My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations)

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My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations) Page 11

by Sofia T Summers

  I put on my skimpiest bikini. I’d brought plenty of swimwear, although I hadn’t been sure which of the outfits I’d be wearing or even how much I’d even go into the water. But this red-hot little number was going to drive Keith wild, and I was so glad I’d chosen to bring it.

  Keith was no slouch himself. His firm, molded muscles and tan skin gleamed from the sunscreen he’d put on it and my mouth watered. I could see the heat in his eyes as he saw me in my bikini, and I shivered. “Want me to get your back?”

  He had a knowing look in his eye, but obligingly turned around so that I could slide the sunscreen lotion over his back, squeezing and massaging his muscles as I went. God, he was so hot, so sexy, I wanted to keep touching him forever.

  When I’d finished, lingering far longer than I had to over the wide span of his back and the firmness of his shoulders, I let him do me. The contrast between the warmth of his hands and the chill of the sunscreen was delicious. I barely breathed as he slid his hands over my body, squeezing my hips, even moving underneath my bikini top to rub and squeeze my breasts.

  “Don’t want to miss even a strip of skin,” he told me, his voice low and warm in my ear. “Can’t have you getting sunburned, sweetheart.”

  I bit my lip to hold in a whimper as he took his time, moving around to my back, digging the base of his palms into my skin in an almost-but-not-quite massage. I was so keyed up, I wanted him so badly, wanted him to slide his fingers between my legs and fuck me—

  Keith pulled away. “There, you’re all ready.”

  I glared at him, all turned on and nothing I could do about it.

  Keith laughed. “Payback for all the teasing you did to me,” he said.

  Well, that was fair. I’d just have to get him back for it later. Right now—as much as I wanted to have sex with him again, dive back into that gorgeous, hot, strong body of his—I didn’t want this to just be about sex. I also wanted the chance to be with him romantically. To just spend time with him.

  Right now, I worried that Keith thought I was just in this for sex. I had to prove to him that wasn’t true. Simon had been right in his advice earlier, even if he was now convinced that Keith was just a dirty old man. I had to make sure Keith understood I was in this with my heart and not just my body.

  “Come on,” I said, taking Keith’s hand. “Daylight’s wasting!”

  There was a cute area of beachfront stores that we walked along, using the air conditioning to escape the heat of midday, and then we got some food for a picnic and set ourselves up on the beach for the afternoon. I asked Keith to tell me honestly how his work was going, and he explained it all to me—how there really was an upgrade for his device that he wanted to work on, but that most of the work right now was just being done over Skype and phone conferencing.

  He was so passionate when he talked about his work and medical technology. I loved it. This clearly wasn’t just something he did for fun or because it made him money. He did it because he wanted to help people.

  How could I do anything except admire someone like that? Someone who dedicated their life to helping others and was constantly finding ways to improve and make it better? No wonder women threw themselves at him. I had seen the parade of them going by over the years, the casual flings that he’d had one after the other.

  I was determined to be the last. I was determined that I would be the one that made his heart stop. None of those other women had ever been introduced to Dawn, none of them had ever had a chance of holding his heart. But now I did, and I wouldn’t waste that chance.

  We ate sandwiches, cheese with grapes, drank soda and munched on potato chips. “Reminds me of when I was a kid,” Keith noted. “We would just pack up food like this and go down to the beach, super casual.”

  “It’s not like the caviar and champagne you’re used to,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah, but you can’t have that all the time.” Keith smiled at me. “I know you grew up with the finer things in life. But there’s joy in the simplicity, too. I appreciate these more… relaxed and casual things.”

  “I like it too,” I admitted. “It’s relaxing. I know… my parents love me. But I get tired of being the princess all the time. I think that’s why sometimes I act rebellious and partying, why I haven’t been open to them about the hard work I want to put into my career. I feel like they just expect me to be their little girl and I’m not. I haven’t been for a while.”

  “You’re definitely not a little girl anymore,” Keith agreed, and I smiled. I was glad he understood that now.

  “Mmm, as you very well know,” I replied with a wink. I paused. “Tell me more about your childhood. It’s so different from mine.”

  I’d grown up the daughter of a wealthy businessman, after all. Privilege was all that I knew. Not that I was complaining about my childhood, far from it. I was grateful that my parents loved me and provided for me. I knew that, given the chance, all parents would want to do the same for their children.

  But I was aware that I got a lot of things that most people didn’t and there was a lot I could take for granted.

  Aside from that—I wanted to just know more about Keith in general. I wanted to get to know him not as the father of my friend, but as his own individual person. I wanted to know his history and his story.

  Keith seemed happy to talk about himself. “Most of this you might already know.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. It’s not like kids sit around talking about their parents all the time. We have our own issues, y’know.” I winked at him. “Besides, I want to know you. Even if I’ve already heard it before, I don’t want us to be your best friend’s daughter and my best friend’s father while we’re here. We’re just two people on a date getting to spend time together, and I want to know you.”

  “Most of my dates we stuck to shallow things, latest movies, books we’d read. We didn’t really talk about ourselves.” Keith paused. “But I want to talk about that with you. It helps that I already know so much about you.”

  He started to tell me about working his way through medical school, about meeting Kelly, marrying her because that was the expected thing to do, and wondering why he wasn’t head over heels for her the way the movies always showed. He talked about how he figured that sort of attraction just didn’t exist in real life, and about how Dawn’s birth was the best moment in his life, how much he loved her. He talked about going a little crazy when he’d first cleared his medical school debts as a surgeon and spent money on frivolous things because he could, and then settled down and was responsible about it.

  I had no problem listening. I loved not only his voice, but he way he looked while he spoke. It was clear that he was a charismatic man, and I could easily see him speaking to large crowds at medical conventions, but he wasn’t orating right now. He knew his audience and how to adjust, and so he kept his voice soft and intimate. He kept smiling at me and then catching himself, like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed, how much affection he could show.

  Well, I had no problem smiling at him, my chin in my hand, propped up on my knee. I was into him, painfully, deeply into him, and I was going to show it while I still could, damn it. All those years of hiding my lovestruck looks were over now. I was a woman in love, and I was going to act like it.

  When Keith finally wrapped up, he looked at me expectantly. “What?” I asked, confused.

  Keith gestured at me. “Your turn. I want to get to know you as Holly, not as my daughter’s best friend, not as Matt’s child.”

  I could feel my face heating up. “Well. I don’t think my life’s been half as exciting as yours.”

  “You’re still young, there’s plenty of time for adventure.”

  That was true. I hoped those adventures were with Keith.

  I told him about how I felt like I had to prove myself, not just to my parents to show that I was an adult, but to society and the world, that I wasn’t just a spoiled princess who couldn’t do anything for herself. I wanted to prove that I was respons
ible and hardworking. It was why I hadn’t told my dad about my managing job, and I still wouldn’t until it was more successful, and I could really show him what I’d done.

  “I like a challenge and I like adventures,” I said. “And I think that traveling around with a band, going all over the world, that would be really fun. I have a lot of energy, I’m young, I like partying, why not find myself a job where I can do that? And when I get successful enough I can just stay home and work in my office instead of always traveling with the band to every single concert. I’ll have assistants I can send to do that for me.”

  That part wasn’t something I’d thought about until I had realized I was pregnant. I needed Keith to be prepared, to know that I was a responsible person who wasn’t going to just party all the time. I took my job and career seriously, and I would take motherhood seriously even if motherhood was coming up faster and sooner than I’d expected.

  “I think Dawn feels like she has something to prove, too,” Keith admitted. “She’s a hard worker and I appreciate that, she got it from me, but I fear she’s working too hard. That she feels she has to prove to me and everyone else that she got through this because she deserved it. Especially because—yeah her dad’s rich, that’s one thing, but she’s also going into the same profession her dad is, in the same area. I know there are professors and doctors at her school who know me. I just wish I could get her to relax.”

  “Relaxing is hard for me too,” I replied. “I feel like when I’m around my parents I’m pretending. I’m acting like their little girl and like I’m relaxed when really I’m preparing to climb a mountain.”

  “I’d suggest talking to them about it,” Keith said, “but I know it’s not that easy.” He smiled at me, warm and reassuring. “But I know that you’ll figure out a way to prove to them that you’re an adult and want to be treated that way. You’re a determined woman.”

  “Very,” I told him, wiggling my eyebrows. He of all people should be aware of how determined I was, after all.

  Keith laughed, and gave me a flirtatious look. We had finished our meal, after all… “I love it.”

  My heart fluttered.

  Keith got up and held out his hand for me to take, hauling me to my feet. I stumbled a little and fell against his chest, my hands sliding over his firm muscles. God, he was so handsome and sexy. I was never going to get enough of him. I hoped that this week together would be enough to convince him that he wouldn’t ever get enough of me, either.

  We cleaned up our things from our picnic and then took a walk along the shoreline, the water lapping over our feet. It was afternoon now, not quite sunset, and the sun was perfectly warm on my skin.

  Warmer still was Keith’s hand in mine. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. I wanted to feel the coolness of the water against my feet, Keith’s firm hand intertwined with mine, I wanted his serene, happy smile and his bright eyes. It was perfect.

  The call of the waves soon became something Keith couldn’t resist, however. He tugged on my hand, pulling me into the water. I laughed, shivering at the initial cold before I grew accustomed to it. “You have to go in slowly!” I said. “Let your body get used to it!”

  Keith gave me a mischievous look, and I should’ve known that meant he was about to be up to something, but he moved before I could react—ducking down and wrapping his arms around my waist to pick me up and dump me in the ocean!

  I shrieked in surprise, landing in the water, freezing instantly. I jumped to my feet, soaked, shivering and spluttering, but laughing.

  Keith was laughing too. He grinned and grabbed me again, wrapping me up in his arms. “There, now you’ll get used to it faster.”

  “You’re a menace.” I playfully smacked his chest and let my hand linger there, looking up at him through my lashes.

  This whole time, flirtations had been sort of on the back burner. I had loved how it wasn’t just sex all day—we’d gotten to know each other and we’d been romantic. I loved seeing this soft and playful side of Keith. I wanted to see it every day.

  I kissed his neck, throwing him off guard, so that when I ducked down under the water, he didn’t realize until it was too late. I was shorter than Keith, for sure, but that didn’t matter to the laws of physics. I grabbed him around the ankles and threw all my weight on them, lifting them up to trip him.

  Keith fell ass-backwards into the water and I stood up, laughing as he sputtered and got back to his feet. “Oh, you’re in for it now.”

  He tackled me with a grin, and we ended up splashing in the surf, rolling around, like we were kids again—only kids didn’t deliberately grind up against each other, grab each other, and kiss each other the way that we did.

  It was delightfully messy. The water was calm enough that we weren’t getting buffeted with waves, but the water surrounding us was still adding an extra wonderful element, a dash of cold against the heat that was building inside of me.

  Keith got me to my feet and pressed me to him, kissing the water that slid in droplets down my neck to my shoulder. His hands roamed all over me, going from PG-13 to definitely rated R. His hands were on my ass, grinding us together, and I could feel him hard underneath his bathing suit. I was starting to get wet—I could feel it, even with the water making me wet as well—that wasn’t the ocean building between my legs.

  His tongue slid between my lips like he owned me. I was delighted. Keith’s inhibitions about us seemed to be gone and I delighted in it. I couldn’t wait for all that we could be together now that he seemed to be all in.

  He said just have a fling, he’s just getting you out of his system, that voice at the back of my head whispered.

  I pushed that voice away and focused on the here and now. And in the here and now, Keith was kissing me.

  And feeling me up and…

  “S-someone might see us,” I gasped out. Oh, oh, his thigh felt so good between my legs…

  Without warning I was spun around, my back to Keith’s chest, his arm like a hand of iron around my waist. “Then you can keep watch.”

  His hand slid under my bikini bottom, between my legs, and I whimpered. He found my clit at once, rubbing mercilessly. My eyelids fluttered and my vision blurred. We were far back enough into the water, thank God, that Keith’s ministrations were all beneath the water, unseeable by anyone, but I was sure my reactions weren’t really leaving room for confusion.

  It felt so good. He knew exactly how to touch me, how to make me squirm and writhe on his fingers. I ground down against them, my mouth falling open. I couldn’t stand up under my own power, I had to put my weight on him, rely on him, and I felt trapped and held at the same moment, pinned by his delicious torture.

  “Yeah, look at you.” Keith sounded breathless and so, so hot. I could feel his erection jutting up against my ass and I ground against it, feeling it jolt. I wanted it inside of me, so badly. “You’re so eager and desperate. I touch you and you get so wet, instantly. I fucking love it, love how wet you get for me. I’m gonna make you come just from this, aren’t I, sweetheart? Are you gonna come just from my fingers against your clit?”

  “Y-yes,” I gasped. I moaned as he sped up. I was shaking with the pleasure of it, it felt so good—so good—oh my God—

  He kept rubbing me, sliding his fingers through my folds, and then he shifted his angle, got right up against the underside of my clit, almost, and I screamed, surprised as my orgasm hit me like a tsunami.

  Thank God there was nobody on the beach with us and we were too far away from any beach houses for my noises to carry that far. Keith chuckled as he held me, sounding far too pleased with himself.

  “I can’t believe we did that,” I blurted out, laughing. That was more daring than anything else I had ever done.

  Keith smirked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet.”

  I gasped as he picked me up and moved us completely out of the water, laying me down in the surf. Oh, yes.



  I loved getting to be so… indulgent with Holly. I had never been so wild with my previous flings. Something about Holly just brought this out in me, this animal that wanted to possess and wanted to play.

  Holly was so up for anything, so young and full of life. She was more than just the irresponsible party girl I had first thought she was, she was smart and ambitious and grounded. But she did have that wild side, and she was encouraging me to find mine. A few months ago, I never would’ve considered having sex on the beach, where someone might stumble upon us—as unlikely as that was—but now I wanted nothing more. I couldn’t wait to get back to the villa. I had to have her now.

  I kissed Holly and spread her legs as I pressed her down into the surf. I was hard as a goddamn rock and I wasn’t going to need any prep before sliding into her. I could practically taste her orgasm in my mouth. She was so goddamn sexy when she came. It was a pity I hadn’t been inside her for that, hadn’t been able to feel her clench around me in that way that had me coming every damn time, but we didn’t have lube on hand and I needed her nice and loose for me to fuck her.

  Holly wrapped a leg around me and drew my cock out of my bathing suit, stroking it. I pushed her bathing suit aside so that I could get at her moist entrance, and together, we drew my cock to her.

  Holly moaned as I entered her. Fuck, she was still so tight for me. Not too tight, not enough to hurt her, but fuck. She felt so damn good. I wanted to stay inside of her all the time, and never come back out. She was intoxicating.

  I moved inside of her, and I couldn’t be sure, of course, but it felt like I was moving in time with the waves of the ocean, the water that lapped at my calves every time I thrust into her. We kissed lazily at the climax of each thrust, when we were completely joined together, and I licked the saltwater from her lips. Like this, she reminded me of taffy, something sweet coming out of something salty, a candy that I couldn’t stop savoring.

  For all of our frantic coupling before, now I felt the need to slow down. I wanted to take my time with her. Before I had been so desperate to have her after being away from her. I had missed her, terribly, and I wanted to be with her again. I’d been almost out of my mind with desire for her.


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