by Mia Caldwell

  He was all bluff and no bluster. There was no way he’d try to hold me to the fire like this. I decided to call him on it.

  “Just tell me this,” I said, holding a hand on my hip. “If I’m really doing this, who in the hell are you getting married to?”

  Graham seemed confused and uncomfortable. He paused a moment and stared into my eyes as if unsure what to say.

  “I take it she didn’t tell you?” he said finally.

  My stomach turned. “What are you talking about?” I asked, trying not to lose my lunch at Graham Archer’s feet.

  “A few days after I flew back to New York… I was crushed, Savannah. You have no idea how much your absence hurt me. I thought you felt the way I did, and I was holding out hope that you would call.”

  “What does this have to do with anything?” I asked, my body shaking every so slightly.

  “Instead,” Graham continued, “Chandra was the one who called…”

  Wait… What?

  “I’m sorry. This must be very uncomfortable for you…”

  “That lying bitch!” I said, catching myself and holding in a stream of obscenities that were attempting to leap from my mouth. Chandra, my best friend in the world? Chandra, the girl who I’d picked up after so many bad breakups? Chandra, the one person on this whole planet I would trust with my life?

  How the hell could she?!?

  “Look, maybe I understand why she didn’t tell you Savannah. She was just looking for answers, and I needed someone to talk to. One thing led to another and…”

  “I’ve heard enough!” I said, smashing Graham’s foot in the door.

  “It doesn’t stop the fact that she wants you to be our photographer. If you respect your friend, if you value your career and your business, please…” Graham said calmly, trying not to show that his foot was now in obvious pain. “The paperwork will be here tomorrow, along with plane tickets. Lets not make this any harder than it has to be.”

  With that last sentence, Graham pulled his foot free and allowed the door to slam shut. I just stood there shaking. That lying bitch wanted a wedding photographer? She wanted to rub this whole thing in my face, after everything I’d done for her?

  Oh yes, Mr. and Mrs. Archer, I’d come to the wedding all right. It would be a night full of memories to last a lifetime!


  _ _ _

  The cathedral was beautiful and immaculate in every way, and I was here having thoughts that didn’t belong in any church. I’d taken the money, and I’d already set my plan in motion. Every single photograph was going to highlight just how low of a blow this entire wedding was.

  I’d started with nice devilish red filter, and just enough blur to ensure the whole night would be ruined. I’d photoshop the horns in later. Sure, maybe it was a little juvenile, but they deserved this. I’d have their pictures plastered on every tabloid from here to China and back, and I had the stories of Chandra’s stupid slutty little history to make those articles extra juicy. They would get a taste of what I’d been putting up with, and I couldn’t wait.

  I started with pictures of the room, filled wall to wall with people. I shook my head as I scanned the space, recognizing more than a few of my own family members. Sure, Chandra had been almost a sister to me, but it still boiled my blood that they would be here to witness this betrayal. Truth is, they seemed all but disinterested in me as I walked through snapping shots. Maybe I wasn’t making enough of a scene stomping about the place in the stupid bridesmaid dress they made me wear. I’d never felt angrier in my life.

  Then there was Graham Archer. He had already made his way to the front of the space, standing at the edge of the white carpet that ran between the pews. He looked just as incredible as he always did, and that only made me hate him more. The priest stood behind him with an almost comically tall hat, and the entire scene looked like something out of a movie. I snapped a few more red hued evil photos to lighten my mood.

  Any minute now, Chandra would come marching out to the tune of ‘Here Comes The Bride’, and I’d have plenty of time to find just the wrong angles to capture, but I decided not to wait. I left the main floor behind, seeking the priest quarters near the front of the church to find the dressing area. I wanted some nice shots of her before the bitch walked that aisle.

  What I didn’t expect was for her to greet me with tears running down her face.

  I know Chandra was in the wrong here, but my instincts kicked in. We’d been through thick and thin together, and if Graham Archer was just one more asshole on a string of assholes, I’d be there to pick up the pieces. I ran past the staff as she wiped her face clean with a small white towel.

  “Oh God… Savannah!” Chandra said, looking up. It was the first time I’d seen her since she’d disappeared on me, and she looked incredible. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she’d been hitting the gym every day in order to fit into the beautiful dress she was wearing. It was absolutely beautiful, if a bit non traditional. She had all the bridesmaids dressed in the same simple white dress I was wearing, and hers was a shade of deep red that was stunning against her mocha skin.

  “Chandra, what’s wrong. What the hell did Graham do to you?”

  She seemed confused, then smiled faintly. “Nothing… He didn’t do anything. It’s nothing…”

  I wasn’t sure what to say, but when Chandra threw her arms around me, I couldn’t stop myself from holding her for a moment.

  “Savannah, I’m so sorry I had to keep all this secret for so long… I know you’re angry. I know I’m hurting you… But please, once you know everything, I’m sure you’ll understand.”

  “I’m sorry too… Look… You hurt me Chandra, but this is your moment. I know I should have been able to walk away,” I replied, trying not to cry. “Don’t let me ruin this moment for you…”

  I just couldn’t be mad at her, no matter how much I wanted to. Every inch of my being wanted to hate her for taking Graham away, but it wasn’t her fault this was happening. I didn’t even try to fix things with him. The day I received the annulment, I filed it without a second thought… Maybe Chandra deserved this.

  “I need to ask you something,” Chandra said quietly, still hanging onto me.

  “What can I do?” I replied, feeling bad about all the anger still held deep down inside me. In time, I could get past this, I knew I could…

  “Walk me down the aisle. Please. I can’t do this alone.”

  I pulled away, looking my best friend in the eyes. She seemed genuinely frightened, as if there was more behind her words than she could possibly express to me.

  “Okay…” I whispered back, taking her arm. We waited there together for the pipe organ to play, and I did my best to pull away from all the negative feelings. There would probably still be time to draw little horns on their little heads, but maybe I wouldn’t go all out with the tabloids after all…

  One foot came after another as we took the long walk toward the stage. I tried not to look Graham in the eye, keeping my eyes toward the flower petal strewn floor. As the music stopped, Chandra loosened her grip on my arm and let me go. I glanced up at Graham and caught him smiling at me. I wanted to smack him for being so smug about all of this, but suddenly, Chandra stepped aside.

  “Good luck,” she said as I turned, watching her as she gracefully swept in between the other bridesmaids. I could barely breathe, standing in front of God and everyone in my little white bridesmaid dress as I turned back toward Graham’s beaming grin.

  Oh hell no!

  The priest began to speak.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Graham Archer and Savannah Williams in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into lightly, but rather soberly, and reverently.”

  Graham winked at me as the priest mentioned the word soberly. There was no way this was happening!

  “Into this estate, these two persons come now to be joined. If any one can offer up a wor
d as to why they should not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace…”

  I was frozen in place, unable to so much as squeak as the silence around us was absolute. I glanced over at Chandra and she was practically beside herself in excitement. She’d set this whole thing up!

  “Graham has chosen to speak his own vows…” The priest continued, and the room went silent again as I felt his hand softly grasp my own, pulling my arm toward him.

  “Savannah… Some deny that love at first sight is real, but I knew they were wrong the moment I first lay eyes on you. These last few months apart have been a weight upon my very soul. From this moment on, I pledge to never live another moment without you by my side. I will have you… I will hold you… I will honor and cherish you… Till death do us part.”

  My vision was drawing into a tunnel and my knees were weak. How could any man go to such wild lengths for me? What did he see in me that drove him to create this perfect moment? Did he know how much I hated him? Could he possibly know how much I loved him?

  And that was it. I loved this man. That’s why I married him that first night. That’s why I was going to marry him again.

  “Savannah, do you have a vow prepared?” the priest asked. My skin tingled as I stared into Graham’s eyes. Without a word, my knees buckled beneath me and I fell at his feet. My head smacked hard on the cool marble floor, and I could hear Graham shouting for a doctor as the world went black.


  _ _ _

  “Where am I?” I whispered into the darkened room. My eyes glanced left and right, as I blinked. Blinding light flashed on, forcing me to blink against a vibrant explosion of color all around me. I reached up to shield my face from the world, my arm tugging along an IV that was firmly taped to my arm.

  Oh God… I’m in the hospital!

  Things were flashing through my mind. The cathedral, the wedding, my vows… Did I pass out?

  “Nurse, she’s awake,” a voice said softly, the sounds of his feet shuffling about the bed echoing in the space. I blinked again, watching as the doctor came round in front of me. A wall of flowers stood behind him, every color and shape and size imaginable filling the room with an incredible bouquet of sensation.

  “Ma’am, I’m going to ask you to try and look at me. You’ve had a bit of a fall. Can you tell me what day it is?”

  “Monday,” I replied, shaking my head lightly. A dull throbbing pain coursed through it.

  “Good, excellent.”

  “What happened to me?” I asked, trying to get a handle on things.

  “Your blood was critically low on iron. We believe it may have made you light headed. We’ve given you an IV and are treating you for anemia. I believe you suffered a concussion from the fall, and you required a few stitches. I’m very happy to see you awake and doing well…”

  My hand swept up to my head, feeling along the side. A portion of my scalp had been shaven away, and I could feel numbness tingling across the area.

  “Graham…” I said, glancing around again at the sea of flowers.

  Before the doctor could respond, the door burst open and the nurse had returned with Graham in tow. He ran toward me, his hand softly cradling the side of my face as he looked me in the eyes. He quickly glanced back to the doctor, as if to ask him a question that never escaped his lips.

  “She seems to be fine Mr. Archer. We’ll keep her here for observation over the next twenty four hours, then she’ll be free to leave at any time. You’re both lucky we caught this anemia in time, but don’t worry, she is fine, and so is the baby.”

  Graham turned back to me as I digested the doctor’s words. The machine I was strapped into started beeping as my heart raced, my whole body shaking in place.

  She is fine, and so is the baby…

  Oh my God…

  “Savannah, why didn’t you tell me?” Graham asked, his hand releasing my face and traveling down until it was resting on the ugly gown that was covering my tummy.

  “I… I…. Oh God… I didn’t know!” I said.

  “Savannah, breathe deep and relax,” the doctor said from behind Graham, watching my heart rate climb. I took a deep breath, willing myself to calm down even as my thoughts soared higher than the clouds. We were going to have a baby!

  The wedding!

  “Graham, I’m so sorry,” I whispered, my eyes pouring tears down my face. “I ruined everything. I tried to make it to the airport. When you left without me, I couldn’t bear to try and reach out. I knew you would never talk to me again…”

  “It’s ok Savannah. You have friends and family who truly love you. Chandra helped me understand.”

  “Why? Why did you do all of this? Didn’t you understand how hard this has been for me?” I asked.

  “This time, I wanted you to have a wedding you would remember,” Graham replied, letting out a soft laugh. “Of course, I’m hoping you’ll help me plan the third one, since you still need to say ‘I do’…”

  I couldn’t stop myself from crying. My whole world had been turned upside down by this man, and I could never turn back. He loved me… I loved him… And together, we would raise this child growing inside me. I felt the way his warm hand caressed my belly, cradling the life we had created.

  “I do…” I said, holding his eyes with my own.

  “I do,” Graham replied, his voice barely audible. Everything in the room had disappeared. There was no nurse, no doctor, no flowers or beeping or buzzers or wires or tubes. The only thing in the world was me, and this incredible man.

  “I think this is the part where you kiss me,” I whispered.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Graham replied. His lips crashed down on my own, our souls connected as one. There was no need for a priest or a court or a silly piece of paper.

  This was my happily ever after, and I couldn’t have asked for anything more perfect.


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