Crisis Alert (Divine Justice, 3)

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Crisis Alert (Divine Justice, 3) Page 7

by Mary Abshire

  “Keep it with you. It’s been blessed. Go home and rest. We will meet again tonight,” she said.

  He sighed heavily and clasped the necklace in his hand. She suspected he wasn’t pleased with their situation. Still, he respected her wishes and stepped away from her.

  “Before you leave…” She passed him to grab the car keys on the table across from her. When she twisted to face him he had one hand in a pocket. “Here, the camera at the garage door will see you coming and will open.”

  Keeping his gaze lowered, he took the keys from her. He tossed them up and caught them before he walked away from her. Not once did he look back before he left the clinic.

  Anna shook her head as a sense of regret coursed through her. Of course she’d wanted to leave with him. She most certainly wanted to get closer to him and get to know him. Above all, she wanted to leap into his arms and make passionate love to him. But she couldn’t and it pained her to reject her desire and his.

  Bottom line, if they were going to keep working together, they would have to keep their longings at bay. She hoped the strong attraction between them wouldn’t create more problems than they already had.

  Chapter Ten

  Zale slammed his car door so hard the entire vehicle rocked. Frustration churned within him as he sat behind the steering wheel in the underground garage. Anna had rejected him. No woman had ever refused him before. And she’d even admitted to liking him. What was wrong with her?

  He shoved his key into the ignition and paused. The temptation to go back in there pressed upon him. Yes, he had a strong attraction to her, but he could control himself. Hadn’t he proved it to her when he’d left to clean up? She’d shown him she could too. Point made. So why couldn’t she stay at his place so they could discuss plans for the next night? They could relax and talk. Nothing more. What was so difficult about that?

  Laughter from men collected his attention. He turned his gaze as two male vampires strode down the ramp. Their lack of beating hearts gave their species away. The men glanced at Zale and silenced their voices. He watched as they continued toward the elevators.

  Zale recalled Anna had said he was like an Alpha. He loathed being compared to one. Did she really find him so domineering? Did she think he wanted to be in charge of their mission? Had she gotten the impression he was chastising her for running off at the crime scene?

  Although he’d been upset about her rushing after the man, he hadn’t meant to scold her or come off as some dominating superior figure. He’d wanted to protect her. Clearly, he’d screwed up and had painted himself as the one type of person he didn’t want to be seen as.

  Zale took a deep breath to calm himself. His first night with his new partner had not gone as he’d intended. He hadn’t thought he could find her so appealing so fast, but he had. At the crime scene, he hadn’t considered she’d put herself in danger. And he never would’ve thought he would feel possessive about her. They’d only met less than six hours ago. He needed to snap out of his fascination with her and get a grip. She was a vampire. She was his partner. His job was to help her find the masters and then he’d return to his normal duties. It was that simple. So why didn’t he act like it? Why was he complicating matters?

  He leaned back and dug inside his pocket. He removed his cell and the necklace she’d given him. After dropping the phone in the cup holder next to him, he held up the gift from her. She’d said it was blessed. After everything they’d been through on their first night together, she cared for him enough to give him something she held of value. The woman amazed him.

  He placed the chain around his neck and then hooked the clasp. She’d been smart to send him home. He shouldn’t be upset with her, especially since he’d walked away from her earlier. They needed to rest. They needed a break to clear their heads and focus on their jobs.

  Feeling calmer, he started the engine. Although a piece of him disliked leaving her, he knew she was safe at her headquarters. He drove up the ramp and headed for the exit.

  From the garage, he steered onto the city street. Stoplights flashed given the early morning hour. Roads were free from traffic, people and cars. The bus pick-up spots were even empty. He lowered his window and let the air drift inside.

  During the drive toward the interstate, he recalled how weak she’d looked from all the bullets. He’d removed nine in total. If he’d been shot as much as she had, he wouldn’t be alive. She’d fought bravely. Not once had she faltered. Even facing the guns, she hadn’t turned tail and run. But the hits had injured her. She wasn’t invincible. She needed rest and blood to heal. If she’d given him the chance, he might have been willing to offer her nourishment.

  He shook the thought from his mind. Now, he really was losing it. But he hated seeing her hurt. And he loathed anyone who dared to harm her. As strange as it seemed, he didn’t want anyone touching her, looking at her the wrong way, or threatening her. Anna was not like any woman he’d ever met and he longed to get closer to her.

  He’d attempted to show his compassion for her and prove he could care for her. She’d seemed reluctant to accept his help. She hadn’t even wanted to undress in front him. She was over two centuries old. Why would she be self-conscious? Why would she prefer nurses tend to her when he was capable? Did she have something against his species? She hadn’t indicated such.

  The more he pondered about her the more he wondered if she feared getting too close to a man. She’d admitted she’d had a horrific relationship once and didn’t take lovers as a result. Maybe she feared something would go wrong if she got know him on a more personal level.

  Inhaling a deep breath, he realized he’d made a few bad choices during their short time together. But he’d made some good ones too. And he knew he was working with the right person to prevent an outbreak. She had a genuine heart and had dedicated herself to saving lives. She exorcised demons. Who could top that? He wanted to help her and he knew he could if she’d give him a chance. She seemed more than fair. Hell, she’d gifted her necklace to him. If he’d given her any wrong impressions, he needed to fix them.

  He waited until he’d cleared the ramp to the interstate before he picked up his cell. He’d added her number from the file Gordon had given him a few days ago. Once he pressed the call button, the Bluetooth in the car came to life. He set the cell on the passenger seat while the phone rang.

  “Hello?” Anna asked.

  “Anna, it’s me, Zale.”

  “I recognize your voice and number, Zale.”

  “Right. Are you alone?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “How are your wounds healing?” He chastised himself saliently for asking since he’d left her maybe fifteen minutes ago.

  “They’re getting better. Why are you calling?”

  He filled his lungs as he prepared to clear the air between them. “Listen… I think we might have started off on the wrong foot, or at least I might have.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “I said some things that I should’ve kept to myself and I apologize for my comments about you.”


  “Hear me out. I acted impulsively too. I shouldn’t have and I’m sorry. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I’m not an Alpha and that type of person is not who I am. I’m dedicated to saving lives and I want to help you find the masters. From now on, I’m going to do a better job of focusing on that. If I say anything whatsoever that is offensive, I need you to tell me. And if I act like an asshole, tell me that too.”

  “Honestly Zale, you didn’t say anything to upset me. You don’t owe me any apology. I thought you were a gentleman and you handled yourself well.”

  “I feel like I gave you a bad impression of who I am and what I want.” He wouldn’t mind having her, but they had priorities.

  “You did no such thing. Stop worrying. Go home and rest.”

  “I want you to know I’m dedicated to working with you. I’ll do whateve
r it takes to locate the masters.”

  “I have no doubt about that. We’ll resume our search tomorrow night.”

  Zale leaned forward as he stared out the windshield. Ahead, red and blue lights flashed. “What the…” He took his foot off the accelerator. The car slowed as he shifted lanes.

  “Zale? Is something wrong?”

  “Well, maybe. I’m approaching a police car with its lights flashing and spotlight directed at the two cars stopped in front of it. I see two officers standing near the road. Shit.”

  He slowed his vehicle as he steered off to the side of the interstate.

  “What, Zale? What is it?”

  “The cops are aiming guns at two men standing by a sedan. Four more men are approaching behind the two and they’re heavily armed.”

  “Zale, don’t you dare stop. Call for back up now,” she said strongly.

  “I’m about half a mile before the 38th street exit off 465 West. Call it in for me.”

  “Zale, don’t go. It’s not your job. I need you. Please don’t get involved.”

  He stopped a full car length back from the cop car and then shifted the gear into park. “I’m not going to allow more bloodshed. I have to do something. Send for backup.”

  He cut the engine and then grabbed his cell. She continued to yell his name from the phone. Ignoring her, he ended the call. Even if she wasn’t with him, he hand an inherent desire to save lives and he would any chance he could.

  Chapter Eleven

  Keys in hand, Anna zipped up her leather jacket, which had holes in it from the bullets she’d taken earlier. Appearances didn’t matter to her anyway. Anger and concern fueled her quick movements. The werewolf had no idea if the cops were facing humans or non-humans. While he had a good heart and intentions, she feared it could lead to his demise. Fortunately, she’d been in her room when he’d called, so it hadn’t taken her long to toss on a pair of clean clothes and slip her feet into some boots.

  Pausing at the door, she dug her wallet from one of her pockets. Inside, she kept a cross necklace. She always kept extra with her. Without one around her neck, she felt as if a part of her was missing. The little piece of jewelry served as a reminder why she existed and what her purpose was. Taking the chain from the pouch, she pulled it around her neck. Once she hooked the chain, she headed to the door.

  “Anna!” Rachel gasped, her eyes wide as Anna stepped out of the room.

  “Zale is in danger. I’m not sure if he’s dealing with humans or other.” She passed Rachel and strode down the hall with her shoes clacking on the floor. “Send a team. He said there were two cops and six other men. He was about a half mile from the 38th street exit on 465 West.”

  “Are you going after him?” Rachel asked, walking with long strides next to her.

  “He’s my partner for the time being and I need him.”

  Anna planned to work with Rachel in the field one day since Glenn’s early demise had created a vacancy. She’d told Rachel such, but first Anna had to find the masters and Zale was the most qualified to help her.

  “I’ll alert a team,” Rachel said.

  “Thanks Rachel.”

  Anna headed toward the exit while Rachel continued on a path through the open office. With every minute passing, Anna feared she’d find Zale dead. Two cops with six other unknown men sounded troublesome, especially since he’d said four were carrying guns.

  The werewolf hadn’t been anything like she’d expected. Well, maybe a little with his commanding persona, but the trait could’ve come from his genetic makeup. Aside from that, he seemed compassionate, good spirited, and honorable. Maybe a bit protective too, but that attribute was innate, at least, for his species. Why he felt the need to shield her boggled her mind. Yet, he had. And he’d stunned her when he’d apologized for his complimentary words and feelings. He’d done nothing wrong, yet he felt as if he had. It was rare for a man to hold such distress. She could only guess he’d felt such a way because of their working relationship. Although they had an attraction to each other, she knew it would never be more than that.

  Anna left the office and then jogged up the stairs two at a time instead of taking the elevator. When she reached the garage, she ran toward her Yamaha motorcycle parked in the far corner. Several others were parked on each side. It wasn’t uncommon for vampires to ride bikes, but since agents couldn’t leave alone now, many motorcycles sat untouched.

  She reached her bike and grabbed the helmet strapped on the back. After unclipping it, she slid it over her head. Her ponytail briefly got in the way. Careful not to bump any other bikes, she walked her Yamaha out into a clear space. Straddling her bike, she turned the key in the ignition, grabbed the clutch, and then pressed a button. The engine came alive and vibrated underneath her. Not wasting another second, she took off for the exit.

  From the garage, Anna zipped down the city streets. She gripped her handles and rode low to her bike to avoid as much wind as possible. Within seconds, she was flying at eighty miles per hour. She slowed as she rounded corners. Once she cleared them, she accelerated toward the interstate.

  Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she increased the speed over a hundred miles per hour on the empty highway, keeping her body close to her motorcycle. The engine hummed as if it were excited too. She loved the thrill of riding at such a fast speed. She almost wished a few cars were on the road so she could whizz by them.

  Ahead, she spotted flashing lights. She waited until she was within a half mile before she started slowing her bike. Zale’s SUV sat behind the police cruiser. In front of it, two other cars were parked further up. The cops stood in front of their car, pointing their guns at Zale and two men kneeling on the ground. Zale held his arms up. She recognized him from his large size. Another two bodies were face down on the ground. She smelled the scent of blood in the air as she approached Zale’s vehicle.

  A trace of relief flowed through her. The werewolf hadn’t been shot. To ensure his safety, she’d have to act fast.

  She halted her bike near Zale’s SUV. With one press of a button, she silenced her motorcycle. After she swung her leg around, she headed for the cops while she unfastened her helmet. Once she removed it she held it at her side.

  “What the fuck?” one of the cops said.

  The officers continued to point their weapons at Zale and the two on their knees. The cop nearest the road kept glancing at her.

  “Ma’am you need to stay back,” the cop yelled.

  She walked slowly toward them. “You’re pointing a gun at my partner. We’re undercover agents for the local government. I demand you release him.”

  When his partner turned his gun on her, she stopped. “Hold it right where you are.”

  “Anna, don’t!” Zale yelled.

  The two men kneeling turned their gazes at her. Their skin tone and lack of beating hearts indicated they were vampires. They looked weak and reeked of blood. Besides the cops and Zale’s heartbeats there were two others nearby, but she couldn’t see anyone else. The other two bodies on the ground were dead. The scene didn’t look right.

  She met the cop’s gaze. “Lower your weapon.”

  She disliked tinkering with the minds of humans, but the situation called for it. Other law enforcement would soon arrive. She needed to set the vamps free and she had to make sure the humans didn’t suspect their presence. The clock was ticking.

  “What?” he said.

  She slipped into his mind. “Lower your weapon. Return to your car. The two dead were the only ones you saw tonight. They shot at you first. You defended yourself. Nobody else besides your partner was here.”

  She removed the memories of the vampires and Zale from his mind. Slowly he lowered his gun. He had a blank expression on his face.

  “Michael,” his partner said.

  Anna approached Michael. “Sit in your car and wait. Once I leave, you will not remember me either.”

  Michael began walking
around the front of the cruiser.

  “Michael! Michael!” the other officer yelled.

  Anna met the cop’s gaze.

  He directed his gun at her. “What the fuck did you do to him?”

  “Lower your weapon. Return to your car. You didn’t see anyone here except the two men you shot. Nobody else was here, including me. Now, wait in your car.” She drifted into his brain and plucked the memories.

  The cop put his gun back in its holster. As he headed for his cruiser, the two men with heartbeats emerged from behind the other parked cars. They lifted their weapons while Zale dashed toward her. He grabbed her and shoved her down to the ground. At the same time the vampires kneeling shot around the car. She dropped her helmet and smacked the pavement while shots fired from the guns. The bullets pinged on the cop car and shattered one of the headlights. Zale used his body as a shield over her until the loud pops stopped.

  “Shit!” he said after a few seconds of silence.

  He rose fast and took off. Gravel crunched under his shoes.

  “Zale, wait,” she said as she hurried after him.

  One of the vampires held a man by his throat, pinned to the hood of a car. The taller vamp held a man from behind. Gripping his hair, the vamp kept the man’s head back and neck fully exposed. The vampire looked ready to sink his canines into the man’s throat.

  “Don’t kill them,” Zale said. “Trust me, you don’t want to do that.”

  Anna came to his side. “If you kill them, you will be considered a murderer.”

  “They shot at us first,” said the tall vampire ready to bite.

  “This one is a demon. He should die,” said the other vamp.

  “No,” Anna and Zale said.

  “They need to come with me. I’m with the Divine Syndicate. I can exorcise the demon and then interrogate the two. They may have information to help me find the masters,” she said.

  “If you kill them, I will have to take you to the Union of Justice for punishment,” Zale said. “I don’t want to do that. So please, let us take them to the DS headquarters.”


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