Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1

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Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1 Page 23

by Trent Evans

  Her jeans and peach-colored panties lay bunched at her knees. Her fingers fluttered at her sides, and his cock swelled still more knowing how much of a struggle it was for her to not cover her bottom with her hands.

  “Over the table.”

  “Sure you don’t want the bench?” Von tipped his head toward the waiting apparatus in the corner. “Easier to secure her there.”

  “I’m not tying her down for this.” Troy caressed her back, pushing gently. “She knows if I have to bind her, it’ll be worse for her.”

  She bent over slowly, splaying her hands on the green felt.

  Keenan chuckled. “Von, you didn’t say anything about this. I’m rather impressed.”

  “Told you he had her trained well.”

  Lacey hung her head.

  “All the way over, dear.” Troy patted her naked hip. “Tits on the table.”

  Laying her cheek upon the surface, she closed her eyes tight. A lock of dark hair had fallen over her temple, and he whisked it away with his fingers. He bent over her, whispering. “Never more than you can bear.”

  She nodded against the felt, giving him a quirk of her lips he hoped was a smile.

  “Nice round bottom on her, Troy. Good width to those hips,” Keenan said. “Von says she just had a little one?”

  Troy spread his palm across her back, a silent warning to be still. “Not even a year. I think she might have been even more gorgeous when she was carrying him.”

  “I’d have liked to see that,” Von murmured. Celina touched his shoulder, and he covered her hand with his.

  “No marks on her though?” Keenan glanced at his friend seated next to him. “That won’t do around here.”

  “She’s been down to once a week, mostly.” Troy stroked her buttock. “She’s really a good girl, all things considered.”

  “So, what’s she done to deserve today’s little correction?” Keenan’s eyes flashed. “Not that a particular reason is required, of course.”

  “Strictly maintenance today.” Troy gave her ass a playful slap.

  Lacey yelped, but stayed in place.

  “And perhaps a little test, of sorts.”

  He knew even this was a trial for her, but he wasn’t about to go easy on her. She needed to know how things would be expected to go — and he needed to know if he could stand even this much.

  Keenan held out a hand. “Don’t let us stop you…”

  Troy moved around to the side of the table, sitting on the edge and looking down at her. Her eyes were wide open and she followed his every step. Still, she kept her cheek pressed to the surface.

  Good girl.

  “I want you to recite for us why you’re here, Lacey.”

  “I… maintenance.” She cleared her throat. “Sir.”

  “When she was pregnant, I went easy on her. It was way too many weeks after she delivered that I decided she needed a reminder that things would be returning to normal. I knew it was weighing on her.”

  Von’s brow arched. “And what was normal?”

  Troy shrugged. “A well-loved, well-disciplined wife. And one who’s no stranger to a sore, red, very well-used ass.”

  Lacey bit off a panicked sound, and Troy smiled down at her. “Tell them how we decided to get you back up to speed.”

  She swallowed hard, and for a moment, he thought she might balk. “Maintenance night.”

  “No. It’s more than that.” He caressed her cheek, then gave it a gentle pat. “Tell them all of it.”

  “I… I’m to have a maintenance… week.”

  “A little extreme, don’t you think?” Keenan tilted his head toward Von. “I can see why you like this guy.”

  The men chuckled, and Lacey shivered, her bottom cheeks breaking out in gooseflesh. Celina stood very still in the lee of her husband’s chair, staring at the floor once again.

  “Go on, Lacey girl.”

  “I’m to have s-seven special maintenance nights. Special…”

  “Punishments?” Keenan grinned wickedly as he said it.


  Troy gripped a handful of her hair. “You forgot something.”

  “Yes, sir,” she squeaked.

  “Quite all right, Lacey.” Keenan gave Troy a sly wink.

  “When being punished here, you’ll address any man as Sir, unless told otherwise.” Troy stroked his fingers through her thick tresses. “Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Remarkable,” Keenan murmured. “Just… remarkable. Forgive me, sweet girl. Go on.”

  “I… I get one maintenance p-punishment per week.”

  Troy looked over at the watching men. “We started a few weeks before today’s little appointment.”

  “So, which one is today’s then?” Von shifted in his seat, the bulge at the crotch of his jeans swelling visibly.

  “Week six… sir.”

  Von let out a low whistle.

  “You’ll have to tell us later what happened in the first five weeks of your little Maintenance Week.” Keenan nodded at Troy. “But I suspect your loving husband is eager to begin.”

  Moving back behind her, Troy took a moment to savor the sight of her broad, soft bottom, laid bare, so vulnerable, awaiting his discipline. His penis was a hard, angry ache between his thighs, but he knew there was no relief for it any time soon.

  He stepped close, spreading a hand over her lower back, his thumb just tickling the very top of the cleft of her bottom.

  “How many are you giving her?” Von asked.

  “That’s a good question.” Troy took hold of one of her buttocks, Lacey’s breath catching as he squeezed it mercilessly. “Why don’t you answer that for us, girl?”

  “As many as you think I deserve… sir.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Keenan murmured. “She’s priceless.”

  “I usually go until I think she’s a good color. I don’t pay any attention to pleas or crying. Can’t trust that — they’ll say anything. It’s the perfect shade I’m looking for.” He placed his open palm across the widest part of her left bottom cheek. “A deep crimson usually does it.”

  The whole room seemed to tense as he brought his hand back. Then he snapped his palm down, her bottom quivering pleasingly with the heavy impact, the loud pop echoing across the room.

  “A good start,” Keenan drawled.

  Lacey whimpered her embarrassment against the felt.

  He laid down more strokes, smacking each cheek, slowly at first, drawing out the pain, letting her flesh wobble and shake for a heartbeat before tattooing another pink handprint across her soft flesh. Up and down each buttock he continued, until the skin was a deep pink, blotchy red marks scattered here and there, especially across the lower curves.

  “They move well. She keeps them nice and loose for you.” There was subtle admiration in the tone of Keenan’s words.

  “She knows it’s expected of her.” Troy smacked her even harder, driving her up onto the balls of her feet, a harsh grunt drawn from his wife. “The pain is as much a part of this as the exposure, the humiliation. She knows this — and needs it.”

  “Needs it?” Von lowered his chin. “You mean…?”

  Troy smiled, plunging a hand between her thighs, Lacey gasping. He splayed her labia wider than he needed to. The thought of exposing her this way spoke to something dark within him, and he decided to indulge it. Slipping two fingers inside her heat, he held them up, glistening with her thick essence.

  “You said she’s never been watched before?” Keenan’s long-fingers tapped upon his knee.

  “I’d have thought she’d be dry as the Sahara — scared, even.” Troy wiped the damning evidence upon her inner thigh, Lacey whimpering, hiding her head under her arms. “But you can see the truth for yourselves.”

  “Christ, she’s made for this place,” Keenan said.

  “She’s made for me.” The vehemence of his own words surprised him. He knew inside that such a sentiment wasn’t going to be compatible with a place like W
hite Valley, but it was instinct. Lacey was his — in every way imaginable.

  In this town, though?

  Other demands would be made upon him — and his wife. The idea was both a huge turn-on to him and a daunting challenge. Could he allow it? What was more, was she even cut out for what would be expected of her? To be a submissive wife in this community was not an easy task. He already knew many women, no matter how adventurous — or submissive — simply wouldn’t be the right fit for it.

  Seeing the gleaming evidence of her lust upon his fingertips told him though, in a way perhaps more convincing than any words, that she might indeed be — as Keenan said — perfect for this life.

  Getting her to see that might prove to be the easiest part. It was allowing his heart to be open to it that was something else entirely.

  He continued to spank her, the men watching in silence, Celina seeming not to dare to let her gaze lift from the floor. The back of her fleece worked down until it covered the upper third of her bottom. With a sound of irritation, Troy took hold of a fistful of her hair, arching her back, until she panted with the harsh grip. He rucked her fleece all the way up her back, then reached under, pulling her breasts from the clutch of her brassiere, bunching it under her chin along with the navy top.

  “Get those big tits back down, slut,” he growled, his lust growing. “Right on the table now.”

  His cock throbbed as he watched the pale globes flatten against the green felt, the pale curves ballooning pleasingly to the sides as he pressed her down hard.

  “Bravo!” Keenan called out.

  “Man, knows how to handle a woman,” Von replied.

  Taking up a faster cadence of spanks, the idea came to Troy as he watched her deep red buttocks clench and shiver, the marks darkening still more upon her punished flesh as she groaned louder with each harsh meeting of palm with martyred bottom.

  What if there was a… trial run? He already knew exactly what her seventh and final maintenance was to be — but he was just as sure that he wasn’t ready for it. Even if she was.

  He set it aside though as he clasped her hip, letting her feel the hardness of his erection, smacking her ass even harder, until she was crying out almost continuously. Her bottom was a healthy crimson, the cheeks swollen, and very hot to the touch, the darker marks of his fingers now welted in places, threatening to turn purplish. He lifted each buttock in turn, smacking her quite hard where buttock met thigh, a tight shriek wrung from her lips at each blow.

  Then he did it again.

  While she babbled wordless pleas and supplications, as he laid heavy, loud slaps down the lush, vulnerable backs of her thighs, her feet kicking up in her anguish. His barked command had her laying them upon the floor once more, the sounds of her sniffling drifting up to him.

  He finished her off with two tremendous swats right to the heaviest, softest part of each buttock, letting the men get their fill of Lacey’s waving hips, and trembling, wobbling bottom cheeks as she dealt with the worst pain yet.

  “All done now.” Troy leaned over her, pressing his lips to her temple as he whispered. “No more spanks, Lacey girl. Breathe for me.”

  The sight of her back rising and falling made him smile. She was the loveliest thing that he could ever conceive of, his Lacey.

  He eased her back up to her feet, silently loving the wetness gleaming upon her flushed face. “You can rub, sweetie.”

  She hissed and moaned as she reached back, holding and gently squeezing her well-punished nates. Her buttocks were a congested, welted crimson now. The tangled mess of her jeans and panties slid down to mid-calf as she wriggled and swayed, gasping as her fingertips traced the livid welts. It was easily one of hardest hand spankings he’d ever given her… and it hadn’t been something he’d intended for her first time before witnesses.

  He suspected her ordeal wasn’t quite done either, as both men sprang from their chairs, a clearly reluctant Celina trailing two steps behind them.

  “Excellent marks,” Keenan said, clapping Troy’s shoulder. “Very well done.”

  “You can really see in this position, she’s got a nice, juicy ass,” Von said, clear appreciation in his gaze as he stared down at Lacey’s naked — and very red — bottom. “Girl’s body was made for spanking.”

  “Female buttocks generally are,” Keenan observed, wryly.

  “I really prefer an ass like this”—Von elbowed Keenan playfully—“and Amy’s too for that matter. Big, round bottoms are so much more fun to discipline.”

  Von glanced back at his wife. “Come up here, woman.”

  The blood drained from Celina’s face but she obeyed the order, stopping at her towering husband’s side.

  Troy tried to swallow down the lump in his throat, his erection pure agony now as he watched the little tableau unfold. Lacey had gone very still, even though she couldn’t see what was happening behind her.

  “Drop your drawers, and bend your sweet ass over that table.” He said it in such an offhand, almost casual way, Celina seemed confused for a moment.

  Then he fixed her with a baleful glare, and a furious blush suffused her pretty face.

  “You going to make us wait?”

  Celina stripped her slacks down her shapely legs in a heartbeat, her naked thighs slapping against the side of the table as she bent herself over it next to Lacey. Celina hid her fierce blush under the fold of her arms.

  “Let’s have you join her,” Troy murmured to Lacey, going on instinct. “Down again.”

  Quietly, she obeyed, resting her head on her arms, sniffling quietly, her face a burning beet red.

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about,” Von said, stepping back to admire the two female bottoms posed so fetchingly for them. “Two finer asses for punishment — or other sport — you’re never gonna find.”

  Lacey whimpered against her arm.

  Celina’s bottom was broad, and heavy, a perfect, smooth target for the sadistic urges of men like Von and Keenan — and himself. Her hips were a trifle wider even than Lacey’s, the thighs the tiniest bit more lush, though still quite firm. The woman obviously took care of herself — and it was evident her husband savored it.

  Faint marks could just be made out on Celina’s right hip.

  “She have the cane recently?” Keenan whispered fingers along the most obvious line.

  The woman’s buttocks twitched at the touch.

  “Last week,” Von said, pride clear in his voice. “Twenty, actually. Tight too.”

  Celina’s coloring was a shade or two darker than Lacey’s, the woman’s skin tone a pleasing pale olive. A well-furred dark slit was posed between the smooth, but generous thighs, the inner lips a dark pink, and quite prominent. It was a very pleasing contrast to the closer seamed, and plumper, labia of his wife’s sex. The dusky whorl of each woman’s anus was just hinted at between quivering cheeks.

  Troy’s cock was so hard now it seemed determined to batter its way from behind his zipper.


  “Turn around, Celina,” Von said, patting her bottom. “I’m sure these fellas would like a good look at the rest of you while we’re at it.”

  Reluctantly, she obeyed her husband’s command, rising and facing them. Celina dropped her gaze, her cheeks blazing red as her husband stepped in front of her. “Hands on your head.”

  She complied as he brusquely unbuttoned her tasteful cream blouse and unsnapped her bra, leaving both to hang from her shoulders. He stepped back, but didn’t say anything, both Von and Keenan glancing at Troy.

  He gave them a slow nod, grinning, almost giddy. He pulled Lacey up by the hair, a surprised cry bitten off as he whipped her around, and glared at her. “Hands behind your head. Keep hold of that top, or you’ll be going back over for another layer of handprints across that ass of yours.”

  “Yes… sir.” Her voice broke a little on the words, and he barely suppressed the urge to throw her across the table and take her right there. Then it was his turn to step back, both w
omen’s nudity on full display now.

  Both Celina and Lacey were well-endowed, their heavy breasts ripe and jutting, nipples hard and prominent.

  “Jesus, they could be sisters,” Keenan intoned, crossing his arms over his chest, his gaze lowering pointedly.

  The women were blessed with the same generous hourglass figures, the dramatic swells of their hips made even more so by their narrow waists. Celina’s belly was quite flat, where Lacey’s still had that fetching gentle curve that Troy so loved. Strikingly, both women had pubic hair covering their mounds, Lacey’s a sable color, cropped close, but quite pleasing nonetheless. Celina’s was thicker, and a shade darker, the same midnight black as the tresses piled atop her head.

  “Absolutely fucking gorgeous,” Von muttered, pacing before them, both women seemingly staring at the floor rather than turn their blushing faces toward the men drinking in their debasement.

  Troy wasn’t sure how to feel about how strong his urge was to touch on of Celina’s buoyant breasts, but he stowed it away for the moment. He was so horny he was fairly certain almost anything having to do with naked females was going to do it for him.

  He could stand it no more though, sweeping Lacey off her feet and holding her close, her legs draped over his arm. Her face pressed under his jaw, her arms wrapped around him tightly. “I’m afraid it’s time to take my Lacey-girl up to her room.”

  Keenan and Von chuckled, the former clapping Troy on the shoulder as he brushed by.

  “Thanks for the show. Mr. Warren.”

  Troy looked back at the trio as he opened the door, toeing it wide. Keenan was standing close at Celina’s side, his hand at her shoulder already pushing the woman to her knees, the huge figure of Von standing over her, his hands working at his fly. He had eyes only for his wife at that moment

  “I’m taking Lacey back this afternoon. I’ll give you guys a call once we make it home.”

  Keenan’s eyes flashed, Celina’s lips engulfing her husband’s rampant member. “You two have a lot to discuss, I suspect.”

  Troy grinned. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter 21

  She furtively watched him from the dining room table, her laptop open, sorting through pictures she stared at but didn’t see, her mind still replaying what had happened twenty-four hours earlier.


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