Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One) Page 10

by Thomas A. Wright

  “I know, inspirational,” she interrupted lightheartedly. “You sound like a philosopher instead of a warrior.”

  “Yes. You joke, but it is true. Just think, your people were our enemy before your mother helped establish peace. Even then, peace between us has not been easy. But we have made it last a long time. Benjamin told me what happened on Xanlos. As a captain responsible for hundreds of fellow Allond under my command, I would kill a coward who used poison without blinking an eye. There is no separation between royal or commoner when it comes to protecting our own. Our duty demands it—our brothers and sisters in uniform demand it. One of the cowards was your cousin and the other I have met on occasion through his wife, your ambassador to Allond. He was a poor excuse for a Cjittan nobleman, and I doubt your cousin was much better.”

  Dakkon had gone a little farther than he intended and caught himself; he knew the queen was aware the two dead noblemen were not so noble, still he had thrown it in her face. That same face was giving him a cold, hard stare.

  “I am sorry, Queen Tazleaha, I am very partial in this case,” Dakkon said quickly. “All I can say is that I do not believe Benjamin has ever killed without provocation. If you wish me to capture the Claymore, I will, but do not ask any more of me than that. Besides, it will be your order, not mine, so anything that happens to his crew during the boarding is a Cjittan action, not Allond.”

  “It is good to know that Benjamin has such friends in the great empire of Allond.” The words emerged cold from her hard and emotionless face. “It is also good we are living in a time of peace as allies as you have pointed out. Thank you for the offer of assistance, but I will handle things from this time forward.” Taz touched the button ending the com, smiling about cutting him off so abruptly.


  I walked in the conference room and saw Taz smiling wickedly. “What’s that smile for? What did you do?” I asked her.

  “I am allowed to smile without having to explain myself!” she replied, still smilingly.

  “Not like that,” I said. “You cut someone off, didn’t you? Don’t tell me you were mean to Dakkon!”

  “He besmirched my family and the family of my friend, the ambassador.”

  “I don’t know what that means. Where the hell did you dig up that word?”

  “I happen to enjoy learning about your people, and your crude use of your language is not fitting for a queen. I have had everything I can find sent to the translation matrix and returned to me. In Benjamin speak, Dakkon was talking shit about my family and friends.” She spoke like she had just impressed herself.

  “I don’t know, I find that hard to believe, especially when you start out using make-believe words to impress me,” I said.

  “It is not make a make-believe word. I have no idea what I see in you,” she said as she shook her head in amazement.

  “Maybe you’re not really cut out to be the queen,” I commented. “Maybe you just like slummin’ with the regular people more than the boring life of owning everything everywhere around you.”

  “You wish,” she said. “I am a queen. Never, ever, forget that . . . but there is some truth to what you’re saying.”

  “Of course there is. My whole crew and my Allond friends all know it, and you do, too. But I understand your reluctance to accept it.”

  “I’ve been promising for a while now to fillet the skin off your body,” she said. “I feel that day will come very soon.”

  “Yeah, ok, so who are you going to call next? I want to sit in on this one and see your bad ass in action.”

  “Do you promise to control your temper and your mouth?” she said firmly.

  “You ask for a lot. You know how hard that is?”

  Taz looked at me like she always did when she was wondering why she bothered with me. “Natalia, would you input the com codes for Zora and transfer it to me,” she said into the com, not taking her eyes off me.

  “I’m on it,” Natalia said, then paused. “There is going to be a delay. If you have something to do, I could page you when she is active. It may be a while.”

  “That sounds perfect, Natalia, thank you.”

  “Sounds like we have some time on our hands,” I said, moving closer to Taz to whisper in her ear. “I have a few ideas on how it could best be spent.”

  “Benjamin,” she said, turning to face me, “we need to talk.”

  Oh shit, the four words no guy wants to hear, I thought. Insert any name you want.


  “Commander Dela’maah, is there anything I can get you to make your stay more pleasant?”

  “Who are you, the P.R. guy for these pirates? You can let me go before this all goes sideways for you people,” Dela’maah snapped.

  “I am Admiral Onal Ooni, and you can put the notion of being released out of your mind until your ransom is paid.”

  “I know my cousin hates me, but it’s not like I stole one of her lovers. That was my brother who stole her lover, but she doesn’t know it was him, so she made my life a hell. Welcome to it, Admiral.”

  “It’s good you feel comfortable in your situation. Humor helps, does it not?”

  “Yes, but the joke in the end may be on you!” she said. “My cousin the queen, from whom you wish to extort credits, really doesn’t like me. She may reply, and I quote, ‘you may keep her.’ Then, out of anger, you will kill me, and out of principle she will hunt every one of you and your families down and feed you to her army. In the end, she wins on both fronts: getting rid of the cousin she hates and the pirates, all at once.”

  “I think that you are lying to me, Commander,” Onal declared.

  “Tell you what, Onal, put me in front of a com and let’s try to reach our queen,” she challenged. “Feel free to put a knife to my throat or a pistol to my head and tell her your demands. Maybe she will surprise us both, but if not, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

  “Come with me. We will contact your queen, and you and I can get to know each other better while we wait.”

  “Don’t count on it. Your best shot at getting some of this is waiting till you hear what the queen says then killing me. It will be a lot less painful for you if I’m dead.”


  Zora saw the message light indicating an incoming face-to-face com request. It was from the Claymore and they were using the queen’s codes. She was just about to accept when she received another; this one was sent by her cousin Commander Dela’maah and was for the queen. She had Tazleaha’s messages forwarded to her personal receiver, and it was a good thing, it seemed.

  The message from the commander had written text advising the queen to take it seriously, and to return the com or the commander would die, signed Admiral Onal Ooni. Zora liked her cousin. She knew Tazleaha tolerated her at best and would probably tell this Onal to stick it. She needed some time to set it all up, so she sent a com to Genius explaining roughly what she wanted him to do, then responded to Tazleaha, and answered as Tazleaha to the so-called Admiral. Two different times were established for live calls and there would be a special uninvited guest.


  “Are you dumping me?” I said, only half joking.

  “No, Benjamin,” Taz said. “Do you think after what I went through to have you by my side I would get rid of you so easily? I am the queen. If I wanted you gone, I would have you beaten by a hundred guards and watch as they dragged you out the city gates.”

  “Good to know. That at least makes sense in some crazy way.” I felt my com vibrate; it was an incoming message from Genius, saying he needed to see me immediately. “Genius needs me,” I told her. “Can I go see what he needs? It looks pretty urgent.”


  “Look, I know what you’re gonna say, but I didn’t set this up. He hasn’t talked to me until now. I think he has been mad about Zora, so if he needs me then it must be important.”

  “Go then. The time we were going to spend tonight doing other things will be used for finishing this conv

  “Damn, Taz. That’s borderline evil. I’ll try to be back soon.” If we had more talking to do, I wanted to get it over with. I hurried out of the conference room and made it to Genius’s quarters a couple minutes later. He was looking at a message on his screen.

  “Hey boss, I just received a message from Zora,” he told me.

  I interrupted him. “Don’t tell me she has the whole Cjittan navy after us.”

  “Nope, she needs our help with something. Taz and Zora have a cousin in the navy, Commander Dela’maah. She has been on duty out in the middle of BFS over some petty girl thing between her and Taz. Anyway, Taz doesn’t know it, but pirates attacked and destroyed the small naval outpost and the Commander has been taken prisoner for ransom. Zora is asking that we help get her back, and she says if we bring them both home safe it will go a long way to aiding in our defense.”

  “I was good until the last part. Who says we need a defense or that we did anything at all? You didn’t, did you? I have already alluded to Taz that I am responsible for the two missing suitors. It’s on me when its finally out.”

  “No, Boss, I didn’t say anything. I like her, but I like living better. But I can hope that maybe something will work out in the future, can’t I?”

  “Sure, Genius,” I said, giving him an awkward pat on the back. “I know I was messing with you before we left, but it was good to see you with her. Maybe we’ll sneak back and kidnap her, too.”

  “Oh hell yeah, now you’re talking,” he grinned. “Just to pull it off would be something. And if she didn’t hate me afterward, that would be super.”

  “I’m going to put my armor on,” I told him. “Would you go get my axe from Harry? I want to make a good impression when they see me for the first time.”

  “Meet you in your quarters, Boss.”

  Ten minutes later I was Reaper, and someone was going to be in trouble. It was more than likely me when Taz saw me, but I was voting the pirates as most likely to get their asses kicked at homecoming.

  I looked at the time. Genius was right beside me when I entered the conference room. The look on Taz’s face when she saw me was priceless. Genius stopped and leaned against the wall. I motioned for Taz to stand. “Go stand by Genius, and please be quiet,” I told her. “Follow my lead, and remember that when I do need you, this isn’t anything personal. There has been a development, and the crew and I will be helping out on this.”

  “Benjamin, what’s going on?” she asked, looking annoyed.

  “Just listen, ok? I’m winging it, and it may get a little rough, but please just play along. We’re going to try to save someone from pirates.” I think she could tell I was done explaining by my tone, because she didn’t say anything, just took her place next to Genius, arms crossed. The timer went off on my com and the screen came on.

  It was a split screen, with Zora on the left, and some rat-faced alien on the right, holding down a tired-looking Cjittan officer in a chair in front of him with his hands on her shoulders. I held my axe in front of me, resting the head on the table while I leaned slightly on the haft.

  “Who the hell are you people, and what do you want?” That was my lead-in line.

  “I am Zora of the Cjittan government, representing Queen Tazleaha, and this is Admiral Onal Ooni of the Pirate Coalition.”

  “The pirate what?” I replied. “You call yourself an admiral? My name is Reaper, and you people piss me off just looking at you. Tell me what you want. I’m a busy man and you’re wasting my time.”

  Zora gave me a withering look, but it only lasted a second. “I know you have her and I need to speak to her,” she said calmly.

  “Get in line. I’ll get back to you in a second,” I told her. “Admiral, is that Commander Dela’maah? Please tell me that it is. I’ve been looking for her. I have a personal grudge to settle with her. Tell me, Admiral, do you have your families there at your stronghold? Don’t let her get free; the commander has no problem killing women and children.”

  “I do not know you, and I’ve never killed women and children,” Dela snapped back.

  “Sure you have, Commander, and I’ve been searching for you for a long time. You must have really pissed someone off to get stationed out on the rim in BFS, and I think I know who. I am going to kill you and your queen. I am sure she was aware of the attack that killed my family and could have stopped it, but she didn’t. So, I’m going to cut off both of your heads and mount them on the arms of the captain’s chair on my bridge. You will forever be my companions, guiding me through my travels like good luck charms.”

  Dela looked like she was trying to comprehend everything I was saying. “You will never be able to get to the queen. You’re insane to even try,” she said finally.

  “Commander, you think I’m insane? You have no idea for someone who doesn’t even know me.” I stepped out of the frame and grabbed Taz by the arm, pulling her in front of the camera. “Commander, what do you have to say now? You are way out of your league. I’m coming for you, and anyone who gets in my way will lose their head, just like your queen.”

  “Is that Queen Tazleaha?” Onal asked, seeming unsure.

  “Say something so she will answer him, woman, or I’ll cut your ear off for good measure,” I growled at Taz.

  “Dela’maah, how did this happen?” Taz asked. “Does Zora know how you were captured?”

  “She does now,” the commander answered warily. “The naval outpost is gone, compliments of our friend here. I’m sorry, my queen, he says I killed women and children but I have no recollection of it. Had I known he existed, I would have offered myself up to him to save you.”

  “Great, you’re a real humanitarian. Now shut up, Dela,” I yelled at the screen. “So, admiral of this pirate shit pile, I really don’t want to track you down and kill all of you just to take her. How much are you asking Cjittan to pay for the child killer?”

  “Six million credits, and she goes free and unharmed,” Onal answered.

  “I can see you have given it some thought,” I said. “Your demands sound fair. Give me a second to confer and I will have an answer for you.” I motioned to Genius and he cut the audio but left the video. I grabbed Taz by the hair and shook her head, then made a fist like I was going to punch her in the face, all the while talking to her calmly and telling her what I was doing.

  “I’m going to pull your face toward the edge of my axe. When it gets there, act like you’re giving in. I say we offer him ten percent up front and the rest on delivery. He causes problems, I find him, take her and kill them all. We have options and can change the plan at any time once we have them at the meeting.”

  “I don’t want to pay anything for her,” Taz spat. “Let her rot.”

  “Look, Zora thinks she is worth saving, and if she has served you, even though you don’t like her, you still owe her for her service to the crown.” I really did believe that. Taz’s personal grudge was not going to interfere with my sense of duty. I motioned to Genius and he turned the audio back on.

  “Admiral, today is your lucky day,” I said. “The queen couldn’t care less about the commander or my vengeance, but she felt her face was worth six million credits—imagine that. She doesn’t want to give you anything until she sees the commander in person, but I thought you deserved at least ten percent up front in travel expenses and the balance paid on delivery.”

  “Fifty percent and the balance on delivery,” he snapped.

  “Fifteen, and let me tell you why you should take it. While we have been enjoying each other’s company, one of my crew—who is a genius, by the way—has tracked your signal back to your ship.” I held up a folded piece of paper that I had been doodling on earlier. “If it were my money, I would be on my way to kill you and the commander right now for jerking me around, but it’s not. I can afford to be patient with you as long as I’m getting her.”

  He paused to think on my proposal and I looked at Zora. “You! Government rep, who is next in line to be queen

  “I am, and watch your tone,” she replied.

  “Will you pay this man the ransom in full upon delivery?”

  “I will.”

  “There you have it. Now, send her your account numbers for the initial payment.” I looked down at Taz and she gave me a dirty look. “Don’t snarl at me, woman, or I won’t wait to take your head,” I said, then pushed the side of her head roughly. I heard Dela draw a quick breath. I picked up my axe. “Just remember how you drew that breath, commander. It will be exactly the way your last is drawn.”

  “Reaper, the ship is ready to depart,” Genius said, playing along.

  “I’ll be expecting those account numbers in five minutes or less, Admiral, or I am making way to these—” I held up the paper. “and to end you. The both of you.”

  “You should relax, Reaper,” he answered. “We are both getting what we want. You don’t need to threaten me or my people. I am sending the accounts to you as we speak.”

  “Admiral, my people and I are hunters. When we are contracted we do the job with military precision. This job is not contracted, however. It’s personal and I do not have to worry about discretion or anonymity of a client. I can kill all of you and no one will blink an eye. I tell you this so you understand there will be no renegotiation. My captain is a former pirate. I have Allond, Trillond, and some very special members of my crew you don’t want to meet. We will see you soon, Admiral.”

  The right side of the screen went blank and adjusted, showing only Zora. “Benjamin,” she said urgently, leaning in, “those pirates need to be brought to justice. They have murdered our citizens, destroyed property of the Cjittan navy and abducted one of its officers. We have not received a report yet, but there is more than likely a great deal of dead naval personnel and civilians at that outpost.”

  “You are probably right, but I don’t see how that concerns me or my crew. Did you hear what I just told him? We work on contract, we get paid, we produce results, and most of all—we do things our way.”


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