His Shooting Star: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

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His Shooting Star: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance Page 13

by Flora Ferrari

  “Oh, Gillian, why didn’t you say so? How could I not know?” he sniffs, “and yes, it’s safe for pregnant women. Promise.”

  He holds me for a long time, making me wonder why, but when I see the tears on his cheeks when the captain tells us it’s time to go, I understand.

  “Time to go, Colonel,” the pilot says respectfully.

  Xander wipes his eyes, kissing me and holding his hand on my belly again.

  “Then you fly safe, captain. We’ve got precious cargo on board.”

  “Yes Sir!”

  I mouth the words I love you before he picks me up, carrying me up the steps.

  It’s the flight of our lives because it’s the beginning of the rest of it, shared together.

  As family as well as husband and wife.

  Extended Epilogue

  Three Months Later


  “Was I a big baby?” I repeat after Gillian asks, looking thoughtful. “Why?” I ask after a time, shrugging. Not sure why she’s growling, angry, and pointing a finger towards her beautiful, full belly.

  “Because of this. This is why. It’s been six months since we… Well, you know? And another three months of this is more than I can take,” she almost shouts, making my ears hurt.

  I put a hand on her belly and she relaxes straight away.

  “I’m sorry, darling. I keep forgetting,” I admit. “Tell me when it gets too much,” I remind her.

  She puts both her hands over mine.

  “I just wish I knew how to do that, whatever it is you do. It always makes me feel better,” she adds, lifting my hand to kiss it.

  I smile, but I honestly don’t know how to answer her. My thing’s always been physics.

  Biology isn’t my field at all.

  “Oh, Xander,” she exclaims as I miss our exit to show her something. “You better not be taking us on any more joy rides across the atmosphere,” she growls again, gripping my hand and putting it back over her belly.

  “No, I’m not,” I tell her. “We’re going to see a doctor now,” I say trying not to sound worried, but six months of Gillian wanting to do things her way is starting to show.

  I think we both need to know everything’s progressing as it should be and I tell her so.

  “Agreed?” I ask, and she nods in surrender.

  “Just don’t let them stick anything in me, or our baby,” she says firmly.

  “I won’t,” I promise. Hoping it doesn’t come to that.

  “Hey, I can feel him moving,” I smile, really feeling a strong hand or little foot in there.

  “What makes you say ‘him’?” Gillian asks with a tone of defiance.

  “Just a turn of phrase dear,” I shrug, wanting my hand back now but she presses it harder, keeping it in place.

  “Sorry, Xander. It’s just been a rough few days,” she admits.

  “Well, from now on I want you to tell me everything,” I chide. “I thought you already were, but obviously not,” I add with a frown, glancing at her in the rearview.

  “Can we not fight over it?” She fake smiles and we drive the rest of the way in silence.

  I love Gillian more every day, no doubt. But I do recall foreseeing that not every day is our wedding day or our wedding night.

  “Through good times and not so good times,” I remind her, looking over and curling my lip in a small smile as we pull into the medical center parking lot.

  “I love you, darling,” she says and starts to cry.

  Winner, Xander. You sure know how to take it from bad to worse, don’t you?

  I guess we’re both just feeling the strains and joys, the worry really of pending parenthood.

  It’s a long wait too without an appointment, but this is the life I chose now. No more specialized services. No more top brass.

  Regular, plain Xander Sexton and family.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way, although after about an hour and a half I start to wonder aloud for a private doctor.

  “Or you could just make an appointment,” Gillian reminds me, poking her tongue out and making me laugh.

  “What were you driving me out to see anyway?” Gillian asks and I figure now’s as good a time as any.

  While we’re in the waiting room, I pull out my phone, bringing up the photos of the new house.

  “I hope you like it, ‘cause I… We already bought it,” I add, handing her the phone and watching her eyes and face once she starts to scroll through each image.

  “Oh, Xander! It’s beautiful.” I watch her features soften, the color coming back to her face and her eyes light up as she looks at the blank canvas for our future family.

  “Six months in a cottage with a seven foot gorilla can get a bit much,” she mumbles to herself, gasping at the bathrooms and kitchen.

  “Thanks very much,” I mumble back, pretending to be offended but knowing she’s right.

  I used to work so much away from home because home was a shoebox.

  “And you chide me for not sharing everything. Xander. Jesus, how much did this place cost?” she asks, suddenly embarrassed for raising her voice once she notices we have an audience.

  “Not as much as you’d think,” I tell her, poking my tongue out for a change.

  She whispers a figure in my ear, just to check.

  “Okay,” I admit. “Way more than that, but it’s a home, isn’t it? It’s our first ancestral kingdom,” I proclaim.

  She looks disappointed until I lean over, whispering in her ear how many acres it’s set on.

  “And there’s a waterfall in the gorge, but what would I know,” I add, rolling my eyes for effect. Only satisfied when she squeaks with delight, begging to see more photos.

  It’s not really the ‘doctor’s’ appointment I was expecting, but Gillian seems to be comfortable with things.

  An ultrasound and a blood test are suggested, with Gillian opting only for the ultrasound at this stage.

  The doctor shrugs, and another half hour later we’re looking at our baby. On a blurry black and white screen anyway.

  Twenty-First Century technology.

  Go Earth.

  All the stresses and joys of the past six months make sense again.

  Our little, or not-so-little baby is doing just fine according to the nurse conducting the ultrasound.

  “Now do Mommy and Daddy want to know the sex of each baby?” she asks.

  I think I drop my phone and Gillian and I look at each other, doing some ‘big baby’ math between us.

  “Excuse me, what did you just say?” Gillian clips.

  The nurse makes an ‘O’ shape with her mouth, apologizing if she’s said too much.

  “No-no,” Gillian says hurriedly. “We came to find out if everything was okay with the baby. Why my belly is so big,” she adds.

  The nurse glancing over at me and then back to my wife.

  “This the father?” she asks point-blank, Gillian only nods.

  “They’ll be big babies, just so you know.”

  Gillian frowns, but the nurse points out the hands and feet.

  “See these here. And here. Big,” she explains, but Gillian gets her point.

  “Now, the real question is, do Mommy and Daddy want to know the sex of each or one of the twins?” she asks us again.

  Gillian and I look at each other.

  “It would settle a bet,” I offer, looking down.

  “What!” she shrieks.

  “With your dad. He actually bet on twins, a boy, and a girl. I bet no way, one boy for my money.” I confess and I hear the nurse stifle a laugh.

  “Xander, how could you?” Gillian scowls.

  “Why? What did you bet with him?” I challenge her, knowing she did because he already told me.

  “A girl. One girl,” she concedes, and the nurse slaps her thigh laughing at the pair of us, all four of us really.

  “Well?” I ask, raising my brows.

  Gillian nods. “Okay, what’ve we got?” she asks, knowing altho
ugh we’ve both lost the bet with her dad, but we’ve doubled down and won the Mommy-Daddy jackpot.

  “One boy. One girl. And my money’s on identical twins, for what it’s worth.” The nurse laughs. “But we won’t know for sure just yet.”

  “Should we tell your dad?” I ask.

  Gillian chews at her lip.

  “Nah. Let’s see if we can’t change our bet. Identical or non-identical twins.”

  “Good call,” I remark, high-fiving my wife, my best friend, and my partner in everything.

  Kissing her shamelessly in front of the nurse and glad we’ve got a head start on filling that house up.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon exploring our new house, making notes, plans and scrapping them to start over.

  Grateful to know we can do this however we want.

  There are no mistakes when you’ve got love on your side.

  Extended Epilogue

  Two Years Later


  I know he only said it once, but I always tease Xander with his now infamous ‘no more space stuff’ comment.

  I toyed with the idea of getting it as a tattoo someplace only he’d ever see it, but maybe that’s taking it a little too far.

  Maybe a temporary one, for his next birthday. Just for fun. Not really making fun of him.

  “Large flat parcel from NASA,” I mention casually, putting it on the countertop as he changes Alexander. I scoop up Athena who kicks and wriggles, eager to get back in her walker after her fresh change.

  “You’re getting pretty good at that,” I observe, noting how sweetly delicate Xander’s huge hands always are with the babies.

  I say babies, but they’re in the terrific two’s now but in mommy’s eyes they’re always babies.

  “You want me to change your underwear?” he asks me, deadly serious. I know he is because he’s done it before.

  Held me down and peeled them off, cleaned me up like a giant pussy cat with his tongue, and changed me into a fresh pair before tucking me into bed for a nap.

  “I’m good,” I let him know with a smile. “Maybe later though,” I add, not wanting him to think I don’t notice how hot his everyday flirting and follow through still is even after a couple of years.

  “Well, aren’t you gonna open it?” I ask, eager now to know what’s in the package.

  Xander shrugs, setting Alexander on his two feet and holding him up by his tiny hands, helping him stay steady while they both chase his sister around the huge play area next to the kitchen.

  “Did you talk to dad some more?” I ask. “About the shop?”

  Xander is blowing raspberries now on Athena’s neck now, making her squeal with laughter, meaning its Alexander’s turn to cry.

  He scoops them both up and they both go quiet. That same magic touch he has on mommy applies to both his children too.

  Thank God.

  “Xander?” I ask again, eyeing the package, wondering why he’s so aloof about the whole telescope/Astronomy store thing now. The idea was to have my dad run it, something less stressful for him.

  “I dunno,” Xander grimaces, cradling a baby in each fold of his huge arms.

  “Your dad really wants a bait shop. Ya know, fishing stuff. How well does that pair with—” But he stops himself from saying it, already noticing me trying not to laugh.

  “Space stuff?” I say unable to stop and I burst out laughing, making him pretend to be annoyed until we’re both laughing pretty hard.

  “Never gonna live that one down, am I,” he asks.

  “I hope not,” I tell him, suddenly serious. Meaning it and moving over to kiss him and our babies.

  I hug him while he holds our babies, my ear against his chest while I’m soothed by his powerful heartbeat, never shifting over a Zen rate.

  “You gonna open that package?” I ask him, looking up into his eyes, knowing he’s already guessed or knows what it is.

  “Maybe later,” he teases me, pecking my cheek and moving the babies over to their matching playpens.

  Maybe now.


  We both stop and look at each other, aware of a child’s laughter, even though both kids are lying peacefully.

  Xander and I stopped doing the whole mind-telepathy thing when the babies came, something that developed after our first time together.

  He still can do it, and a million other things. But I know it’s not him doing it now and it’s certainly not me.

  Deliberately keeping both our minds blank we decide to carry on as if nothing happened.

  Maybe open the parcel now, Daddy.

  I close my eyes, grateful for two healthy, beautiful children. But looking to Xander he picks up on my near panic.

  Moving over to Alexander, he passes his huge hand over the infant, then presses a finger to the boy’s lips, whispering something to him.

  He comes over, pecks my lips, and squeezes my butt with both hands, promising me the kids are asleep now.

  “What did you do?” I ask, hoping little Alexander’s okay.

  “He’s fine, and so are we, for another decade at least. Unless you’d rather...”

  “Oh no! No-no,” I exclaim, letting everyone know it’s a good idea to save that kind of thing until they’re older.

  Xander walks me over to the counter, still gripping my behind before he effortlessly lifts me up and sets me down next to the parcel.

  He carefully peels the tape and takes out a set of framed images. Stars or gas clouds.

  “Space stuff,” he says with mock silliness, setting each one out side by side.

  “What are they, new pictures for your office?” I ask.

  “For anywhere. But they’re our real legacy, from now on for all time,” he says. Not kidding now.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, more than interested.

  “These are all new, undiscovered stars in a new, uncharted system,” he remarks casually.

  “Oh,” I say, trying to sound interested until he brings one of the images over and I can see the titles under each one.

  “This is Gillian Sixteen,” he says, pointing to the brightest, biggest star.

  “She’s kinda my favorite,” he smiles sheepishly and I can already feel the tears coming.

  “And these two are Alexander Sixteen and Athena Sixteen. All part of the newly classified but largely unnamed Sexton Galaxy.”

  “There’s a lot of unnamed stars there,” I point out sniffing back my emotions.

  “Well, I figured we could start with the A’s and work our way through. The kids can add to it, naming stars or other aspects after their kids as our family grows, what do ya say?” he asks.

  “I think you’re the most amazing thing to happen to me,” I tell him truthfully, kissing him and whispering, “I love you Xander Sixteen.”

  “I love you more, Gillian,” he whispers back, letting his affection press into me as he pulls me towards him by my legs.

  “And you’re pretty amazing yourself. You sure you don’t need changing?” he asks. “You feel all wet,” he says voice husky, making me gasp as he presses his hand against me.

  I give a series of quick nods, letting him know I do.

  “Good,” he growls.

  “I’ll be quick, then put dinner on while you take a nap.”

  “No need to rush,” I gasp, reminding myself to let Xander ‘change’ me more often.

  Reminding us both that we have a whole galaxy to fill with names.

  A whole family of stars to create.


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  Book 1: Baby Lust

  Book 2: Veteran

  Book 3: Built

  Book 4: Bambino

  Book 5: Rescued

  Book 6: Leader

  Book 7: Professor

  Book 8: Burned

  Book 9: Worldl

  Book 10: Pistol

  Book 11: Policed

  Book 12: Driven

  Book 13: Lucky 13

  Book 14: Lumberjacked

  Book 15: Protector

  Book 16: Carpenter

  Book 17: Italian Stallion

  Book 18: Gardener

  Book 19: Budapest Billionaire’s Virgin

  Book 20: Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 21: Cocky CFO

  Book 22: Fireman’s Filthy 4th

  Book 23: Mechanic

  Book 24: SEAL’s Secret

  Book 25: Police, Pooch, and Smooch

  Book 26: Fireman’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 27: Billionaire’s Virgin Ballerina

  Book 28: Bitcoin Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 29: Veterans Day Daddy

  Book 30: Cowboy’s Christmas Carol

  Book 31: Police Officer’s Princess

  Book 32: Statham

  Book 33: Bodyguard

  Book 34: Greek God

  Book 35: Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter

  Book 36: Mountain Man

  Book 37: SEAL’s Justice

  Book 38: Royal Romance

  Book 39: Doctor Mountain Man’s Special Delivery

  Book 40: Crocodile Dan D

  Book 41: Mountain Man’s Secret Baby

  Book 42: Doctor Bad Boy’s Secret Baby

  Book 43: Cop’s Babysitter

  Book 44: Nanny for the Cop Next Door

  Book 45: Small Town SEAL’s Saving Grace

  Book 46: Cop’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 47: Billionaire’s Nanny

  Book 48: Cowboy’s Babysitter

  Book 49: Steamy

  Book 50: Brother’s Best Friend

  Book 51: Possessive Professor

  Book 52: Firefighter’s Babysitter

  Book 53: Soldier’s Secret Baby

  Book 54: Ward’s Independence Day

  Book 55: Doctor Next Door

  Book 56: Possessive Policeman

  Book 57: Coached by the MMA Fighter

  Book 58: Boss’s Babysitter

  Book 59: Virgin in New York

  Book 60: Rock Star’s Baby

  Book 61: Possessive Protector


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