Killer Romances

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  “Please. I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m going to go into the church.”

  He rubbed his chin. “What if Lloyd goes with you?”

  “Again. David’s on his way. I think I can manage to be by myself for the next ten minutes. But if makes you feel better, have him meet me at the church. Tell him to text me, and I’ll give him my location.”

  “That’ll work.” He turned, then hesitated at the door. “I can stay until David gets here.”

  “It’s a ninety minute drive to Morrison’s house. The sooner you leave…”

  Nodding, he reached for the door knob.

  Brutal brushed past her, tail wagging, and went straight to Hudson. When the dog pawed at Hudson’s leg, he picked him up and scratched his ear. “Watch your mommy for me,” he said, then set him back on the floor.

  As Brutal made his way to the dog bed, she hesitated, then took a step. “You’ll call me, right? About Michael Morrison, I mean.”

  “I knew what you meant,” he said on a deep sigh. “Even if I was hoping for something else.”

  Meeting his gaze, she caught the longing, the regret in his eyes. She looked away. Between her upcoming move and his lack of trust, as much as she loved him, ending things between them now would save them both from a lot of future battles and heartache.

  Still, a part of her didn’t want to see him go. They’d been joined at the hip for a week. She’d come to rely on him, his strength, the way he could make her smile during the worst situations. The way he made her body hum, and her soul come alive…

  “Hud, I…” She took another step. “Be careful.”

  In two strides, he crowded her again. Cupping her face, he smashed his lips against hers.

  Although she couldn’t resist kissing him back, torn between wanting to cling to him and wanting to shove him away, she fisted her hands. He’d hurt her. While she couldn’t deny loving him, that hurt remained buried in her heart and mind.

  When he pulled away, he swept his thumb along her bottom lip. “We have some serious talking to do.”

  “I don’t know if there’s anything else to say.”

  With a sigh he moved to the door, grabbed the knob, then looked over his shoulder. “You sure about that?”

  She nodded, even though she wasn’t feeling sure about anything at the moment. Her relationship with Hudson was in shambles, they were potentially on the fringe of apprehending the killer, and she was about to report a terrible church shooting.

  Shrugging, he opened the door. As the cold November wind swept into the foyer he said, “I love you, Eden.”

  When the door snapped shut, she hugged herself and fought back the tears filling her eyes. She loved him, too. While she liked taking risks, in order to keep her heart intact, and her life under control, she’d still leave him. At this point, she didn’t see any other option.

  Chapter 23

  PUDGE RUSHED INTO the WBDJ studios, turned down the hall, then hurried into the busy newsroom. Normally quiet on a Sunday morning, the newsroom exuded an unusual amount of commotion. Smack in the middle of all the chaos stood the station manager, Rodger Jeffries. The one man Pudge couldn’t seem to impress.

  No matter how hard Pudge had tried, Rodger had been nothing but negative. Even when co-workers, like Kyle, had given Pudge high recommendations, Rodger always had a bullshit reason to give assignments or edgy breaking news stories to someone else.

  Not today.

  no no todays our day today we show him we show them all

  When Kyle had called this morning, Pudge jumped at the chance to be part of the news team Rodger planned to send to Saint Mark’s. While Pudge could care less about the victims or the church’s parishioners, having the opportunity to work a story that would make national headlines only made Pudge hungrier. The carrot had been dangled in front of them too many times, only to be snatched away. This time, they’d chomp on that carrot, and if need be, even the hand dangling it. Pudge would not take no for an answer.

  As Pudge moved toward Rodger, Kyle stepped in the way. “I don’t have time, Kyle,” Pudge said, maintaining focus on the station manager.

  Kyle took Pudge by the elbow and maneuvered them toward the exit and into a quiet hallway.

  “What the hell, Kyle. I told you I don’t—”

  “Stop,” Kyle said. “Listen to me. Rodger’s already given the story away.” He glanced around, then massaged Pudge’s upper arm. “I’m sorry, honey. I tried to talk him into using you, but he wouldn’t budge. You know this story is going to make national news. He needs to have someone with more experience. I have faith in you, and I really tried…I know you’re disappointed. Maybe we can meet later, and I can make it up to you.”

  liar liar hes using us using he didnt try he doesnt care he wants sex sex sex

  Disappointment didn’t come close to describing Pudge’s emotions. Hate worked. Right now, Pudge hated Rodger for not giving them a chance. But Pudge hated Kyle even more. The man was a user. He’d given them hope too many times. Had tried to convince them that he would take them places. Pudge realized that the only place Kyle would take them to was a cheap hotel. He’d fuck, demand a blow job, all with promises of a bright career. They had no career here at WBDJ. Not until Rodger took notice of their talent. Not until they removed a few people who stood in their way.

  Pudge eyed Kyle, and decided ruining the man might prove beneficial. He’d never help them. While Pudge didn’t necessarily want his job, after his humiliating, demeaning treatment with nothing given in return, he deserved punishment.

  kill kill him kill him

  Death would be too easy for a man like Kyle. The bastard wouldn’t be let off that simple. Besides, for now, he was their link to Rodger. Pudge would wait, and when the time was right, Kyle would pay dearly.

  “Maybe I can go as a backup,” Pudge suggested. Whoever was working the story might have an accident that would render them unconscious or too hurt to report.

  yes yes slip on the ice slip break a limb break a neck

  Hiding a smile, Pudge asked, “Who’s Rodger sending?”

  “Ryan Anders and…Eden,” he said with disgust, and narrowed his eyes. “Apparently a Network contract isn’t enough. Greedy bitch wants all the glory and attention. She isn’t supposed to do any more reporting for the station, but you know she saw national headlines the moment she heard about the shooting.”

  enough enough of eden risk you promised you promised to get rid of her do it do it now now before she steals your job do it now

  In an effort to conceal the hatred and rage from Kyle, Pudge looked away. “Who’s working the cameras?”

  “David and that intern…I can’t remember his name. They’re leaving in a few, if they haven’t already, to pick up Eden, then head to the church.”

  “Kyle,” one of the assistant producers said as he leaned out the newsroom door. “You’re on in one minute.”

  When the door closed, and they were alone in the hallway, Kyle gave Pudge’s arm a squeeze. “I’ve got to go. Will you meet me later?”

  no no tell him no

  “I’m really upset about all of this. Call me, but I can’t make any promises,” Pudge said, and forced a smile.

  Kyle looked around, then leaned in and licked Pudge’s earlobe. “I can promise to fuck you until you come, then I promise to fuck you some more after that.” He pinched Pudge’s nipple, then with a smug grin, turned and headed into the newsroom.

  As soon as the door shut, Pudge ran down the hallway, out of the building, and into the parking lot. Pudge reached Mama’s 1985, rusted out, piece of shit Buick Skyhawk, opened the trunk, then grabbed the backpack.

  precious what are you doing

  Pudge opened the backpack, checked its contents, then slammed the trunk. “What I should have done a long time ago.”

  no precious no not now not now wait wait

  With a half-laugh, Pudge ran across the parking lot to the garage where the WBDJ news vans were stored. “What happened to �
�kill kill kill’?” Pudge asked. “You’ve been the one telling me kill every person that screws with us. Did you suddenly grow a conscience?”

  love love you worried so worried youll get caught this time we need to plan first

  Pudge slowed near the garage entrance. “Hush,” Pudge hissed, peered around the corner and watched as David loaded the van. Ryan Anders and the intern approached with additional equipment, and Pudge knew it was now or never.

  “Hey,” Pudge shouted, and clutched the backpack. “Glad I caught you guys. Rodger told me to tag along in case you need an extra hand with the equipment.”

  David smiled. “Awesome, love to have you on board. Climb on in, we’re ready to go.”

  Pudge nodded, entered through the back passenger door, and took a seat next to the intern. Knowing the garage contained security cameras, Pudge waited to make a move. Other than vacant cars, the parking lot, though out in the open, would work to Pudge’s advantage.

  David started the van. The horrible twang of some shitty country song blared from the speakers as he pulled out of the garage, and slowly wound the van through the parking lot.

  Pudge opened the backpack. With one hand, carefully searched, then gripped the handle of the scalpel. With the other hand, Pudge grabbed the Taser gun.

  Adrenaline pumping, pulse rate quickening, Pudge nudged the intern. “Want a mint?”

  “Sure,” he said, turned his head, and opened his hand.

  Pudge slammed the scalpel into his throat, then sliced. Blood splashed over the intern’s hands as he wrapped them around his throat. Coughing, sputtering he jerked his body and kicked his legs. His foot made contact with the back of David’s seat.

  Pudge caught David’s gaze in the rearview mirror. Saw his eyes widen as he slammed on the breaks. “What the hell?” he shouted over the music.

  Ryan turned. Pudge aimed the Taser and fired. His body jerked and jumped, strained against the seatbelt. As volts of electricity wracked Ryan’s body, David shoved the van into PARK and leapt toward Pudge. The seatbelt held him back. As he quickly moved to unlatch the seatbelt, Pudge jumped forward and sliced the bloodied scalpel through the air.

  The razor-sharp edge connected with David’s cheek, but the good ol’ boy still managed to unbuckle the seatbelt. Grabbing the headrest with one hand, he shot out his fist.

  Pudge ducked, then shoved the scalpel up, catching the soft spot under David’s chin. As he screamed, Pudge dug the scalpel deeper until the blade pierced David’s tongue.

  With a grunt, Pudge ripped the scalpel from beneath his chin. Blood poured from David’s mouth. He clutched the gash with one hand, narrowed his watery eyes and pushed his way into the back of the van.

  Knowing Eden would be expecting David, Pudge didn’t have time for a brawl. Pudge sliced the air again. Once. Nothing but air. Twice. Air again. Third time around, Pudge slit his nose. When he used his free hand to shield his face, Pudge jabbed the blade into the back of his hand. Plucked it out, then slashed his stomach.

  He swung, while Pudge anticipated he’d clutch his bleeding torso. His fist connected with the side of Pudge’s head.

  hurry hurry kill him kill him

  Driven by rage, hatred and need, Pudge punched the button securing the intern’s seatbelt, then shoved him to the floor of the van. David, the pathetic, wannabe cowboy looked down at the intern, and raised his leg over the dead man’s body. Pudge took advantage of David’s concern for the man and thrust the scalpel into the cowboy’s gut. Twisted, then gripped the handle with both hands and dragged the blade. David didn’t drop.

  “Fucking die,” Pudge shouted. Ripped the blade from his gut then aimed for his throat.

  The scalpel connected.

  David’s eyes widened.

  Pudge pulled the blade free. When he fell forward, landing on top of the intern, Pudge quickly flipped him over, and slashed his throat.

  Ryan moaned.

  Before the man regained full mobility, Pudge reached around his headrest and slit his throat, too.

  Panting hard, Pudge unbuckled Ryan’s seatbelt, grabbed under his armpits, and pulled him over the van’s center console. Once the bodies were piled in the back, next to the camera equipment, Pudge dragged in deep breaths.

  The country music streaming from the speakers continued to play. The van’s engine still hummed. Pudge glanced out the window, checked every direction, then reached for the backpack. After setting the bag on the passenger seat, Pudge checked the rearview mirror.

  Blood splatter covered Pudge’s skin. “Damn it.” Pudge looked around the van. “I need to make myself pretty for the bitch.”

  will anders use will anders

  Pudge climbed into the back of the van. Although Ryan’s crisp, white shirt was covered in blood, his black over coat appeared clean.

  Moving fast, Pudge pulled the coat off the dead man, and slipped into it. A little big, but better big than bloodied. Eden couldn’t be alarmed. She couldn’t know or suspect. She was the next to die.

  Shrugging into Ryan’s overcoat, Pudge spied a blanket next to the equipment and the dead bodies. A water bottle, likely David’s, sat in the cup holder by the driver’s seat. After dumping water onto the blanket, Pudge wiped the blood spatter, then checked the rearview mirror again. Neck and face clean, Pudge smiled, then tossed the blanket over the bodies.

  amazing amazing precious amazing

  “I was kind of badass, wasn’t I?” Pudge asked.

  yes yes i want you so bad so bad feel you fuck you

  Desire ran through Pudge’s body. Three kills in a matter of minutes. A new record. One that definitely required a good fucking. “Maybe we should see Kyle later,” Pudge suggested.

  only only if you promise to kill him too kill him

  “So greedy. It’s one of the things I love about you. Won’t Eden be enough?”

  mama mama too please please

  Pudge glared at the rearview mirror. “You know the rules. She dies naturally.”

  you you can come up with an excuse excuse

  “I can for these guys,” Pudge said, and nodded toward the back of the van. “I left the studio, my car wasn’t working. I walked home or paid cash for a bus or cab.”

  your prints bloody bloody your prints

  “I’ve been in this van a million times. I’ll wipe stuff up, but my DNA was in here long before today.”

  no no check your hand blood so much blood

  “Shit.” Pudge stared at the deep, three inch gash. Blood oozed from the wound, and trickled into the cuff of Ryan’s coat.

  what what will we do now what now

  Pudge moved to the back of the van again, ripped the shirtsleeve off of Ryan’s arm, then used the material to cover the hand wound. Once in the driver’s seat, Pudge buckled the seatbelt, turned off the shitty music, then shifted the van into DRIVE.

  “Slight change of plans,” Pudge said, and drove the van out of the parking lot. “I’ve got to make sure my blood isn’t in this van or on any of the bodies. Fuck.” Pudge punched the passenger seat. Blood began to stain the material Pudge had used to tend to the wound. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but I’m taking Eden home to meet Mama.”

  why why mama cant see cant know she will talk she will talk

  “To who? Mama’s arms are cuffed to the bed, her fat mouth is sealed shut and she has absolutely no access to the phone. Keep your cool. I don’t need you screwing this up for us.”

  worried worried so scared worried

  “Knock it off,” Pudge shouted. “You’re the one that wants everyone dead.”

  sorry sorry plan tell me the plan

  “We’re going to keep it simple. We’ll take Eden back to Mama’s, kill her…I dunno, maybe in the kitchen.”

  good good big knives knives big

  “Sicko.” Pudge smiled, then said, “After Eden’s dead, we’ll clean up any of my blood, clean the van, throw her inside with the others, then ditch it somewhere far away from the house. I just wish I cou
ld remember which one of these dicks I cut myself on…had to be David. He put up a fight. The guy just wouldn’t die.”

  clothes clothes take his clothes

  “Yes. You’re so brilliant.” Pudge grinned. “I’ll take all of their clothes and not have to worry about my blood being on any of them. Even if they did find my blood, they still wouldn’t know it was mine. Unless…what if they force all WBDJ employees to give a DNA swab?”

  we we will leave quit the job wait for mama to die then leave start fresh fresh start

  Pudge nodded. “Another brilliant idea. It’s obvious that prick, Rodger, isn’t going to give us a chance. We’ll quit before the shit hits the fan, and find something else to do while we wait for the fat bitch to die. Then where will we go? California? Florida?”

  warm warm somewhere warm anywhere with you precious i love you

  Pudge released a deep sigh. They’d been through so much together, and Pudge couldn’t wait until they were alone, in the privacy of their bedroom. After they screwed each other silly, they could plan, dream and fantasize about the future.

  “I love you, too,” Pudge said, then glanced at the van’s clock. “We’re close to Eden’s townhouse and only a few minutes off schedule. It’ll be at least another thirty minutes before anyone from the station starts looking for David, Eden and the others.” Anticipation coiled through Pudge’s belly. Plenty of time to take care of business.

  Pudge slowed the van along the curb in front of Eden’s place. Glancing at the townhouse, Pudge caught Eden looking out the family room window. Seconds later, Eden exited, then hurried down the front steps.

  boy toy dont forget edens boy toy

  With everything that had happened, Pudge had forgotten all about him. Hopefully he wasn’t in the house. Even if he was, what did it matter? Pudge drove the WBDJ van. Eden worked for the station. Fuck it.

  want want to fuck him

  “So do I, now hush,” Pudge whispered as Eden waved and approached the van.

  When Eden opened the passenger door, she climbed in and smiled. “Hey, Rusty. I wasn’t expecting you. I thought David was picking me up.”


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