Captive Paradise: A History of Hawaii

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Captive Paradise: A History of Hawaii Page 46

by James L. Haley

Granville, Earl

  Gray, Capt. Robert

  Great Mahele

  Green, Rev. Jonathan Smith

  Green, William L.

  Gregg, D. L.

  Gresham, Walter Q.

  Grieve, Robert

  Guizot, François

  Gulick, Rev. Peter & Fanny


  Ha‘alelea, Chief Levi

  Ha‘alilio, Timothy

  Haiha Naihe


  Hale La‘au


  Hale Naua Society

  Hale o Keawe

  Hall, Rev. Edward Oscar


  Hamilton-Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen



  Hanalei Bay

  Hancock (ship)

  haole, defined

  Harbottle, Capt. John

  Hardy, Charles J.

  Harris, C. C.

  Harrison, Pres. Benjamin

  Hatch, Francis

  Hawai‘i (island), royal remains, Kuakini as governor 116 Ruth removed as governor

  Hawaiian Gazette (newspaper)

  Hawaiian Homes Commission Act

  Hawaiian League

  Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Club

  Hawaiian Patriotic League

  Hawaiian Statehood

  Haystack Prayer Meeting

  Hazard, HMS


  Hikiau Heiau


  Hitchcock, Rebecca



  Hoar, Sen. George Frisbie

  Holt, John Dominis

  Holman, Dr. Thomas

  Holmes, Hannah



  Honoli‘i, John

  Honolulu, as Honoruru, Kamehameha invasion, Russian fort at, arrival of missionaries, arrival of HMS Blonde, missionary compound at, burned by Kalanimoku, execution of Kamanawa II in, Chinese in, arrival of Catholic missionaries, arrival of HMS Dublin, census data, sanitation, epidemic at, whaling ships at, Castle & Cooke in, royal mausoleum, Samuel Clemens at, Kamehameha V in, rioting in, USS Boston at

  Honolulu Rifles

  Honolulu Star (newspaper)

  Hooikaika (ship)

  Hooper, William Northey

  Hope (ship)

  Hopu, Thomas

  Hoshi, Toru


  Hubbard, Russell

  Hudson’s Bay Company

  Hui aloha ‘aina, see Hawaiian Patriotic League

  Hula, banned, importance to Hawaiian culture; permitted by Kamehameha III, restoration by Kalakaua

  Hula ma‘i

  Hulihe‘e Palace


  Iaukea, Curtis

  Idaho, SS

  Iliahi, see Sandalwood

  Imperial Eagle (ship)


  Ingelow, Benjamin

  Inouye, Sen. Daniel

  ‘Iolani Palace (first), Kamehameha III purchase

  ‘Iolani Palace (second), protests at, construction & features, government transfer at, restoration

  Iphigenia (ship)

  Jackal (ship)

  Jajczay, Capt. Joseph

  Japanese, possible source of syphilis, immigration issues, Kalakaua in, during coup, Pres. McKinley and, expansionism, warships of, Japanese-Americans during World War II

  Jarves, James Jackson

  John Palmer (ship)

  Johnson, Pres. Andrew

  Jones, John Coffin

  Judd, Albert Francis

  Judd, Charles

  Judd, Elizabeth Kina‘u

  Judd, Gerrit P., visit to Kilauea, early years in Hawai‘i, criticizes chiefs, resigns from mission, enmity of Dillon, journey to Europe & America

  Judd, Laura Fish

  Judd Lawrence

  Kaae, Junius

  Ka‘ahumanu, Queen, Kamehameha and, characterization of, destroys kapu, Keopuolani and, missionary women and, as Christian, as ruler, forbids infanticide, death

  Ka‘ahumanu Society

  Kaauwai, Elizabeth Kahanu

  Kaauwai, William Hoapili


  Ka‘eo, Peter Young

  Kahahawai, Joe

  Kahanamoku, Duke Paoa Kahinu

  Kahekili, King, possible father of Kamehameha I

  Kahikolu Church






  Kailua Kona, Kamehameha II investiture, arrival of missionaries, cotton ginning at, coffee growing ar

  Ka‘iulani, Princess Victoria, birth, proposed for Japanese imperial marriage, and Ruth Ke‘elikolani, in the U.S., possible queen, during Spanish-American War, death

  Kaiwi Channel

  Kalakaua, Edward David

  Kalakaua, King David, early years, witnesses grandfather’s execution, converts to Anglicanism, Lunalilo and, intercedes in palace mutiny, Emma and, election & rioting, repairs public image, travel to U.S., obtains reciprocity treaty, world tour of, Pres. James A. Garfield and, Chinese immigration and, coronation, support for native culture, Ruth Ke‘elikolani and, constructs ‘Iolani Palace, Abraham Rosenberg and, coinage scandal, Walter Murray Gibson and, disreputability, opium bribery scandal, opposition against, Bayonet Constitution and, Pearl Harbor lease, death, burial

  Kalama, Queen, dalliance with Prince Moses Kakuaiwa

  Kalanianaole, Prince Jonah Kuhio

  Kalanikupule, King

  Kalanimoku, High Chief, Kamehameha and, destruction of kapu and, Keopuolani and, endorses proscription of infanticide, burns Honolulu, missionaries and, Boki and, Christianity of

  Kalaniopu‘u, King

  Kalani Pauahi

  Kalauokalani, David



  Kaliokalani, James

  Kamaka‘eha, Lydia, see Lili‘uokalani

  Kamakau, Samuel Manaiakalani

  Kamamalu, Queen, hosts foreigners, visits England & death

  Kamamalu, Princess Victoria, and Royal School, bridesmaid to Emma Na‘ea, affair with Marcus Monsarrat, barred from marrying Lunalilo, death & funeral

  Kamanawa II, High Chief


  Kamehameha I, as Tamehemeha, early years as Pai‘ea, youth, Capt. Cook visit and, fights Kiwala‘o, Ka‘ahumanu and, Kame‘eiamoku and, acquisition of Western armaments, English captives and, business acumen of, Keopuolani and, builds Pu‘ukohola heiau, conquest of Hawai‘i Island, killing of Keoua Kuahu‘ula, war with Kalanikupule, defeated on Kaua‘i, human sacrifice and, oku‘u and, makes peace with Kaumuali‘i, trust in Georg Anton Schäffer, Don Francisco de Paula Marín and, sandalwood monopoly and, declares Law of the Splintered Paddle, preference for name “Hawaii”, death & ceremonies, fleet of

  Kamehameha II, as Rihoriho or Tamehameha II, accession, assigned kuhina nui as coruler, end of kapu and, alcohol and, as king, Keopuolani and, death, trip to England, Kamamalu and, embassy to Kaumuali‘i

  Kamehameha III, as Tamehameha III, birth, used by mother to end kapu, accession, emotional conflicts, Nahi‘ena‘ena and, attempts suicide, ends regency, marries Kalama, as king, arranges succession, cession of islands to Great Britain, Boki and, ends Catholic persecution, Capt. Laplace and, Lord Paulet and, restoration of kingdom and, Gerrit Judd and, French raid and, near cession to the U.S., governmental reforms of, Great Mahele and, death, illegitimate son

  Kamehameha IV, early years, diplomatic mission, racist treatment in U.S., Emma and, marriage, religion and, as king, reinterment of royal remains, shoots Henry Neilson, bereavement over son, death, Lunalilo and, Kalakaua and

  Kamehameha V, at Royal School, affair with Abigail Maheha, diplomatic mission, character, proclamation as king, constitution and, leprosy and, released from engagement, refusal to marry, Lunalilo and, Emma and, veto of lottery bill, hosts ball for Prince Alfred, deterioration & death, Second Hawaiian Renaissance and

  Kamehameha Schools

  Kamehameha (yacht)


  Kanawai Mamalahoe, see Law of the Splintered Paddle




  Kanui, William

  Ka Nupepa Kuokoa (newspaper)




  Kapi‘olani, High Chiefess, early life, challenges Pele, baptism, rescues royal remains, later years, Christian reputation

  Kapi‘olani, Queen Esther, haku of crown prince, marriage to Kalakaua, sponsors maternity home, at Queen Victoria’s Jubilee, bereavement, death, Lili‘uokalani and

  Kapu, makahiki and, refuge from, Kamehameha I and, Opukaha‘ia works against, ending observance of, Keopuolani and, punishment for violation, Kapi‘olani and, at Waialua

  Kapu moe

  Kapu stick

  Kapu ‘uha

  Kapuaiwa, Lot, see Kamehameha V


  Kaua‘i, Kamehameha defeated on, surrender to Kamehameha, Russian foothold on, missionaries on, Kamehameha II embassy to, Abigail Maheha exile to, sugar production on, silk production on, coffee production on, Wyllie estate on, Emma on, Ko‘olau fugitive on

  Kaua‘i Channel

  Kauikeaouli, see Kamehameha III

  Kaulia, James Keauiluna

  Kaumuali‘i, King, prepares for invasion, surrenders to Kamehameha, and Russians, agrees to abandon kapu, welcomes missionaries, renews allegiance to Ka‘ahumanu

  Kaumuali‘i, Prince George, death

  Kawaiaha‘o Church


  Kawananakoa, Prince David

  Kealakekua Bay


  Kealoha, James


  Ke‘elikolani, Princess Ruth, as po‘olua, wealth, removed from royal succession, at luau for Prince Alfred, at death of Kamehameha V, slights from Kalakaua, people’s devotion to, resistance to Christianity, family life, appearance, swindles Claus Spreckels, and Mauna Loa eruption, builds Keoua Hale, death, witchcraft against Kalakaua

  Kekauluohi (kuhina nui), as mother of Lunalilo

  Kekuaiwa, Prince Moses

  Kekuanaoa, Mataio, marries Kina‘u, father of royal heirs, and Royal School, and ‘Iolani Palace, and Capt. Paulet, and Adm. Tromelin, baptized Anglican, pressures Princess Bernice, adopts Princess Ruth



  Kekuiapoiwa II, High Chiefess


  Kendrick, Capt. John


  Keopuolani, Queen, capture & marriage to Kamehameha, high rank, role in ending kapu, conversion & death, funeral


  Keoua Kuahu‘ula

  Keoua Hale


  Kilauea, 1790 eruption, visit by Kapi‘olani


  Kina‘u, Elizabeth (kuhina nui), family life, on burden of office, and marriage of Kamehameha III, desires Judds’ daughter in hanai, monopolizes teachers, opposition to Catholicism, death, intervenes in hanai of Kalakaua, names Lili‘uokalani, as mother of Ke‘elikolani

  Kina‘u, John William Pitt

  Kina‘u (ship)

  King George (ship)

  Kinney, William A.

  Kinoiki, Victoria

  Kino‘ole o Liliha


  Kohala, Kamehameha birthplace, Mo‘okini heiau at, mission at, sugar cultivation at, Kamehameha statue at

  Kohala Sugar Co.

  Koloa (Kaua‘i)

  Koloa Beach (battle)


  Ko‘olau (fugitive)

  Ko‘olau (mountains)

  Kotzebue, Otto von

  Krout, Mary


  Kuakini, John Adams

  Ku‘e Petitions

  Kuhina nui, Ka‘ahumanu as, Victoria Kamamalu as, Kekauluohi as, Kina‘u as, possibility of Liliha as, Kekuanaoa as



  Kuleana Act

  Kunuiakea, Albert

  La‘anui, Princess Elizabeth

  La Bonite (ship)

  Lackawanna, USS

  La Comète (ship)

  Ladd, William

  Ladd & Co.

  Lady Washington (ship)

  La Favorite (ship)

  Lahaina, as residence of Kamehameha III, as residence of Keopuolani, whaler John Palmer at, lighthouse at, whalers at, epidemics, Kamehameha IV excursion to,

  Lahainaluna Seminary,


  Land Commission

  Lapérouse, Comte de

  Laplace, Capt. C. P. T.

  L’Artémise (ship)

  La Sérieuse (ship)

  Latter-Day Saints, see Mormons


  La Vénus (ship)

  Law of the Splintered Paddle

  Ledyard, Cpl. John

  Lee, Catherine

  Lee, William Little

  Leleiohoku, William Pitt I

  Leleiohoku, William Pitt II

  Lelia Bird (ship)

  Leo XII, Pope

  Leo XIII, Pope

  Leopold I, King of the Belgians

  Leopold II, King of the Belgians

  Liberal Party

  Liholiho, see Kamehameha II

  Liholiho, Alexander, see Kamehameha IV

  Likelike, Princess Miriam, marriage, mother of Ka‘iulani

  Liliha, High Chiefess, trip to London, baptized Catholic, governor of O‘ahu, in suite of Kamehameha III

  Lili‘uokalani, Queen, Emma and, married life, Prince Alfred and, Lunalilo and, dissimulation in memoirs, renamed as crown princess, as regent, as crown princess, John William Pitt Kina‘u and, Bernice Pauahi and, in London, takes young lover, accession, as queen, writes new constitution, prorogues legistlature, dissuaded from issuing constitution, coup and, Ka‘iulani and, amnesty and, countercoup and, abdicates, in U.S. to oppose annexation, Abigail Campbell and, later years, death

  Lodge, Sen. Henry Cabot

  Loeau, Princess Jane

  London, Charmian

  London, Jack

  Lono, association with Kealakekua Bay, makahiki and, Capt. Cook taken for 2


  Loomis, Elisha & Maria

  Louis Philippe, King of the French


  Loomis, Maria

  Lot, Prince, see Kamehameha V

  Lunalilo, King, ancestry, Kamehamehas and, election as king, alcohol and, Pearl Harbor and, mutiny and, death, mistress and, Emma and, Kalakaua and

  L’Uranie (ship)

  Lurline, SS

  Macfarlane, E. C.

  Mackay, John

  Mahan, Capt. Alfred Thayer

  Mahaulepa Beach

  Maheha, Princess Abigail

  Mahele, see Great Mahele

  Maheha, Princess Abigail

  Mahune, Boaz

  Maigret, Monsignor

  Mail & postage

  Maine, USS



  Makuwahine, Juliana

  Malietoa, King

  Malo, Davida

  Manoa Hills

  Manoa Valley


  Marcy, William

  Marín, Don Francisco de Paula

  Marín, Lahilahi

  Marquesas Islands

  Marshall and Wildes

  Marshall, James F. B.

  Marumoto, Masaji

  Mary Frasier (ship)

  Massie, Thalia

  Massie, Thomas


  Maui, Capt. Cook at, Simon Metcalfe at, Kamehameha conquest of, Kalanikupule conquest of, Keopuolani on, vermin on, whalers at, female seminary on, weaving school on, potato cultivation on, Liliha on, epidemics on, Kalakaua boyhood on, sugar production on, Chinese on, ku‘e petitions collected at, opposition to provisional government on, Lorrin Thurston on

  Maui Channel

  Mauna ‘Ala Cemete

  Mauna Kea

  Mauna Loa

  McCook, Edward

  McKinley, Pres. William, and Reciprocity Treaty, signs annexation treaty, receives Lili‘uokalani, and Sen. Hoar,

  McKinley Tariff Act

  McVeigh, Jack

  Meares, Capt. John

  Mecham, Cmdr. George Frederick

  Meek, Eliza

  Merrill, G. W.

  Meiji, Emperor, see Mutsuhito

  Metcalfe, Capt. Simon

  Metcalfe, Thomas Humphrey

  Michelson, Miriam

  Middlebury College

  Miller, Sen. John F.

  Miller, William

  Mills, Samuel, Jr.

  Mills, Samuel, Sr.

  Missionary Herald (newspaper)

  Moku‘ohai, Battle of

  Moloka‘i, Kamehameha conquest, leper colony established, sugar plantations, Jack London’s visit

  Monroe Doctrine

  Monsarrat, Marcus

  Mo‘okini heiau

  Morgan Report

  Morgan, Sen. John Tyler


  Morrill, Sen. Justin Smith

  Morse, Samuel F. B.

  Murphy, Columba

  Mutsuhito, Emperor

  Na‘ea, Emma, see Emma, Queen

  Nahaolelua, Paul

  Naha Stone

  Nahi‘ena‘ena, Princess, birth, early life, death & wake

  Naihe, see Haiha Naihe

  Namahana, High Chiefess


  Naniwa, HIJMS

  Napela, Ionatana

  Napoleon Louis

  National Reform Party

  Nawahi, Emma Aima

  Nawahi, Joseph

  Neilson, Henry

  Neumann, Paul

  New Hebrides

  ni‘aupi‘o (rank)

  Ni‘ihau, Capt. Cook at, Emma visit

  Nootka Crisis

  Nootka (ship)

  Nordhoff, Charles

  North West America (ship)

  Nuhou (newspaper)

  Nu‘uanu Pali, 1795 battle, missionaries’ encounter

  Nu‘uanu Valley

  O‘ahu, Kahekili conquest, Kalanikupule and, Kamehameha conquest, Isaac Davis as governor, epidemics and, Marín estate, Boki as governor, Ka‘ahumanu tour of, sugar production on, coffee grown on, Kekuanaoa as governor, John O. Dominis as governor, Archibald Cleghorn as governor

  Oahu Amateur Theatre

  Oahu Charity School

  Obookiah, Henry, see Opukaha‘ia

  Okuma, Shigenobu


  Olowalu (massacre)


  Opukaha‘ia, early life, escape from Hawai‘i, presses for missionary effort, death, exhumed & repatriated

  Pa‘a‘aina, Princess Mary

  Pacific Commercial Advertiser (newspaper)


  Pai‘ea, see Kamehameha I


  Palmerston, Lord

  Papa‘ena‘ena heiau

  Papa ‘I‘i, John, vice principal of Royal School


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