Punishable Offenses

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Punishable Offenses Page 3

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Two, three, then four fingers jammed their way inside her spasming love hole; his thumb pressed against her tight anus where she was yet a virgin.

  “Oh, dear god!” her head fell back as she quietly gasped.

  He fucked her hard with his hand, bringing on spasm after spasm from one conclusion to the next. His hand finally slipped out only to be replaced moments later by his tumescent organ, driving deep where his fingers could not go. The large prick filled the tight valley and once nestled in, he began to fuck her with the full force of his body banging against her ass. He grabbed her tits from underneath her t-shirt and rode her hard, while she responded to the fierce assault, coming even harder than before and milking his erection with a furious passion. When at last he exploded, she was crying, her mind terrorized by her outrageous act, but her body satiated in a way she’d never known with any lover.

  Their bodies remained fused for several minutes while they recovered, then at last Daniel Prothero withdrew, his sated body falling into a nearby chair. Too stunned to move, but too weak to stay on her feet, Madeleine’s legs gave out and she slumped to the floor.

  With a blanket of silence descending around them, the only thought in her muddled brain was: “Dear God, what have I done!”

  “Don’t worry, I locked the doors,” were Daniel’s first words.

  It took a long while for the message to register, and once it did, she finally revived enough to look at him.

  “You locked them … because? Because you knew I was in the bathroom? Why?”

  “I thought it would be a good idea to protect you from the embarrassment of being discovered.”

  “You planned to fuck me?” The truth dawned like a vicious rumor.

  “I didn’t plan a thing, but I also don’t take chances.”

  She fidgeted nervously for several moments more, then awkwardly made it to her feet, only to realize that she was still naked from the waist down. She snatched her shorts and panties from the floor and fled to the bathroom. Several minutes later, she emerged, restored to some semblance of order.

  “I’m sorry. This should never have happened,” she stated in a hurried whisper, then she moved quickly to the door.

  “What? You’re going to pretend it didn’t?” the passive Daniel asked.

  She turned back. “Yes. Exactly.”

  “Suit yourself.” He barely smiled.

  The night was huge; the stars looking as if they were about to land on earth and come to life… or fall into the waters of the Long Island Sound. She was aware that the yacht had finally turned back toward the marina, although it was still some distance away. She couldn’t escape the night fast enough, but her only choices were to jump in the water and swim to shore or stay on board until she was safely back on land.

  She chose to stay, though she remained a long while on deck, collecting herself, sorting through the strange events of the night and Daniel Prothero’s amazing assault. Never had she felt more sexually alive, but never so ashamed of herself, and there was no way of putting the incongruent feelings into something that she understood.

  She finally made her way back to the salon where Robbie was nearly passed out on one of the couches. A few minutes later, they were back on shore, a revived Robbie whisking her silently back home.

  Chapter Two

  “Madeleine!” Robbie McKellar came around her desk, a smile on his face, though it was a nervous one. “Can I see you in my office?”

  She trembled a bit when entering Robbie’s hallowed territory. She should have nothing to fear but then she had no idea what the young man wanted. It was Monday morning after a harrowing Friday evening on the yacht from which it took two days for her to recover. She wanted to put the whole night out of her mind, though that was proving difficult, and Robbie was apparently not going to be of much help.

  “I am so sorry,” he started right in as she closed the door behind her and moved inside. He sat behind a large executive desk made especially for him of polished mahogany. For a man as young and fresh as Robbie McKellar, it didn’t look quite right. Maybe in a few years he’d finally grow up enough to match its authoritative and solid style. “Friday night was just not what I planned,” he went on.

  “It’s okay. Things happen,” she said with a cheery smile. She really didn’t want to talk about the night, especially considering how it ended.

  “It must have been ghastly for you, Madeleine. I was a real asshole running off like that with Sally, you have no idea what the woman… well, I don’t want to go into that bad scene. But then I was such an ass later in the salon. All that ridiculous talk with Jeff. You couldn’t help but be bored. I don’t blame you for wanting to leave.”

  “Really, it’s nothing,” she tried to assure him.

  “So, how about I make it up to you? A no drinks allowed night out, dinner in Manhattan… and I have theatre tickets. What do you say?” His eyes brightened, and so did his smile, as if another night with him was exactly what she might want. The ever hopeful, ever optimistic Robbie wouldn’t think otherwise.

  Madeleine considered the invitation, letting him sweat out her answer, then noncommittally asked, “So what’s the show?”

  He smiled bigger than ever, eyes twinkling seductively. “Les Miz. What do you say?”

  “Really?” Her eyes lit excitedly.

  He actually pulled the tickets from his pocket and held them before her eyes.

  “How can I turn that down?”

  “You can’t,” he hopped on her answer, knowing that he had her now. “You absolutely can’t, Miss Danes. I really made a mess of things, but I swear, this coming Friday night will put that all in the past.”

  “Well then, I guess we have a date.”

  Madeleine left the office with a smile on her face. She couldn’t understand why she felt so exuberant about this. Robbie McKellar was not a man she’d ever entertained any serious thoughts about—he was way too young for her she would insist, anytime she found herself thinking of him in a sexual or romantic way. She had to admit that during all the fucking on the yacht, she’d hoped that he’d have been just a little amorous. If it had been him, not Daniel Prothero, taking her in the small salon, the night would have taken on a much different quality in her mind. Of course, that incredible scene wasn’t one that would fit with Robbie’s personality. He would have seduced her differently, no spanking, no assumptions, nothing as troubling as the savagery of that brutally wonderful fuck.


  After dinner, Les Miz and a nightcap at a small bistro where Madeleine and Robbie ate sweet pastries and drank liqueurs with strange flavors, the couple checked into a luxury suite at the St. Regis, where Robbie proved Daniel Prothero wrong. He didn’t wait four dates to bed her. A long slow seduction would have worked just as well to have Madeleine Danes thinking romantic thoughts, but a glittering night in Manhattan did just as well. By the time they were in the room, they were already kissing like lovers. There was little doubt that she would be slipping out of the pale green gown once they were alone in their room. Robbie certainly did know how to woo a woman. In front of the windows, he stood behind her and slowly pulled the thin straps down her shoulders until the gown finally dropped to the floor and settled into a puddle around her pale green stilettos.

  “You have any idea how much in love I am with you?” Robbie made his first overture, whispering in her ear as he stood behind her, gazing at the lovely reflection of her nearly naked body.

  “No. I don’t believe you’re in love at all,” she replied, a feeling of giddiness made her feel a little light-headed—that and the liquor. “But maybe a little in lust,” she joked. She was in a far different mood than she’d been on the evening cruise. Showering her with champagne and affection had managed to wipe away the awful remains of Daniel Prothero from her mind, so he was just a distant memory now.

  “But I am in love. Madly,” he insisted. “I have been since I first laid eyes on you.”

  “Oh, c’mon,” she giggled.

>   His arms were nestled around her, his lips making a line of delicate kisses along her pale white neck. She shuddered visibly and shrank back against the warmth of his muscled chest.

  “I’m being honest,” he said, lifting his lips from her shoulder, then he returned to a fragrant spot right behind her ear, the place she’d dabbed a little Chanel before she left for the evening. “You know you smell expensive?”

  “I should, that bottle cost me a fortune.”

  “I have a fortune, Maddy, how about I share it with you?”

  The implication was enough to make her start. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I can’t get enough of you…I swear, you’re on my mind all the time.”

  “But you haven’t had me at all,” she objected. “How could you possible know…?”

  “All right, then,” he didn’t let her finish, “I’ll take care of that. You say I haven’t had you…it won’t take long to change that.” She could see the reflection of his lascivious smile in the window glass. Then, suddenly, he swept her up in his arms like a dashing hero and after a quick retreat to the bedroom, she landed in bed. She’d never known a man to undress so quickly. She lay back, watching in awe of his eagerness, while Robbie unveiled the hard muscles of his tanned physique. They seemed to gleam in the low light of the bedroom. Once he was stripped of his clothes, he crawled on the mattress between her thighs and stuffed her pussy with his raging hard-on. The initial burst was savage, Madeleine shuddering from the weight of his body and his terrible urgency to have her.

  It would take just a few hard thrusts of his erection for her first climax. But before he got on with the serious fucking, he sat back straddling her hips. The mesmerized Madeleine could not take her eyes off his beautiful physique, and for Robbie, the sight of Madeleine’s sensuous breasts was even better than his mind could imagine. The flesh was soft, of an almost translucent color, now a pearly glow in the radiant candlelit room. He reached forward taking her nipples between his thumb and index fingers and squeezed them gently, feeling her velvety pussy react almost simultaneously with his own throbbing cock. Her nipples stiffened into tight knots when he let go, and now too tantalizing to ignore, he dropped down taking each one in his mouth and sucking it hard until her pussy spasmed around his cock again and he began to move inside her with long, thrusting strokes.

  “Oh, god, you are fantastic!” he cried out as the rhythmic fucking began in earnest. The two made love in a passionate frenzy that seemed to rise up from long suppressed desires. The first climax swept through them all too quickly and they limply fell away. They caught their breath, chests heaving side by side in undulating rhythms. They knew they were not done—this was just the start of their long evening of making love. Robbie quickly revived and maybe ten minutes later, they were at it again, the pair coupled in a tangled embrace and rocking back and forth across the bed. This second time was more like making love, when tender kisses and a warm caress were as important as what took place between their thighs.

  Robbie’s cock was very good, the kind that stands up stiffly for hours with no chemical enhancement necessary. He had plenty of desire and stamina, and he was too turned on to quit making love to the girl of his dreams, not after the first, second or even the third time. Not until well after midnight did he even think about taking a break.

  Madeleine must have come a dozen times, Robbie maybe four or five, when he finally sat back sighing. She thought perhaps it was time to sleep, and her mind seemed to fall easily into a dreamy and satisfied slumber.

  “You ready for something unusual?” Robbie’s voice suddenly broke into her reverie.

  “Oh, Robbie, you’ll wear me out…” she moaned softly.

  “No, not yet, not until I’ve tied you up!”

  When that bit of news suddenly sank in, she turned toward him. “You are joking, aren’t you? Tied up?” Her look of alarm only made him grin. “What? Like a damsel in distress?”

  Playfully wicked, eyes gleaming, he zeroed in on her again. “Exactly like a damsel in distress. I want to take advantage of you, Madeleine Danes.”

  “My god, Rob, you’ve already taken advantage of me!”

  “But one more time. Trust me, if you’ve never been tied up you’ll love it.”

  She giggled, a little delirious by then.

  Room service had delivered a second bottle of champagne along with a plate of cheese and crackers about two am, just enough food to keep them going strong and enough alcohol to keep their inebriation level at an elated high. Unlike the night on the yacht, the liquor worked in Robbie’s favor by keeping Madeleine buzzed enough to agree to most anything. Even the mention of being tied up went down well.

  She may have exclaimed, “Tied up!” with a degree of shock, but she had no strength to protest when he pulled off the bed, moved directly to the closet and began digging through the overnight bag he’d brought with him. He’d come prepared with scarves, and lord knows what else. Madeleine could only guess.

  There were four tall, gilded bedposts surrounding the soft feather mattress, to which Robbie tied his bright red and orange scarves. The loose ends went around her thin ankles and dainty wrists until she was stretched out like a butterfly and tightly tethered in place. Robbie stood back, seeing the bound Madeleine breathe with life, her naked body glowing with perspiration, her breasts and groin rising sensuously with every lungful of air. He drank in the scent of the heady pheromones. Her muted sighs were almost musical in their quality.

  “Oh my, you were serious!” she gasped, when she tugged at the bonds. Only then did her mind grasp her predicament. She lay securely tied to the bedposts, vulnerable to Robbie McKellar and whatever idea his fertile mind had dreamed up. “I guess I’d better be nice to you,” she said, barely disguising her concern.

  “Worry not, beautiful one, you’ll be just fine. In fact this will turn into one of the most amazing nights of your life.”

  “It already has, but I have to admit, this has me scared.” Though she was trembling inside, there was also a little rush of excitement every time she tugged on one of the scarves.

  “So enjoy your fear, you’ll see what fun a little kink can be. I figured if I like it, you will too.”

  Kinky fun? She never would have chosen this herself, but maybe Robbie was right, the defenseless Madeleine had to wonder. And there was the kinky incident just the week before with Daniel Prothero…she’d not been able to shake the effects of that vigorous spanking—although in this case, as soon as the thought of those painful moments swept into her mind, she sent them back into her memory where they belonged. Still, it seemed somewhat fated that a whole new world of sexuality lay before her. At least this time it was with a much less dangerous man than her mystifying lover on the boat.

  “So, what are you going to do?” she meekly asked.

  Robbie’s eyes began to glimmer darkly and she saw him in a way she’d never seen him before. He’d not lost the playful quality that made him so appealing, but was he as ‘safe’ as she believed? She had even more cause to be concerned when he asked:

  “Ever been whipped, Madeleine?”

  “Oh, my God, no!”

  He’d already pulled out a thin whip, and on holding it before her, her eyes widened in wonder. There was a tightening in her belly, her lips were parched and she was completely speechless as she waited for what he’d do next. She was prepared to object—the words almost dangling from her lips—and yet as he started working the whip over her body, the strikes of the leather were not the painful ones she feared, but caresses almost as sensuous as a massage. They grew in intensity as the whipping continued, but by that time, Madeleine felt little pain—if she felt any pain at all—and the frenzied state of arousal that followed brought her close to an earth-shaking climax.

  Then, just as she was about to surge over the edge of her desire, an especially nasty cut of the whip on her inner thigh ripped her from the pre-cum reverie and forced her to focus on the terrible pain. She grimaced, angrily
shaking her limbs only to have Robbie caress her body back to that beautiful state of arousal. So overwrought by the dreadful and amazing experience, Madeleine had no idea what to think or feel, no ability to know if she loved or hated this strange kind of sex.

  Yes, it was sexual, but in the most peculiar way. As the whipping went on, so did the amazing sensations of pleasure and pain that danced wildly through her body. She rocked back and forth as much as her bondage would allow, struggling one minute against the tightening scarves, so consumed by utter pain that she could not stand another sharp sting of Robbie’s whip. A moment later, she was rapturous once again, groaning and about to explode into orgasm.

  Without warning, Robbie suddenly dropped the whip, climbed on the bed and fell against her body for the final fucking of the night. By then, his pistoning organ was banging against a very sore crotch and Madeleine’s exhaustion made it almost too much to bear. She’d never been screwed so long in one single night—nothing had even come close in her experience. At least there was nothing to stop her climax this time. As Robbie ejaculated into her spasming hole, she bore down to milk his erection once again, her joy complete this time as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her tired body.

  Once Robbie was done, he fell away from her as he had before and they lay side by side, mindless in their post-cum trance.

  “Could you please, Robbie—,” Madeleine finally broached the subject of her bound limbs.

  He could barely pull himself from the bed, but when he did, he smiled. “Damn, girl, you were perfect, absolutely perfect.” He moved around the bed, loosening the knots and releasing her. After tossing the scarves to the floor, he pulled back the covers and climbed inside, falling quickly to sleep.


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