The Cowboy, The Cheat, His Ex-Wife & Her Vibrator

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The Cowboy, The Cheat, His Ex-Wife & Her Vibrator Page 26

by C. C. Coburn

  “And I’m sorry I reacted that way. You opened some wounds I thought were healing. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. Can you forgive me?”

  Beth smiled up at him, her heart bursting with love. “Absolutely. Always.” Was she sounding desperate? Beth wondered. Too bad! She wasn’t letting this man go. She’d been absolutely miserable without him these last weeks, like a shadow had passed over the sun.

  “Where you going to tell me about the baby?” Gabe asked, looking pointedly at her stomach.

  “Truthfully? I hadn’t decided. I know you said once you never wanted to be a father. I wasn’t sure if that was because of what happened to Marina.”

  Gabe bowed his head, took a deep breath then looked back up at Beth. “I won’t lie to you, I was scared to hell and back when Tilly rang me last night. But she managed to convince me that you’ve had textbook pregnancies—that you’re not… fragile, like Marina. And Tilly’s right, you’re robust and healthy and carrying a child to term won’t kill you like it did Marina. Because that was the first thing I thought of when she told me you were pregnant. That I could lose you.”

  He brushed a tendril of hair from her cheek and pressed a kiss on her forehead. Beth snuggled deeper against him. She was never letting this man go.

  “I took a long ride in the moonlight, considering my options, my responsibilities and how you’d feel about me being in your life. Because I really do want to be a part of your life, my baby’s life and your kids’ too. If you’ll let me.”

  Beth wanted to weep. The ugly specter of jail time still hung over her head in spite of Gabe’s alibi. “I would love nothing more, but I don’t know what my future holds, Gabe,” she whispered and dropped her head to her hands.

  Gabe took her hands in his and kissed each wrist in turn. “It’ll be fine, sweetheart. You’ll see.”

  But Beth’s heart was heavy. Her elation at being with Gabe was tempered by her fears for her future.

  Ellen knocked at her door. “Beth, dear?” she said, coming into the room and seeing both Beth and Gabe sitting on the bed, Beth’s hands in Gabe’s she paused and smiled. “See, I told you she’d say, yes,” she told Gabe.

  Obviously Gabe had worked his magic on her mother Beth surmised, seeing the fond look in her eyes. Just how long had Gabe been at her house, Beth wondered.

  “Actually she hasn’t yet,” Gabe admitted. “She’s proving a little stubborn.”

  “She always was a headstrong girl.”

  “She hasn’t realized how determined I can be when I really want something,” Gabe told Ellen.

  Beth huffed and put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me! I’m not a piece of furniture, you know. Stop talking about me as though I’m not here.”

  “You should also know she likes being the center of attention,” Ellen told Gabe.

  “No, I don’t!” Beth declared. “And I’ve had more attention than anyone deserves in a lifetime of late.”

  Ellen nodded. “That’s true, dear. In fact that’s why I’m here. That deputy sheriff is downstairs and wants to see you.”

  A terrible sense of dread filled Beth and she reached for Gabe.

  He stroked her back comfortingly. “Let’s not think the worst,” he said, reading her mind.

  They walked downstairs together. Gabe held her hand firmly in his grasp. What could Deputy Stevens possibly want now? Could he arrest her again? Surely not for the same crime? Maybe he thought he’d hit her up for another murder? Just my luck, Beth thought.

  Gabe surprised Beth by taking charge, placing his body between the deputy’s and Beth’s. What can I do for you?” he asked and gave Beth’s hand a squeeze.

  If the deputy was surprised to see Gabe at Beth’s house, he hid it well. There goes my alibi, thought Beth. She feared Deputy Stevens would think Gabe had ulterior motives for giving her an alibi now.

  “Mr. Hunter, I’m glad to see you here. It’ll save me a phone call,” he addressed them both and Beth tried not to bring up her crackers. Maybe he’d come to arrest Gabe too? Beth chewed her lip. Why was she being so negative? Had the events of the past weeks conditioned her to think the worst of a situation? She stepped forward and noticed something missing from her front lawn. Outside broadcast vans and spectators! Oh, Lord, what could that mean?

  “I’ve checked out what you told me last night, Mr. Hunter and your ranch hands both confirm that no vehicles left your property after Mrs. Harman arrived on the night in question. We also checked Colorado Department of Transport cameras set up on the interstate. As Mr. Harman’s death has been established as between three and six AM Saturday, then we have no further reason to believe you could have committed the crime, Mrs. Harman, and we’re pursuing other avenues.”

  Beth felt giddy. Was she dreaming?

  “And furthermore, I hope you don’t mind but I’ve just held an impromptu press conference on your front lawn. There’s been another murder discovered. The victim was killed in exactly the same way as Mr. Harman and as we didn’t publicize the exact circumstances of his death, then we don’t believe this is a copycat murder. As your home has been under constant surveillance, we know your movements at the time of the murder and you were no–where near the scene. So Mrs. Harman it is my pleasure to tell you all charges against you have been dropped.” He held out his hand. “I hope there are no hard feelings?”

  Beth stared at his outstretched hand. No hard feelings? Who was he kidding? He’d turned her life upside down, almost destroyed her and now he thought she could forgive him with a handshake?

  No wonder her front lawn was finally devoid of spectators and outside broadcast vans—they’d headed off to the next crime scene.

  When Beth didn’t react, Gabe extended his hand and shook the other man’s firmly. “Thank you for all your efforts on Beth’s behalf. I’m afraid she’s a little stunned at the moment, aren’t you, darlin’?” Gabe frowned down at Beth, encouraging her to put her pride aside.

  Beth extended her hand, knowing it was icy cold. The underlying fear that this was all a dream hadn’t left her body yet. “Yes, thank you, Deputy Stevens. If I’m accused of any other murders I’ll be sure to call on you.”

  Stevens looked puzzled, Gabe tried to hide a smile and Ellen, who’d come up behind them and only caught the last of the conversation, opened her mouth to say something, shut it and returned to the kitchen with the children.

  It was one of the few times in her mother’s life she’d been lost for words. Ellen would have plenty to say when Beth filled her in later. Especially about the pregnancy. Hoo boy!

  “Yes, well,” Stevens said, clearly confused by Beth’s remark, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Harman. My department will be offering around the clock protection for you and your family until the persons responsible for both your ex–husband’s murder and the latest unfortunate victim are found. We have several very good leads this time and I expect an arrest to be made soon.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Gabe told him. “As soon as Beth is packed I’m taking everyone up to my ranch where I can keep an eye on them.”

  Beth was alarmed. Stevens thought she needed protection from the crooks now? Just what the hell was going on? “Are my children in any danger?”

  “I don’t think so, but I’d feel better if you were somewhere safe. Everyone in Denver knows where you live now, and who knows what sort of cranks there are out there? Mr. Hunter’s suggestion of taking you all to his ranch is an excellent one.”

  Stevens took his leave and Beth, unable to stand upright any longer, collapsed against Gabe. He hoisted her into his arms and carried her through to the living room and settled her on the sofa. After ensuring she was fine, just over–wrought by the events and revelations of the past few minutes, he set to work getting the kids packed to travel to the ranch.

  Ellen came in to find out what Stevens had had to say. Tears of joy filled her eyes and she hugged her daughter close. “I’m so happy, so happy for you all. And Gabe will make such a wonderful hu
sband for you and a father to the children.”

  Husband? Was there something Beth had missed in all the confusion? “Mom, what are you talking about? Gabe hasn’t asked me to marry him. And what would you know about it anyway?”

  “Beth, that man loves you like no other. Of course he’s going to marry you. And he’s the father of your baby—”

  “Hang on! How do you know all this?”

  “Well, Tilly told me of course, dear. She gave me strict instructions not to let you leave the house until Gabe arrived. I think she thought you might do something rash, like, you know…”

  Beth groaned. Tilly! The busybody! That wonderful, lovely busybody of a friend.

  “And then Gabe was on our doorstep in no time demanding to be let in to talk to you. Of course I wouldn’t let him into your room, you didn’t want to be disturbed. So he paced the house for half the night, then called the deputy early this morning. He’s been waiting outside your door ever since, for you to wake up. Did you have a nice rest, dear?”

  Beth laughed and hugged her mother. “I love you, Mom. And thank you for not letting Gabe wake me earlier, I really needed that sleep.”

  “Well, of course you did, dear. You’re carrying my fifth grandchild after all.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  “How should I feel? I’m delighted. And now I’m moving to Denver, I can spend lots more time with all my lovely grandchildren.”

  “If what you say about Gabe wanting to marry me is right, then we won’t be living here anymore, we’ll be in Cedar Falls.”

  “Then your answer is ‘yes’?” Gabe asked from the doorway and walked into the room. “You’ll marry me? You’ll put all your reservations about marrying again aside and take that risk?”

  Beth touched her hand to his cheek and stroked it. She knew without a shadow of doubt that she could trust Gabe with her life and her heart and she was learning to trust and love herself again, too.

  “The only thing I won’t risk is leaving a wonderful man like you out of my life. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  Two hours later, Gabe’s new family was settling into the ranch. Ellen had opted to stay behind at Tilly’s and fill her in with all the news. Once she’d met Nigel at the airport, they’d head to Cedar Falls as well. Already Ellen had decided that maybe she’d like to live in the mountains rather than on the prairie. A cute Victorian home in one of Colorado’s mountain towns sounded perfect. Nigel was a skier so she was sure he’d jump at the chance, Ellen had assured Beth and Gabe as they’d waved and driven towards the mountains.

  “Happy?” Gabe asked as he and Beth settled themselves on the porch swing.

  “More than I thought possible.” She reached up and kissed his dear cheek. “What a day!”

  “A real rollercoaster,” Gabe agreed. “What would you like to do tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow? Tomorrow I’d like to start my new life. As Mrs. Hunter.” She snuggled against him. “How long will it take to get a marriage license do you think?”

  That Christmas, with snow falling heavily outside the windows, Beth curled her feet up under her and emitted a contented sigh.

  Her life and happiness were complete. Thanks in part to Suzie’s testimony, the loan sharks who’d murdered JJ had been arrested and Beth’s family was safe from any further threats. Gabe, of course, had been an absolute rock through it all, protecting her from anything that would upset her, or threaten her pregnancy.

  Gabe walked downstairs after having tucked the children into bed and she smiled at her husband and extended her hand, inviting him to join her.

  A year ago—even six months ago, Beth couldn’t have imagined her life being so complete. And, in a few short months, little Miss Abbie Hunter would be joining their family.

  She and Gabe had learned the sex of their baby at an early scan, but had agreed to keep it between themselves. There weren’t many secrets in a house with four active children, but this was one they were determined to keep.

  Both Beth’s and Gabe’s moms had moved from their respective homes in Florida to the mountains to be closer to their grandchildren, and Beth and Victoria were working on their relationship. Victoria had a new man in her life and seemed far happier than Beth had ever seen her. She still brought up JJ in conversation from time to time and Beth let her talk, but those occasions had become, thankfully, fewer and fewer.

  Mimi and Toshi were regular visitors to the ranch. The last time they brought news of Mimi’s pregnancy and Beth couldn’t be happier for her friend. Mimi had begged Beth’s forgiveness, for which Beth had explained there was no necessity—that she’d understood Mimi had been tricked. Mimi now gave Ikebana classes at home and had made many new friends.

  Even Applebee had found love. Nigel had given Ellen a French bulldog for her birthday and Poppy had quickly made friends with Applebee. The little dog loved visiting the ranch where she tried to boss the rest of the animals around. Applebee loved having a gutsy canine friend, especially when they had sleepovers when Ellen and Nigel were away. At the moment he was wrestling with her in front of the fire—or more to the point, Poppy was wrestling him, while Applebee submitted to the onslaught.

  And painting was bringing Beth immense joy and satisfaction. She had several commissions for portraits and gave art classes at the ranch to local children. None of her own children seemed to have inherited her artistic talent, but that was fine, they were happy and contented and enjoying life in the mountains. Gabe loved and treated them as if they were his own.

  “You look happy,” Gabe said as he slid down the back of the sofa and gathered her in his arms.

  “I am,” she murmured and cupped his cheek. “How about we go to bed and I can make you happy too?”

  With a growl, Gabe hoisted her into his arms and took the stairs two at a time.

  Sometime later, basking in the warm afterglow of love–making, Beth rolled to her side and traced her hand down Gabe’s chest. “And to think I once considered a vibrator would be better than Blind Date Number Sixty–Five.”

  Gabe caught her hand and brought it to his mouth. He kissed her palm and murmured, “Don’t ever change, Beth. Don’t ever change…”

  Austen in Love

  When Elizabeth Barnett rescues a young woman from the River Avon’s icy depths—well, all eight feet of it—she’s puzzled by her strange attire and formal speech. Lizzie’s convinced the woman must’ve suffered brain damage as a result of her immersion, since she insists her name is Miss Jane Austen and that the year is 1805!

  In spite of her misgivings, Lizzie takes Jane back to her Bath flat for some dry clothes and a soothing cup of tea before phoning the local psychiatric unit to check if they’re missing any patients.

  But when she discovers Jane’s dress doesn’t have a zipper—it has buttons, and the seams are hand-sewn… she wonders: where would a mad-woman claiming to be Jane Austen get such a dress? And how did she end up in the river?

  As the evidence mounts, Lizzie concedes that either the woman is a brilliant fraud—or she’s who she claims to be. And if she is, then Jane Austen has crossed a time-space continuum from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century.

  The question is: how will Lizzie send her back?

  But Jane doesn’t want to go back. She embraces living in the twenty-first century with gusto. From cars to planes, dishwashers to hairdryers, everything is at once terrifying and exciting.

  But more than anything, she wants to experience what was denied her in her own century—love.

  And she finds it—with Lizzie’s brother, Charles, who has Jane quivering in her petticoats.

  At last Jane Austen has fallen in love. But if she doesn’t return to 1805, then the world will never read her classic novels and literature will be changed forever.

  Should Jane stay and explore her blossoming relationship with Charles, perhaps marry, have children and live to a ripe old age—or return to her own time where she knows she’ll die young, alone and childless?

/>   C.C. Coburn’s award-winning debut novel, Colorado Christmas from Harlequin American Romance is set in a small, but quirky Rocky mountains township. It features an uptight lady judge, a naughty pig, a lovesick dog, a kid who wants a dad, an Aztec red Cadillac series 62 complete with tail fins of extra-ordinary proportions, Christmas trees, a lot of snow and a hero to die for.

  Four more books in the O’Malley Men series, The Sheriff and the Baby, Colorado Cowboy, Colorado Fireman and Sweet Home Colorado have received rave reviews and award nominations.

  The Cowboy, The Cheat, His Ex-Wife and Her Vibrator is CC’s first venture into Independent publishing.

  Married to the first man who asked her, CC has three adult children, who have fortunately all left home.

  CC has recently relocated from the heat and relentless sunshine of Australia’s Pacific coast to experience life in an English village, together with her husband and their much adored Labrador.

  Also available by C.C. Coburn from Harlequin American Romance

  Colorado Christmas

  The Sheriff and the Baby

  Colorado Cowboy

  Colorado Fireman

  Sweet Home Colorado

  Praise for Colorado Christmas — 5 Star Reader Reviews from Amazon

  *I loved this book! It’s sweet, touching and whimsical, showing a quirky slice of American town life reminiscent of “Doc Hollywood”. The hero is gorgeous, the heroine sufficiently flawed and I was cheering for them to get together. Already looking forward to more of the O’Malley Men!

  *You’ll Love This Novel!

  *This is a lovely romance with a funny touch. The hero and heroine aren’t well matched as characters but this author draws them together very well and they fall in love. Very touching. Achingly real.

  *I adored it. It was such a gorgeous, heart-warming story, I didn’t want it to end! Please bring on the next O’Malley man! (SOON)


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