A Helluva Man (Hell Yeah!)

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A Helluva Man (Hell Yeah!) Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  “Tell me if I do it wrong.”

  Her whispered entreaty got lost in the low growl that rumbled from his chest. Up and down. Up and down. The damp silk sliding along the length of his dick turned his blood molten. “God, don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  “Don’t worry. I can’t,” she muttered, gyrating back and forth, rubbing her clit over the stiff shaft again and again.

  Jaxson was mesmerized with pleasure. He kept one hand on her ass to keep her moving as the other rose to palm her right breast. When she paused, he pushed on her bottom. “If you’ll keep going, I’ll give you a prize.”

  She flexed her hips and he groaned. “What’s the prize?”

  “This.” Jaxson lifted her breast to his lips and gave the rosy nipple a lick with the flat of his tongue. “I’m gonna make you feel really good.” Opening his mouth wide, he lapped at the rosy bud. “Feel good?”

  “Uh-huh,” she answered with a whimper, speeding up the rhythm of her rocking.

  Pleasure multiplying pleasure. With his head spinning from her movements, he set out to drive her insane. First, he licked a circle around the peak of her nipple, then he sucked it hard between his lips.

  “God! Jaxson!” Tamara exclaimed, clawing at his back. “Oh, that feels amazing,” she moaned. “Do it again. Please!”

  Smiling around her nipple, Jaxson would have shouted hallelujah if he wasn’t in the middle of something he had no intention of stopping. He loved that she had sensitive nipples. If he wasn’t so worked up, he’d set out to prove he could make her come just from sucking on the sweet treats. For now, he intended to do this until she was so hot, she was begging for him. As she moaned, he moved from left to right, giving both of her breasts equal attention, and all the time, she was scrubbing her wet little pussy all over his dick. Her sexy little whimpers just added fuel to the fire, causing precum to leak from the swollen tip.

  “Oh, Jaxson, more, more, please, please.”

  “More?” he asked. “More of this?”

  He pushed her breasts together and licked both nipples at the same time. Mindless and burning up, she framed his face to keep him in place and bucked her hips wildly.

  “Or more of this?” He reached between them and moved the crotch of her panties over, then aimed the head of his dick to play with her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she panted, “more of you!”

  Before he could react, she scooted back and pushed his hand away from his cock, replacing it with her own. To his ever-loving surprise, chill bumps broke out over his skin at her touch, the tiny rough spots on her hands providing perfect erotic friction. “Fuck, baby, that’s so good,” he hissed.

  “Really?” She pumped him some more, loving how he shuddered and stiffened in obvious bliss. “I like you like this. I want to make you come.”

  “Soon.” Feeling his control slip, he fought to prolong their play. “You wanted more? I’ll give it to you.” Rising to his knees, he pushed her back on the bed, making room for himself between her legs. “I have to taste you.”

  Tamara held her breath as he kissed her thigh, taking nips and licks on her quivering flesh. This was new, she’d never done this before. “Jaxson, I can’t…” she began, unsure if she could endure the pleasure.

  “Yes, you can.” He nuzzled her center, growling in his throat as he took one long, purposeful lick that ended with him tickling her clit with his tongue. Tamara jerked, almost levitating from the bed.


  “Are you ready?”

  “Ready?” She didn’t understand. She was mad. Mindless. A keening cry tore from her throat when he circled her clit with his tongue. “I’m desperate.”

  “I know the feeling,” he muttered as his lips latched around her clit and he began to suck.

  “Jaxson, oh God,” she wailed, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling hard.

  He loved the pain, he loved her passion. He kept up the sensual assault until she was shaking in his arms. “Good?”

  “Oh, fuck, so good.”

  He laughed at her whimpered answer. “Can you handle more? Can you handle me?”

  Her response was almost his undoing. She opened her arms and her legs like a butterfly, welcoming him into her body. “I want you.”

  Jaxson had never felt needier, he was burning up with lust. His erection was so hot and strutted that he was afraid he would soon come spontaneously, erupting all over her perfect body. Crawling up in the bed, he covered her, devouring her mouth, consuming her lips as if he required the sustenance to live.

  Tamara felt overwhelmed, like she was more than just herself, she’d become part of the man who was giving her something she’d never known before. Wanting to absorb him, she ran her fingers over his face, neck, and shoulders. Whatever he wanted to do to her, she would be a willing participant. A sigh of relief slipped from her mouth into his when she felt the head of his cock nudging at her eager opening. “Yes, yes,” she whispered as he pushed slowly in. Tamara closed her eyes and savored their joining – the stretching, the delicious burning invasion. How different this was than before. She was ready. Wild. Frenzied. As he sank into her, she clutched him to her, tightening herself around him in every way she could.

  Jaxson buried his face in her neck, his whole body shaking. “Be still,” he groaned when he felt her inner muscles caress him. “Don’t move for a second.” He kissed her shoulder. “You’re so tight, I’m losing my mind. Losing control.”

  “I want to feel you lose control. I’d love it.” Tamara had never known anything like this before. She was owned. Possessed. Dominated. She’d never felt more of a woman. A growing audacious urgency was growing and building in the fevered place between her thighs.

  “Are you sure?” His lips feathered over her throat and collarbone. “I don’t think I can hold back.” Flexing his hips, he began to move his considerable length in and out of her, relishing the vise-like grip of the tender walls enveloping him.

  “Please, Jaxson. I’m burning up!”

  Her sexy entreaty obliterated his restraint. Dipping his head, his lips sought one of her distended nipples. When he found it, he latched onto the succulent bud, dragging his tongue across it and sucking voraciously.

  “Oh, God, oh, God, fuck me, this feels amazing.” Tamara wrapped herself around him, sobbing her need. “Faster, Jaxson,” she urged, crossing her ankles behind his hips.

  Jaxson gave in to his ravening appetite, driving into her with jack-hammer thrusts, circling his hips, shuttling the thick staff of his cock in and out of her velvet heat.

  Tamara held on for dear life, her body moving on the bed in time with the strong ebb and flow of his body - her breasts jiggling, the nipples coming into tingling contact with his chest with every pounding jolt.

  “God, this is good. Never felt anything like it.” His voice cracked as his body slapped hers, the hard length of his cock rifling in and out of her over and over again.

  Tamara felt the snap, the critical moment – the splintering of her soul as her body shattered with a climax so strong it sent her reeling into the white light of ecstasy. Her whole body contracted around his, her nails biting into his flesh, her pussy milking his cock with wave after wave of sublime contractions. “Oh, God! Jaxson!”

  “Tamara!” he bellowed, joining her in the raging storm, his body jerking, his breath coming in harsh pants as his lifeforce jetted from his body into hers.

  As he shook and shuddered, Tamara cradled him to her, letting him feel the surrender of her body as she reveled in his. Stroking his back, she petted him, kissing the perspiration from his brow. After long moments, he held himself up on his forearms and gave her a dazzling smile. “Holy fuck, Grayson. You just rocked my world.”

  A feeling of satisfaction blanketed Tamara. His declaration wasn’t the most romantic in the world, but she’d take it. “I’m glad I came, Jaxson.” She lifted her head and kissed him softly. “You were definitely worth the trip.”


sp; He was definitely worth the trip.

  As Jaxson laid back on the bed and stared at the air vent in the ceiling, he tried to figure out why those words weren’t sitting very well with him. He was definitely worth the trip? While her attitude perfectly reflected the light-hearted casual romp he’d been hoping for – somehow, he felt…off balance.

  “Can I use your bathroom?” Tamara asked as she slid off the end of the bed and picked up her bag.

  “Of course, my horse trailer is your horse trailer.”

  When she half-turned and gave him an indulgent look, his heart began to hammer in his chest. “You’re staying until Monday, right? With me?”

  “Yea.” She nodded slowly, pulling her hair over her head into a high ponytail and fastening with a clip she’d pulled from her toiletries bag. “If that’s still okay with you.”

  Jaxson’s eyes followed her every move. Her body fascinated him. She was the perfect combination of strength and femininity. Her ass was round and firm and her tits…fuck! ...he could write sonnets about her tits. “Oh, sure. Sure.” He sat up and scratched his chest, not wanting to come across as too desperate. “Completely okay.”

  “Good.” She bent to unzip her case and he was hypnotized as her breasts dangled down like ripe peaches. He licked his lips and rubbed the tenting sheet over his cock.

  “I’m going to take a quick…Oh, my God!” She jerked up and took a step back, pressing a hand to her chest, her eyes wide in surprise.

  “What’s wrong?” He sprang to his feet.

  “I have a stowaway!” she exclaimed, then smiled, bending over and picking something up.

  To Jaxson’s shock, she drew a snake out of her bag. “What the fuck?” he shouted, grabbing his hat and covering up his genitals.

  Tamara laughed, holding up the black and yellow speckled reptile, letting it twine around her arm. “What are you covering up your manly business for? I won’t let him bite you.”

  Jaxson frowned, making a grab for his jeans. “I’m not worried. I’m not afraid,” he grumbled. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  “There’s nothing here to be afraid of, he’s not poisonous. This is a king snake, a friend of mankind.” She spoke softly, looking the snake in the eye.

  “Why did you bring that thing with you?”

  “I didn’t,” Tamara insisted. “Don’t you remember me calling him a stowaway?”

  “How do you know it’s a him?”

  Tamara laughed. “I don’t.”

  “Hmmm.” After pulling on his pants, Jaxson moved a step or two closer. “So, you don’t know where it came from? Did it crawl into your luggage when you were packing?”

  She shook her head, perplexed. “No, I don’t think so. I opened my luggage to find my phone when the Uber driver picked me up. I guess it might have been in the back of his truck. The odd thing is that I found him in the bag I reserve for my dirty clothes.” Tamara shrugged. “Weird. I can’t explain it.”

  “Where else would it have come from?” He sat down on the end of the bed and pulled on his boots and socks. “Let’s get rid of it.”

  Tamara stiffened. “What do you plan on doing with him?”

  Catching on to the fact that she wanted no harm to come to the creature, he shook his head. “Nothing. Just take him somewhere where he can get on with his little snakey business and I can sleep in my bed without worrying I’ll feel him wiggling around my feet in the middle of the night.”

  “Okay.” Tamara giggled as she addressed the snake, “Do you have any little snakey business?”

  When Jaxson was young, he’d liked reptiles, picking up snakes right and left…until the day he found a rare poisonous sea snake while playing offshore at Belle Chasse. He’d come bringing it in for his mother to see. Lord help, he could still hear her screams to this day. When she’d finished convincing him of the danger he’d been in – Jaxson found himself to be finished with his tendency to handle serpents.

  Now, aside from his slight aversion to the snake, he found her interaction with the legless interloper adorable. Deciding to play along, he bravely came a little closer. “Sure, you do, don’t you buddy? He’s got snakey meetings and snakey deals to make, don’t you?”

  “Ha!” She held the snake up even higher, reminding Jaxson that this gorgeous woman was still very naked. “Here, hold him while I get on some clothes and I’ll go with you.”

  Jaxson took one giant step back that covered about three feet. “No, thanks. Hold on.” He scrambled around and found a paper bag. “Here, put Slinky in this and I’ll take him down to Buffalo Bayou while you get ready for bed.”

  Tamara narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you sure? How far is Buffalo Bayou?”

  “Runs right through the middle of downtown Houston, just a few miles from here. Lots of greenery, lots of parks. Snakey heaven, I promise.” He held out the bag. “I’ll be back before you finish your shower.”

  Tamara took the bag and gently placed the snake into it, tail first. “Don’t be afraid, you’re going to be fine.” Handing it to Jaxson, she shrugged. “I’m sure he’s confused and afraid.”

  Jaxson smiled at her. “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.” Honestly, Jaxson was pretty sure Tamara was attributing more emotions and thought processes to the snake that it was capable of having.

  “Thank you for being so sweet.” She gave him a hug and Jaxson returned it with his free hand, the other held the bag at arms-length from his body.

  “No problem.” He stole a kiss while he had the opportunity. “I’ll be back.”

  With that brief farewell, Jaxson exited the trailer and headed to the bed of his truck to unhook the gooseneck trailer. As he made his way through the shadows, lit only by a distant security lamp, he noticed a movement to his right. Someone was standing a few yards away. Staring until his eyes adjusted, he realized it was a woman. “Evening.” Since the place was populated by dozens of rigs and contestants, this wasn’t unusual.

  “Well, hello, cowboy. Fancy meeting you here.”

  “Chels! What are you doing slumming in the trailer park?”

  Chelsea moved forward, holding a bottle of wine. “Drink?”

  “No, thanks. Are you all right?”

  “Sure, I was just visiting a friend.”

  Jaxson nodded. “I’ve seen quite a few familiar faces.”

  “Whatcha got there?”

  About that time the snake shifted in the sack, startling Jaxson, who proceeded to drop it. “Dammit!” To his dismay, the snake slithered out of the bag and made his bid at an escape.

  “Ack! What are you doing with that snake?!” Chelsea screamed.

  “Somehow it ended up in Tammy’s luggage,” Jaxson muttered as he bent over to trail the quickly vamoosing reptile.

  Chelsea laughed. “I guess she took off like a ruptured redbug. I hate I missed that. Oh, well. She wasn’t the girl for you.”

  “She didn’t leave, she’s in the trailer.” He squatted down to make a grab for the snake, but it dodged him. Unfortunately, the route it chose to take led right over his friend’s feet. “Head him off at the pass!” he called to Chelsea, who began to dance around. “Hey, don’t step on Slinky!”

  “Slinky? Really? Oh, for God’s sake.” Chelsea reached out one foot and pinned the snake’s tail with her boot.

  “Tamara named him.” Gritting his teeth, Jaxson captured the snake and returned him to the bag. “She didn’t want me to hurt it, so I’m rehoming Slinky to Buffalo Bayou.”

  “Well, come on. I’m parked near here. I’ll drive you over and bring you back.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He carefully held the top of the paper bag and followed Chelsea across the parking lot to where she’d left her truck. “How’d you do tonight?”

  She pressed the button on the key fob so Jaxson could climb into her white King Ranch. “Placed second. Shame you weren’t there to cheer me on, I might have won.”

  “Sorry.” He knew they usually supported one another. “I’ll make sure to not miss any mor
e of your appearances.” Jaxson fumbled around with his seat belt, trying to maintain a secure hold on the bag full of snake. “Hey, could you…”

  “Christ.” She unfastened her own belt, then leaned over to help him. When she came in close contact, her movements slowed down, and she took a deep breath, her lips almost touching his cheek.

  Jaxson stiffened, wondering what the heck was going on. “Chels? Are you stuck?”

  “No,” she barked and flopped back to her side, adjusting her own belt and starting the truck. “Where’d you meet this girl?”

  “At Rudy’s in Austin. Strictly a fluke. My hat blew off and she caught it.” Jaxson smiled at the memory.

  “And she got you as a prize?”

  “Yea, I guess. We hit it off.” The bag rattled, and Jaxson grabbed the top of it, making sure his prisoner didn’t go on the lam. “I like her, Chels.”

  “That’s great.” Chelsea gassed her truck and spun out of the parking lot, leaving a streak of rubber behind.

  “Shit, girl, what’s wrong with you?” Jaxson eyed his friend. “What’s got your tail feathers all ruffled up?”

  “Nothing.” She let out a sigh as they headed to the freeway downtown. “Daddy’s on a tear. He wants me to settle down, get off the circuit. Won’t be satisfied until I’m working at Stanhope.”

  “Settle down? He wants you to marry?” Jaxson watched out the front windshield, then glanced at Chelsea’s speedometer. She was going 85 in a 70. “Don’t you think you should ease up on the gas?”

  “All right, spoilsport.” She slowed down, then cut her eyes at him and smiled. “Yea, he wants me to tie the knot with some upstanding Rice graduate who carries a briefcase and wears Italian leather loafers.”

  “I really can’t imagine that. How serious is he?” Jaxson asked as he kept his eye out for the right exit.


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