Hidden Desire

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Hidden Desire Page 15

by Amy Patrick

  “Stuck with you? You’re perfect for me. I think you’re the one, Culley.”

  “No,” I blurt. “I’m not.”

  Can I tell her? It may be the only way I can get her to see the impossibility of this. “I’m not what I seem to be, Laney. We’re... not even the same race.”

  She laughs out loud. “Is that what this is about? Do you really think I’d care about that? It doesn’t matter.”

  “I’m not referring to skin color or country of origin. This goes beyond that—”

  “Culley,” she interrupts. “I love you.”


  “I love you. No matter what your race or what you’ve done, no matter what other ‘terrible secrets’ you have up your sleeve. In spite of what you believe, I do know you.” She places a tiny palm on my pounding chest. “I know your heart—and I love you. I won’t leave you.”

  I am immobilized, stricken by her words and the stark honesty behind them. For the first time in my life, someone cares about me—me—not my looks or what I can do for them.

  But it isn’t real. It can’t possibly last.

  I choke out a response, stamping out a ridiculous surge of joy. “You don’t love me. You can’t. You don’t know the whole truth. If you did, you’d never say that.”

  “Well then let me know you, Culley. Let me in. Just tell me... what is this truth you’re so terrified to admit?”

  “You...” I falter, then try again. “You are so convinced I’m a good person. Well, the kicker is this—I’m not even a person at all.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Generous Benefactor

  Laney’s eyebrows knit in confusion. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’m not human, Laney. I’m something else—something else entirely. I’m Elven. You know, Elves? Like Lord of the Rings and silly Christmas movies—only real.”

  For a moment there is total silence. And then she moves into my arms, laying her cheek against my rapidly beating, rotten, inhuman heart.

  “Thank you,” she whispers. “Thank you for your honesty. I’ve always known you were different. I knew there was something special about you. But your heart—it may beat faster, but it’s the same—it’s like mine.”

  My heart clenches with a sweet pain at her words. How I wish they were true. “No.” I tighten my hold on her and whisper into her hair, “Your heart is pure and good. No one is like you.”

  “You could be, Culley. You could be good. But even if you never change one single bit... I love you the way you are. Nothing will change that.”

  My heart thunders, clinging to her extraordinary words, wanting desperately to believe them. “Laney.” I breathe raggedly. “I’ve been alone for so long.”

  “Not anymore. I want to be with you—always.”

  No one has ever said anything like that to me. I can hardly think over the whirring of my own pulse in my ears. Shaking, starving, I lower my head and bring my lips to hers, unable to resist their sweetness any longer.

  Laney rises on her toes, meeting me all the way. We wind together, my legs bracketing hers, trying to contain the surfeit of emotion and energy between us. Her hands go to my chest, my shoulders, sink into my hair, stroking and soothing, and yet with each touch I grow more impatient to touch and kiss and possess every part of her. Now. Tonight. Just one night with her would be worth having the mark for eternity—Hell, my hair’s so blond it’s practically white already.

  As we pull out of the kiss, we’re both trembling.

  Shit. What have I done?

  And how soon can I do it again? Now that I’ve opened up to her, now that I’ve admitted my unholy attraction to her, I don’t want to shut that door again. I don’t even think I can. How could I lie to her and myself and pretend not to care, pretend to be unaffected by her sweetness, and her beauty, and her inexplicable belief in me?

  “Let me take you home,” I urgently whisper against her lips. “I want to be alone with you.”

  “Yes,” she answers. “Yes. That’s what I want, too.”

  We practically run to the elevator and kiss all the way to the first floor until we hear the ding indicating the doors are about to open.

  “I need to get the car,” I say. “Do you want to come with me? Or wait inside?”

  “I’ll go to the ladies’ room and meet you in the lobby in a few minutes, okay?”

  “Yes.” I kiss her thoroughly. “See you in a few. God you’re beautiful.”

  She giggles and pushes at me. Grinning like a dolt, I head for the front of the club, having to restrain myself from whistling aloud. A happy tune floats through my brain, though, as I pass my claim slip to the valet and stand in the cool night air.

  Oh, my jacket. I left it in the ballroom.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say to the guy manning the valet stand. Re-entering the club and ducking back into the ballroom, I spot my jacket hanging on the back of the chair at Nicole’s table on the other side of the room. I’ll have to time my retrieval mission in between live auction items. Right now, a trip for two to Napa Valley and San Francisco is up on the block. The emcee does a fine job of hyping the romance and sophistication of the getaway, and I find myself wondering if Laney would enjoy a trip to Northern California.

  As soon as the wine lovers’ getaway is going, going, gone, I slide across the room, intending to snag the jacket and say some hasty good-byes to my table mates. Most of them are so far into their respective wine glasses they won’t remember my leaving early.

  “And now, ladies and gentlemen, the premier offering of the night... a romantic two-week getaway to beautiful Rome, Italy. Perfect for an anniversary celebration, marriage proposal, or a honeymoon. We’ll start the bidding at ten thousand dollars. Do I hear ten? Ten thousand?”

  “Ten thousand!” Nicole’s father stands and puffs his chest out as he announces his entry in the auction. People around the room clap in approval.

  Another gala guest stands—a tall, angular woman—the CEO of something by the looks of her. She directs a challenging smile at the movie producer, indicating the game is on. “Eleven thousand.”

  “Twelve thousand,” he counters.

  There is more applause, more laughter as the rival philanthropists are jeered and cajoled by their respective tables to keep going.

  “Fifty thousand dollars.”

  An audible gasp ripples across the ballroom, and heads turn to locate the source of the outrageous bid.

  I don’t have to look. I already know who the “generous benefactor” is. Chills streaked down my spine as soon as I heard his voice. My father—Audun Rune.

  The emcee seems at a loss for words. Maybe he’s trying to decide if this newcomer to the gala is for real. The sight of the other patrons rising from their seats and giving Father an ovation must convince him because he finally fumbles the microphone up to his mouth.

  “I believe we have a winner here. Fifty thousand going once... going twice... sold for fifty thousand dollars to the big-hearted man in the Gucci suit there. Sir, S victims in this community owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Thank you for your amazing contribution to the Stop the Scourge cause.” He claps his hands and nods toward one of the volunteers who move through the room collecting information from the bidders. “Could you... get his...yeah, thanks.”

  The woman rushes for Father, eager to write down his name and payment information. I want to run for the door, grab Laney, and sweep her away from this place. But I know that’s out of the question. Father is here for a reason—other than being seen publicly supporting this worthwhile cause. He’ll want to speak to me.

  After he’s finished shaking hands with the other bidders and accepting kudos from party guests, I stroll over to him.

  “Father. I see your altruistic spirit is alive and well.”

  He gives me a shark-like grin. “Oh yes. Never let it be said that Audun Rune doesn’t care about his fellow man. This isn’t your usual sort of venue, though. I trust you’ve enjoyed the party?”<
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  “Yes, I thought it would be worthwhile to... connect with some big influencers.” I toss my head to the side toward the table where Nicole and the people from her father’s movie studio are beginning to stand and gather their belongings.

  “I see,” he says. “Someone told me you were here with the loveliest girl. I believe she was one of the speakers?”

  Tilting my head, I squint upward, pretending to think. “I did dance with a girl, but she’s here as her boss’s date. I’m alone tonight—but I don’t intend to be for long.”

  For father’s sake, I shoot a direct and very lewd glance at Nicole. She does a surprised double-blink, but then responds in the expected way. Smiling, she begins to move toward me.

  “Well. I must have heard wrong then. I must be off—busy night. Enjoy your evening and your amusements while you can. I bought that Roman vacation package for you and your new bride.”

  My gaze whips from Nicole back to him. “What?”

  His satisfied grin stretches wide. “Yes, it’s all worked out. You’re to be a groom. Alessia’s father is the Dark leader in Italy. Are you pleased?”

  “Of course. Come, I’ll walk you out, and you can tell me about the plans.” I want to get him out of here before Laney tires of waiting and comes looking for me.

  “What about your lady friend?” he asks, eying Nicole.

  “Yes, right.” I stop in place, waiting for her to reach us.

  “Hi Culley,” she says, almost shyly. “Who’s this?”

  “Nicole, this is my father, Audun Rune. He’s an excellent entertainment attorney, in case you’re ever in the market.”

  “Charmed to make your acquaintance,” he says, taking Nicole’s hand and bringing it to his mouth, pressing his lips to her knuckles and keeping them there for an inappropriately long time as she giggles and blushes.

  If I actually cared anything about the girl, I’m sure I’d be annoyed. As it is, I’m only aware of the valuable seconds ticking by. We need to get out of here.

  “So, would you like to come back to my place for a drink or something?” I ask Nicole. “We didn’t get much of a chance to catch up tonight.”

  Her eyes pop wide with surprise and excitement. “Oh. Yes, that would be great. Let me tell my father goodnight, and I’ll be right back.”

  She steps away just as Shane walks by. He’s turning side to side, craning his neck, obviously searching for Laney.

  Reaching out, I catch the sleeve of his tux. “If you’re looking for your date, I believe I saw her in the main hallway.” Imparting a dose of Sway with my words, I add, “She’s probably waiting for you to take her home.”

  He stands and blinks at me for a second before responding. “Oh. Thanks. Hey, good to see you tonight. Thanks for supporting the cause.”

  “You too, mate. You all right to drive?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Only had a couple of drinks.”

  Shane heads for the hallway where I presume Laney is waiting for me. He’s going to have a hell of a time convincing her to leave with him after what just transpired between us. And he’d better be sober.

  I’m trying to figure out how to call a cab for the two of them when Father asks, “Since when are you interested in the blood alcohol levels of humans?”

  Meeting my father’s curious gaze, I shrug. “The guy seemed a bit bombed out.”

  “Aren’t you the concerned citizen?” Father says, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny.

  “Well, we have to get on the road with the mug. You recall what happened to Ava’s father, I’m sure.”

  Nicole returns, saving me from further interrogation. “Here she is,” I say grandly. “The belle of the ball. Ready to go, love?”

  She nods eagerly, and the three of us head for the door. I’m glad I’ve already given the valet my ticket. The car will be ready and waiting for my escape.

  Unfortunately, when we reach the club entrance, Laney is standing there just inside the doors, arguing with Shane. Can I slip past her without being detected and without Father overhearing any damning conversation? The last Laney knew, she was meeting me at the front doors and we were going home to make love. Now Shane is absolutely convinced she’s his date and going home with him.

  “I can’t,” she says, turning her head side to side, wearing a desperate expression.

  “But the party’s over, sweetheart. Everyone is leaving.”

  “I’m not your ‘sweetheart,’” she argues.

  Good girl. Oh, but it’s not good. I tamp down the satisfaction that arose when she denied him. I need her to leave with him. Her life could depend on it.

  “Ah, trouble in paradise,” Father quips. “Perhaps she’d like a different companion for the evening.” He eyes Laney’s figure in the tight silver dress with far too much interest for my comfort.

  I turn to him abruptly. “Would you mind escorting Nicole to my car for me? I need to visit the bathroom before we leave.” I’m hopeful the distraction will work—only a few minutes ago, he gave Nicole a similar once-over. I have to get him outside and far away from Laney before disaster strikes.

  His eyes go back to the blonde bombshell standing between us, and a lecherous grin sneaks across his face. “Not at all. Come along my dear. Now tell me about yourself. A girl as beautiful as you must be an actress.”

  He pulls her along, out through the doors, leaving me in relative privacy with Laney and Shane. I know what I have to do, though it might kill me. As soon as Father saw her tonight, I knew. I can’t be with her. My intention to take her home and bond with her was a foolish fantasy. It would have ended in calamity for both of us. But she’s so determined for us to be together. She thinks I’m the one.

  I have to do something to change her mind.

  “Culley.” Baffled hurt is evident in Laney’s voice. “What is going on?”

  “Going on?” I repeat blithely. “Nothing. I ran into an old friend of mine—she’s an up and coming actress—stunning girl. We’re going to go back to my place to ‘catch up.’”

  I elbow Shane and give him a you-know-what-I-mean look. He laughs as I knew he would.

  “You’re taking her home? To your place? Right now?”

  “I know, right? Lucky me. With this ugly mug, I’ve got to count my lucky stars for scoring such a babe.”

  Shane laughs even louder.

  “Oh,” I add as if it’s a secondary thought. “You might want to stay with Brenna tonight. Or old Shane here. Unless you’d like to listen in... or join.” I deliver the disgusting words in an offhand tone. Inside, I’m dying.

  “Hey,” Shane says in offended protest, clearly coming out from under the Sway spell I laid on him.

  Laney lifts a hand. Though she can’t see my face, she makes direct contact with a loud, stinging slap.

  I force out a laugh, rubbing my smarting jaw. “I guess that’s a no then. Well, I’ll be off. You two kids have fun tonight. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Like sleep with Shane because you’re so angry with me. Or show up at my door later to verify I’m actually with Nicole.

  I have no intention of taking the actress back to my condo. I may have to glamour her brains out to forget I suggested it, but I don’t care. I don’t want anyone around tonight.

  By the time I make it out to the curb, I see my problem has been solved for me. Father has his arm around Nicole’s waist, whispering in her ear as the two of them lean against my car.

  “Ah Culley. Listen, you don’t mind if Nicole and I take a drive do you? We’ve just started getting to know each other and have found we’ve quite a lot in common. We could use a little more time to chat.” I’ll be happy to drop her off at your place afterward, he adds silently.

  Don’t bother. I’m tired anyway, I respond. Out loud I say, “Of course. And considering I’m engaged to be married, it’s probably for the best.”

  Nicole’s eyes widen in horror. “You’re engaged?”

  I smile bitterly. “A recent development. It was good to see you again. Take car
e... and good luck.”

  With that, I slide behind the wheel of my car and slam the door, speeding away into the night. No doubt I shouldn’t have abandoned her to my father like that. She’ll wake up tomorrow morning wondering how she spent her evening and assuming she had way more to drink than she realized at the gala. She might even end up in a European fan pod somewhere.

  I force the distasteful thought from my mind. I can’t save all of them. I can save Laney—and I will. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll protect her from Father... and myself.

  I can’t believe how close I came tonight to throwing all caution to the wind and bonding with her. If he hadn’t shown up when he did, that’s exactly what would have happened.

  My body warms at the thought of it, tightening into a frustrated knot. Images of Laney in that dress—out of that dress—moving wantonly underneath me, smiling seductively, making noises of pleasure—torture me all the way home. I pull into the garage, slam the car door so hard the windows rattle, and charge into the house and down the hall to the shower.

  Standing under the scalding spray, I try desperately not to imagine those same salacious scenes starring Laney and Shane. My belly turns with furious revulsion. How could I have sent her off with him?

  How could I not have? It was the only way I could come up with on the fly to protect her from my father. All I can do is hope the fact she was not swayed will keep her from giving in to whatever advances Shane might make toward her.

  “You selfish bastard,” I mutter, pressing my forehead to the wet tile and letting the water attempt the impossible—nothing will take away this excruciating tension.

  I’m not going to be with her. The certainty sits in my gut like a stone with sharp edges. But I still don’t want Laney to give herself to Shane. I am selfish. I cannot have her, but I don’t want anyone else to. She’s mine. It doesn’t make any sense, but everything in me screams it—she’s mine, mine, mine.

  I don’t know how I’m going to live with this, how I’ll continue going through each day.


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