Corporate Passion

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Corporate Passion Page 2

by Carol Lynne

  Shane could hardly keep the smile off his face when a flustered Rachel glanced at him. “Mr. Johnson's the new VP?"

  Nodding his head, Shane took a seat on the edge of her desk. “I've known Damon since we were college roommates. I've tried to get him to work for me for years, but he thought he needed to prove himself in the business world first. He just got in from London yesterday afternoon. I hope you'll make him feel welcome, Ms. Ellerby. He's very special to me."

  Rachel licked her lips. “Of course, Mr. Brassil. But most days I can barely keep up with your correspondence, how am I going to manage Mr. Johnson's, too?"

  Shane rubbed his chin. “Call down to personnel and have them hire another secretary. There's an empty desk down the hall in the executive secretarial pool, isn't there?"

  "Yes. I'll need to tell them what duties the new secretary will have so they know what skill level to hire."

  Running his hand from his chin down his chest, Shane smoothed his tie, drawing attention to his arousal once again. He looked Rachel in the eye. “I think I'll transfer everything to the pool except for Damon's and my more personal business. You'll still open our mail and type the more confidential correspondence, but the rest can be handled by them. Does that sound fair?"

  "Yes, Mr. Brassil."

  * * * *

  After Shane went into his office, Rachel exhaled the breath she'd been holding. Oh shit. How was she supposed to get any work done with two hunks sharing the same space with her? She'd had to go relieve her aching pussy in the restroom earlier as it was. With Shane and Damon around, Rachel knew she didn't have a chance. She retrieved her soaked panties from the desk drawer where she'd stashed them when she heard Shane come in. Opening her big purse, she put the light pink thong inside. It felt weird sitting at her desk without underwear, but it was better than sitting all day in wet panties.

  Rachel finished typing the letters for Shane and emailed them to the appropriate people. When she checked the clock, she saw it was ten minutes until two. She grabbed her purse and headed to the ladies room to freshen up before the meeting.

  When she returned to the office, Shane and Damon's doors were open, but they were nowhere to be seen. She grabbed her notepad and a pen then hurried to the meeting. Opening the door to the boardroom, she was met by a dozen pairs of eyes. It seemed she was the last to arrive. She glanced around the table for an available seat.

  Damon raised his hand. “Sit over here, Ms. Ellerby.” He pointed to the chair situated between him and the head of the table, where Shane always sat.

  Nodding her head, Rachel made her way around the table and took the seat. She leaned over to Damon just a little. “Sorry I'm late."

  Shaking his head, Damon looked over at Shane who was in the corner talking to the head of marketing. “Shane's still gossiping anyway.” He was only a foot away from Rachel and leaned even closer. “You have beautiful, dark green eyes, almost evergreen."

  Rachel didn't know what to say. Can I lick you all over, didn't seem appropriate. “Thank you."

  Shane took his place at the head of the table and started the meeting by introducing Damon as the new Vice-President of Brassil Industries. Shane thoroughly outlined Damon's new role in the company before giving the floor over to their newest boss. Damon stood and thanked Shane for giving him the opportunity and told everyone a little about himself. When he was finished he sat back down.

  The rest of the meeting went relatively smooth, thank god, and finished with fifteen minutes to spare. Shane told her she could duck out early, and Rachel grabbed at the chance. Being around the two men was definitely having a direct effect on her pussy.

  * * * *

  The next few days were torture. It seemed every time Rachel turned around, one of her bosses was there, looking good enough to eat.

  "Do you know where the Calumet file is?” Damon asked, poking his head out his office.

  "I'll find it for you, Mr. Johnson.” She saved her work on the computer and stood. Normally she would've just told him where it was, but her head hadn't been straight for several days, and it would be just her luck to find the paperwork had been misfiled.

  Walking into the small file room, Rachel was surprised when Damon followed her. “I can bring it to you,” she said. The room filled with the citrus scent of his cologne.

  "That's okay,” Damon answered.

  Rachel opened the appropriate file drawer. She'd just started looking when she felt Damon step up behind her.

  "Maybe if you explained your system to me, I'll be able to look for the next one myself."

  Goosebumps broke out on her skin as Damon's body brushed against hers. Her knees nearly buckled when Damon's face closed in on her neck. “You smell good,” he commented.

  "Thank you.” Rachel almost jumped for joy when she immediately found the Calumet file. “Here it is,” she said, holding it up. “You just need to look in alphabetical order. Unless it's a particularly bad day, I've usually filed it correctly."

  Damon reached up to take the file, brushing the side of her breast in the process. “Thanks,” he said, before leaving the room.

  After her boss was safely enclosed in his office, Rachel shut the door to the file room. Her body was on fire. Shit. She grabbed a few tissues out of the box on the shelf and wiped her dripping pussy.

  Rachel knew something had to change. She couldn't keep her mind on her job and the two sexy men sharing her office at the same time. Thinking about Damon, she clenched her thighs together. It was becoming increasingly more obvious that the man was coming on to her.

  Rachel bit her lip. She'd been contemplating talking to Shane, but what could she say? The last thing she wanted was for the attraction to get out of control and ruin Shane and Damon's apparent relationship. After just a few days around them, the relationship between the two men was no longer in question. She often heard the two of them whispering to each other, along with the sly touches and looks they didn't realise she saw.

  A heavy-handed knock on the door made her jump. Rachel quickly threw the wet tissue into the trash can. “Yes?” she asked, opening the door.

  "Everything okay?” Shane asked.

  "Yes. I was just cleaning up the file room."

  Shane nodded. “I've called an emergency meeting to go over the Sander's Electronics deal. I'll need you to take notes."

  "I'll call and make sure the room is made ready,” Rachel said, squeezing past Shane.

  * * * *

  When Rachel walked into the conference room, once again the only available seat was between Damon and Shane. Taking a deep breath, Rachel sat down and gave Damon a tentative smile.

  Damon closed the distance to whisper in her ear. “Are you busy later?"

  Rachel's eyes flashed, and she bit her lip. “Huh?"

  Damon reached under the table and put his hand on her thigh. As soon as his palm made contact with Rachel's bare thigh, she automatically squeezed them together trapping the warm flesh between them.

  "I asked if you were busy later, or am I being too forward?” Damon asked again.

  Rachel looked around the table at the rest of the executives. They all seemed to be in their own little discussion groups, waiting for the meeting to begin. The feel of the big, hot hand, now trapped between her legs, had her pussy creaming again. She swallowed and started to speak when Shane's voice interrupted her.

  "I think we're all here now,” Shane said. “Shall we begin?” At everyone's agreement, Shane started the meeting and Damon removed his hand.

  Rachel tried her best to concentrate on what Shane was saying so she could take accurate notes, but when Damon's fingers once again landed on her bare thigh, all thoughts left her. Except for one, and it was a very naughty one. Without looking up from her pad of paper, Rachel spread her legs. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

  Rachel looked over when a low moan escaped from Damon. He tried to cover the moan by coughing, but Rachel knew what she'd heard. The sound seemed to empower her, and she spread her
legs wider.

  Damon's hand drifted up her bare thigh and found its way to her pussy. He must have realised she wasn't wearing panties, because she heard another moan and cough.

  Rachel glanced at Shane, who had stopped talking to stare at the two of them. “Do you need some cold water, Damon? For your throat, I mean?"

  Damon gave Shane a look filled with heat. “Yeah. I need something wet."

  Now, it was Shane's turn to cough. He looked down the table at Bill, who was seated next to the refreshment cart. “Hey, Bill. Would you get Damon a cold bottle of water?"

  Bill, eager to please his boss, leaned back and snagged a bottle of water. He quickly passed it to Jim on his left, and the bottle was handed down the table. Damon removed his hand from under Rachel's skirt and took the bottle of water. “Thank you.” he looked over at Shane and smiled. “Sorry about that."

  * * * *

  After the meeting, Rachel went back to her desk and started typing up her notes. She was half done, when Damon and Shane came in. When Damon went into his office and shut the door, Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. She started typing again, but stopped when she felt Shane studying her. She looked up. “Can I help you with something, Mr. Brassil?"

  "Yes, actually. I need to speak with you in my office.” Shane turned and went into his office without checking to see if she'd followed.

  Rachel felt like she was going to throw up. Does he know what Damon was doing to me in the meeting? “Oh my God, am I about to get fired?” Rachel whispered to herself. She stood and smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt before following Shane.

  Stopping at the front of his desk, she chewed her lip. “You wanted to see me?"

  Shane turned away from the floor-to-ceiling window. He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards her.

  Rachel felt so ashamed of her earlier actions, she put her head down and waited for the axe to fall.

  "How long have you worked for me?” He continued around the desk until he was behind her.

  "Almost two years, sir.” She braced her hands on the edge of his desk, afraid she would sink to the ground if she didn't.

  "And in all that time, have I ever acted inappropriately with you?” Shane took a step closer.

  "No, sir. You've always been the perfect boss. I love working for you."

  "I called you in here, because I know what you and Damon were doing under the conference table earlier."

  When Rachel started to apologise, Shane cut her off. He stepped up, right behind her, and ran his hand over her firm backside. “What I want to know is, did you enjoy it?"

  Rachel's mind was spinning. What the hell was happening? When she didn't say anything, Shane took another step forward. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Why is it that I've never gotten into your panties, Rachel?"

  Her name on his lips sent Rachel's body into overdrive. She licked her lips and leaned back into Shane's erection. “I didn't think you ever noticed me like that."

  Bringing his arms around her, Shane cupped her generous breasts. “How can any man not notice a woman built like you.” He ground his erection against her a little harder. “But I've noticed more than just your body. I like the way you laugh when you're talking to your friends, and the way you always get a collection together whenever someone in the office is in need."

  Shane pulled her sweater out of her skirt. He slid his hands under the tight material to her bra-covered breasts. He kissed her neck as she arched into his touch and moaned.

  Unfastening the front of her demi-cup bra, Shane let Rachel's breasts spill into his hands. He tweaked her hard nubs with his thumbs and forefingers. “You're so hot, Red. I've wanted you since the first day you started working for me.” He turned Rachel in his arms and devoured her mouth.

  Rachel didn't even think about whether this was right or wrong. She'd fantasised too long about this man to stop him now. She willingly accepted his tongue as she threaded her fingers through his thick, black hair. Rachel broke the kiss and looked into his dark brown eyes. “Why didn't you ever tell me you wanted me? I've been throwing myself at you for almost two years."

  Instead of answering, Shane kissed his way down her neck. He pulled her sweater completely off and disposed of her bra. He latched on one hard nipple and suckled her. The answer to her question came from behind her when two big, chocolate-brown hands wrapped themselves around her waist.

  "Shane wouldn't take you without my approval. He's talked about you so much, that I felt as if I already knew you before I ever set eyes on you that first time. But I wasn't staying, so we waited."

  Damon worked his hands down past her hips. He unzipped the back of her skirt and let it drop to the floor with a little tug. His big hands ran over her bare pussy, a groan erupting from his throat. “We're a package deal, sweetheart. You can't have one without the other."

  At Shane's agreeing nod at her breast, Rachel spread her legs and just enjoyed the journey.

  Damon ran his finger down between her pussy lips then back up to circle her clit. “So hot.” He placed his thumb on her clit and thrust two fingers deep into her pussy. “Come on my fingers, sweetheart. Let me feel your pussy grip my hand."

  Rachel arched her back, and as if on command, came while Damon continued to pump his fingers in and out of her. “Uhhh.” Her orgasm was so strong she started to sag to the floor.

  Shane quickly wrapped his arms around her and lowered her gently to the soft, executive carpeting. He sprinkled light kisses over her neck and chest, as Damon licked her pussy.

  "That was breathtaking. You're so beautiful when you come.” He kissed her deeper and ran his hand down her naked body. “Will you go to dinner with the two of us?"

  Rachel opened her eyes and looked at Shane. If this is a dream I never wanted to wake up. “I'd love to have dinner with you. I'll need to go home and change first though."

  Damon licked his way up her body to her breasts. He licked and sucked her nipples before moving to her mouth. They shared a three-way kiss before breaking apart. Damon made a big deal of looking down at his cum stained slacks. “It looks like we could all do with a change of clothes. Can you be ready to go around seven?"

  Rachel quickly looked at her watch. It was five-thirty now. “If you two will let me up so I can get out of here.” She yelped, when Damon stood and plucked her up off the carpet. He set her on her feet and handed her the skirt and sweater.

  "We'll be by at seven sharp.” He looked at her naked body. “Leave the underwear at home. You won't need them tonight."

  Rachel dressed and grabbed her purse out of her bottom desk drawer. Before she walked out, Shane's voice stopped her. “You might as well pack a bag. Tomorrow's Friday, and I don't plan on letting you out of this building until Monday at least."

  Turning back towards him Rachel winked. “Keeping me locked up in the tower, are you?"

  Shane wrapped his arms around Damon and stroked his already filling cock. “You have no idea."

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  Chapter Two

  As soon as Rachel took her seat on the subway, she lost herself in thought. Am I absolutely crazy to even think about getting into any kind of relationship with two men? Two men who also happen to be my bosses? There was no doubt in her mind that it was exactly what Shane and Damon had in mind. A relationship. Wow. She hadn't had a relationship of any kind since leaving college. Am I finally ready?

  Rachel was so deep in thought, she missed her stop. By the time she realised it, she was halfway to Brooklyn. At the next stop, she jumped off and ran as fast as her three and a half inch heals would carry her. She found the right platform but ended up waiting almost ten minutes for another subway.

  Letting herself into her tiny apartment, Rachel threw her keys down on the end table and stripped off her clothes. She took a quick shower and looked into her closet. It was six thirty-five already and she still hadn't dried her hair or put on makeup.

  She looked at all her dresses and selected a beautifu
l, skin-tight green spandex jersey-blend mini. Rachel hoped the guys weren't taking her someplace too fancy because the dress made her look a wee bit slutty. It also drew the eye of every man she passed. That was the look she was going for tonight. Rachel wanted Damon and Shane to focus on her and not other women—or men—they passed.

  With her hair blown straight and her makeup finally on, Rachel squeezed into the dress. She was blessed with high, firm breast so she left her bra off. She remembered Damon's warning about leaving her panties at home, too, so she slipped on her high-heeled black, fuck-me shoes and pulled a bag out from under the bed. She put her makeup bag and toothbrush in it, then selected her outfits to wear to work tomorrow and Monday, just in case. For the weekend, she chose simple clothes, jeans and sweatshirts with warm socks and her tennis shoes.

  Zipping the bag, Rachel heard the knock at the door. She picked up the small suitcase and went to answer it. The looks she was greeted with confused her. Instead of looking happy, they both looked pissed. “I'm sorry, guys. I'm running a little late. I missed my subway stop and ended up in the Brooklyn. I'm almost ready though. I just need to put on my jewellery."

  When she started to walk off, Shane caught her arm and pulled her back. “Why were you riding the subway? We thought it was bad enough that you live in a building with absolutely no security, but you're telling us you ride the subway, too?"

  Rachel looked at the man in front of her. She'd never seen this overly protective side of Shane before, and she wasn't quite sure she liked it. “It's New York. Everyone who doesn't own his own corporation rides the subway. And this building is fine. It's on a well lit street, and I have very nice neighbours.” She turned and started to walk off again.

  Shane wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a deep, lip-bruising kiss. “I didn't mean to make you mad. It's just not safe for someone who looks the way you do to go around Manhattan without certain security measures.” He ran his hands over her dress-encased ass. “By the way, you look devastating tonight. You'll be lucky if we can make it home without both of us fucking that pretty pussy of yours."


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