One Battle Lord’s Fate

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One Battle Lord’s Fate Page 11

by Linda Mooney

  Yulen got to the point. “Does this have anything to do with the skirmishes between the other Battle Lords and the Mutah?”

  Batuset’s eyes widened slightly, but the man shook his head. “I was going to ask you about those, but, no. My concern is a lot more serious.”

  “How serious?” Atty questioned.

  “Bloods,” the man stated flatly.

  The single word made everyone pause. It was Liam who stood and voiced what Yulen was thinking.

  “Let’s take this over to your place, Yulen, where we can discuss this in private. We don’t need to have someone accidentally overhear us, and possibly cause a panic.”

  They all silently agreed, and rose from the table to exit through the side door, into Liam’s clinic. Except for Atty, who went through the kitchen to retrieve the battle prince. Yulen glanced over at the two men intently waiting for his signal. When he gave it, they stood and followed.

  Once inside the lodge, Batuset continued before everyone was comfortably settled.

  “One of my merchants returning from Wallis was attacked by Bloods. One of the guards riding with them managed to make it back to Foster City.”

  “Approximately where were they attacked?” Yulen asked.

  “Three miles north of the compound, but that’s not what I’m worried about.” The Battle Lord of Foster City wasn’t sitting. He was agitated and pale.

  Yulen walked over to his friend. “What’s wrong? How can we help?”

  “My troops managed to capture one of the Bloods and questioned it. Most of what it babbled made no sense, except for two words: ‘You’re gone’.

  Yulen turned to see Atty staring at him. Their son was asleep on her shoulder as she slowly rocked from side to side. Mastin voiced what they were all thinking.

  “The Bloods know the Battle Lords are converging here.”

  “And leaving their compounds leaderless,” Fortune added.

  “Not completely leaderless,” Yulen corrected. “A trusted high-ranking officer is always left in charge to carry out the Battle Lord’s orders.”

  “But it’s not the same thing, and you know that,” Atty pointed out. “You could leave Cole here in charge, but he wouldn’t react the same way you would to certain situations. His reasoning isn’t always your reasoning.”

  “She’s right,” Mastin agreed.

  Yulen referred back to his friend. “So what are you thinking?”

  “I think the Bloods are getting ready to attack the compounds who are minus their Battle Lords.”

  Liam spoke up. “In mass?”

  “We know they’re capable of intelligent thinking,” Fortune reminded them. “If they’re aware that we’re gathering here, and how long, it’s very possible they could make a coordinated effort to strike at selected sights the same time.”

  Yulen frowned. “Then you believe the group that attacked your merchant was either scouting your compound, or waiting for the rest of their army to join them?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Either way, I don’t like being away from my compound.”

  “Zane, you know that any time you leave your compound, you leave it to the mercy of whatever might attack,” Yulen quickly replied. “Hell, you used to go on those yearly cleaning sweeps just like I did, and our compounds are still thriving.”

  “If they have their eyes on Foster City, how many more compounds are in their sights?” Dardin Tabb wondered aloud. “How many Bloods are there?”

  “Numbers are unimportant,” Atty said. “It’s the number of Blood leaders we have to worry about.”

  A voice from the corner of the room spoke out. “If you’re thinking there’s going to be a coordinated attack, you’re going to have to think hierarchy.” Renken stepped further into the room. “Atty’s right. The Bloods will need a leader for each group attacking a compound. But what I haven’t heard anyone take into accord yet is that there will have to be one main Blood who is controlling all the leaders.” He held up a finger. “One bigwig who’s running this whole thing from a centralized location.”

  Several moments of silence followed as everyone mentally digested his remark. Paxton finally commented. “How would they know which compounds are leaderless? I mean, how would they know which compounds to watch to see if the Battle Lords leave?”

  “It wouldn’t be that difficult a task,” said Batuset. “All they’d need to do is keep a few scouts watching this place to see who arrives, and relay that information to their superiors.”

  Yulen addressed his wife. “Atty, when you went out to rescue Case, did you see anything or feel anything that gave you a sense of unease or warning?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Liam added, “But the Battle Lords weren’t gathering here at that time.”

  “No, but they were on their way,” Yulen pointed out. He glanced at his wife again. “Atty, can you and Fortune, and a couple of the other Mutah hunters take a quick look around? See if there are any signs we’ve been under watch?”

  Fortune was instantly on his feet. “Want someone to help with reconnaissance?”

  “It won’t hurt. The soldiers brought by each Battle Lord are here to protect their own interests. I must guarantee the safety of all.”

  Atty got to her feet to hand their son over to Yulen.

  “You be careful,” he whispered. “Watch your back.”

  Smiling, she nodded. She still wasn’t in perfect health. But with Fortune and the other Mutah hunters accompanying her, it shouldn’t be too dangerous for her to be outside the compound.

  He watched her hurry upstairs to change into more appropriate garb. Fortune stopped on his way out the door. “Tell Atty we’ll meet her over by the south entrance.”

  “Shall I accompany her?” Paxton asked Yulen. Although he was Atty’s Second, it was firmly understood that Yulen’s commands would supersede hers, especially when it came to Atty’s safety.

  “Yes. I’ll feel better knowing she has extra backup.”

  Paxton nodded and hurried out the door. Yulen noticed Renken slipped outside as well, but didn’t question the man’s intent.

  “I’m feeling a bit useless at the moment,” Batuset admitted.

  “What would you be doing if you were at Foster City?”

  “Stepping up reinforcements.”

  “Exactly my call,” Yulen admitted. “Cole, take the Battle Lord and his Second over to the barracks, and start with the reinforcements.”

  Liam helped Madigan to her feet. “Are you planning to let the other Battle Lords know about this?”

  “Not yet. Not until I get more information. The last thing I want to do is cause a massive panic over something that may not exist.” Yulen frowned as he laid his sleeping son over his shoulder. “Let’s see what Atty and the others discover. We’ll keep this close to the vest. If and when we find out the Bloods are preparing a coordinated strike to multiple targets, then we’ll let the other Battle Lords know. At that point, they can decide if they want to stay here under my protection, or risk venturing back to their own compounds.”

  “This whole thing is unheard of,” Madigan whispered. “Whoever heard of Bloods making and carrying out such elaborate plans?”

  “Careful, Mother,” Yulen warned with a touch of sarcasm. “Or you’ll go back to thinking they’re mindless hoards again, the way Dad did. We have to stop believing in the old way, and start giving these creatures a lot more credit. After all, they’ve managed to survive as long as we have, and they don’t have the safety of a compound to hide behind.”

  “That we know of,” Tory murmured.

  Everyone looked at her, but didn’t reply. There was no need to. At this point in time, anything was possible when it came to the Bloods.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Atty, Fortune, and three other Mutah hunters, along with a select handful of Yulen’s soldiers, scoured the forest for any signs the Bloods might have Alta Novis under surveillance, but no evidence was found. Neither did
any of the Mutah feel the presence of the creatures. Still, after rethinking his original intent, Yulen decided to go ahead and let the other Battle Lords know of the possible threat.

  “Tomorrow, when we gather for the first time,” he told his wife as he nuzzled a velvety earlobe.

  They were standing under a bright red canopy and watching a group of four Mutah musicians perform from an impromptu stage. Apparently the foursome’s tunes were becoming quite popular, as there wasn’t a single seat available, and the area was ringed with those having to stand. Currently, they were singing a slow love ballad about a love lost, then found. Although no names were mentioned, Yulen felt the song closely resembled his and Atty’s own past history.

  It was growing dark. The evening meal was over, and the kiosks were closing down for the day. Servants carried dirty dishes and empty platters back into the main lodge to be scrubbed as lanterns were lit along the main walkway. The Mutah-based menus had been a rousing success. Most of the visiting Battle Lords had no idea what their own compound’s cooks could learn from the people they once considered their enemies. Yulen smiled. It would be interesting to see how much more those men could learn. Every bit of positive reinforcement regarding the Mutah would greatly help him to make his case for an armistice between the peoples.

  Yulen had his arms wrapped around Atty, allowing her to lean back against him. Every so often she would lift her face to comment, as she did now, and he would lower his head to turn an ear closer.

  “Aren’t you worried there might be an attack on our own outer perimeter?”

  “I thought of that, and I’ve ordered double shifts at our most vulnerable points. But, seriously? I doubt they’ll attack us here. We’re too fortified.” He paused to consider her question again, then added, “What makes you think the Bloods might attack us here?”

  She shrugged. “They’re too damn unpredictable. We know they harbor some intelligence. Maybe they all do, to some extent. It’s their way of thinking that’s not reasonable.” She flashed him a smile. “Sorry to be such a worry wart at a moment like this.”

  He forgave her with a soft kiss. Snuggling together, they listened to the singers. Presently, Yulen caught sight of the giant Battle Lord approaching them. At the same time, Atty noticed Batuset. To avoid being overheard, they moved further away from the main area where they could talk.

  Batuset got straight to the point. “I’m going back to Foster City. I hate to do this to you, Yulen, just as you’re starting the conference.” He gave Atty a nod. “And celebrating your wedding anniversary. I need to check on my defenses. Then I’ll head right back.”

  “In case you need to stay, take a few of my men who can return to let me know,” Yulen suggested. He waved at the two Seconds standing nearby like bodyguards. Both men hurried over.

  “Paxton, I need you to accompany Zane to Foster City. In the event he’s unable to return for the summit, you can come back to tell me.”

  Paxton looked questioningly at Atty, who nodded. “I’ll be right here. Yulen needs Cole. I need you to do this for me.”

  “Pardon my interruption.” Renken stepped from out of the shadows where he had been listening. If it had been anyone else, Yulen would have reamed the man out, and so would Atty. But the man had been eavesdropping for a reason.

  “Permission granted,” Atty immediately replied before the man could explain himself. Renken’s eyes widened. She smiled at his reaction. “You were wanting to go with them, right?”

  “That’s correct, but how did you know?”

  “How does anyone explain how my wife can do some of the things she does?” Yulen gave her a slight squeeze for a hug, then looked back at Zane. “When are you leaving?”

  “Before dawn. I’m also taking all but one of my men with me, but we’re leaving our camp site intact. He’ll guard it until I either return, or order it dismantled and brought home. That way, in case any of the other Battle Lords are keeping count, it’ll look like we’re still maintaining a presence here.”

  “You’ll be able to travel faster without the load, too,” Atty pointed out.

  Yulen reached out to shake his friend’s hand. “Have a safe trip. I hope all is well, and you can return swiftly. At least in time for the end of the conference.”

  “So do I. I’m looking forward to adding my name to the charter.” The big man clapped Yulen on the shoulder before pivoting around and striding away. Renken and Paxton remained with the couple.

  “Ready your saddle bags and stay with the Battle Lord,” Yulen ordered them. “Also, keep your eyes and ears open to anything unusual. I’ll have a small company of men waiting to escort you when you’re ready to leave.”

  “To certain things not necessarily related to Blood activity?” Paxton questioned with a grin. He gave a little salute, then he and Renken went to catch up with the others.

  “Come.” Taking his wife by the hand, Yulen began to stroll down the walkway. Atty remained silent, allowing him this chance to think. She knew he normally liked to be alone when he needed to plan. Until he chose to speak, she would leave him to his mental calculations.

  Every so often, someone would hail him, and he would wave in response. In most cases, however, he was always given a wide berth to do his job. Only in extreme cases would someone approach him. Otherwise, problems were dealt by Atty.

  He had halfway thought he would meander to the first rear wall of the compound. Perhaps climb to the upper catwalk and view the pockets of tents erected within the second ring. Instead, Yulen was mildly surprised to find he’d led Atty around the main lodge and over to outside entrance to the clinic.

  “Are we calling it an early night?” she teased.

  “Why don’t you gather up Mattox and retire? I want to give the new wall another look before joining you.”

  “I could bring him with us.”

  Yulen seriously considered her offer, but in the pale lantern light he could see dark circles under her eyes. She wasn’t completely over the wolfen attack, even with her unique healing abilities. As much as he would love to continue their stroll together, she needed more rest. The next few days would tax them both, draining their strength and stamina, as well as test their patience.

  She grasped his arm, forcing him to look at her. “I know it won’t do any good to tell you not to worry, but you know I have to say it.”

  “I know.”

  “Despite any problems, some good will come of this gathering.”

  “Let’s hope.”

  She gave him an irritated look and lightly punched his arm. “And quit being such a hardass. I have to say that, too.”

  Yulen laughed. “You’re right. You do, and you did.”

  “By the way, have you sent out any proclamations to let the people know what’s about to take place?”

  “Yeah. I also sent out a second declaration to let them know that if they see or hear of any instances occurring during this summit, especially between Normals and Mutah, to notify one of the soldiers immediately.”

  He leaned down to kiss her. Her lips were sweet from the juice she’d had at supper. As much as he would have wanted to have a mug of the verbossa, he had to keep his wits about him. Plus, it wouldn’t do for any of the other Battle Lords to see him inebriated, despite the fact that this was his wedding anniversary.

  Our wedding anniversary.

  It had been weeks since they had reignited those fires deep within their bellies. From the way her mouth answered his, he could tell her heady juices were flowing. She was well enough for some gentle lovemaking as long as he didn’t irritate her back.

  In his mind’s eye, he could see Atty lying across the sheets on her belly. Her satiny-soft skin would glow in the lantern light coming through the bedroom’s cut glass windows. Her dark blue hair would gleam, framing her face and shoulders in shadow. He would lift her buttocks toward him, and she would let him ride her like a prize mare. Atty loved that position more than she did missionary.

  He could feel himself
swelling, forming a tight knot in his breeches. Slipping a hand down inside her low-cut neckline, he gave her breast a gentle squeeze. The hard nipple scraped across his fingers. Atty gasped softly.

  “You’d better not take too long at the outer wall,” she halfway threatened.

  “On second thought, I could always inspect it in the morning.”

  She laughed throatily. “I need to feed our son. By the time you return, there should be a warm bath waiting for you.”

  If there was anything he loved more than making love to Atty on the bed, it was having her ride him, all wet and slippery, inside the immense tub in their bathroom. And it won’t irritate the scratches healing on her back.

  He dropped a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Later,” he promised, and strode quickly away. And when he finally managed to make it back to their lodge, she was waiting for him inside the tub, as promised.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Atty stood at the far end of the open area. In front of her, several yards away, eleven long tables were arranged in a narrow U formation. Battle Lords from thirteen compounds from as far north as the Winnpegg province and as south as Algordo were in attendance. There were six more representatives from other compounds, sent by their Battle Lords to report back on the conference. They lined both sides of one row of tables. Along the other row of tables sat the abbreviated councils from eight Mutah compounds. Yulen stood at the head table with Cole Mastin to his right, Liam to his left. An extra empty seat at the head table would remain empty…at least until she chose to take her rightful place by her husband.

  Even this far away from the gathering, she could feel the tension and uneasiness. The atmosphere pulsed like a thick, invisible fog. The Mutah watched the Normals with no small amount of distrust, which was understandable. While Yulen had proven himself to them, these other leaders had yet to show any kind of allegiance. And the recent skirmishes over the past couple of days, although expected, hadn’t torn down any of those barriers raised between the warring compounds.


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