Ryder - Caveman Insticts Book Three

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Ryder - Caveman Insticts Book Three Page 18

by Gower, Hazel

  “Can you tell already who’s going to be best to train?” Ryder looked up at Rose.

  “They are starting to show their personality more and more. The two that you have with you are very curious and inspect everything. They are both very close and doing almost everything together so, I’m watching but I’m thinking they may have to stay together.”

  I slipped off to the side and let Ryder have his time with the puppies and get any info he wanted. The puppies were just so cute, and I knew if I went and sat down I’d fall in love with them and want one even though I had my Teddy.

  I don’t know how long I watched Ryder and the pure joy he was having, not only playing with the puppies, but talking to Rose. I knew it had been longer than an hour when my feet started hurting and before I could leave, a seat appeared courtesy of Chad. After only having the cast off a couple of days ago my feet were getting used to standing again. I didn’t stand for long with the cast.

  The puppies were sleeping by the time Ryder came over to me. “I think I have decided. Rose said that you’ve organized with my brother Tyson to come and pick the puppy up as we’ll still be on our honeymoon.”

  I stood and stretched. “Yeah. He’ll only have the puppy for week. You okay with that?”

  “Sure. He’s staying at our house looking after Teddy anyway. This will give them time to bond too.” Ryder winked. “Great. Just what I need another puppy to piss and chew on all my things.”

  “Ha, ha. This will be your dog. I know you’re not a fan of Teddy.”

  He shrugged. “You love him.”

  I went to him and wrapped my arms around him. “I do. Thank you so much for him.” I snuggled against him for a moment before turning to Rose. “Thank you so much for having us today and taking my calls and answering my questions. I look forward to seeing you in the future.”

  “It was nice to meet you two, too.”

  “Thank you.” Ryder shook Rose’s hand. “I’ll see you when we get back from our honeymoon to train the puppy. Thanks for the web link. I look forward to watching the puppies.”

  We walked back to the car and Ryder reached for the keys and kissed my cheek. “I love you. Thank you. This has been the best birthday I’ve ever had.” He brushed his lips over mine. “I know you’re tiring easily with the pregnancy.” He grinned. He always smiled at the mention of my pregnancy. He was so excited about the baby and becoming a father. “If you fall asleep I can carry you inside. Thanks for today.”

  I was tired. I still wasn’t a hundred percent and being pregnant was taking a lot out of me, too. Ryder had been considerate, loving and caring from the start, but since being hurt and finding out I was pregnant, he was to the extreme, and I’d never admit it to him, but I loved it. I loved that he was so happy about the baby. It might have been early in our relationship to have a child, as we hadn’t even had a year together, but I already loved our baby and I felt even more in love with its father every day.

  I got in the passenger seat and Ryder leaned in and put my seat belt on me giving me a quick kiss again. I was so happy and content. I settled in for the ride home.

  I STARED INTO THE EYES of the love of my life. My father had just walked me down the aisle. Everything was perfect. My hair was curled, in a half up and half down elaborate do with a sparkly crystal tiara holding my veil. My dress was just how I dreamed it, a white version of Belle’s from the ballroom scene in Beauty and the Beast, and my shoes were white lace vintage style wedding high heels. The aisle was covered in white rose petals and there were white, pink and yellow lilies, along with roses and baby’s breath everywhere. Ryder looked devastatingly handsome in his crisp black suit with cream shirt, all clean shaven and his hair cut and slicked back.

  I was in heaven, at my dream wedding and marrying the love of my life. I was so lucky.

  The celebrant said my name and I blinked out of my dreamy haze. “Divinity and Ryder prepared their own vows. Divinity if you will?”

  I nodded, but didn’t take my gaze from Ryder. “When I first met you, you told me about soul mates and how I was your other half. I thought you were crazy. I didn’t believe you and I denied what we had. I know that hurt, that I didn’t believe you and I’m sorry I doubted you. But as time went by, your love made me believe. I promise to always believe in you and the love, devotion, and happiness we bring each other. I stand before you, Divinity Stamon, but as we turn around and walk down that aisle I will not just be Divinity Silverman, I will be complete, because having you in my life makes me whole. You are my soulmate. I love you Ryder Silverman and I take you as my husband today and look forward to our future."

  The look of absolute devotion that stared back at me from Ryder’s gaze had my heart drumming faster and soaring to new highs. He beamed at me as the celebrant said, “Ryder.”

  “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. My soulmate. From the start, I knew that I would pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor to you. Upon meeting you, I couldn’t help but become your greatest fan and the more time we spent, your friend and lover. You made me work for it and I love that you can stand up to me and be my true counterpart.

  “I love the support and faith you have in me and every day you deepen my ever-growing love for you. I look forward to every new day with you in our adventure and am forever grateful to our blessing of finding one another. I promise to love, hold you and honor you and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I love you more, Divinity, than any words I can ever say. I’m overjoyed that I am taking you as my wife today.”

  “Thank you both.” The celebrant said. “You may exchange the rings.”

  Ryder slid my white gold diamond wedding band on and then my engagement ring. Lucy tapped my shoulder and I half turned as she passed me Ryder’s ring, and then I turned back and placed the ring on his finger.

  The celebrant spoke more but I wasn’t listening my focus was on our hands linked and our rings shining. This was all real.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” Holy moly—argh, I was really struggling with my promise of no swearing to get ready for my baby—I was a wife.

  Ryder took my lips gently at first and then his mouth claimed mine with a deep passionate kiss that had our friends and family hooting and cheering loudly. Reluctantly I eased away and beamed up at my husband. I held my soulmate’s hand and squeezed it in excitement. He gave me a squeeze right back and a calming peace settle over me. We turned to face our friends and family, hand in hand, and begin our first steps as husband and wife.

  I STARED AT MY PERFECT little man. He was a replica of his father. His was a big boy, too at nine pounds. Quinten Ryder Silverman. I liked having his daddy’s name as his middle name. It was a tradition I liked and hoped my sons would follow.

  Yes, even after pushing a huge baby out of me I was still willing to have more. The reason why nursed contentedly. My boobs where huge. I was a decent size before, but thanks to being pregnant and now breastfeeding they were just obscene. Ryder loved them and practically drooled every time he saw them.

  Darting my gaze up from my precious bundle, I beamed at the man who, with the dawn of every day, makes me fall deeper in love with him.

  “I love you, Ryder Silverman.”

  The love that shone in his gaze was unmistakable. I was a lucky woman.

  “I love you, too, Divinity Silverman. You’re amazing.” He leaned over from his chair beside the bed and brushed his lips over mine, once, twice and a third. “Thank you for my son.”

  If someone had told me a little over a year ago that I would meet an arrogant alpha male and fall madly in love with him, marry him and give him a son, I would have laughed at them. I then would have asked what drugs they were on, because if they knew me even the tiniest of bits, they’d know that wasn’t my type, but life is unpredictable and you never know where you could find your soulmate. I trust in fate and don’t fight it.

  I kissed Ryder and sighed in utter contentment.
/>   My woman, my soulmate, the love of my life, my wife, was amazing. The little blue bundle cradled in my arms was perfect. We’d been home for two weeks and every day I became more and more captivated by my Divinity and the way she balanced being a new mum and a new wife. She accepted help and I was always surprised with how she treated my mother and aunts who came over and liked to take charge. She used that time to be with me.

  We were growing, not just in family but in our relationship. Don’t get me wrong, we still fought, but damn, I loved her fire. She never gave up.

  My son Quinten gave a little cry and I rocked him, trying to get him back to sleep rather than wake his mum. Divinity had only gone to sleep two hours ago. I was hoping my son could last at least another hour, but I didn’t think he would. My son was greedy and loved his milk. The doctor at his checkup the day before even commented on how well he’d kept his weight.

  His cry turned into a wail and I knew I had to quiet him before Divinity’s Mummy sense alerted her and she awoke. Taking him downstairs, I went to the play room and went through everything, but feeding him. Sitting on the sofa, I stared down at my son and started singing in off key. “My baby, baby, baby boy, please stay quieter for just a little longer. My baby, baby, baby boy let Mummy have a little longer sleep. My baby, baby, baby boy, Mummy and Daddy love you, but we need sleep. My baby, baby, baby boy.” I sang over and over and for a while Quinten stayed quiet. My voice dried out and I was sure with everything I’d done and the singing, more than hour had gone by.

  I slowly eased up, cradling my son and as I looked up I saw my beautiful wife staring at me with adoration and love shining through. “Thank you.”

  Shrugging, I shook my head. “You have nothing to thank me for. He’s my son too. You can’t do everything. We’re a team.” My son stopped crying at the sound of his mum.

  Divinity came to me and wrapped her arms around me. “That right there is one of the many reasons why I love you.”

  Going back to the sofa, we sat and I snuggled Divinity against me and helped her settle Quinten. I stared down in wonder as my son drank. At that moment, I held my whole world in my embrace. I closed my eyes, content. I was forever grateful to fate for giving me the perfect mate in Divinity. She was strong, loving, forgiving and a wonderful mother.

  The End

  I SHOULD BE USED TO the Silvermans’ extravagant ways. This Christmas, though, was ridiculous. Stephan’s Aunt Gillian had gone beyond overboard. I understood this year she had her first grandchild, Sebastian, but the baby was only two months old. Stephan’s Uncle Carl and his wife Annabelle had twins who were older at four months, but still way too young to appreciate everything around them. The mega mansion was lit up brighter than the northern lights. Inside the house there were Christmas trees in every social area. Mistletoe hung above doorways, gold, silver, green and red balls in long wreaths on the walls. All six trees had presents under them and the number of them for the new babies was insane. I was sure Andrew and Oakley had a count on how many presents everyone had. They were constantly checking for new ones.

  The tree at home had overflowed. I myself had gone a little overboard on the babies. They were just so adorable. They were turning me into a clucky mess. I wasn’t ready for a baby though and I knew Stephan felt the same. Uni was hard work and I was only just starting to get used to having a loving family. I wouldn’t know what to do with a child of my own at the moment. I was watching though; the way Bailey and Annabelle were with their precious bundles. I had no doubt that Stephan would be an amazing father when we decided to have children of our own, but I’d never had great role models. My best friend Jess’s mother was the closest and only loving parent I had seen until I moved to Reed Creek. So I intended to soak up the love that now surrounded me and watch how loving parents were.

  This morning was different from last year. We’d stayed at Stephan’s Aunt Gillian and Uncle Albert’s house. Oakley and Andrew had woken everyone up at the crack of dawn. Five was way too early in the morning. I sat at the long table that could seat more than twenty people trying not to fall back asleep in my food. Annabelle rested her head on Carl and her eyes were closed. Baby Jake cradled against my mother-in-law Evelin, and Angelica in Gillian’s arms. I was surprised Gillian wasn’t holding her own grandchild, Sebastian, but I looked next to her and saw the little cutie was in his grandpa’s embrace.

  “You want one?” Stephan’s breath tickled the nape of my neck.

  Shaking my head, I turned to him to look into his eyes. They were lit up with playfulness. “Maybe in three or so years. I’m happy to practice making them, though.” I winked at him, and he made my favorite sound, his deep laugh.

  “Do you think they’d notice if we went back to our room?”

  I nodded. “Um, yes. Are you crazy? Oakley and Andrew have turned into hawks. I didn’t know they had this type of motivation in them.”

  He shrugged. “Those two have always been Christmas crazy. It’s when they get spoiled the most. Before the new additions they were the babies of the family.”

  I glanced at the two boys, er, men. They were eighteen and had finished high school this year. They were both going to the same university as the rest of us.

  Griffith University next year was going to be Silverman central.

  I had a feeling as I looked around the table at all the Silvermans, my family, that next year would be a busy one.

  Life had changed so much in a year. I was a mother. My first Christmas as a mother. My fears that I wouldn’t be able to be a mother or a good one, seemed silly now as I gazed around at my family and all the love and support they showed me. Any help I needed, I received, and sometimes I got more than I wanted, but I wouldn’t change my life or how it had turned out. Sure, I wished my parents were alive, but now being a parent myself I now knew they would have wished for me to be happy. To enjoy my life and live it to the fullest.

  Richard was my best friend, lover, and now the father of my child. He surprised me every day with how he was with me and now our son. I felt beyond blessed that he had taken over the primary role of caring for Sebastian by being a stay at home father. I went to uni and work assured that Sebastian was in the best hands.

  This Christmas, even though Sebastian was too small to really enjoy the presents, I felt so much excitement at just having him and knowing our family was building. I’d joined Oakley and Andrew when they’d counted all the presents and I knew Sebastian was going to have some major loot, so much so that it would take more than one car trip to take everything home.

  I had a ball going shopping this year with Sebastian in mind and Carl and Annabelle’s twins. I’d gone nuts in Babies‘r’Us. It was Richard who I’d had trouble buying gifts for. He had everything already. That was the down side of being with a man that had lots of money. In the end, he was getting silly things that I wasn’t sure he’d wear or keep, like shirts with sayings for new Dads, and I got him a mug that was blank and as he put his hot coffee in a picture of me in lingerie showed up. Well, that little present I didn’t think he’d get rid of, but I was sure I wouldn’t see him in the t-shirts, well non-name brand ones.

  Richard’s hand reached for mine and he squeezed it. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “I was just thinking of my lack of presents for you and picturing you opening them.”

  “Little raven, I can promise you that anything you get me I will like. I love you.” He eased his chair back and before I could voice any protest he leaned over and rested his hands on my waist and lifted me onto his lap. He nuzzled my neck and his whiskers tickled my skin.

  “I love you too.” I chuckled because I was sure he was going to eat his words. “I’ll remember you said this after you’ve unwrapped them.” I patted his chest before I snuggled back against him grateful the chairs were huge and closed my eyes content.

  I was exhausted. Thank God for Carl’s family. I was sure if his sisters-in-law weren’t baby crazy I’d never sleep. I was definitely coming around to the idea
of a nanny. My twins were demanding and didn’t like to sleep when I did.

  My mother helped out when she wasn’t busy with her own things, but the biggest help was Carl’s family. My mother was sleeping in this morning, lucky her, and coming to Gillian’s house for lunch along with some others of the spouses’ families. I mean, who the hell got up at five in the morning? Crazy people I tell you.

  I tried to remember if the presents I brought had name tags, and hoped they did. Carl had attempted to help wrap and it was terrible and I forbade him to touch any of the presents. I was surprised, too. I was sure a doctor would have wicked skills at wrapping, but Carl didn’t. If I didn’t know he was one of the best doctors I would be worried.

  Presents. So many presents. For the last two or three days, I felt like all I did was breathe wrapping presents and making sure I had something for everyone. A wicked grin spread over my face and I snuggled against Carl as I thought of his presents. I’d gotten him shirts with sayings for new Dads—thanks for the idea Bailey—and I also got him one with a pic of his baby girl saying, ‘No one messes with Daddy’s girl.’ Angelica was a major Daddy’s girl. If it wasn’t for me breast feeding her she’d never be in my embrace and not for my lack of trying, she just wanted her dad. She would be screaming her little head off and then Carl would hold her and it would be an instant stop. I was grateful that Jake was a Mummy’s boy so I had at least one kid.

  Closing my eyes, I clung to Carl and didn’t care we were at a massive dining room table. I had an amazing husband who was an awesome father and twins who were a handful but healthy, and I was spending Christmas with our family. Who could want more? I knew I was lucky and as I opened my eyes and looked around the room I saw that everyone was looking like me. Grateful, happy and content. We all knew how lucky we were to be together at Christmas.


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