birds had been called in and once everyone was clear of the target, they unleashed the .50 cals on the compound and cut buildings in half. After it looked like swiss cheese, hellfires finished the job off, leaving a pile of dust and rubble in their wake.

  “And boom goes the dynamite!” Romeo yelled, choreographing a slew of whistles and cheers. The Cav boys were just as wild as they were. Every war movie quote known to man was recited on the way back to their camp, where they all celebrated their victory together with cold beers and grilled burgers. Like the team, Triple Deuce was heading back to the States to help the next stages of their mission. It was a good chance for them to get to know the people they would be working with until this shit was done and behind them. Going up against the hornet’s nest that awaited would be more mental than physical, and they needed all of the assets they could get.

  Chapter Eight

  It had been three weeks since Michael and his own justice league had given Vince’s attackers a one-way ticket to the toughest penitentiary in the state. Vince had healed up good, falling back into his normal routine with ease. There was still no word from the troops, and tension was high at the house.

  Mrs. Sanders worked hard at keeping the girls busy with crafts and projects, using sewing and helping the community as a distraction from their worry. It was Friday, which meant bake everything in the cookbook day. They were busy making their way through the dessert section when the rumble of vehicles came roaring up the drive. “What in blue blazes?” With Michael and Vince out taking care of the cows, Mrs. Sanders jumped into action, wiping the flour on her apron and snatching down Betsy off the mantle. Violet, Alaina, and Bella all followed her, grabbing a rifle each from the corner. Michael had made sure there were guns in every room of the house they could get to, and insisted on stocking up on ammo after Vince’s accident. With the girls alone, and whatever the team was busy with, he couldn’t be too careful. Now more than ever, they were all glad.


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