A Helluva Man (Hell Yeah!)

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A Helluva Man (Hell Yeah!) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  “Throw some candy, cowboy!” A young man shouted from his perch on a bus bench.

  “Here, you do the honors.” Jaxson handed her a sack of hard candy and Tamara joined the other riders in pitching handfuls of treats toward the mass of people crowding the downtown sidewalk.

  Cheers from the crowd made it impossible to talk, so she just immersed herself in the atmosphere, the excited faces in the crowd, and the antics of the young children and animals in front of her. As excited as Tamara was about the uniqueness of her surroundings, the thrill of being cradled in the arms of this larger than life man topped everything else. The rhythm of the horse’s gait lulled her into a hypnotic complacency until Jaxson tugged the reins and guided Memphis to move out of the designated route and into the open doors of a parking garage. “This is our stop,” he whispered to her. “Let’s watch the rest of the parade go by.”

  “Okay.” She clutched his forearm as Memphis followed his master’s signals to rotate and face the street. “Where were you in the line-up?”

  “About the middle, you’ll still see plenty.”

  He was right. Tamara sat mesmerized as one surprise after another passed by - brightly decorated floats, famous singers, gaily costumed mariachi bands, and beautiful dancing Andalusian horses. Even Bevo, the University of Texas mascot sauntered by, escorted by the UT cheerleaders. “I love this. Thank you,” she told him, leaning her head against his shoulder.

  “Good, I’m glad.” He kissed her on the cheek. “It’s winding down. Are you ready to continue our adventure?”

  “Oh, yea, sure.” She was surprised when they rode deeper into the garage to find his truck and trailer. “Hey, this is handy.”

  “You’re right. This building belongs to the father of a friend of mine.” He dismounted, then held up his hands to help her down. “I love your shirt. Red’s my favorite color.” Jaxson especially like the way it fit – tight enough to show off the shape of her breasts.

  “Thanks, it’s new. I bought it at that western store on the square in old Georgetown.” When she’d seen the sweetheart neckline and the touches of lace, Tamara thought it would work with her red boots and white cowboy hat. “I hope it’s okay.”

  “You look good enough to eat.” He let his gaze rake over her.

  Tamara shivered at his words. “Thank-you.” After seeing the other outfits women were wearing, Tamara thought she fit right in. Every female she saw sported a hat, boots, and skin-tight jeans. Like her, they appeared to be wearing a costume. Jaxson, however, wore his gear like a second skin. Naturally. “Do you dress like this all the time?”

  “Dress like what?” he asked as he began to unsaddle Memphis, putting the tack away.

  “Like a cowboy.”

  Jaxson laughed, leading Memphis into the trailer. “I am a cowboy, Tam. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.” She followed him into the trailer and waited while he scooped feed into a bucket in the horse’s stall. “I bet you’re a brilliant, astute businessman in disguise.”

  Jaxson stiffened at her teasing tone. “I’m the only one in my family without a college degree, Miss Grayson. A man who makes his living by the sweat of his brow. Does that offend you?”

  Hearing his clipped tone, Tamara placed her hands behind her back and wiggled the toe of her right boot in the hay on the floor. He made her nervous. She wasn’t sure what she’d said wrong. Had it been a mistake to visit him? “Of course not.” She sighed, blushing. “I didn’t mean…”

  After returning the scoop to the fifty-pound bag of oats, he glanced at Tamara. Seeing her fallen countenance, it dawned on Jaxson how his attitude came across. Yes, he was touchy about his shortcomings. Yes, he was a simple cowboy. His worth as a man was defined by his brawn, not his brain. Tamara didn’t know his story, her innocent comment was meant as a compliment, not a dig. “Hey, don’t pay any attention to me.” He gave her a big smile. “I haven’t been sleeping worth a flip. I’ve been too excited about seeing you again.”

  “So, you been having fun down here?” Tamara asked. Jaxson’s words from their first meeting had haunted her and she needed to know if he’d succumbed to temptation in the few days since they’d seen one another.

  Jaxson couldn’t help but smile. “If you’re asking if I got laid since we parted ways, the answer is no. I haven’t met anyone who interests me a fraction as much this sexy triathlete I met at a BBQ joint in Austin. In other words, I was waiting on you.”

  “For true?” she asked him as he led her from the trailer.

  “Absolutely for true.” After locking the gate, he escorted Tamara to the passenger side of his truck and helped her take a seat. As he leaned his body over hers to fasten the seat belt, Jaxson grew light headed at her nearness. She was soft, sweet, and smelled so good. And she’d come to him – to be with him. He let his eyes trail up from the hint of intriguing cleavage at her neckline, to the pulse point at the base of her throat, and on past a pair of pouty pink lips…until they collided with her warm brown eyes. “I have to kiss you now, if that’s okay?”

  Her answer was breathy and barely above a whisper. “Please, yes.”

  Holding her gaze, he fit his lips to hers. He only intended a quick peck, then they’d be on their way. But…she opened her lips and he sank inside with a groan. Her arms came around his neck and her tongue reached out to his. Before Jaxson knew it, his blood turned to rocket fuel and his kiss changed from apologetic to ravishing. He tasted every corner of her mouth, before drawing out to lap and nip at her bottom lip.

  Tamara clung to him, her heart beating so fast she thought she might faint. This was familiar, this was the man she’d missed. With a moan, she ate at his mouth, desperately trying to get her fill. One of his big hands plowed up into her hair, the other slipping around her waist. He growled when the seat belt stopped her forward progress into his arms.

  “Dammit. I’m too impatient.”

  “Me too.” Tamara leaned her head against his chest and panted. The tender place between her legs contracted with a hot, insistent squeeze. “Wow.”

  “Yea, wow.” Jaxson leaned his forehead against hers. “I guess we should be going now, I’ve got a lot of fun things planned for us to do.”

  “More fun than this?” Somehow, she doubted it.

  “Hardly.” He chuckled, framing her face and leaning in for one more quick kiss. “Let’s spend the next few hours getting to know one another, then I’ll show you more fun than you can handle.”


  More fun than she could handle?

  That – she didn’t doubt.

  After they retrieved her bags from the Stanhope’s uniformed doorman, she and Jaxson were on their way. Tamara hung on his every word as they made the trip from downtown to the grounds where the rodeo and livestock show were being held. “So, you’re one of six kids?”

  “Yea, four boys and two girls. I’m the best looking of the guys.”

  She giggled. “I bet you are. Tell me about them.”

  As he wound his way toward RNG Park, Jaxson extolled Tamara with tales about his family. “Heath is the oldest. We’ve accused him of being a seventy-year old in a thirty-year old man’s body. He’s Mr. Responsibility.” Jaxson reached over and laid his hand on Tam’s knee, giving it a little squeeze. “I joke about him, but he’s our rock. He would go to the wall for any one of us at any time. When you spoke of a businessman earlier, Heath is the one in our family. Besides being a rancher, he owns a resort, and an energy company. His one vice, which he hides from the family is his addiction to Whataburger Monterrey melts. I wouldn’t know about it if I didn’t clean out his truck occasionally.”

  Tamara giggled at the thought. “I’m partial to their avocado bacon burger myself. Heath sounds like the perfect older brother. As an only child, I’ve always been jealous of big families. Tell me more.” She gazed at the sight of Jaxson’s big, broad hand lying on her leg. Trails of heat were traveling up her thigh and straight to her clit.
She squeezed her inner muscles together, hoping to quell the ache.

  “Philip is the next oldest. He’s the perfect example of an absent-minded college professor. Archaeology is his field. He’s never happier than when he’s digging in the dirt hunting an ancient relic to share with the world. When we were young, I enjoyed our time together. He could pick up a shard of pottery and weave a story about its history that would transport me back in time. Philip is not only smart, he’s the most even keeled of us all. Kind. Understanding. When any of us have a problem, he’s the first one we confide in.”

  “How interesting. Does he do most of his excavating overseas? I keep picturing Egypt when you talk about him.”

  Jaxson nodded, his fingers slowly massaging her knee. “He does work out of the country at times. Lately, he’s been focusing on sites in Texas. He’s currently on staff at UT.”

  Remembering Jaxson’s earlier comment about his lack of a degree, Tamara didn’t offer up any information on her own college experience. “So, are you the youngest son?”

  “No, I’m third oldest. Tennessee is the youngest boy. He’s an adventurer of a different sort. Ten loves the thrill of danger, but he’s channeled that reckless behavior into a business as a wilderness tracker. When people go missing in the mountains or the desert, he’s the one called in to find them.”

  “Fascinating. I’ve never known anyone who did that type of thing. I bet it’s extremely satisfying to bring someone home safely.” Feeling brave and warmed by his sharing, she put her hand over his and linked their fingers.

  Jaxson looked at their joined hands and gave her a sad smile. “Yes, you’re right. I’ve also seen him torn up over losing someone too.”

  “I’m sure.” Tamara closed her eyes and basked at the heat their touch was generating. She cleared her throat. “Tell me about your sisters.”

  “Oh, where do I start?” Jaxson laughed. “Those two girls are the joy and the bane of our existence. Ryder loves animals and the outdoors. She’s smart, got a level head on her shoulders. Pepper is a homebody, a prissy little thing…until you get her riled. I’ve seen her stand on the ottoman to be heard and raise the roof when she gets there.”

  “They sound wonderful.” Watching Jaxson’s expression told Tamara everything she needed to know. He loved his family very much. “Is anyone married?” To her surprise, a cloud settled over his face. She knew she’d asked the wrong thing.

  “Not at the moment, thank God. Tennessee just got out of a bad relationship. He married a girl he met on a rescue mission. They hadn’t known one another very long. She betrayed him, and he was able to get the marriage annulled.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Yea.” He laughed wryly. “And Heath will probably never propose to another woman. His bride-to-be left him at the altar.”

  “Oh, my God. How terrible!”

  “I’ll never forget how he looked when he realized she’d changed her mind.” He removed his hand from hers. “I think our whole family is allergic to commitment.”


  Message received.

  A chill settled on Tamara’s skin. She clasped her arms and tried to chafe the goosebumps away.

  “Who wants to be tied down so young anyway?” she answered flippantly, telling him what she thought he wanted to hear. Jaxson seemed to run hot and cold. She wished she knew what he was really thinking.

  “Tied down?” he repeated. “Not me, that’s for sure.”

  “For sure,” she echoed evenly through slightly gritted teeth. All right, enough already. She wanted to put her fingers over her ears. Knowing he wasn’t ready for anything serious was one thing, but he didn’t have to keep on about it. “Uh…” She glanced out the window and was relieved to see the huge sign announcing their arrival at the park. “We’re here.”

  “Yea, we’re here.” He put on his blinker and watched the oncoming traffic for a chance to pull the gooseneck safely into the lot. “Are you ready to see one of the world’s biggest extravaganzas?”

  “Can’t wait. After all, that’s what I came for.” Not really. Tamara chewed on her lower lip as she questioned her own motives. She’d come to Houston because she wanted to know him better. And yes, she’d come to be with him. Honestly, she’d been able to think of little else but how she’d come alive in his arms. What their future held, she couldn’t know. At this point in their relationship, if you could call it that, she had no expectations. Like he’d said earlier, the goal was to have fun together. After years of self-sacrifice and intense focus on a singular goal, she felt like a horse who’d just had its blinders removed. She wanted to enjoy her new view of the world. She wanted to experience what so many other women took for granted – the attention of a handsome man. “Where do we start?”

  Jaxson pulled into his designated place, giving her a wicked grin. “Let me get Memphis settled in the holding pen and my utilities hooked up, then I’m all yours.”

  Tamara didn’t wait for him to come around to help her down, she bounded out of the truck, determined to do her part. “How can I help?”

  “Thanks. You can plug this in to that pole over there while I connect the water and sewage.” He handed her a cord that would connect the electricity.

  Once they had the trailer situated, Jaxson moved Memphis from the trailer to the corral. “Let me make him comfortable and we’ll take off.”

  Tamara held the gate for him, making sure none of the other horses escaped. “Will he be all right with the others?”

  “Yea, he’ll be fine. He’s bunked with this group of horses plenty of times. Right now, he needs to be able to stretch his legs.” Jaxson removed the lead from Memphis’ bridle. “We’ll put him back in his trailer stall before bed tonight.”

  Before bed.

  Tamara held the gate closed until he was ready to come out of it, then she backed away enough for him to pass. Her head was spinning, realizing they’d be spending the night together. “Jaxson…”

  “Yea, baby?” He latched the gate and gave her his full attention.

  Tamara stood before him, realizing how tall and broad he was, and how small he made her feel. She wasn’t a petite woman, at five-eight and a hundred and twenty pounds, but this guy had to be at least six-four and weigh two-fifty, or close to it. Still, she couldn’t let his impressive persona keep her from standing up for herself. “So far, our time together has been a whirlwind type experience. We met, we connected, and – here we are.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.” He reached for her, but she held up one hand to keep him at arm’s length.

  “It could be, it might be. It’s just…”

  “Just what?” Jaxson studied her pretty face.

  “I just want you to know that I don’t make a habit of this. I’m not…” Promiscuous. Loose. Easy. “I’m…” Innocent. Naïve. Unsophisticated.

  Seeing the doubt on her face, Jaxson pulled her close. “I’ll tell you what you are.” He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “You’re special. Perfect. Precious. And I promise to treat you with the utmost respect.”

  His declaration caused a surge of emotion to fill her heart. “I couldn’t ask for anything more.” She bit her lower lip and gave him a demure smile. “Just not too much respect…okay?”

  Jaxson threw back his head and laughed. “Don’t worry, I think I can make you happy.”

  A tingle of anticipation and a tinge of regret warred in her mind. Have a good time, Tamara. Don’t get too attached. Don’t let him break your heart. “I’m sure you can.”

  “Ready?” He offered her his arm and they headed out on their quest for excitement.

  “Ready.” She held on to him as he guided her through the crowd toward what looked to be a carnival in the distance. “This is a huge place.”

  “Three hundred-fifty acres with five venues in the complex, including Reliant Stadium, where Super Bowl 51 was played. I think there’s something like twenty-six thousand parking places in the complex.”

  “I’m scheduled to be
here in late April and now I’ll get a sneak peek at everything, thank you.” She stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Really? What’s going on in April?” As they came to one of the main thoroughfares, Jaxson steered Tamara through a sea of laughing, smiling people – all intent on having a good time at one of the hundred or more events, restaurants, or exhibits all going on at the same time.

  “The Houston Texans sponsor a youth triathlon, the biggest in the world. I’m going to be one of the judges and speak to the kids at some point.” She waved her hand in the air, more of a nervous gesture than anything. “I like working with kids.”

  “Good for you.” Jaxson tightened his arm around her shoulders. “I have an idea. How would you like to feel like a kid again?”

  “Hmmmm,” she debated how flirtatious to be, then thought to hell with it. Gazing up at him through her eyelashes, she whispered, “I’d like to feel like a kid now…if you make me feel like a woman later tonight.”

  Jaxson’s cock inflated so fast, he almost tripped. “Fuck, baby.”

  Tamara giggled and covered his mouth with her hand. “Shhh, someone will hear you.”

  He kissed her fingers, trapping the slender digits there when she would’ve pulled them away. “Do I embarrass you? You won’t embarrass me if you’re loud tonight.”

  “Jaxson…” she protested when two men close enough to eavesdrop held up their beer cans in salute to Jaxson.

  His heart turned over when she turned into his body, pressing her blazing face to his chest. He loved that she gravitated to him instead of away. Jaxson held her close for far longer than necessary. “They’re gone,” he finally said, as they approached the area where the exhibitions were held. “There’s a big BBQ cookoff going on, but I figured we had enough of that at Rudy’s. I have something else in mind for dinner.”

  “Good. I trust you.” She told him, her eyes widening at the maze-like scene before her. “Wow, what’s all this?”


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