The Heir

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The Heir Page 7

by Ariana Rodriguez

  "Jessica" Nick interjected.

  The breathless way he said her name, he gave himself away a little bit more and Matt's grin became a full blown smile.

  "She is your… soul mate." Matt said the word in mocking awe.

  "You’re an idiot," Nick retorted gruffly. "There is no such thing as a soul mate. I doubt there is even such a thing as love."

  Matt shook his head, not bothering to conceal the pity he felt for his friend. "Your parents sure fucked you up."

  "Just because I don't walk around with stars in my eyes doesn't mean there’s a problem with me. I'm just a realist."

  "You’re cynical."

  Nick shrugged "It’s the same thing. So what are the chances that the video can be contained?" He asked, changing the subject. He lay back down and stared up at the ceiling.

  "None." Matt answered him, obliging him, and Nick was grateful.

  He hated brushing any topic that came close to talking about his parents.

  Then Matt's answer made him groan "Dammit Matt, why didn't you think about that before you asked Christian to record everything. “

  "One, I thought he was kidding the first time,” Matt argued, “Two, how was I supposed to know that you would do it a second time, when I didn't even believe you had done it the first?" Nick opened his mouth to speak but Matt raised his hand to stall him "And three, they need this Nick."

  The way Matt said it, with so much conviction, made him sigh. "Yeah I know. They are too loyal to her father’s memory to want something that would risk her happiness."

  They were the surviving members of Cade's pack.

  Nick's pack had been here no more than a year when they, after eighteen years of hiding within the human population, started to trickle in. They all wanted to be near when she finally took her proper place. It was a testament of Cade's character that even after so many years since his death his people were still loyal to him and apparently that loyalty had transferred to his heir.

  Unfortunately that hadn't factored in his plans. He'd thought that in order to lure them out he would need to claim her first but he’d been wrong. When the rumors started, so did the requests to join his small pack. Thankfully though, it seemed that only those loyal to her knew of his plans-and her reappearance. And they’d made one thing clear, they wouldn’t stand by that she was unhappy. They would protect her the way they’d failed to protect her father.

  "I don't want to make her miserable Matt." Nick stood up and went to look out his window. "You call me Ice Cold, but it's all I know, I can't be something I'm not." The words were spoken in just above a whisper, filled with insecurity.

  Then as if he hadn't just said that, he straightened his back and turned to look back at Matt. The only person he trusted to confide his problems in. "I'm not a human boy, I'm an Alpha. I can't do the flowers and candy thing, acting like some whipped puppy. All I can do is show her the real me."

  "You, whipped?" Matt asked with incredulity clear in his voice and written on his face. "I want front row tickets to that show."

  Nick knew his friend was trying to lighten the mood, and it worked. "You’re an idiot."

  "And you're getting repetitive." He countered "Seriously though, I want tickets. I mean I was ready to bet against you losing your cool for a female, but you did, twice!" Matt reminded him gleefully.

  But he didn't have to. Her taste and the feel of her were branded in his memory. He closed his eyes and remembered it all.

  When he’d teased her, it had been to appease his wolf.

  It had been hell, watching her run away from those men. Even if it was from men that wished her no harm, it had taken everything in him to keep his wolf under control.

  Never had he felt his wolf so...unsettled. Then Axel had walked towards them. His presence had only added gasoline to the fire. Axel had been unable to control his lust for Jessica.

  His human side understood Jessica’s appeal and that Axel would never betray him but his wolf went insane with rage. It had taken every ounce of control to keep himself from changing in plain daylight and killing his guard.

  He had only planned to kiss her behind her ear, to appease the wolf inside of him. Kiss her and show Axel that he intended to claim her as his mate, marking her as his, beginning the process. He hadn't expected the rush of desire that swept through him at the simplest touch. It hade coursed through him like a river overflowing its banks.

  He'd been seconds away from completely claiming her; moving his lips from her ear to her neck, when a horn blaring brought him back to his senses.

  He had been about to claim his mate in the middle of the street.

  It had been Axel who’d honked, pulling him back from the edge of insanity only to find that his little tigress was purring. The memory of the way she had leaned into him, silently asking for more of his caress had him smiling. He couldn't wait to explore her body in a more private setting.

  He couldn’t wait to discover all the places in her body that drove her wild.

  He hadn't lied when he said that he didn't know how to do the sweet act. When he regained his bearings he'd felt like a fool, and his mind drew up blank every time he tried to come up with something nice to say.

  He'd wanted to say something like "I like you please let me follow you home, I just want to make sure you're safe"

  Instead he took her backpack and promised not to peek. He'd seen the pain and humiliation in her eyes before she’d blinked them away and he'd felt so out of his comfort zone that he chose to ignore it. Thinking back now he realized just how big of a jerk he really was.

  "Dude, what’s wrong?"

  Nick looked up at Matt and for a moment wished he could be as carefree as him. Wished he could drop it all and walk away. But he couldn't because he'd made a promise.

  To answer Matt he just shook his head and said "Nothing just thinking"

  "Thinking about what?"

  For a second he wasn't going to tell him but then changed his mind and told him everything. Started with her bodyguards chasing her and ended with her threatening his family jewels. The last part had Matt roaring with laughter.

  Nick could have sworn that even the roof shook with his merriment.

  "It's not that funny" He grumbled.

  "Yes it is. I cant…"

  Suddenly Nick's phone started ringing, cutting Matt off. Nick answered it and with every word from the caller they grew weary and tense. "I'll be there." Nick promised before hanging up.

  "The council"

  Nick nodded even though it wasn't a question.

  "Are you really going to go?"

  "I have to" Nick rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb wearily. "If I know them, and I do, I'm going to be stuck with them for weeks. You're in charge while I'm gone. "

  Matt nodded and thumped Nick in the back in reassurance. This hadn't been the first time he'd been summoned by the council and every time they'd manage to come up with one excuse after another to keep him with them for months. Because Nick needed their support, he had no other choice but to comply.

  "Take care of Jessica. I want the best guards on her at all times. All other shifters are to keep their distance from her, I know they are anxious to be close to her but they will have to wait." Nick gave his orders as he pulled out his suitcase and started packing. His easy mood and camaraderie disappeared. He was no longer just the best friend from moments past but also the Alpha.

  "Don't worry; I'll take care of everything. And when it comes to your mate...How much trouble could she be?"

  Nick chuckled at his ignorance but decided that he would rather have Matt learn firsthand just what a handful the future Alpha female could be. He had no problem leaving Matt in charge because he knew that Matt didn't covet his standing as Alpha. Matt would take on the responsibility but only as a favor to his best friend not a desire to lead.

  An hour later he, Axel and two other bodyguards got into a black SUV and drove away.

  Chapter 6

  Jessica was ha
lf way up the stairs when she heard her name being called. Sighing, she turned around and walked back down to the family room. Feeling like she was headed for the gallows.

  With so much happening she couldn’t believe she’d only been here two days. And she had three more months to go. Months that Jessica had no idea how she was going survive. She couldn’t wait until she turned eighteen.

  Jessica pushed thoughts away and mentally prepared herself for take two-or was it three-with her mother. In the living room she found her pacing back and forth in front of the window. Jessica’s appearance went unnoticed and she took a good look at the woman who’d born her.

  They had the same raven hair and stood at around the same height and she’d also gotten her curves from her mother.

  So this is what I've been missing, Jessica thought.

  Growing up, she never acknowledge it, but she'd always felt incomplete. Felt that half of her was missing because she didn't know where she’d gotten her black hair or her blue eyes from. Now she knew. She got them from her mother.

  Knowing what she’d inherited from her mother, made her wonder if she’d gotten her lips and nose from her father. Now was the time to find out.

  Jessica coughed to get her mother’s attention and took a seat on the couch’s’ arm rest. Startled, Lauren put a hand against her chest and smiled as she turned to face her.

  "You surprised me. You move around so soundlessly and I didn't think you heard me when I called your name..." Her words trailed off and she took a seat across from her.

  Uncomfortable with the silence that followed, Jessica fidgeted in her seat for a second then looked at her mom and apologized. Apologized not just for scaring her but for everything she’d done.

  Lauren gave her a shaky smile and shook her head and spoke with conviction. "You have nothing," She and slashed a hand through the air, "nothing to apologize for. I should be the one begging for forgiveness-and I will for the rest of my life. If I could go back in time I would do things differently, I really would."

  Jessica saw the pain and remorse in her mother’s eyes. It tugged at her heart strings. This was what she'd been waiting for, a heartfelt apology. All along shed needed an acknowledgment that she'd been wronged and hurt.

  "Thank you." She told her mother "That's all I wanted." Lauren made as if to say something but Jessica shook her head and continued. "I know I probably should have waited and heard you out earlier. But it hurt." Jessica emphasized her statement my tapping her chest, right over her heart. "It hurt to see you give to someone else what should have been mine."

  Jessica's eyes began to cloud with tears. She didn't blink, refusing to let them fall. Her voice was unsteady though, betraying all the pain she felt inside.

  Lauren stood up and went to sit next to her. Closing the distance between them, she took Jessica’s hand and enclosed it between both of hers. "Never. My love for you wasn't given to anyone else. I've saved it just for you. Give us" she used a hand to indicate the two of them "a chance. Give me a chance to show you that I do love you."

  "I want the truth about me," Jessica voiced her request just above a whisper.

  She was afraid that her plea would be ignored and Laurens suddenly shuttered look did nothing to raise her hopes.

  "The truth?"

  Jessica pulled her hand away. Agitated, she stood up and took a turn around the living room, taking deep breaths to calm down. When she felt in better control of herself, she faced her mother and spoke as calmly as she could.

  "Yes the truth. All of it, I don't care if I don't like it or if it hurts. I want to know. I have to know. I want to know why you gave me up. Not how you did it, I don't care about the other girl. I want to know why. Why the serum? Why cover my scent? Why all of the secrecy?"

  Lauren shook her head but Jessica refused to give up.

  "Do you know what it feels like? Growing up feeling like a freak. Not knowing why you can do these things. Things that are straight out of a comic book."

  All of Jessica’s focus had been on her mother as she spoke and she didn’t miss the confusion that flitted across her mothers’ expressive face before it became shuttered again. One thing suddenly became clear to Jessica.

  "You don't know!?"

  Lauren shook her head but it had been a rhetorical question. Jessica took another turn around the living room, adding in her mind, a new piece to the puzzle that was her life. One piece at a time and the picture was becoming clearer.

  "You don't know," she murmured.

  Her fingers gently pinching her bottom lip, trying to figure out where to go from there. Instead of answers she seemed to only get more questions. How much should she tell her? Would she think she was a freak? If her mother didn't know what was wrong with her, then why did she give her up?

  "What did you mean?" Lauren asked, pulling her back to the present. Jessica looked at her, expectantly, waiting for her to clarify the question. "What things can you do?"

  "I'll trade you, you tell me everything and I will too."

  Wringing her hands, Lauren shook her head and it had Jessica close to snapping.

  Time to go, she told herself, before she exploded.

  "Then I guess we have nothing left to talk about" She shook her head and turned to go.

  "Talk about what?" James asked from the entrance.

  "The truth" She told him. "Your wife doesn't want to talk about the truth. She wants a working relationship between us, but she only wants to tell me what she thinks I want to hear." Jessica looked over her shoulder "That's a deal breaker for me."

  “Jessica, please I can’t-“ Lauren took a step towards her and suddenly James' words stopped her dead in her tracks.

  "We'll tell you everything.”

  Jessica crossed her arms over her chest and eyed him dubiously.

  "We'll tell you everything" He repeated.

  Jessica heard the sincerity in his voice and without a second thought she nodded.

  "No!" Lauren cried out.

  She rushed to stand in front of James, halting his progress into the room, trying to stop him from speaking to Jessica.

  "On one condition" He continued, ignoring the interruption and stepping around his wife to face her. "We will tell you everything on one condition."

  Jessica thought about it for less than a second before she gave a slight nod of her head in agreement. No point in dragging on like a suspense movie. They all knew she was going to accept it. She would agree to just about anything to hear the truth.

  "James, please don't." Lauren pleaded

  She grabbed a handful of his shirt, trying to stop him and Jessica was thankful that he was able to harden his heart towards his wife's pleas. He unclenched Laurens hand from his shirt and brought them down to his side, pulling her closer to him. He was showing Jessica that they were united even if it was clear that they weren’t very united at the moment.

  "Give us your word that you will stay with us at least until a month after your birthday."

  "Done," it wasn’t hard to agree since she had nowhere else to go, “you have my word.”

  "During that time you're going to give us a chance. No more running away. Spend time with us, get to know us. Stay with us. No running away,” he repeated, “not even if you hear something you don't like or don't believe. No matter what, you stay." He pointed at the floor then he pointed at her "I need your word on that."

  "You have it. But how do you know you can trust me?"

  She wasn’t trying to argue or give him doubts, she was just curious.

  "Whether you like it or not, we're family, and who can you trust if not family?"

  Considering that it was only a week ago that she first met her "family", Jessica chose to stay quiet because she in reality didn't trust them. Not yet anyways, so instead she turned around and went to take a seat on the couch. Outwardly she strived to look calm when deep down she was everything but.

  Her insides were churning with anticipation.

  They didn't know everything. T
hat was clear from her mother’s earlier confusion but maybe if she added what they told her with everything else she knew she might be able to piece together the puzzle that was her.

  Laurens reluctance informed her that she wouldn't be getting much but that was okay with Jessica. Some was better than none and besides, she'd made a deal to stick around until after her birthday, if she was patient she was sure she'd be able to uncover more truths by then.

  "I really don't know where to start" Lauren whispered.

  Her mother and James were seated on the sofa in front of her. The picture was reminiscent of her first meeting with them. Lauren shifted her glance between her and James a couple of times before looking down at her wringing hands.

  ”I suggest that you start by telling me about my real father." Jessica told them, cutting to the chase.

  Her suggestion was met with shocked silence.


  "What-?" They both spoke up at the same time. They glanced at each other and paused to give the other a chance to speak.

  "How did you know?" Lauren finally asked.

  "No one is supposed to know." James added.

  Jessica shrugged and confided, "It was just a hunch," she waited a second to let that sink in, "but you guys just confirmed it."

  Their shocked expressions almost made her smirk. Instead she took a deep breath and pounced before they had a chance to regroup.

  "That's why it was so easy for you to give me up, wasn't it? You didn't want your happy new marriage to be marred by a love child."

  "No!" They both exclaimed.

  Jessica ignored them and looked her mother straight in the eyes. "It was easier to trade me in for a little girl that wouldn't be a daily reminder of your past, right?"

  Lauren shook her head, tears started to form in her eyes but Jessica hardened her heart against them. The bitterness that she'd thought she'd manage to bury deep down came rushing back up like boiling water shooting out of a geyser. The earlier apology helped to salve the hurt but it didn't take it away completely and she'd been kidding herself to think otherwise.


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