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AlmostHome Page 22

by India Masters

  “You all right?” Conner demanded, giving Wyatt the stink eye. “Sounded like World War Three in there.”

  “For heaven’s sake, Conner, you should be back in the hospital,” she scolded. He shook his head stubbornly and gave her a critical once-over. She smiled reassuringly. “I’m okay. Wyatt would never hurt me. I’m the one who was breaking things. He just had to…shake me up some so I’d start thinking normal again.”

  Conner looked over at Wyatt and nodded. “Heard about your house. I’m real sorry. Gotta figure it was Winslow. The deputy here says he done some time for arson, along with a buncha other shit.”

  “Yup,” the deputy chimed in, scratching his chin. “He’s a bad one all right. ”

  Haley gave her brother a hug. “Now we just need to concentrate on getting you better before Pa turns up for a showdown.”

  Conner shifted in the chair, grimacing. “There’s a showdown coming for sure, Hales, and you need to get the hell outta Dodge like ya was hollering about doing a little while ago.” He leveled his gaze on Wyatt. “Ain’t you got some relatives in Timbuktu or someplace you can send her ‘til this is over?”

  Haley snorted, folded her arms over her chest. “Like I’d leave.”

  Wyatt scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Reckon I could send her on down to the South Pole to count the penguins but you don’t really believe she’d agree to leave over something as minor as arson and attempted murder, do ya?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Pickup trucks, tractors and campers filled the ranch yard. As happens in the ranching community, neighbors came from miles around to help raise the new barn and celebrate Haley and Wyatt’s marriage. The Flying W hands had driven Wyatt’s herd onto One-Eyed Jack property and were bunking with Haley’s hands until a decision could be made as to whether or not the newlyweds would rebuild the Flying W ranch house or Wyatt would take up residence at Haley’s. Regular patrols had been set up with the men rotating in and out on six-hour schedules. Shifts were doubled at night and everyone present was armed.

  The women bustled around, setting up tables and seeing to it they kept the refrigerator filled with enough food to keep the men energized. The island and countertops practically groaned under the weight of home baked breads, biscuits and desserts. Children and dogs ran riot indoors and out and the scents of fresh-cut lumber and roasting meat filled the air.

  Haley stood on the porch with Tracie Owens, surveying the shirtless men diligently working on framing the barn. Even Conner was swinging a hammer. Tracie was just about to graduate from nursing school and she eyed Conner’s injured leg critically.

  “Looks like the swelling’s gone down and the skin grafts took, “ Tracie observed. “How’s he doing?”

  Haley struggled not to smile. Tracie had taken care of Conner at the hospital and had developed a not so medically related interest in her brother.

  “He’s doing good,” Haley said nonchalantly. “Still some pain but not as bad as it was. Getting stronger every day.”

  “He’s doing the exercises the physical therapist recommended?”

  “Yup. Reluctantly, but he’s doing ‘em.”

  Tracie nodded thoughtfully. “You think I should talk to him about it?” The girl looked at Haley with such a hopefully sweet expression, she just couldn’t say no.

  “Probably wouldn’t hurt. He misses a day or two now and again and I don’t think that’s a smart thing to do. Do you?”

  Tracie shook her head. “No, it sure ain’t,” she said gravely. “I’d best have a chat with him.”

  Haley smiled. “Maybe you’d best.” She watched as Tracie crossed the ranch yard, Connor in her sights.

  “She sure does have it bad for Conner.” Haley squeaked when one of Wyatt’s arms circled her waist. She relaxed against him.

  Wyatt nuzzled her ear. “Almost as bad as I got it for you, sweet pea.”

  She turned her head, tipped it back for a kiss. “Mmm, been at the chocolate chip cookies again, have you?”

  Wyatt kissed her again, his tongue a sensual glide against hers. He broke the kiss and murmured, “Well, my wife won’t go upstairs with me and let me eat what I really want, so I’m forced to settle for cookies.”

  “That bitch,” Haley said and laughed.

  Wyatt joined in. “Here now, that’s the woman I love you’re cussing. Besides, I figure I’ll lure her away in a couple of hours, once I’m all sweaty and smelling like lumber shavings. She likes that kind of manly stuff.”

  “Mmm, yes she does,” she agreed, turning in his arms, offering her mouth to him. He took it, kissing her until she moaned and pressed herself against him.

  Behind them the screen door opened and slammed shut. “Ma!” Ezzie Dooley shouted into the house. “Pa told a fib. They’re at it again.” She looked at Haley and Wyatt in disgust. “Pa said you’d slow down all that mushy stuff once you was married.”

  Wyatt turned Haley loose and wiggled his fingers menacingly at Ezzie. “And did he tell you’d I’d stop tickling you too?” He took a step toward Ezzie, who screeched and leapt off the porch. He gave Haley a hard, fast kiss. “Hold that thought, darlin’, I got me a kid to tickle.” He jumped off the porch to give chase to the squealing five-year-old.

  The screen door opened and Maria Dooley walked out, nodding toward Wyatt. “He will make a good father, that one.”

  Haley smiled, her insides going all soft. She touched her flat belly. “Yes he will.”

  Maria put and arm around her shoulder. “Does he know yet?”

  “No. I haven’t told him.” She sighed, rested her head on Maria’s shoulder. “I’m scared he’ll send me away.”

  Maria patted her shoulder. “He will try but I think you will not let him. Still, you must tell him.”

  Maria was right. Wyatt deserved to know. He’d try to make her leave but no matter what anybody said, she would not be driven from her home. She had a chance to build something here. A business. A family. A life with the man she loved. Her daddy could do his worst but this time when he pushed, she aimed to push back.

  “Well,” Haley said, coiling her long braid and pinning it to her head. “I’d best get out there and get to work. Don’t want the men to think I’m a slacker.” She descended the steps and made her way to the worksite. “What can I do boys?”

  None of the men really wanted her pounding nails but they finally set her to work with a couple of Wyatt’s men, cutting lengths of lumber, labeling and then stacking them. Construction was hot, sweaty work made worse by the Texas summer heat. After several hours of constant work, Wyatt came in search of her.

  “There you are, sweet pea.” He stood back and took a good long look at her. “That’s quite the hairdo. Going for the milkmaid look, I see. Sexy. I like it. I like that sweaty, wet t-shirt look too but I think it’s time you took a break.”

  She looked around. “I don’t see nobody else taking a break.” She sighed when Wyatt folded his arms over his chest, one eyebrow raised. “Oh, all right.” She set the circular saw on the stacked lumber she’d just cut and signaled to her partner she was going to get a drink. “By god, you’re getting bossy. I bet you’ve been this way the whole dang time and you was just waitin’ ‘til you married me to show your true colors.”

  Wyatt laughed and twined his fingers with hers as they walked. “You’re right, darlin’, I’ve been deceiving you all these months.” He led her into one of the smaller equipment sheds, closed the door and slid the bolt home.

  “What are you up to?” Haley asked as he led her over to a wooden equipment box.

  His gaze roamed over her body. “You got something to tell me?” he asked, sitting down on the lid.

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion. “I…no, I don’t think so. What’s this about?”

  “Take off that shirt, sweet pea.”

  She took a step back. “What? Why would I do that? Wyatt, it’s the middle of the day and there are people everywhere. Anybody could come in here at any time.”

  He fo
lded his arms over his chest. “I bolted the door.”

  “One of the doors.” She stomped her foot. “What is wrong with you? Somebody could come through the side door looking for a piece of equipment.”

  “Then you’d best make it quick.”

  She threw her arms up in frustration. “You are acting like a crazy man.” But she skimmed her sweaty t-shirt off and tossed it at him. “Satisfied?”

  “Not yet. “ He spread his legs, gestured to the dirt floor between them, pointed. “Come here. Right here.” She stepped between his legs and he cupped her hips in his hands. Drawing her close, he pressed a kiss against her belly. All the breath left her body.

  “Oh God. Who told you?” she asked.

  She cupped his head as he pressed his cheek against her. “Dooley overheard you and Maria talking, figured I should know, what with what’s going on. My question to you, Mrs. Brody, is why didn’t you see fit to tell me?”

  When he pulled her onto his lap, there was so much expression in his handsome face—hurt, anger, joy, wonder. And fear. It was the fear that scared her most. That was the emotion that would cause him to lose his mind and go all overprotective of her.

  “I was afraid you’d send me away,” she whispered. “I couldn’t bear it if you made me leave.”

  Wyatt heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Honey, if I thought you’d leave and stay gone until this was over, I’d surely do it, but I know you well enough by now to know that you’d just find a way back.” He held her close, rubbing his cheek on the side of her breast.

  “I’m sorry,” she said miserably. “I should have told you the minute I knew.”

  He nodded. “Yes, you should. No more secrets, Haley. I mean it.”

  “Yes, Wyatt.” She looked at him, wide-eyed, and smiled tenderly. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

  A big hand came up to cup her breast. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll think of something. But in the meantime, you’re off construction duty. Are we clear on that?”

  “Absolutely clear.”

  He got that sleepy-eyed look, the one he got when he was fixing to seduce her and Haley felt a little thrill zing straight to her pussy as he reached up and flicked open her bra.

  “I hear a woman’s breasts get more sensitive when she’s pregnant.” His tongue curled around one distended nipple for a quick taste. “What say we find out?”

  It was a rhetorical question, she knew. Wyatt would do what he would do and she wasn’t of a mind to try to stop him. When his mouth closed over her and sucked, her pussy gushed and she moaned.

  “Wyatt.” His name came out on a breathy sigh.

  Hot breath skimmed across her chest and he gave her a little nip before drawing deeply on her other breast.

  “Oh god,” she whispered, squirming on his lap. When he looked up at her, the heat of that gaze nearly set her over the edge. He reached for her belt.

  Haley brushed his hand away and slowly rose. She looked him right in the eye and smiled as she slowly dropped her jeans and stepped out of them, then slid her hand beneath the waistband of her cotton panties and touched herself.

  “Damn, woman,” Wyatt groaned and practically tore off his own clothes.

  Haley teased her clit while Wyatt spread their clothes on the wooden box to use as padding. Taking his seat again, she smiled when he fisted his cock in his hand, slowly stroking. “Damn that’s hot. Take off those panties, honey, let me see how wet you are.”

  Haley laughed softly and shimmied out of her flowered bikinis. She ran her finger through her slit and held the glistening evidence out for him to see. He grasped her wrist, pulled her closer and sucked her finger into his mouth. With a slight shove to his chest, he leaned back, eyelids at half-mast as she straddled him.

  “How about a ride, cowboy?”

  She bit her bottom lip when Wyatt’s hands closed around her hips and dragged her down over his cock.

  His arms closed around her. “You want a ride, honey, I’ll give you a ride.”

  “You feel so good,” Haley whispered. “God, I could have you in me every minute of the day and it would never be enough. I’ll never get enough of you, not even when I’m a hundred.” She squeezed her inner muscles as she rose, prompting a low moan from him.

  “Ah fuck, honey, that’s good. Do that again.” He took one of her breasts in his mouth, teeth closing over the nipple with just enough sting to make her gasp and gush. She rose and fell, tightening her grip on him each time. The look of pure, unadulterated lust on his face sparked something carnal and raw inside her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding tight as her mouth slammed against his in a kiss so smoldering hot they both went up in flames.

  Wyatt’s hands grasped her hips, guiding her, grinding her against his groin. She moaned, fisting her hands in his hair as she rode him—rising, falling, grinding as she took her pleasure and brought him his.

  The heat of orgasm built, stronger and more intense than she’d imagined. Only Wyatt’s mouth against hers kept her from screaming when her body gave a short, sharp jerk, froze for a heartbeat, then quaked. He joined her, thrusting up one final time as her inner muscles milked him, both of them shaking with the power of mutual release. She slumped against him, chest-to-chest, gasping for breath, her head on his shoulder.

  He rubbed her back, soft strokes that sent shivers up and down her spine. “Holy crow,” she breathed, then kissed the side of his neck.

  “I second that, sweet pea.” He gave her squeeze. “Jesus, when you touched yourself like that I nearly came all over myself.”

  She leaned back and gave him a lingering kiss. “Liked that, did ya?”

  He chuckled. “Hell yes, I liked it.” He cupped her breast. “It was sexy as all get out. One of these nights, I wanna watch you pleasure yourself. Will ya do that for me?”

  “I’d do anything for you, baby. Anything.” She was just about to kiss him again when they heard footsteps and someone calling their name. She practically vaulted off his lap. “Oh, shit. Clothes.”

  Wyatt laughed. “We’ll be right out,” he called, then stood and began separating their clothes

  He shook the sawdust from their garments and handed over her clothes. “Put those on quick in case somebody come in. I don’t want anybody seein’ what’s mine.”

  * * * * *

  Haley’s face heated and she held her husband’s hand as they exited the equipment shed. Amused faces watched as they exited, knowing exactly what the newlyweds had been doing in there.

  “Relax,” Wyatt teased. “It ain’t like everybody here ain’t done the same. Now that the crime scene folks are gone, I’m gonna have you in the hayloft, too.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and Haley thought she might die of embarrassment at the speculative looks. Still, the idea of doing it in the hayloft had merit.

  They’d gotten a hell of a start on the barn by the time things began to wind down for the day. The frame had been up by midafternoon and by the time the hog was done roasting the siding was being applied and the roof had a plywood skin. They wound their way through the throng of people, shaking hands and thanking everyone for their help. One by one, men began to clean and put away tools before taking turns washing up.

  Darkness was beginning to fall and someone had lit a fire in the pit one of the older boys had dug earlier in the day. The hog was off the spit and Dooley had just tapped a keg of beer. Haley squeezed Wyatt’s hand.

  “I’m gonna go take a quick shower before the party gets rolling,” she told him. “Wish you could join me.”

  He gave her a lingering kiss. “Me too. Don’t be too long.”

  The house was quiet when she went inside. The food had been hauled to the tables and people would be lining up to eat as soon as the hog was carved. She hurried upstairs and started the shower, tossing her dirty clothes in the bathroom hamper.

  There wasn’t much better in life than a hot shower after long day of labor and a rousing bout of sex. A grateful moan escaped her as she stepped unde
r the spray. She turned her face to the water, letting it sluice over her hair and body, thinking about what had transpired in the equipment shed. No doubt about it, she should have told Wyatt she was pregnant. Knowing she’d kept it from him had hurt him and she felt no small measure of guilt for the flash of pain she’d seen on his face. Even good sex couldn’t make up for what was essentially a lie of omission.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I’ll never keep another secret from you,” she murmured softly. She’d have to work extra hard at being a good wife to make up for it and she was determined to do just that. Having settled the issue in her mind, she made short work of her shower, turned off the water and stepped out into the steam-filled room. Cocking her head, she smiled. Someone had just cranked up the music. She wrapped her long hair in a towel and one around her body and headed for the bedroom.

  She stopped at the closed bedroom door. That was odd, it hadn’t been closed the last time she’d been up here. Maybe Maria had closed it to keep people from peeking in if they needed to use the attached master bathroom. She opened the door and froze.

  “Well if it ain’t the blushin’ bride,” her daddy drawled. He pointed a small pistol at her. “Get in here and shut the door.”

  Haley had spent most of her life terrified of the man lounging on her bed but all of that was nothing compared to the paralyzing fear she felt at this moment. Instinctively she placed her hand over her belly to protect the tiny life growing inside her. Her throat worked erratically as she tried to swallow past the sudden dryness.

  “How’d you get in here?” she asked, skirting around to the foot of the bed.

  Kent Kilpatrick gave her a gap-toothed grin. He’d lost a couple of teeth since he’d been incarcerated and she wondered, inanely, why he hadn’t had the State of Texas get him some new ones. After all, he was used to other people taking care of his needs.

  “Them boys you got guardin’ the place ain’t so smart as you might’ve hoped. There’s a couple of ‘em gonna have pretty bad headaches in the mornin’. Lucky they didn’t see me or I’d a kilt ‘em sure.” He waved the gun at her. “Get your narrow ass dressed, girl. You’n me’s goin’ for a ride.”


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