A Helluva Man (Hell Yeah!)

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A Helluva Man (Hell Yeah!) Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  He returned her gaze, surrendering to the storm of ecstasy swirling through him as he emptied himself inside of her. He knew this release was only a momentary respite. Soon, he’d need her again – and again. Jaxson McCoy was addicted to how Tamara Grayson made him feel.

  “Did I hurt your leg?” Tamara asked once she calmed and found the strength to climb off his lap.

  “I’m fine. The doctor says I’m healing fast, I should be able to get the cast removed in a couple of weeks.”

  She placed a hand on his face and kissed him gently. “I’m glad. I’ve been so worried about you.”

  He shook his head, passing off her worry as unnecessary. “I’m tough. I won’t let a bum leg get me down for long.”

  “I’m glad, I know you’re strong.” She kissed him. “Invincible.” She kissed him again. “Powerful. Those are some of the reasons I’m attracted to you.”

  “No surprise. I know what turns on women like you.” Jaxson rubbed his face on her cheek, making her purr as the bristle of his five o’clock shadow rasped her skin.

  “And you do it so well. Do you want something to eat? I’m starving.” Tamara gave him a kiss and rose to straighten her clothing.

  “I could eat.” He adjusted himself, tucking his grateful cock back in his pants. “Hey, I’m sorry I was late. My old bull, T-Bone, got out. I had to go look for him. Heath could tell I was pissed. I told him I had to be somewhere important to be tonight.”

  Important? Had he just said that seeing her was important?

  “I trust you,” Tamara told him as she made her way to the kitchen. “You told me you were coming, so I knew you would. I used the few minutes you were late to freshen up.”

  Jaxson worked his way off the couch and joined her in the kitchen, taking a seat at the table. “Can I help?”

  “Hmmm, there isn’t a lot to choose from,” she muttered as she glanced into the fridge. “My mom brought a few things. Look!” She held up a bottle of champagne. “This will work!”

  “Great! We can celebrate your victory and our reunion.”

  His comment made her smile. “We can do a stir-fry if you want. There’s some boneless skinless chicken and a few vegetables.” Fishing the peppers out of the crisper, she found an onion almost ready to sprout in the bottom cupboard.

  “I’ll chop the peppers and onions. Just bring me a knife and a cutting board.”

  “Okay.” The domestic bliss of the moment wasn’t lost on Tamara. “Here you go, sexy.” She put the supplies in front of him on the table, placing a kiss on the top of Jaxson’s head. When he grimaced a bit at the touch, she worried. “I’m sorry. Was I too rough on you?”

  Jaxson let out a roar of laughter. Pulling Tamara close, he kissed her on the side. “It’s okay, sugar. Just wasn’t expecting to have my hair pulled. That’s my job.” He reached behind her and tugged on her locks gently.

  “The night isn’t over yet,” Tamara offered him a wink. “I’m sorry. I guess I got a little excited. I just really wanted to see your face when you came.”

  “Don’t worry about it for a second. I like you intense. Don’t ever apologize for being that way with me.” Slowly and slyly he eased the knife she’d placed on the table away from her, pulling it over close to him. “Let’s just try to control ourselves. Okay?”

  It took her a moment, but Tamara realized he was teasing her. “Oh, hush up.” Breaking away from his grasp, she went about preparing her part of the meal. “Did you find T-Bone?”

  “Eventually, no thanks to me. All I could do was sit in the back of the Gator and keep lookout while they searched. There wasn’t a lot I could do and I was ready to come over here. I was frustrated as hell.”

  To hear he’d been anxious to be with her thrilled Tamara to no end. “Well, I’m sure they appreciated your help.”

  “Hell, I felt damn useless. I hate being practically helpless.” He pointed to his leg. “If this was a permanent type situation, I’d go stark raving mad.”

  “Well, it’s not.” She kissed him on the head as she returned from taking spices from the pantry. “Soon, you’ll be back to normal. You spend so much time working on the ranch, I’m sure your family has enjoyed having you close for a few days.” For the past two weeks, they’d talked for hours every day, learning new things about one another and sharing stories about their families. Tamara knew about the murder occurring on Highland’s property and the subsequent arrest of his brother Philip for the crime. Jaxson was adamant about his brother’s innocence, but she could tell he was still worried. They’d discussed everything from how much he missed his mother to his concern for his father’s health. She felt as if she knew the family already.

  “I can’t wait to get on my feet again. I’m tired of sitting in the house. I feel like I’m suffocating. To make matters worse, my family has been constantly up my ass for the last two weeks.”

  “Oh, how so?” Tamara asked as she stirred the sizzling meat mixture.

  “Well, the fellas have been bustin’ my chops about you and my sisters won’t stop gushing. They’re damn near planning our wedding. I wish those girls would focus on their own lives and not worry so much about mine,” Jaxson grumbled as he chopped the vegetables. “And Ten has no business giving me the gears. He rushed into a marriage and was divorced before the damn ink was dry on the marriage certificate. If you ask me, it’s just foolish to rush into things.”

  “Right. Foolish.” Tamara hadn’t been planning her walk down the aisle anytime soon, but it stung a bit hearing how Jaxson felt about the possibility.

  Waving his knife in the air, Jaxson indicated he was ready for a change of subject. “Enough about my misfits. Did you pick up any sponsors after that great finish in Hawaii you haven’t told me about?”

  “I did.” Determined to have a good time and ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach, Tamara dumped the vegetables Jaxson chopped into the stove-top wok with a bit more force than necessary. “Oh, shoot!”

  “What happened? Are you okay?” Jaxson was up and onto his crutches in a flash, coming to her side at the stove. “What happened?”

  Tamara was holding her wrist. “Hot oil popped up onto my arm.”

  “You need to be more careful. Here, let’s rinse that off.” Leading her to the sink, he flipped the water on and moved her arm under it. “Well, that settles it. You clearly can’t be left on your own. I’d better spend the night. Can I sleep on your couch?”

  Tamara was loving the way he rubbed water over her injury and how he seemed to be using any excuse to stay. “You most certainly cannot,” she said, looking up into his eyes. “You are my guest and you will follow my rules, which means you’ll be sleeping in my bed. I think you still owe me a hair pull.”

  Jaxson’s cock came soaring back to life. “In that case, let’s hurry up and eat so I can return the favor.”

  With proper motivation, two people working together can accomplish a great deal. Once dinner was over, they cleaned up the kitchen in a flash. After hanging the drying cloth over the edge of the sink, Jaxson snagged her by the arm and pulled her close. “Does this establishment have a turn-down service?”

  Tamara giggled. “You want me to turn you down?”

  Leaning back against the counter, he wrapped her up in a bear hug, pushing his swollen package against her. “After getting me all worked up, you’d better not turn me down. I’m expecting a sufficient degree of hospitality.”

  “Oh?” She wiggled her lower body against him, loving how she could feel the beat of his heart next to hers. “More than me turning down the covers and putting a mint on your pillow?”

  He pretended to consider her question. “I’ll take the mint, but I expect a personal touch.”

  “Oh, you do?” she asked, loving how they could tease one another. “Well, sir, allow me to escort you to your room and see if I can satisfy your need for attention. Ow!” Tam laughed when he popped her on the bottom.

  “Take me to bed, sassy.” He grabbed his crutches and let her
lead him to her room. Jaxson was vaguely aware of his surroundings – warm wood, lots of pale pink. A feminine boudoir, for sure. His main focus was the woman who sat on the bed – disrobing. He propped himself against the dresser and proceeded to follow suit. Getting naked had never been more fun.

  Tamara laid back and lifted her hips to push her panties down, leaving herself completely nude for his enjoyment. Heat flashed through her body. Jaxson was eating her up with his eyes, her nipples tingled with sparks of excitement. As the moments passed, her breathing grew labored as shudders of air slipped past her lips. Lifting one hand, she beckoned, opening her legs in invitation.

  Jaxson took one crutch and moved the few steps separating them. When he arrived at the bed, he tossed the wooden implement to one side and eased up on the bed on his knees.

  “Don’t hurt yourself,” she cautioned him, her eyes taking in his potent masculinity.

  “I’ll be careful, it doesn’t hurt. The cast starts just below my knee.” All the time he was reassuring her, Jaxson was pumping his cock. “Get on all fours.”

  His sex was thick and swollen, seeing him touch himself excited her. She felt her pussy dew with jealousy. “I want to watch you. Hold on.” She jumped up and moved a free-standing mirror, so they could see their reflection.” Once it was arranged to her satisfaction, she was back in the bed and in the position he’d requested.

  “Perfect.” Jaxson gripped her hips, drawing her back until her bottom nestled against his groin. “Fuck, I want you.” He felt invigorated, a rush of urgent, white-hot lust coursing through his veins.

  Tamara held herself up, arms straight, palms on the bed. Her ass was tilted up, presented. She couldn’t help but shift back and forward, tightening her sex in rhythmic clenches. She kept her eyes on him, knowing the only thing that would assuage the desperate longing she was feeling was for him to come inside of her. She couldn’t help but see the hunger on his face and the thrill of being desired by such a man made her helpless with need. To let him know without words what she was feeling, she placed her cheek to the bed and spread her legs even wider.

  Jaxson almost came just from seeing her submit to his request. “You’ve got the sweetest ass, Tam.” He moved into place between her legs and placed a palm on each cheek, molding the firm, pliant flesh. Unable to resist, he popped her with a playful spank. “Ready for me?” He felt between her legs. “Ah, yea. You’re wet. You want me, don’t you?”

  “God, yes.” She ground back against him. “Don’t make me wait.” Covering her, he blanketed Tamara’s back, bracing himself with one arm, his teeth abrading the back of her neck. She lifted her head, welcoming his warm breath as it feathered through her hair.

  “How did you get so sexy?”

  She was putty in his hands. Tamara gave herself over to him as he caressed her, kneading her breasts, skimming a hand around her waist and down to rub her clit. “Ah!” She’d never been touched so intimately by anyone else in her life. “Accident, I assure you.”

  Jaxson chuckled. “You’re so cute. I love being with you like his.” Wanting to prolong the moment, he decided to play with her, to tease.

  Without penetrating her, he moved on top of her. She could feel the hair on his chest tickling her back. She tried to entice him, swaying from side to side, circling her bottom against his manhood, trying to force him to take her.

  “So hungry. So impatient.” He tweaked her nipples. “They’re so hard for me.”

  She met his eyes in the mirror. “Like you’re hard. I can feel how much you want me.”

  Leaning forward, he kissed her nape, trailing a hand down to play with her sex again. Jax smiled when he found moisture trailing down her thigh. “And I can feel how much you want me.”

  Tamara felt like she was on fire. “Would you just get on with it?” He was driving her crazy. “Do it!” Tam demanded, then when she heard him laugh, she softened her tone. “Please?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Cranky.” Winding one hand in her hair, Jaxson fit the head of his dick to her soft entrance and drove himself into her so hard that Tamara bucked and screamed her satisfaction.

  “Oh, God, that’s it.” She found his eyes in the mirror. He looked wild. Animalistic. Tamara felt herself grow even wetter. When he raked his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp, tugging lightly on the strands, he set off tiny explosions in every erogenous zone she possessed. “Just like that,” she keened as he rocked into her, his thighs slapping against her bottom.

  “Show me you love it. Cum for me, Tam.” He kept one hand in her hair, pulling her head back so he could find her mouth. With the other hand, he cupped her breast, kneading the soft flesh, milking the nipple the way he knew drove her crazy.

  Over and over he pounded into her. The sight of them together was the most erotic thing she’d ever witnessed – and it was happening to her. When it hit, her climax was overwhelming. Blinding. She began to shake as tears began to flow. Tamara had to bite her tongue to keep words of love from slipping out.

  Above her, lost in sensation, Jaxson fucked to his heart’s content. Never had it been this good. Never. She absorbed every thrust – taking him – winding him around her little finger the way her hair was wound around his hand. The realization of his feelings unnerved him, so he shut his eyes to keep the image of them together from taking him over so completely that he lost himself in the process. “Did you come good?” he asked, refocusing on the pleasure instead of what this overwhelming passion might mean.

  “Yes. Yes,” she moaned. “Now, you come for me,” she challenged him, her sex clamping down on his cock – again and again.

  He released her hair and her breast, placed a kiss in the center of her back and sat up. “You’re a demanding little wench.” In truth, if he didn’t watch himself, he’d be bowed at her feet, begging for the privilege of giving her as many orgasms as she could handle.

  “Demands? I have them.” She pushed back against him. “Harder. Deeper. Faster.” When Jaxson complied, her plan backfired in a good way. Electric bliss flared through her and she went off again. “Oh, God! Yes! Yes!”

  Jaxson chuckled, thinking she was just about perfect. As he gave her what she needed, pleasure began to rise like a cloud of steam, curling through his loins, up his spine, out to every extremity – zeroing in on his greedy dick. His balls drew up and he hammered home, making Tam dance on the head of his cock as she continued to cum – one wave of ecstasy after another.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” he chanted as the spasms of her climax squeezed him so good. Constricting. Massaging. Milking. “Come here.” He pulled her up until they were both upright, latching his mouth to her neck and sucking. As he went wild, bucking into her, his fingers were busy, one hand rubbing a nipple, the other petting her clit.

  “Jaxson!” she sobbed as they both exploded, shaken and weakened by the intensity of their release.

  “Fuck, baby,” he whispered, his hand still cupping her pussy. He could feel his cum mixing with her natural wetness. As if marking his territory, he rubbed it in, loving how she jerked in his arms when the pleasure became too intense. “Sensitive?”

  “Yea.” Her gaze locked with his in the mirror. “We’re good together.”

  “Yea.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek and pulled out, reaching for his crutch to stand so he wouldn’t fall over. “We’re good.” Suddenly, Jaxson felt naked. Exposed. Vulnerable. “I’ll be back.” He fled to the bathroom and found a washrag to clean himself up, then wet another for her. After a few minutes, he felt more in control. Putting a smile on his face, he returned to Tamara, finding her spread out on the bed in an exhausted heap. “You’ve been awake a long time, haven’t you, baby?” With tenderness, he wiped her clean, amused when she wiggled around like a contented kitten. He dropped the cloth on his jeans, not caring if it left a mark. “Scoot over.”

  Tamara did so, enjoying their closeness, and wishing for more. “I enjoyed that.”

  “Me too. Let’s get some rest. I know you have to be ex
hausted after that long flight.”

  “Okay.” She nestled up against him, knowing they needed to talk, but she was so happy and too tired to try. After a few seconds, she was fast asleep in Jaxson’s arms.


  Smooch. She wiggled but didn’t wake up.


  This time she was still.

  Jaxson stared at her face. Heavens above, her mouth was so sweet. A soft pink cushion, the perfect place to rest his lips. “Are you awake or should I kiss you again?”

  No response. He stared at her lips. Were they puckering the least little bit? Asking for his kiss? Maybe it was his imagination, but he accepted their invitation, layering his mouth to hers for another soft kiss.

  Unlike Sleeping Beauty, she didn’t open her eyes.

  “Are you playing possum, just so I’ll kiss you some more?”

  The cutest giggle he ever heard burst from her lips as she enveloped him in a hug and indulged in a long slow possession of his mouth. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, treasure.” He ran a hand beneath her head and caressed her nape. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Like a baby.” Tamara frowned. “Why are you dressed?”

  “We slept late. I have to go.”

  “Oh, no,” she whimpered. “You got me all heated up and everything.”

  “I’m sorry, love. I don’t want to go either.” Giving her one last hard kiss, Jaxson stood and stepped into the sandals he’d brought up from downstairs. “Man, I’ll be glad when this cast comes off and I can get back into my boots.”

  Tamara climbed from the bed and tugged on a robe. “I know you will. You look cute in sandals. I think you have nice feet.”

  Jaxson chuckled. “Huh. I’ve never been complimented on my feet before. Which one do you like best?”


  She knelt at his feet and all he could think about was what else she could do while she was down there.

  “I think I like this one.” She kissed the top of his right foot. “You’ve got a cute freckle right by your ankle.”


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