The Half Moon: Soulbond Series Book 2

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The Half Moon: Soulbond Series Book 2 Page 10

by Bella C. Devine

  “What have you done to me, Mansfield? I will kill you! Make you suffer a slow death once my strength returns.”

  A chill raced down Mansfield's spine. Master’s hoarse voice did not dampen the threat.

  If only he could wrap his hands around Master’s throat and squeeze.

  But he couldn't.

  Master possessed something that Mansfield hungered for, and he would sacrifice anything to acquire it. Even kill.

  But he wouldn't.

  He made a promise to never kill again. Not after the last time.

  “I-I... told you not to link the poison to your own blood, Master. It needs to be extracted since it lived in both hosts. Once the others vanquished the poison, the black tar returns to the blood source — you. So, you must fight to remove it from yourself. Only you can separate the poison from the power. Or else, the poison will overtake your body and you will be no more.” Mansfield couldn't bring himself to say die. Surely, that word would be his death sentence if Master recovered.

  “It was the only way to transfer the witch's power to me.” Master took a deep breath and closed his eyes, smiling. “What type of witch is she, anyway? I feel different.” He held his hand in front of his face and turned it back and forth as if seeing it for the first time.

  Mansfield scoffed at the question. He had told the Master a thousand times the girl was a wild card.

  “Her origin is unknown, but she is powerful. My sources tell me she is the enforcer for the Lowell pack. For a woman of her age to attain that position, she must possess some extraordinary capability or magic.”

  The power circling through Master's body, tackling the poison was like nothing Mansfield had ever seen. Finally, he removed the magic-infused towel from Master's heart. “It's done.”

  Master stood and took a careful step forward. “Extraordinary.” He took another step.

  Mansfield had hoped the poison would kill Master, but then he would ne—


  He wouldn't allow himself to hope. Over the past twenty years, he had endured this hellhole. His heart had hardened to allow him to do what he had done. Only one precious little spark would permit him to forget all the horrible things he had witnessed. Had done. All in the name of a battle he didn't care to fight, but had to because Master threatened his daughter.

  “Oh, I like this.” Master's grin split his face, his teeth shining in a way that froze Mansfield's already sinking heart.

  “What—” He stumbled, unable to spit out the rest. Pain shot through his body. He tumbled to his knees, then toppled like a statue that had its base knocked out from under it. He tried to form words and yell “stop,” but his brain became jumbled. No sound left his lips. He was paralyzed.

  “Yes, indeed.” Master squeezed his hand into a fist and the pressure grew tighter until Mansfield felt as if he would pop. “I need to know more about this witch and her powers.”

  Master exited the room as though he had never been drained of power. As if the last several months of weakness and near death had been just a nuisance.

  His laughter reverberated off the walls.

  When Master's power released him, Mansfield gasped for breath. “What have I done?”



  By the time we reached Connor's house, I was alive with power, need, want. The grief that had worn me down earlier had either diminished or been pushed out of the way by a much stronger emotion and my need to forget.

  I didn't want to be so overcome with anguish that I couldn't function. A miniscule piece of that woman prodded my consciousness. Although I respected the hell out of her, I wanted to be more. To be the woman who could recover and thrive on tackling each day as if it were the last.

  Every hour.

  Every minute.

  I would not waste another precious second.

  “Do you want something to eat?”

  Connor's question pulled me from my thoughts long enough to look at him. For the first time, I truly saw him. He was becoming my better half. He made me better than I was alone. Golden strands reached out from our imprints and twined together, uniting our souls into an unbreakable bond. Did others see knots as well as I could? Did Connor?

  “Earth to Aylin.” He waved his hand in front of my face.

  I shook my head. “Sorry, I was just thinking whether others can see the strands.” I pointed to the link between our imprints and smiled.

  Connor tilted his head. “I see them. I never thought about it before. I know they can see the imprint, but this”—Connor moved his left hand, and the twine thinned as it stretched, but remained connected to my half moon imprint—“I think is just for us. It's our linked souls.”

  “That's...” Strange, odd, different. I fumbled for the right words. The beautiful shades of gold, yellow, and white twining around the moons filled me with peace. My heart slowed and my tongue loosened. “Beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you. As us.”

  Connor linked our hands and ran his other finger over our imprints. My body shivered. I wanted to feel more of his caresses, his love.

  “I'm not sure about all of this. I didn't ask for it. A bonding of souls. Connor, I wasn't made for that.”

  “I beg to differ.” He placed his hand on my heart, which beat faster. “I can feel you calling to me. Our souls are made for each other. This bond led us exactly to where we are supposed to be. You are meant to be mine and I am meant to be yours.”

  “When did you become such a romantic?” I moved my hands up his chest, resting them on his shoulders. I backed him against the cabinet and my hand drifted down over his muscles. He quivered beneath my touch.

  “For you, I'll be whatever you need me to be.” He leaned in and kissed me.

  What do I need him to be?

  My friend, my protector, my lover.

  I lowered my hand and unfastened the button of his jeans. Tonight, I needed him to be mine.

  Just mine.

  He smiled and placed his hand over mine. “You know I can hear you, right?”

  My face burned. Damn! I forgot about our telepathic connection. I looked into his eyes and saw raw desire. I melted. “So, what are you going do about it?”

  I will be what you need me to be. His unspoken words weaved through my mind as he backed me against the countertop.

  Your friend.

  His strong body pressed against mine. Our bond ignited a fire that seared my soul and enflamed my heart. I let the feelings overtake me.

  He kissed the side my cheek. Your protector.

  His hands caressed the side of my neck, slid down my body as if memorizing every curve. When he reached the hem of my shirt, he tugged it upward and I lifted my arms. The fabric glided over my head. Cool air whispered across my bare skin, but the heat of his touch warmed me.

  He grazed his lips down my face to the side of my neck.

  Your lover.

  He nibbled the sensitive spot. My knees weakened as he continued his onslaught.

  Yours. Always.

  His powerful kiss wiped all doubt from my mind. This man was mine. For tonight, tomorrow, and the days after that. I didn't want to deny my feelings any longer. The truth in his touch made me believe that I was his.

  When we came up for air, I gasped. “Connor?” I wasn't sure if it was a question or a plea, but he took charge and lifted me on top of the counter.

  Spreading my legs apart, he settled between them. “You sure?”

  “Yes.” I didn't hesitate. Connor's scent hypnotized me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. “This is what I want.”

  “Good.” He unfastened my bra and tossed it to the floor. “Because I think I would die if I had to stop.” The power of his words anchored me.

  Our imprints danced in the fading light. I was surrounded and enthralled with the man before me. “Need you. Now.”

  He suckled one of my nipples. I gasped. He moved to the other.

  Pulling me into his arms, he stumbled t
oward the living room where we fell onto the couch. His weight pushed me into the cushions. Together, we found each other and became one, joining in the most intimate dance. Sealing our soulbond.


  I drifted awake, content in Connor's arms. The night had been magical, but something was off. Not quite what I expected after spending hours in the arms of the man I loved. I glanced at Connor's sleeping form and prayed that he hadn't heard that part.

  I wasn't ready to disclose my love for him just yet.

  But I felt off.

  As though my power had weakened. That wasn't supposed to happen with the soulbond. I was supposed to become stronger.

  Bryn described the power as all-consuming to the point where she had to practice not being controlled by it. Right now, I envied her. I closed my eyes and tried to focus my mental abilities. I imagined speaking to Bryn, reading her thoughts. Nothing happened.

  Maybe after a couple more hours of sleep, my power will return to full force.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My eyes flew open, my body tensed. A tingling sensation spread through me like wildfire. Although our bond was cemented, Aylin's presence within me was weak. Her essence seemed hidden behind fog, which didn't calm my nerves one bit.

  “Aylin.” I shook her shoulder.

  “Hmm... just a few more minutes.” She sighed and cuddled deeper into the covers.

  I was being a fool. Maybe I couldn't sense her because she was asleep. I tugged her closer, enjoying the way she leaned against me. She was real, solid, safe. I could lie like this forever with her body next to mine, our hearts beating as one.

  Several knocks reverberated through the house, ending my moment of peace. It was time to face reality and whoever the hell was on the other side of the door.

  I carefully climbed out of the bed, tugged on my pants, and pulled the covers over Aylin. She moaned, then shifted into the warmth of the blankets. I couldn't help the grin that split my face. She looked so small and peaceful in sleep. Nothing compared to the spitfire woman who kept me on my toes every second she was awake.


  The knocking becomes more insistent.

  “I'm coming,” I half shouted once I shut the bedroom door and headed for the living room.

  I jerked open the door and stared into Drew's angry blue eyes. “What the fuck do you want?” I snarled.

  Drew eyed my half-dressed state. “Where is she?”

  “Seriously?” I glanced around my empty living room, noting the absence of my coffee table and a wobbly chair that I had pushed to the side intent on fixing it. After the last time he showed up at my house seeking his sister, I couldn't afford to replace furniture every time Drew got his panties in a twist.

  “We aren't going through this again, are we? You know she's here, and she's sleeping. I'd prefer to keep it that way.” I thought of how tired she seemed last night when she finally succumbed to sleep.

  “Not her.” Drew shoved forward and ran a hand through his shaggy red hair. “We'll discuss my sister later. I'm her to talk about Luna.”

  “Luna?” I asked, dumbfounded. “Why would she be here?”

  Drew paced around the living room before coming back to where I stood in the foyer. Cold air prickled my bare chest. I shut the door.

  “I've been doing security rounds every two hours, and she wasn't at Liam's during the last three check-ins. I thought maybe she came here to hang with Aylin.”

  “No, man. I haven't seen her since last night at Aylin's.”

  Drew's eyes narrowed and his brows pinched together. “I told you guys this was a bad idea. I told you not to trust her, and now, we have a loose...”

  I leaned against the wall with a raised eyebrow. Drew was beside himself, and I doubted it had to do with fear of what Luna was doing or could do. My gut told me she was savvier and more capable than she let on.

  “Cannon? Drew, seriously? She's a young woman.” I pushed a little harder, enjoying his discomfort. “Maybe she went to get a piece of ass before you went all macho on her.”

  He lurched forward and swung, connecting with my jaw. Here we go again. I let him strike twice before I swung back. He staggered, but didn't fall.

  “Stop!” I held up my hands. “We're not waking Aylin. She's tired and emotionally drained.”

  Drew must have heard the sincerity in my voice because he stopped cold and wiped his bloody lip. “Fine.”

  “C'mon.” I grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. “Let's go to Liam's and see if he knows anything about your Luna. Hell, she's probably there fast asleep.”

  “She's not mine.” He spat.

  I laughed. If only he saw his reaction at the thought of Luna dating another man. Pure rage.


  After I scribbled a note for Aylin and left it on the fridge, I followed Drew to Liam's. The farther the distance between me and Aylin, the more my body objected. It was as though a thousand little warning bells were going off. I ground my hand against the steering wheel and gritted my teeth. I would help Drew prove that Luna was safe, then return home to Aylin.

  But the damn hair on the back of my neck stood on end. My heart sank lower with each passing second, each mile that distanced her soul from mine.

  Something was wrong. My gut told me to turn around, but I had promised to help Drew. I'd have to hurry.

  Maybe Luna or Bryn held some insightful advice on Aylin's and my bond. I glanced at the light flickering of the pulsing half moon—not nearly as strong as it had been yesterday. Was it fading?

  Get back home, my mind chanted. Hurry!

  “I don't like this,” I said to Drew as we walked up the porch steps. “Something isn't right.”

  He opened the door. “That's what I've been saying, man.” He tapped his chest. “I feel it in here.”

  Normally, I would have made some smartass comment, but how could I when I felt the same thing? The quiet before the storm. As if I were trapped in the eye of a hurricane, watching the outer wall barreling toward us.

  “Liam!” Drew called.

  I followed close behind, yet was curious about Aylin's sluggish presence in our bond. Last night, that presence was hellfire; today, it barely existed. I ran a finger over the fading light. I missed its vibrant colors.

  “C'mon, gentlemen.” Liam led us to the library, and Bryn followed.

  “Welcome.” Bryn kissed each of our cheeks then asked, “Where's Aylin?”

  “She was so exhausted, I didn't want to wake her.” I sat in the large chair in front of Liam's desk.

  He bypassed the chair behind his desk and took a seat in the plush, black leather love seat, tugging Bryn to sit beside him. She eyed me carefully, but asked no more questions.

  Drew paced the floor. His red hair stood on end as he ran another hand through it. “Luna's missing. I told you not to trust her. Now, she's gone. Doing who knows what.”

  “Are you sure she's gone?” Bryn asked. “I don't believe she would have left the house. We had a nice chat last night, and she showed no indications of taking off. Actually, she's knowledgeable about potions. I think she will make a great healer for our pack.”

  “What?” Drew asked. “How do you know she isn't a seed planted by Gabriel? A thorn to take root and destroy us.”

  “Aylin read her. She's fine.” Liam spoke. “I trust Aylin's intuition with my life.”

  “But what if Aylin has been brainwashed or is off her game?” Drew asked.

  I listened with half an ear as I called out to Aylin. Aylin, hon, can you hear me?

  “Humph!” Bryn placed a hand on Liam's leg and wiggled deeper into the couch. “Aylin's never off her game. I'm still not convinced that she doesn't have a seat at the Table of Seven.”

  The Table of Seven? It made sense. Aylin was absent a lot growing up and she had special abilities and knew things that she shouldn't have.

  Connor. Aylin's voice was faint, but echoed through my mind. Instead of being comforted, my heart rate spiked. She
was too far away. The power too weak. I need to go see the elders. I'll... When...Can...

  Her voice faded.


  The others in the room eyed me.

  “Sorry, I have to go.” I started to leave and almost ran right into a filthy, distraught Luna. Her face and white gown were covered in soot. Twigs tangled her platinum hair as if she had battled a tornado and lost.

  “Oh, Luna, dear.” Bryn started to rise, but Drew was quicker and stomped toward her, his face heated to the same color as his hair.

  I stepped between them. “Drew, calm down and let her explain.” I pointed to her, hoping he saw the same distraught, shocked person before us.

  Luna placed a soft hand on my forearm and jerked backward, her eyes wide. “This can't be.”

  “Where have you been, Luna?” Liam’s voice carried the no-nonsense command of an alpha.

  “I don't know.” She flitted through the room and returned to me. Her eyes shone a silvery white as she eyed my imprint.

  “This can't be,” she said again, before walking to the desk and leaning against it. Her face whitened to the color of her gown.

  “How do you not know where you were?” Drew guided her to the chair, his fury fading into concern.

  “Wait, wait a minute!” My hand shook as I held it forward, revealing the fading glow of my bond. “You're referring to this, aren't you?”

  “It can't be.” Luna repeated as if dazed. “The last thing I remember was having tea with Bryn. I went to my room and”—her hands shook as she looked at me—“woke up at Aylin's. Right smack dab in the middle of the ashes of her home.”

  “Luna, what did you see when you grabbed my arm?” I knelt beside her. She knew something, and I would find out. The blackness of her pupils was dilated until her silver irises looked like eclipses. Luna, in this state, looked like a transfixed witch. I prayed she wasn't being controlled by her father.

  She tilted her head toward Bryn, who wobbled forward and took Luna's proffered hand.

  “With the power of three, let us see.” Luna circled her hand around my wrist. The half moon sizzled, charged with a new energy. “So mote it be. So may it be.”


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