One Battle Lord’s Fate

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One Battle Lord’s Fate Page 22

by Linda Mooney


  They held each other for several precious seconds. Hands pressed to backs, until their breathing slowed and their racing hearts calmed. Yulen ran his fingers through her black locks and smiled as he reared back slightly.

  “You look bewitching with black hair.” He lifted a curl to his nose and sniffed. “What is that smell?”

  “Which one are you talking about? The tannic acid or the smoke?”

  “Ah.” He chuckled. “Tannic acid. I remember now. So my Missy Sparkle has returned.”

  She lifted her face for his kiss. In the corner of her eye, standing a few yards away, she spotted Paxton with his back to them. His presence was obvious, and welcome. He was standing guard to give them this moment of privacy.

  Hesitantly, they broke their embrace, and Yulen noticed her right hand. “What’s this?” He slid the long sleeve away from the wristband to see the spoons wrapped to her wrist. Yulen gave her a dark, questioning look. “Who did this to you? Rafe?”

  She knew he preferred to refer to his half-brother by the man’s first name, rather than by his last. For some reason he couldn’t explain, Yulen couldn’t call him D’Jacques. It was almost like accusing a close family member. And to him, Rafe had yet to prove himself worthy of that distinction.

  “When they attacked me, they held me down, and someone’s boot heel crushed my wrist.”

  “Did they…molest you?” It was difficult for him to ask, but he had to know. She didn’t blame him for his trepidation.

  “No. They didn’t rape me. They couldn’t find it in themselves to debase themselves by fucking me. Besides, they probably thought I would give them some sort of Mutah disease. No…I was an insect that had to be crushed beneath their feet. I was stripped and humiliated, but the real reason was to expose me to the cold.”

  She felt tears rise her eyes before she buried her face in his shirt.

  “They destroyed our home, Yulen. They chopped up that beautiful headboard and burned it.”

  Yulen gently kissed the top of her head. “We can always have another headboard made. Our home is replaceable. You, however, are not. But now you’re here safe. And for that, I can’t be grateful enough.”

  Atty suddenly looked up at him. “Mattox?”

  “Safe back at the camp. Mother is tending to him. Atty, that was a brave thing you did to trust Danna Abalam.”

  “Yulen, she was responsible for helping me escape from Rafe.”

  “She was? How?”

  Atty pointed to the scratches on her face. Scratches he might have assumed she’d suffered when she was captured. “She convinced the guard she wanted to retaliate against me for the death of her husband. The guard believed her.” Atty shuddered. “I did, too. She hit me and scratched me. Then I felt her press a knife in my hands. She whispered we were even in my ear. After that, she moved away and spat on me. When I was able to cut myself free, Fortune took me back to his place, and Danna was there with Tory. They figured Danna could get out of the compound with Mattox without anyone questioning her. Tory would have brought him, but she wanted to stay with me and help me recuperate.”

  Yulen kissed her hairline, nosing the fine hairs. “Rafe will pay for what he has done to you and to my compound. I swear this to you.” He didn’t explain what he planned to do to the man, but in her heart she already knew the answer.

  They embraced again, remaining that way until Paxton commented, “Battle Lord approaching, Sir.”

  Batuset appeared, followed by Renken. The big bear of a man lifted Atty off her feet to give her a big, albeit gentle hug. “It’s good to have you back safe. My, my, that hair color makes you look like a totally different woman.” He gave her a wink, then addressed Yulen. “The flames have spread into the field. The fire is eating that dry grass with a vengeance. It could reach the compound wall within the hour.”

  “What of the Bloods?”

  “They broke ranks. Or rather, they ran in a hundred directions to get away from the fire. But a couple of my scouts say they’re reassembling just beyond your main gates, over on the western side.”

  “They could be trying one last time to get inside,” Atty commented.

  “That was my guess, too,” Batuset admitted. “Smart little bastards. They’ll probably use the fire as a diversion, and try to sneak in under the fire screen.”

  “If I was in their position, that would be the smartest thing to do,” Yulen remarked. “What do you think our chances are to sneak back into the compound from the eastern gate of the second courtyard? Think we can reach it? Can we outrun the fire?”

  “I don’t doubt you could outrun the flames to get there. It’s when you get inside that I worry about. How many men does D’Jacques have at his disposal? Don’t forget, he put your officers in the dungeon. That means your soldiers must answer to their new Battle Lord. Otherwise¯

  “Otherwise, Rafe’s men will kill them on the spot.” Yulen stared at ground, as he often did whenever he was deep in thought. “What if my men were notified that I plan to take back the compound? Could there be enough of them to overcome Rafe’s men?”

  “Remember, my scouts said there are other Battle Lords who joined up with your half-brother. They allowed him to add their soldiers to his army, to strengthen his forces,” Batuset said.

  “For a price,” Yulen added bitterly. “Most likely, for a cut of the spoils. He’ll rape my compound for anything and everything worth having. Atty, how are the townspeople reacting?”

  “He keeps them prisoners in their own homes. No one is allowed outside after dusk, and their movements around the compound are restricted.”

  “Yulen. Don’t forget the Mutah.”

  Atty stared wide-eyed at her husband. “The Mutah?”

  “The ones banished from Alta Novis, plus the councils who traveled here for this summit. They’ve gathered not far from here. I guess to await the outcome. I haven’t had the chance to talk to them.”

  “I have.” Batuset smiled. “They’re prepared to cover your rear. In addition to that, four more Mutah compounds, located in this area, have sent their best hunters and strongest men armed with makeshift weapons. Tally in my men, and you have an army of considerable size at your disposal, my friend.”

  “Then we can’t wait any longer. When the Bloods attack again, send the bulk of the troops in to surround them and bring them down. Atty and I will take a few hand-picked men with us when we infiltrate from the rear gate. Hopefully we have enough friends still inside who won’t raise a hue and cry when they spot us, and ruin our chance for a surprise attack.”

  He turned to help Atty into the saddle when Paxton said, “Sir, I volunteer to release the men from the dungeon when we return.”

  “Offer accepted. Now, hurry. We must get back to camp so I can make my plans known. Time is not our friend today.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Rafe threw the Ballock at the wooden table. The finely-honed tip buried itself into the soft wood. Pulling it out, the Battle Lord tried to twirl the knife in his palm, but the weapon’s balance was off. It felt huge and clumsy in his hands, but he had to admit it was an excellent dagger. He tossed it at the table again while he waited.

  Presently, he heard the side door open, and footsteps approached. In the empty main dining hall, every sound echoed and re-echoed. Since his takeover of Alta Novis, Rafe had ordered all men to take their meals in their barracks. At some point, he knew he would have to have an office built, as well as his own lodgings. He’d briefly considered using his half-brother’s home, but thinking about Yulen having carnal relations with that Mutah bitch was the tipping point. Instead, he’d chosen to have the place razed and new quarters erected on the same site.

  At the thought of Atty, he felt the familiar heat in his loins. His body’s reaction angered him, but he couldn’t deny his attraction to the blue-haired Mutah.

  It’s because she is tainted. I want to fuck her like all men are drawn to those Mutah bitches who sell
themselves to the man with the most to give her.

  He was convinced that was the only reason she was here. She’d used some kind of power to entice D’Jacques to her bed, and keep him there, the same way she’d tried to lure him. No doubt, she’d done bizarre and sick things to D’Jacques to convince him to make her his wife.

  She’d even preyed on his wish for an heir.

  “Sir? You called for me?”

  Slamming the Ballock’s tip into the upper corner of the paper lying on the table, Rafe waved for his Second to look.

  “The time has come, as it always does, when my allies have become my enemies. I need to dispose of the Battle Lords who’ve lent me their aide.”

  Moiven Sees’ eyes lit up. “How? You have a plan?”

  Rafe grinned. His Second was capable and loyal to a fault. One of those faults being eager and ready to do whatever the Battle Lord requested without question.

  “It will be relatively simple. Tomorrow morning, they will come into this hall, expecting to find a wealth of riches I’ve confiscated from this compound. I need you to do three things. First, I need as much material as can be found brought here and displayed on these tables. Next, I need you to assign ten men to come guard these riches, but before you do, be sure they know their true assignment.”

  “Which is?”

  “On my signal, slay the Battle Lords.”

  Sees didn’t flinch. “How do you plan to explain the carnage?” he asked, as if doing such a heinous deed was an ordinary occurrence.

  “That’s where your third order comes in. Send some men outside the compound walls to recover three or four Mutah bodies, and a couple of our dead soldiers. Bring them in here. I’ll arrange to be the sole survivor of this carnage, and explain that while the Battle Lords were looking over the spoils, we were attacked by the Mutah, who had somehow managed to sneak into the compound while we were under siege, and were hiding inside the main lodge. They killed the Battle Lords before our guards managed to slay them. No one will question it.”

  Sees nodded and turned to leave when a soldier rushed into the hall from the side door. He quickly saluted, but didn’t wait for permission to speak.

  “The fire has grown! It’s already burning the compound walls in some locations!”

  “What are you waiting for?” Rafe almost roared at the man. “Set up a water brigade!”

  The soldier blanched. “H-how? Where would we get the water?”

  Rafe pounded a fist on the table in exasperation. Grabbing the Ballock, he started for the door when the main entrance behind him suddenly opened, and two more guards burst into the room.



  “The Mutah are attacking again!”

  “In the middle of the fire?” Rafe yelled in anger.

  “No, Sir! At the main gates! They’re attacking as one large force! There’s hundreds of them!”

  “Awaiting orders, Sir!” the other guard added.

  “What do you need me to say that you can’t figure out for yourselves?” Rafe asked. “Have our forces gather at the main gates!”

  “Who will help put out the fire?”

  Fuming, Rafe strode out of the side door and stopped to look around. The main thoroughfare was empty. There was no one he could collar to help put out the fire. Smoke already filled the air, and thick black clouds blocked the sun. He could hear the roar of the flames as waves of heat signaled its approach. Light flickered between the huge posts that comprised the wall. Even the coming sunset appeared to be part of the conflagration threatening to burn the fortress to the ground.

  Three more soldiers ran up, joining the one who had followed Rafe outside. “Find buckets,” the Battle Lord ordered. “Start wetting the posts to keep the fire from penetrating all the way through.”

  “Yes, Sir!” all four barked in unison. Then each one ran off in different directions. Rafe stared at their disappearing figures in surprise, followed by frustration. Why would well-trained men suddenly turn into half-wit imbeciles? How hard was it to grab buckets from kitchen, not ten feet away, and form a line to the wall?

  A scream of raw anger got his attention. It came from the direction of the main gates. He took off running, drawing his sword as he headed toward the sounds of the battle. By the time he reached the large double doors, he could tell the majority of his forces were gathered here. Most of them were on the catwalk running along the top of the wall. They were beating down the Mutah who were scrabbling their way up the sides. Meanwhile, his archers were firing from the tall observation towers.

  Rafe raced to the nearest ladder and climbed up to the walkway. One glance over the wall confirmed his suspicions. As far as he could see, mutants were pouring out of the forest on the other side of the main road and advancing on the compound, teeming like enormous ants and covering the land with milling bodies. The creatures screamed and shouted, yelling gibberish with mouths that defied description. Their wild-eyed expressions were devoid of emotion, and many bore slits for noses. Many brandished tree branches and other crude clubs. A few had spears. But the majority were empty handed, and they repeatedly fell over each other as they tried to claw their way up the posts using their long, animalistic nails.

  He and his men were vastly outnumbered. Given that the north wall of the compound was going up in flames, it wouldn’t be long before those things would discover a way inside, through the burnt timbers. He scanned the compound behind him, and a stark truth suddenly made itself clear. Yulen D’Jacques’ men were nowhere to be seen. The cowards had deserted the compound in the face of the Mutah attack.

  So much for the great Battle Lord of Alta Novis.

  Rafe hurried back down the ladder and headed straight for the main lodge. Once inside, he ran for the stairs leading upstairs to the bedroom.

  “Mother! Mother!”

  Janelle threw the door open and stepped out onto the landing. Thankfully, she was still dressed.

  “Grab a coat. We’re leaving.”

  “What? Leaving? Now?”

  “Shut up and do as you’re told! And hurry!”

  She vanished inside the bedroom, emerging a moment later with her fur wrap. Seeing the look of desperation on her son’s face, she ran after him as he exited via the side door.

  Rafe was waiting for her outside. Grabbing her arm, he almost dragged her toward the stables in his rush to get to the horses. The smoke was thick and intense. Embers danced overhead. Some landed on the dry grass inside the compound, until the area was spotted with tiny flames. The heat was enough to have them sweating profusely before they’d taken a dozen steps.

  They rounded the side of the stables, when Rafe nearly ran into a solid block of Mutah. Janelle screamed in fear as Rafe faced them. Nearly a dozen in number, they stood in silent formation, makeshift weapons and spears in their hands. They acted as if they were expecting him. Rafe instinctively reached for his sword, then realized he couldn’t defeat them all. Grabbing his mother’s hand, they fled back in the direction of the main lodge.

  At one point, his mother jerked on his hand. She was coughing from the smoke, and tears ran down her cheeks from reddened eyes. “Rafe! Rafe, stop! What are you doing? Where are we going?”

  He swiped at his eyes and forehead with the sleeve of his shirt and glanced back the way they’d come to see if the mutants had followed after them. So far, he couldn’t detect any movement in the haze, but he wouldn’t put it past those disfigured bastards to go into hiding and ambush without warning.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” he rasped. Like her, his throat felt raw from breathing the smoke. Rafe coughed. “The compound’s being invaded. The north wall is on fire. If we don’t leave now, we’ll never make it.”

  “What about your people? What about the townsfolk?”

  “Fuck the townsfolk! If they’re so eager to make peace with the Mutah, let them face that horde and broker a peace treaty! These people brought this upon themselves.”

  She bent down to hasti
ly brush a burning leaf from her skirt. “How are we going to escape without a horse?”

  Rafe stopped and tried to concentrate. There had to be other exits from the fortress. Even Alta Seran had a few small doors which allowed individuals to come and go from the compound without having to use the big main gates.

  “Doors,” he murmured.


  “Side doors! I’m betting Alta Seran was built with the same specs as Alta Novis. If it was, then there should be a side door close by that we can use to get away from here!”

  He glanced upward, finally spotting a lookout tower not too far away. The doors he sought were usually located just below the towers, giving the person leaving the added benefit of overhead protection while he was outside the walls.

  “Come on!” He gave Janelle’s arm a tug. “This way!”

  They had barely taken a step toward possible freedom when a sharp, clear tone broke through the noise of the battle and fire. It pealed loud and repeatedly, forcing Rafe to freeze in his tracks. Stunned by the sound, he could feel his heart racing, sending his blood to pool in the center of his chest.

  It was the sound of the bell ringing from atop its tower in the center of the main courtyard, less than a hundred yards from where he and his mother were standing.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Janelle cried out. Rafe looked at her and found her staring white-faced into the smoke. She raised a hand to her mouth, as she often did when frightened, and stepped away from him.

  Lifting his sword, he held it ready for whatever was coming toward them. His watery eyes made his vision blurry, and the continuous tolling of that damn bell masked all sound. It could be two, five, or a dozen men approaching.

  Or those mutants, who had found a way inside the compound.

  He never anticipated the tall figure dressed in blood-splattered armor to appear from out of the smoke like a wraith. A figure with golden-red hair, and a long scar etching his face from his eye to his mouth. The shadows of flames danced across his breastplate and shoulders, giving the impression of a creature rising from the fire itself.


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